[ES_JOBS_NET] University of Washington ost-doc on heavy precip and flooding

TRACEY HOLLOWAY taholloway at wisc.edu
Thu Mar 24 10:23:54 MDT 2016

via Julie Vano: 

We're hiring a post-doc to work on a project looking at heavy precip and flooding. The exact role could shift depending on the candidate, but the project will likely focus on WRF simulations and advancing our basic understanding of the mechanisms of changing heavy precip in the northwest. In addition, the new position will involve coordinating with others who are doing the associated hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, along with stakeholder engagement in two pilot communities around planning for climate change impacts on flooding.

Here are links to the UW posting <http://ap.washington.edu/ahr/academic-jobs/position/nn17320> and the AGU ad <http://careers.agu.org/jobs/7980156/post-doctoral-research-associate-regional-climate-modeling-and-extreme-events-aa17320>.


@guillaumemauger <https://twitter.com/guillaumemauger>
gmauger at uw.edu <mailto:gmauger at uw.edu>
mauger.org/guillaume <http://mauger.org/guillaume>
(206) 685-0317
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