[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc @ JRC on climate change impacts on northern ecosystems (FP7 ICE-ARC)

Christine Wiedinmyer christin at ucar.edu
Tue Mar 8 12:35:20 MST 2016

Dear colleagues,

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is seeking a highly motivated post-doc 
to work on the climate impacts on northern ecosystems, within the 
framework of the FP7 project ICE-ARC 
(<http://www.ice-arc.eu/>http://www.ice-arc.eu/).The successful 
candidate will contribute to the analysis of multiple datasets from 
surface/satellite observations and atmospheric inverse modelling to 
quantify the recent changes in ecosystem productivity and carbon budget 
in response to the accelerated warming of the Arctic and Boreal regions. 
In addition, the researcher will contribute to the analysis of model 
ensembles (e.g. TRENDY, ISI-MIP, LUCID) and to the application of a land 
surface model (Community Land Model) to characterise the future climate 
impacts on the terrestrial greenhouse gas budgets, the primary 
productivity and the structural properties of terrestrial ecosystems at 
the northern latitudes.

Details on the job profile are summarised at the following links.
Deadline for application 24/03/2016

Code: 2016-IPR-H7-FGIV-6573
Title:  FG IV Scientific/Technical Project officer - Climate change 
impacts on northern ecosystems
Deadline: 24/03/2016


Open call: 

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