[ES_JOBS_NET] vacancies at ECMWF -- UK

Anna Ghelli anna.ghelli at ecmwf.int
Thu Jul 28 02:39:23 MDT 2016

Dear all, 

a series of exciting opportunities at ECMWF (please note some vacancies have tight deadlines) 

VN16-22 - Software Developer 

VN16-23 - Scientist - Hydrological Modeller 

VN16-26 - Environmental Forecasts Team Leader 

For more information and to apply online, please refer to: 


Kind regards, 


Dr. Anna Ghelli 
International Liaison Officer 
ECMWF, Shinfield Park, 
Reading RG2 9AX, UK 
ph: +44 1189 499 425 
fax: +44 1189 869 450 
email: anna.ghelli at ecmwf.int 
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