[ES_JOBS_NET] Scientific Web Developer/Designer position open at NCEAS

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Wed Apr 13 20:37:56 MDT 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Schildhauer <schild at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 5:39 PM
Subject: [LTER-All-lter] Scientific Web Developer/Designer position open at

Hello folks,

Just wanted to bring to your attention this new job opening at NCEAS for a
"Scientific Web Developer/Designer" (CNT3) -- ideally involving full-stack
Web competency, but also with special attention to creating infographics
and other visualizations of scientific data and insights. This position
will design and develop web resources addressing topics in ecological
syntheses, conservation sciences, linkages between ecosystems services and
human well-being, and advancing cyberinfrastructure/informatics to support
these types of investigations.

job #20160165 "Scientific Web Developer/Designer"  CNT3

"The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS;
http://nceas.ucsb.edu; located in downtown Santa Barbara), seeks a Web
designer/graphics artist/scientific software developer, to help design,
create, and deploy materials that communicate scientific findings about the
ecological and environmental research efforts at the Center. Duties will
include web/graphics design; front-end development and deployment; user
experience evaluation; and creation of end-user documentation. Need strong
design skills, and proficiency with HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Photoshop,
and Illustrator. Familiarity with configuration and use of CMS a plus.
Ability to adapt to new Web technologies as these evolve."

Please pass on to any of your colleagues who might be appropriate AND

Any questions, feel free to contact me.

Mark Schildhauer, PhD
Director of Computing
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, NCEAS, UCSB
735 State St., Suite 300
Santa Barbara CA 93101
Email: schild at nceas dot ucsb dot edu      Web: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu
NOTE CHANGE-- Ph: 805-893-7450  FAX: 805-893-7541

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