[ES_JOBS_NET] EPA NRC Research Associateship Program fellowship

Bash, Jesse Bash.Jesse at epa.gov
Fri Apr 1 12:30:40 MDT 2016

There is currently an NRC Research Associateship Program fellowship position available at the EPA's Computational Exposure Division. The initial term of the postdoc is for 1 year with the possibility of an extension. The position will explore current and future atmosphere-terrestrial and atmosphere-ocean nutrient cycling with an emphasis on NH3 emissions and land surface modeling. Experience with the Community Land Model or other similar land surface models would be beneficial.  Applications and research proposals are due May 1st 2016.
The research opportunity can be found at http://nrc58.nas.edu/RAPLab10/Opportunity/Opportunity.aspx?LabCode=22&ROPCD=220110&RONum=B8000
Contact Jesse Bash (bash.jesse at epa.gov<mailto:bash.jesse at epa.gov>) if you any questions

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