[ES_JOBS_NET] Environmental Analyst position at the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management, Boston

Tracey Holloway taholloway at wisc.edu
Tue Oct 6 11:07:15 MDT 2015

> The Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) is seeking highly qualified candidates for the position of Environmental Analyst at our Boston location.  We’re looking for applicants with a strong background in atmospheric science, an interest in applying science to policy, and excellent communication skills.  Please feel free to share the attached position announcement with anyone who may be interested.  We’ve also posted this on our website at http://www.nescaum.org/about-us/employment-opportunities <http://www.nescaum.org/about-us/employment-opportunities>.  
> Thanks in advance for anything you can do to help us spread the word.  -Paul
> Paul J. Miller, Deputy Director & Chief Scientist
> Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
> 89 South Street, Suite 602
> Boston, MA 02111
> Ph: 617-259-2016
> Fax: 617-742-9162
> www.nescaum.org <http://www.nescaum.org/>
> Follow us: 
>  <http://www.nescaum.org/>   <http://www.facebook.com/nescaum>  <http://www.twitter.com/nescaum>  <http://www.linkedin.com/company/nescaum>  <https://plus.google.com/107612416199758902487>

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