[ES_JOBS_NET] CYGNSS Post-doctoral Fellow/Research Faculty Position

Posselt, Derek dposselt at umich.edu
Thu Mar 26 08:48:47 MDT 2015

The University of Michigan seeks a post-doc or research scientist to join the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System mission science team. The position description is enclosed.

NASA Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System, Science Operations Center
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Dept., University of Michigan

CYGNSS is a NASA mission led by the University of Michigan to  The mission’s goal is to support significant improvements in TC forecasting. CYGNSS is scheduled to launch in 2016. Its flight segment consists of a constellation of eight satellites, each carrying a 4-channel bistatic scatterometer receiver that measures GPS navigation signals scattered by the ocean surface.  The ground segment consists of a global network of ground stations, a Mission Operations Center and a Science Operations Center (SOC). The SOC, located in the Space Physics Research Laboratory (SPRL) at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, implements the science data processing algorithms, supports calibration and validation of the science data products, coordinates the activation of special science modes on the spacecraft, and serves as the primary interface to the mission for the CYGNSS science team.

The University of Michigan is seeking an individual to join the CYGNSS science team and support the scientific activities of the SOC. The individual will work closely with the SPRL software engineers who are developing and operating the SOC, in support of its objectives, and with the other science team members directly involved with algorithm development, cal/val activities, and special modes operations.  The individual may also pursue their own scientific research interests related to the CYGNSS mission and will have unique access to the early and low level data products to do so.

The position requires a Ph.D. degree in a related field (e.g. Atmospheric Science, Meteorology, Physics, Engineering). Familiarity with tropical meteorology and Earth remote sensing are desirable. The position is full time for a minimum of one year, with the possibility for an extension throughout the mission life. Starting salary and rank will depend on the qualifications of the candidate, with the expectation of advancement based on performance. The position opens in March 2015 and will remain open until a suitable candidate is selected. Interested individuals should submit a statement of interest and current CV to Prof. Chris Ruf <cruf at umich.edu<mailto:cruf at umich.edu>>.

For more information about the CYGNSS mission, see <http://cygnss-michigan.org>, <http://www.sprl.umich.edu/>.
For more information about the University of Michigan, see <http://aoss.engin.umich.edu/>, <http://umich.edu/life-at-michigan/>.
Derek J. Posselt, Ph. D.
Associate Professor and Graduate Admissions Chair
Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences
Deputy PI, NASA CYGNSS EV-2 Mission
University of Michigan
Email: dposselt at umich.edu<mailto:dposselt at umich.edu>
Phone: (734) 936-0502

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