[ES_JOBS_NET] CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Sun Jul 26 17:18:14 MDT 2015

Program Director - Water, Land and Ecosystems

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems

Colombo, Sri Lanka

The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) promotes an =
innovative approach to sustainable intensification in which a healthy funct=
ioning ecosystem is seen as a prerequisite to agricultural development, res=
ilience of food systems and human well-being. This program is a collaborati=
on of 11 CGIAR centers, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United=
 Nations (FAO), and numerous national, regional and international partners.=
 WLE is led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and is p=
art of the CGIAR Consortium=92s constellation of research programs which st=
rive for a food-secure future.

WLE is looking for a seasoned global leader in the agriculture and natural =
resource management sector, who has a clear vision of how agricultural prod=
uction can contribute to healthy ecosystems, and vibrant and inclusive econ=
omic growth in the developing world. The candidate should have strong scien=
tific credentials, and also understand the process of uptake and guiding re=
search towards outcomes and wider-scale development impact.

The candidate will help steer WLE in its concluding year and lead the progr=
am into a successful second phase, which is expected to be a six-year USD 4=
50 million program. The person should possess (i) demonstrated experience e=
ngaging in high-level policy processes, and influencing debates around the =
future of water, land and agricultural management; (ii) a dynamic personali=
ty to catalyze broad-based partnerships and collaboration with research age=
ncies, national governments, the private sector, development agencies and o=
thers to ensure WLE is achieving its outcomes; (iii) a proven track record =
in fund-raising, and the ability to galvanize diverse funding sources from =
bilateral agencies to public-private partnerships and alternative foundatio=
n funding; and (iv) solid managerial skills and experience in coordinating =
large, multi-sector programs in Africa and/or Asia.

The position holder will be based at IWMI headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lank=
a. The person will report to the Director General (DG) of IWMI on functiona=
l, operational and administrative matters, and to the Chair of the WLE Stee=
ring Committee on strategic matters related to the program.

The person and the job

The selected candidate will lead and manage the CGIAR Research Program on W=
ater, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), and will be responsible for the strategic =
implementation of the research, integration of science across the program, =
partnership development, and program outputs and outcomes. The person will =
head the WLE Program Management Unit (PMU), and will be supported by a prog=
ram manager and staff. Financial and administrative services will be provid=
ed by IWMI=92s corporate services staff.

You will be responsible for:

Directing research

  *   Provide leadership and management direction for the multi-disciplinar=
y research program (WLE) in both its current and future phases, and establi=
sh effective partnerships across sectors and regions both within and outsid=
e the CGIAR system.

  *   Take the lead on drafting strategy, budgetary positions and briefing =
papers for submission to the WLE Steering Committee (SC) and IWMI Board of =
Governors, where appropriate, with input from the program=92s lead center a=
nd partner CGIAR centers.

  *   Propose arrangements to the DG for consulting with the DGs of other C=
GIAR centers on the strategic direction, overall implementation and perform=
ance assessment of WLE, which supplements and complements the roles of the =
WLE Steering Committee and WLE Management Committee.

  *   Ensure that WLE has a well-designed and implemented gender strategy a=
nd capacity development program.


  *   Foster strategic linkages and cooperation with other CGIAR Research P=

  *   Represent WLE within and outside CGIAR.

  *   Take a lead role in identifying funding opportunities, and liaise wit=
h the Business Development Units of CGIAR centers on matters related to res=
ource mobilization.

  *   Be the main point of contact with the Consortium Office and other CGI=
AR entities in matters related to implementation of WLE. Ensure prior consu=
ltation with IWMI=92s DG on matters related to policy and strategy.

Managing the program

     *   Provide support and guidance to the work of the WLE Steering Commi=

     *   Ensure that WLE components work together to deliver high-quality, =
integrative outputs to users, and provide a cohesive and energetic spirit

of engagement within the team.

     *   Ensure that a coherent and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation=
 strategy is implemented across WLE.

     *   Liaise with the Corporate Services Director in matters related to =
staff recruitment and management issues and financial and administrative

matters; and the Director, Communications and Marketing, on strategic commu=

     *   Assume responsibility for leadership of the WLE Management Committ=
ee (MC), and manage relationships with the WLE Flagship and Core

Theme Leaders and other related bodies.

     *   Assume decision-making authority with respect to the day-to-day op=
erations of WLE and, in accordance with the Program Participant

Agreements (PPA), the release of funding to partners.

     *   Oversee and review WLE reports and project deliverables prior to t=
heir public release.

You will possess:

        *   a PhD or equivalent experience in a subject area relevant to th=
e position (environmental and earth sciences, agricultural science, civil e=
ngineering, social science, economics);

        *   significant experience in scientific leadership in natural reso=
urce and environmental management, and research and development (R&D);

        *   an understanding of the political economy and global drivers of=
 change that impact food security, livelihoods and environmental sustainabi=
lity in the developing world;

        *   demonstrated experience of successfully leading, and applying r=
esearch and development to implement policy, achieve outcomes and impacts, =
and otherwise develop practical solutions in developing countries;

        *   demonstrated experience of fostering effective partnerships bet=
ween research agencies, national governments, private sector and developmen=
t partners, including civil society organizations (CSOs);

        *   demonstrated experience of the importance of ecosystem function=
s, and ecosystem services and resilience in the context of sustainable agri=
cultural and environmental systems;

        *   demonstrable capacity to direct and otherwise successfully mana=
ge complex integrated programs;

        *   proven scientific capabilities as demonstrated by publications =
and on-the-ground impact, resulting from work in an area relevant to

the position;

        *   a proven understanding, and the ability to initiate and support=
 work on gender and equity;

        *   a clear track record demonstrating written and oral communicati=
on skills, including public speaking and working with the media;

        *   demonstrated people management skills in team building and mana=
ging teams that are geographically dispersed;

        *   demonstrated understanding of the potential of using new inform=
ation technologies to assist in providing information to

policymakers, farmers and project partners; and

        *   demonstrated experience of mobilizing financial and staff resou=

This is an internationally recruited position with a competitive tax-free* =
salary and benefits package, which includes a housing allowance, transport,=
 education, shipping assistance, annual home leave, retirement and health i=
nsurance package. IWMI=92s policy is to appoint staff initially on three-ye=
ar contracts which are subject to renewal, depending on performance and the=
 Institute=92s needs.

* Tax-free salary and benefits are paid in US dollars. The employee is resp=
onsible for any taxes assessed by their country of citizenship or permanent=

The International Water Management Institute (www.iwmi.org) is an internati=
onal, non-profit research organization dedicated to improving the managemen=
t of land and water resources for food, livelihoods and the environment. IW=
MI is a member of CGIAR, an international consortium of agricultural resear=
ch centers.

IWMI is an equal opportunity employer and is keen to further diversify its =
staff in terms of both gender and nationality.

Please submit your application online at: www.iwmi.org/jobs Closing date: A=
ugust 23, 2015 Complete Application Form + attach your r=E9sum=E9 + attach =
your letter which addresses IWMI=92s requirements shown above

with names and email addresses of 3 professional referees, to be contacted =
if you are short-listed

Your application will be acknowledged automatically within 24 hours. If not=
, please email us at work-at-iwmi at cgiar.org
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