[ES_JOBS_NET] Atmospheric Sciences, Visiting Assistant Professor

Maura Hahnenberger mhahnenb at bruinmail.slcc.edu
Sat Jan 24 07:44:36 MST 2015


POSITION: One-Year Term, Full-Time, Assistant Professor in the Atmospheric
Sciences Department, Lyndon State College

 RESPONSIBILITIES: Teach the survey of meteorology course sequence for
atmospheric science majors and an upper-level remote sensing course. Teach
two or more courses from the following areas: mesoscale meteorology,
physical meteorology, tropical meteorology, physical oceanography,
hydrology, or atmospheric chemistry. Participate in department activities,
and engage undergraduate students in experiential learning.

Commitment to college teaching excellence, scholarship and professional
development, and community and collegial service are required. A full
position description can be found at www.lyndonstate.edu. The department
website is meteorology.lyndonstate.edu.

SALARY: Based on qualifications and experience as defined by VSC-VSCFF
Agreement; generous benefits package.

STARTING DATE: August 2015

Maura Hahnenberger, PhD
Geosciences Department
Salt Lake Community College
mhahnenb at bruinmail.slcc.edu
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