[ES_JOBS_NET] post-doc fellowship opportunity

Jasquelin Pena jasquelin.pena at unil.ch
Wed Jan 14 02:24:15 MST 2015


Please help to diffuse this announcement for a postdoc fellowship at the 
University of Lausanne:

The application deadline is *January 21st*. You can read about research 
areas and facilities in the Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics here:

or contact me via email (jasquelin.pena at unil.ch) for further information.



Jasquelin Pena
Assistant Professor
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics(IDYST)
Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement
Université de Lausanne

Geopolis - Bureau 4879
CH-1015 Lausanne

+ 41 21 692 4355

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