[ES_JOBS_NET] Student Member - AMS Board on Atmospheric Biogeosciences

Vanreken, Timothy vanreken at wsu.edu
Mon Sep 1 11:23:10 MDT 2014

The Board on Atmospheric Biogeosciences for the American Meteorological Society is soliciting applications for a student board member. Details are available in the attached announcement.

This is an excellent opportunity for an early career scientist to become involved in one of the nation’s premier scientific societies. Sarah Waldo, the current student board member, has this to say about her experience: “I found serving as the Student Board Member very rewarding. I gained insight to the kind of short- and long-term considerations undertaken by a leadership board… As a young scientist, the architecture of large organizations like AMS seem daunting, but this experience showed me that my point of view is valuable to the community. Serving on the board is also a great way for a graduate student to extend their network; the board is comprised of a diverse group of established researchers in the field.”

Application packages are due by September 19, 2014, and must include a CV, a one-page statement of interests, and a recommendation from the primary research advisor. Please submit completed applications as a single pdf file to Tim VanReken (vanreken at wsu.edu). Dr. VanReken may also be contacted with any questions about the position.

Tim VanReken

Timothy M. VanReken
Associate Professor
Laboratory for Atmospheric Research
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Washington State University
PO Box 642910
Pullman, WA 99164-2910
Phone: (509) 335-5055
vanreken at wsu.edu <mailto:vanreken at wsu.edu>

** Currently on Assignment to the National Science Foundation

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