[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position "Dynamics of carbon and hydrogen isotopes in soil organic matter" at Aix-en-Provence France.

Erika Marín-Spiotta marinspiotta at wisc.edu
Tue Sep 3 18:54:14 MDT 2013

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From: Jerome Balesdent <Jerome.Balesdent at aix.inra.fr>
Date: Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:37 PM

Dear All, thank you for  advertising for the following PhD position :

PhD offer -Offre de thèse- at INRA, Aix-en-Provence, France, November 2013
- October 2016.
Funded by EDF, ANDRA and INRA

Dynamics of hydrogen and carbon in soil organic matter : modelling and
experimentation using stable isotopes.
Dynamique couplée de l'hydrogène et du carbone dans les matières organiques
des sols : modélisation et expérimentation  par isotopes stables.

The radionuclides 14C and 3H are possible major contributors to
environmental radioactivity due to potential occurrence in effluents of
nuclear power plants or in case of leakage from waste disposal. In order to
predict their fate on the long term in continental ecosystems, there is a
need for mechanistic models of the dynamics of C and H atoms in the plant
soil water gas system. The fate in the soil is driven by many
(bio)transformations : photosynthesis, assimilation, microbial syntheses,
exchange, biodegradation, mineralization, humification. In order to
parametrize a dynamic model of these transformations at the scale of
decades, the project will develop a series of isotopic approaches that will
include : labelling experiments using stable isotopes 13C and 2H;
isotope-ratio determinations of either total elements or specific
compounds; analysis of environmental variations in the abundances of  C and
H isotopes.

Research activity will take place in the INRA lab. Geochimie des Sols et
des Eaux in Aix-en Provence, and will be conducted in strong interaction
with the Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique et Environnement of EDF, the
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE), the
Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans, and CEREGE in AIx-en-Provence.
The project will benefit locally from the outstanding facilities of the
Europole Mediterranen de l'Arbois and of the Equipex ASTER-CEREGE.

The candidate shoud have a Master diploma and have experience in either
geochemistry, biogeochemistry, ecophysiology or functional ecology. She
(he) should have some skill in the mathematical representation of processes.

PhD supervisors : Jerome Balesdent (INRA GSE), Christine Hatte (LSCE)

Dead line for application : september 27th, 2013
Please send application including CV, motivation, diploma, master thesis
and reference letters to :
Jerome.Balesdent at aix.inra.fr; subject "PhD Dynamics of C and H isotopes"

Jerome Balesdent
INRA UR1119 Geochimie des Sols et des Eaux
Europole Mediterraneen de l'Arbois - BP 80
13545 Aix en Provence CEDEX 04 France
Jerome.Balesdent at aix.inra.fr
direct : (+33)4 42 90 85 44 fax : (+33)4 42 90 85 17
secretariat  : (+33)4 42 90 85 40
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