[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc position in aircraft-based greenhouse gas measurements

Kerri Pratt kapratt at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 26 19:27:49 MDT 2013

As a current post-doc in the Shepson Lab, I recommend this fantastic, 
high-impact post-doc position working with our group's airplane for 
greenhouse gas measurements!  See below for details about the position 
and attached for a Nature News article about our group's recent aircraft 
studies.  Please feel free to share the position announcement.*_
The Shepson Tropospheric Chemistry Research Group at Purdue University 
has an opening for a Postdoctoral Research Associate.The position 
involves an opportunity to work on a number of problems in analytical 
chemistry, atmospheric chemistry and climate change issues, but focusing 
on aircraft-based measurements of the exchange of greenhouse gases 
between the surface and the atmosphere, from forest environments to the 
Arctic.Expertise in atmospheric turbulence, boundary layer dynamics, and 
computer-based data analysis is a plus.The position is for one year, but 
likely renewable.This position also represents an opportunity for 
interaction and collaboration with other members of the Purdue Climate 
Change Research Center. The position will be open until filled.
Interested candidates should send a CV with a list of 3 references to:
Prof. Paul B. Shepson
Purdue University
560 Oval Dr.
West Lafayette, IN 47907
pshepson at purdue.edu

Kerri Pratt, Ph.D.
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Polar Regions Research
Department of Chemistry, Purdue University
Lab of Prof. Paul Shepson
Alaska field research blog: http://shepsonbromex.blogspot.com/
Starting Summer 2013: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Michigan

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