[ES_JOBS_NET] Geochemistry/Ocean Acidification Research Scientist (University of Washington, Seattle)

Alexander C. Gagnon gagnon at uw.edu
Tue Jun 25 13:15:56 MDT 2013

I seek to hire a research scientist to work as a lab technician in a new
isotope geochemistry/ocean acidification lab in the School of Oceanography,
University of Washington. My lab uses a suite of geochemical techniques to
study biomineralization in coral and foraminifera, with applications in
ocean acidification and paleoceanography.  The research scientist will
prepare carbonate or seawater samples (column chemistry, isotope-dilution,
making thin sections, micromilling, etc.) and analyze the samples by mass
spectrometry (on a Nu Plasma MC-ICP-MS and/or a new SF-ICP-MS).  Additional
responsibilities include analytical methods development, co-supervising
undergraduate research interns, working closely with graduate students and
postdocs, saltwater aquarium upkeep, data reduction, maintaining lab
records, training new users, and lab/instrument maintenance.  The job may
also involve occasional multi-day research trips to use NanoSIMS, atom
probe tomography, or other instruments at the Pacific Northwest National
Lab in Richland, WA.  More information about research in the Gagnon Lab can
be found online: http://faculty.washington.edu/gagnon/

Ideal qualifications include a M.S. or B.S./B.A. in geochemistry,
chemistry, earth sciences, or related discipline.  Two or more years of
experience operating mass-spectrometers (MC-ICP-MS and/or TIMS) and
preparing samples in a clean lab setting is preferred, but exceptionally
motivated applicants with a strong quantitative/analytical background will
also be considered.  Familiarity with Matlab is also a plus.  The candidate
should be detail oriented, easy to work with, highly motivated, and
interested in mastering new techniques. This is a one-year position and is
contingent upon continued funding for an additional year.  Start date is
somewhat negotiable between July and September 2013.

To apply:
1. Go to   http://www.washington.edu/admin/hr/jobs/apl/ and click on “Start
your job search”

2. After the login pages, search for the job by typing in Req# 93669

3. Follow the instructions to apply for the job.

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
Alexander C. Gagnon
Assistant Professor
School of Oceanography
University of Washington
Box 355351
Seattle, WA 98195-5351
+1 (206) 543-5627
gagnon at uw.edu
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