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Hello All,<br>
Today is the last day to register for the DART data assimilation
tutorial being <br>
taught at the American Meteorological Society (AMS) annual meeting
in Boston. <br>
The course will be a full day on Sunday, 12 Jan 2010.<br>
I know this list is mostly current DART users, but if you have
others in your<br>
group or department who you think might be interested in using DART
their research, please forward this note on to them? <br>
This is a great opportunity for new or prospective users of DART, <br>
especially for graduate students and postdocs who could use <br>
ensemble data assimilation for their research.<br>
The tutorial is being given as an AMS "Short Course". You can take
the <br>
course without registering for the full AMS conference. There is a
separate fee for the course which is between $120 and $250 depending
on: when you register; if you are a student; and if you are an AMS
The course description is here:<br>
This page includes a link to the preliminary agenda for the day.<br>
The registration fee information is here:<br>
Please contact the DART team (dart at ucar dot edu) if you have<br>
questions. We hope to see you there!<br>
The DART Team<br>