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hi all,<br>
we have just updated the DART Manhattan release.<br>
changes are listed at the bottom of this note. they can<br>
also be found in the top level directory CHANGELOG file.<br>
we are (finally) in the process of converting our subversion
to git, so this may be the last subversion revision. if you want<br>
to update to the latest code, cd into the top level DART directory<br>
and run 'svn update'. any changes you made to your local files<br>
will be preserved, and new changes will be merged in.<br>
as always, let us know (by emailing <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:dart@ucar.edu">dart@ucar.edu</a>) if you have<br>
questions or problems.<br>
the DART team<br>
CHANGELOG for the April 30, 2019 update to the Manhattan release:<br>
+ Apr 30 2019 :: cam-fv refactor, posteriors optional, QC 8
Revision: 13137<br>
- The CAM Finite Volume (cam-fv) model_mod.f90 has undergone
refactoring to improve simplicity and remove code for unsupported
CAM variants<br>
while also supporting WACCM and WACCM-X. Namelist changes will be
- CAM-FV setup and scripting support added for CESM 2.1, including
archiving and compression<br>
- fix for WRF's wind direction vectors when using the Polar
map projection. Thanks to Kevin Manning for the fix.<br>
- Add filter namelist option to avoid calling the posterior forward
and to not create those copies in the obs_seq.final file.<br>
- Use less memory if writing ensemble member values into the
obs_seq.final file.<br>
- added a DART QC of 8 for failed vertical conversions<br>
- updated Matlab scripts support QC=8 and no posterior in obs
sequence files.<br>
- sampling error correction table now has all ensemble sizes between
3 and 200<br>
- closest_member_tool can be compiled with other MPI targets<br>
- COSMIC_ELECTRON_DENSITY has been moved from obs_def_gps_mod.f90 to<br>
obs_def_upper_atm_mod.f90, which has new quantities for<br>
- obs_converters/gps/convert_cosmic_ionosphere.f90 has a test
- support for NAG compiler<br>
- fixed Intel compiler bug in lorenz_96 comparing long integers to
integer loop indices<br>
- get_maxdist() now a required routine all location modules<br>
- Default routines now create a time variable as time(time) to allow
files to be concatenated along the unlimited dimension more
easily. Also<br>
conforms to the netCDF convention for coordinate dimensions.<br>
- obs_impact_tool handles a continuum of values, not just discrete 0
or 1.<br>
- fill_inflation_restart now produces files with names consistent
with filter defaults.<br>
- expanded functionality in xyz_location_mod.f90<br>
- Removed 'slow' sorting routines from sort_mod.f90<br>
- replacing some repeated native netCDF library calls with routines
the netcdf_utilities_mod.f90<br>
- Updated dewpoint equation to avoid dividing by zero given a very
scenario (r12832)<br>
- More efficient implementation of adaptive inflation<br>
- Yongfei Zhang and Cecilia Bitz added improvements to the CICE
model and<br>
observation converters and forward operators. These changes also
use the<br>
locations of the 'new' glade filesystem. They used CESM tag:
- Worked with Yongfei Zhang to remove prototype codes and more
document observation converters and data sources for cice
- removed 'allow_missing_in_clm' flag from the &assim_tools_nml
namelist in<br>
the CICE work directory. The flag moved to a different namelist
and the<br>
CICE model doesn't care about it.<br>
- increased the maximum number of input files to obs_diag from 100
to 10000.<br>
- Updated the developer_tests to include more cases.<br>
- Updated oned/obs_diag.f90 to support 'obs_seq.out' files.<br>
- Better error and informational messages in various routines.<br>