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hello all,<br>
we've committed a few updates to the DART Manhattan release<br>
on the SVN server. the changes are summarized in the CHANGELOG <br>
file in the top level directory. go to the bottom of the file to
see <br>
the latest updates. this update includes:<br>
<blockquote>Updated support for CICE5.<br>
Updated support for model_mod_check. now compatible with netCDF
input files.<br>
input is through [input,output]_state_files namelist variable
(variables renamed).<br>
Ensured consistency between low-order namelists and the updated
DART tutorial.<br>
Updated documentation of many namelists. (We're still working on
the others.)<br>
location_mod: namelist variable 'maintain_original_vert' was
it is now removed. You must remove it from your existing
namelists or<br>
DART will error out right away.<br>
obs_diag: namelist variables 'rat_cri' and 'input_qc_threshold'
have been<br>
deprecated for years. They have now been removed. You must remove
them <br>
from your existing namelists or obs_diag will error out right
as always, please contact us at dart at ucar dot edu with any
problems or questions.<br>
The DART team<br>