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hello all,<br>
we have just updated the DART Manhattan release on our SVN server.<br>
updates include:<br>
- bring the DART tutorial pdf slides up to date with the current
- include new GUIs with inflation options in DART_LAB<br>
- added the lorenz_96_2scale model<br>
- add useful attributes to the variables in the diagnostic files<br>
- updates and minor bug fixes to the matlab diagnostic scripts<br>
- updates to the default input.nmls for models<br>
- updates to the cam-fv shell scripts to work with the cesm 2.0
- updates to the cam-fv model_mod for support of cam-chem variables<br>
- major bug fix in the simple_advection model_mod<br>
- bug fix in the radar forward operator if the fall velocity is not
in the state vector<br>
- bug fix in the wrf model_mod for fields which have a vertical
- fix to the makefiles for the GSI2DART observation converter<br>
- added additional netcdf and location utility routines<br>
- various fixes to documentation and test code<br>
please contact us at dart at ucar.edu with any problems or
have a good weekend,<br>