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the original note had the name of the new namelist wrong. appended<br>
here is the corrected information. it's &wrf_to_dart_nml that's
sorry for the multiple copies. n.<br>
On 1/21/11 11:04 AM, Nancy Collins wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4D39CA96.3020805@ucar.edu" type="cite">
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<pre wrap="">hello dart users,
this note is of interest to WRF/DART users.
i've just committed updates to the following files:
the biggest change here is that there is now a namelist option to print out
the data min/max values for each variable (U,V,W, etc) as the converters
move the data between WRF NetCDF files and the DART state vector format
if the model gets into an unstable regime and produces very large values
for some state variables, turning on the 'print range' option may help
pinpoint when things start going wrong. the 'debug' option includes
all the data ranges plus more detailed information about the lat/lon extent,
the grid sizes, etc and may be useful when setting up an experiment for
the first time or when making sure the wrfinput file matches what you
intend to be running.
the one functional change in the code is that the time associated with an
updated state vector file used to be copied from the file created to
tell the wrf model advance what time to advance to (wrf.info) and not from
the wrf output file itself. thus there was no way for the date in the
updated state vector to indicate a failed model advance or non-updated
wrf out files. the model time is now copied directly from the wrf
netcdf files.
a non-backwards-compatible change is that the wrf_to_dart converter
now requires a new namelist "&wrf_to_dart_nml" in the input.nml file.
the example input.nml which was committed with this update includes
this new namelist. it will need to be copied to any other input.nml
files you are using with your experiments.
the default behavior of the converters remains the same as before to
minimize the volume of output. you will have to enable the
'print_data_ranges' item to get the new additional output.
as always, contact me if you've got any questions.