[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12468

dart at ucar.edu dart at ucar.edu
Tue Mar 27 13:55:20 MDT 2018

thoar at ucar.edu
2018-03-27 13:55:20 -0600 (Tue, 27 Mar 2018)
Added write_model_time() routine and tested dart_to_clm.
Should be good to go ...

Modified: DART/branches/cesm_clm/models/clm/dart_to_clm.f90
--- DART/branches/cesm_clm/models/clm/dart_to_clm.f90	2018-03-27 05:42:48 UTC (rev 12467)
+++ DART/branches/cesm_clm/models/clm/dart_to_clm.f90	2018-03-27 19:55:20 UTC (rev 12468)
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
 read(iunit, nml = dart_to_clm_nml, iostat = io)
 call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "dart_to_clm_nml")
-write(string1,'("converting DART file "",A,""")') trim(input_dart_file)
-write(string2,'("to clm restart file "",A,""")') trim(clm_file_to_update)
+write(string1,*)'converting DART file "'//trim(input_dart_file)//'"'
+write(string2,*)'to clm restart file "'//trim(clm_file_to_update)//'"'
 call error_handler(E_MSG,'dart_to_clm',string1,text2=string2)
 call fill_missing_r8_with_orig(input_dart_file, clm_file_to_update)

Modified: DART/branches/cesm_clm/models/clm/model_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/cesm_clm/models/clm/model_mod.f90	2018-03-27 05:42:48 UTC (rev 12467)
+++ DART/branches/cesm_clm/models/clm/model_mod.f90	2018-03-27 19:55:20 UTC (rev 12468)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 use        types_mod, only : r4, r8, i8, MISSING_R8, MISSING_I, MISSING_R4,    &
-use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_time, get_time, set_date,          &
+use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_time, get_time, set_date, get_date,&
                              print_time, print_date, set_calendar_type,        &
                              operator(*),  operator(+),  operator(-),          &
                              operator(>),  operator(<),  operator(/),          &
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
                                  nc_check, nc_add_global_creation_time,        &
                                  nc_begin_define_mode, nc_end_define_mode,     &
                                  nc_open_file_readonly, nc_open_file_readwrite, &
-                                 nc_close_file
+                                 nc_close_file, nc_add_attribute_to_variable
 use     obs_kind_mod, only : QTY_SOIL_TEMPERATURE,       &
                              QTY_SOIL_MOISTURE,          &
@@ -1473,6 +1473,23 @@
 !>@todo this routine should write the model time when 
 !>      creating files from scratch
+!>	int timemgr_rst_start_ymd ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_ymd:long_name = "start date" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_ymd:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_ymd:interpinic_flag = 3 ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_ymd:interpinic_flag_meanings = "1=nearest neighbor, 2=copy directly, 3=skip" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_ymd:varnames_on_old_files = "timemgr_rst_start_ymd" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_ymd:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_ymd:missing_value = -9999 ;
+!>	int timemgr_rst_start_tod ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_tod:long_name = "start time of day" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_tod:units = "sec" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_tod:interpinic_flag = 3 ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_tod:interpinic_flag_meanings = "1=nearest neighbor, 2=copy directly, 3=skip" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_tod:varnames_on_old_files = "timemgr_rst_start_tod" ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_tod:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
+!>		timemgr_rst_start_tod:missing_value = -9999 ;
 subroutine write_model_time(ncid, dart_time)
@@ -1479,8 +1496,53 @@
 integer,             intent(in) :: ncid !< netcdf file handle
 type(time_type),     intent(in) :: dart_time
-call error_handler(E_MSG, 'write_model_time', 'no routine for clm write model time')
+character(len=*), parameter :: routine = 'write_model_time'
+integer :: iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, isec
+integer :: rst_curr_ymd, rst_curr_tod
+integer :: ymdVarID, todVarID
+integer :: io, io1, io2
+logical :: defining
+call get_date(dart_time, iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, isec)
+rst_curr_ymd = iyear*10000 + imonth*100 + iday
+rst_curr_tod = ihour*3600  + imin*60    + isec
+io1 = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'timemgr_rst_curr_ymd', ymdVarID)
+io2 = nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'timemgr_rst_curr_tod', todVarID)
+defining = .false.
+if (io1 /= NF90_NOERR .or. io2 /= NF90_NOERR) defining = .true.
+if ( defining ) call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncid), routine, 'redef')
+if ( io1 /= NF90_NOERR ) then
+   io = nf90_def_var(ncid,'timemgr_rst_curr_ymd',NF90_INT,ymdVarID)
+   call nc_check(io, routine, 'defining timemgr_rst_curr_ymd')
+   call nc_add_attribute_to_variable(ncid,'timemgr_rst_curr_ymd','long_name','start date',routine)
+   call nc_add_attribute_to_variable(ncid,'timemgr_rst_curr_ymd','units','YYYYMMDD',routine)
+if ( io2 /= NF90_NOERR ) then
+   io = nf90_def_var(ncid,'timemgr_rst_curr_tod',NF90_INT,todVarID)
+   call nc_check(io, routine, 'defining timemgr_rst_curr_tod')
+   call nc_add_attribute_to_variable(ncid,'timemgr_rst_curr_tod','long_name','start time of day',routine)
+   call nc_add_attribute_to_variable(ncid,'timemgr_rst_curr_tod','units','sec',routine)

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