[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 12536

dart at ucar.edu dart at ucar.edu
Wed Apr 18 16:54:05 MDT 2018

thoar at ucar.edu
2018-04-18 16:54:05 -0600 (Wed, 18 Apr 2018)
Actually getting into the filter ... model/obs times inconsistent

Deleted: DART/branches/openggcm/models/openggcm/shell_scripts/run_filter.csh
--- DART/branches/openggcm/models/openggcm/shell_scripts/run_filter.csh	2018-04-18 21:27:49 UTC (rev 12535)
+++ DART/branches/openggcm/models/openggcm/shell_scripts/run_filter.csh	2018-04-18 22:54:05 UTC (rev 12536)
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-# DART software - Copyright UCAR. This open source software is provided
-# by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-# DART $Id$
-# Script to assimilate observations using DART and OpenGGCM.
-# This block of directives constitutes the preamble for the LSF queuing system
-# LSF is used on the IMAGe Linux cluster 'coral'
-# LSF is used on the IBM   'bluefire'
-# the normal way to submit to the queue is:    bsub < run_filter
-# an explanation of the most common directives follows:
-# -J Job name (master script job.csh presumes filter_server.xxxx.log)
-# -o STDOUT filename
-# -e STDERR filename
-# -P      account
-# -q queue    cheapest == [standby, economy, (regular,debug), premium] == $$$$
-# -n number of processors  (really)
-#BSUB -J filter
-#BSUB -o filter.%J.log
-#BSUB -q regular
-#BSUB -n 16
-#BSUB -R "span[ptile=2]"
-#BSUB -P 86850054
-#BSUB -W 2:00
-#BSUB -N -u ${USER}@ucar.edu
-## This block of directives constitutes the preamble for the PBS queuing system
-## the normal way to submit to the queue is:    qsub run_filter
-## an explanation of the most common directives follows:
-## -N     Job name
-## -r n   Declare job non-rerunable
-## -e <arg>  filename for standard error
-## -o <arg>  filename for standard out
-## -q <arg>   Queue name (small, medium, long, verylong)
-## -l nodes=xx:ppn=2   requests BOTH processors on the node. On both bangkok
-##                     and calgary, there is no way to 'share' the processors
-##                     on the node with another job, so you might as well use
-##                     them both. (ppn == Processors Per Node)
-#PBS -N filter
-#PBS -e filter.err
-#PBS -o filter.log
-#PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=32
-#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
-# Turns out the scripts are a lot more flexible if you don't rely on 
-# the queuing-system-specific variables -- so I am converting them to
-# 'generic' names and using the generics throughout the remainder.
-if ($?LSB_QUEUE) then
-   #-------------------------------------------------------------------
-   # This is used by LSF
-   #-------------------------------------------------------------------
-   setenv JOBNAME     $LSB_JOBNAME
-   setenv JOBID       $LSB_JOBID
-   setenv MYQUEUE     $LSB_QUEUE
-   setenv MYHOST      $LSB_SUB_HOST
-   setenv MPI         mpirun.lsf
-else if ($?PBS_QUEUE) then
-   #-------------------------------------------------------------------
-   # This is used by PBS   todo ... where does xx come from
-   #-------------------------------------------------------------------
-   setenv JOBNAME     $PBS_JOBNAME
-   setenv JOBID       $PBS_JOBID
-   setenv MYQUEUE     $PBS_QUEUE
-   setenv MYHOST      $PBS_O_HOST
-   setenv MPI         aprun -np xx
-   env | sort
-   #-------------------------------------------------------------------
-   # You can run this interactively to check syntax, file motion, etc.

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