[Dart-dev] DART/branches Revision: 11959

dart at ucar.edu dart at ucar.edu
Wed Sep 27 16:26:38 MDT 2017

thoar at ucar.edu
2017-09-27 16:26:37 -0600 (Wed, 27 Sep 2017)
rearranged the routines in convert_cosmic_gps_cdf so the trunk/classic and the rma_trunk
are identical - and consequently easier to compare.  No other changes.

Added documentation for the observation error variance specification choices.

Modified: DART/branches/rma_trunk/observations/obs_converters/gps/convert_cosmic_gps_cdf.f90
--- DART/branches/rma_trunk/observations/obs_converters/gps/convert_cosmic_gps_cdf.f90	2017-09-27 22:15:16 UTC (rev 11958)
+++ DART/branches/rma_trunk/observations/obs_converters/gps/convert_cosmic_gps_cdf.f90	2017-09-27 22:26:37 UTC (rev 11959)
@@ -483,57 +483,6 @@
-!   excess_obserr_percent - function that computes the observation 
-!                           error percentage for a given height.
-!    hght - height of excess observation (km)
-!     created Hui Liu NCAR/MMM
-!     updated June 2008, Ryan Torn NCAR/MMM
-function excess_obserr_percent(hght)
-use types_mod, only : r8
-implicit none
-integer, parameter :: nobs_level = 18
-real(r8), intent(in) :: hght
-integer  :: k, k0
-real(r8) :: hght0, exc_err(nobs_level), obs_ht(nobs_level), excess_obserr_percent
-! obs height in km
-data obs_ht/17.0_r8, 16.0_r8, 15.0_r8, 14.0_r8, 13.0_r8, 12.0_r8, & 
-            11.0_r8, 10.0_r8,  9.0_r8,  8.0_r8,  7.0_r8,  6.0_r8, &
-             5.0_r8,  4.0_r8,  3.0_r8,  2.0_r8,  1.0_r8,  0.0_r8/
-data exc_err/0.2_r8,  0.2_r8,  0.2_r8,  0.2_r8,  0.2_r8,  0.2_r8, & 
-             0.2_r8,  0.3_r8,  0.4_r8,  0.5_r8,  0.6_r8,  0.7_r8, &
-             0.8_r8,  0.9_r8,  1.0_r8,  1.1_r8,  1.2_r8,  1.3_r8/
-hght0 = max(hght,0.0_r8)
-do k = 1, nobs_level
-  if ( hght >= obs_ht(k) ) then
-    k0 = k
-    exit
-  end if
-end do
-excess_obserr_percent = exc_err(k0) + (exc_err(k0) - exc_err(k0-1)) / & 
-                        (obs_ht(k0) - obs_ht(k0-1)) * (hght - obs_ht(k0))
-end function excess_obserr_percent
 !   car2geo - subroutine that converts cartesian coordinates to
 !             geodetical.
@@ -739,62 +688,6 @@
-!   ref_obserr_kuo_percent - function that computes the observation 
-!                            error for a refractivity observation.
-!                            These numbers are taken from a Kuo paper.
-!    hght - height of refractivity observation
-!     created Hui Liu NCAR/MMM
-!     modified June 2008, Ryan Torn NCAR/MMM
-!     modified August 2015, Soyoung Ha NCAR/MMM
-function ref_obserr_kuo_percent(hght)
-use   types_mod, only : r8
-implicit none
-integer, parameter :: nobs_level = 22  !  maximum number of obs levels
-real(r8), intent(in)  :: hght
-integer  :: k, k0
-real(r8) :: hght0, ref_err(nobs_level), obs_ht(nobs_level), ref_obserr_kuo_percent
-!   observation error heights (km) and errors
-data obs_ht/17.98_r8, 16.39_r8, 14.97_r8, 13.65_r8, 12.39_r8, 11.15_r8, &
-             9.95_r8,  8.82_r8,  7.82_r8,  6.94_r8,  6.15_r8,  5.45_r8, & 
-             4.83_r8,  4.27_r8,  3.78_r8,  3.34_r8,  2.94_r8,  2.59_r8, & 
-             2.28_r8,  1.99_r8,  1.00_r8,  0.00_r8/
-data ref_err/0.48_r8,  0.56_r8,  0.36_r8,  0.28_r8,  0.33_r8,  0.41_r8, & 
-             0.57_r8,  0.73_r8,  0.90_r8,  1.11_r8,  1.18_r8,  1.26_r8, & 
-             1.53_r8,  1.85_r8,  1.81_r8,  2.08_r8,  2.34_r8,  2.43_r8, & 
-             2.43_r8,  2.43_r8,  2.43_r8,  2.43_r8/

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