[Dart-dev] [9987] DART/trunk: obs_def_tec_mod. f90 was on the gitm branch but somehow did not get ported to the trunk

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 24 17:07:45 MDT 2016

Revision: 9987
Author:   thoar
Date:     2016-03-24 17:07:45 -0600 (Thu, 24 Mar 2016)
Log Message:
obs_def_tec_mod.f90 was on the gitm branch but somehow did not get ported to the trunk
when the gitm branch was reintegrated. It required a new obs_kind, hence the change
to DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.f90

obs_def_tec_mod.f90 appears to be an untested stub that may be useful as an example. 
Nancy and I thought we should drag it along ... there is an error exit as soon
as the module is initialized explaining its status.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Added: DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_tec_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_tec_mod.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_tec_mod.f90	2016-03-24 23:07:45 UTC (rev 9987)
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+! Forward operator for computing Total Electron Content.
+!  initial implementation does only nadir integrations (direct downward
+!   line from instrument to ground at a single lat/lon), using model levels.
+!  additional options which should be implemented are integrations along
+!   sight lines from a lat/lon on the ground to an instrument location, and
+!   possibly limb measurements (instrument to instrument along a sight line).
+! calls the model_interpolate() routine for each model level until an error
+! (presumably because we ran out of levels) and computes an integral.
+! the current code doesn't need additional metadata, but as soon as we
+! do anything that's not a nadar observation we'll need the location of
+! the satellite, so i'm leaving in the code that would allocate, read/write,
+! and manage metadata.
+!  use obs_def_tec_mod, only : write_station, read_station, interactive_station, &
+!                              get_expected_station,                             &
+!                              write_limb, read_limb, interactive_limb,          &
+!                              get_expected_limb, get_expected_nadir
+!     call get_expected_nadir(state, location, obs_def%key, obs_val, istatus)
+!     call get_expected_station(state, location, obs_def%key, obs_val, istatus)
+!     call get_expected_limb(state, location, obs_def%key, obs_val, istatus)
+!      continue
+!      call read_station(obs_def%key, ifile, fform)
+!      call read_limb(obs_def%key, ifile, fform)
+!      continue
+!      call write_station(obs_def%key, ifile, fform)
+!      call write_limb(obs_def%key, ifile, fform)
+!      continue
+!      call interactive_station(obs_def%key)
+!      call interactive_limb(obs_def%key)
+module obs_def_tec_mod
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$
+use        types_mod, only : r8, missing_r8, PI, deg2rad
+use    utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
+                             check_namelist_read, find_namelist_in_file,   &
+                             nmlfileunit, do_output, do_nml_file, do_nml_term, &
+                             ascii_file_format
+use     location_mod, only : location_type, write_location, read_location, &
+                             interactive_location, get_location, VERTISLEVEL, &
+                             set_location
+use  assim_model_mod, only : interpolate
+use     obs_kind_mod, only : KIND_TOTAL_ELECTRON_CONTENT
+implicit none
+public :: read_station, write_station, interactive_station,       &
+          get_expected_station, get_obs_def_station, set_station, &
+          read_limb, write_limb, interactive_limb, set_limb,      &
+          get_expected_limb, get_obs_def_limb, get_expected_nadir
+! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
+character(len=128), parameter :: &
+   source   = "$URL$", &
+   revision = "$Revision$", &
+   revdate  = "$Date$"
+logical :: module_initialized = .false.
+character(len=512) :: string1, string2, string3 ! For error message content
+character(len=32 ) :: header, str1
+! Derived type to contain the metadata for more complicated geometries.
+! Contains auxiliary information used to compute the forward operator.
+! FIXME:  !! CURRENTLY UNUSED  until station or limb obs implemented !!
+type station_data_type
+   private
+! FIXME: probably the location of the instrument, or the angle
+! from the ground location (lat/lon) to the instrument
+   integer   :: instrument_id       ! ID number for data source
+   real(r8)  :: beam_angle          ! angle of beam (degrees)
+   type(location_type) :: sat_location  ! where sensor is located
+end type station_data_type
+type limb_data_type
+   private
+! FIXME: probably the location of the instrument, or the angle
+! from the ground location (lat/lon) to the instrument
+   integer   :: instrument_id       ! ID number for data source
+   real(r8)  :: beam_angle          ! angle of beam (degrees)
+   type(location_type) :: sat_location1  ! where beam start is located
+   type(location_type) :: sat_location2  ! where beam end is located
+end type limb_data_type
+! Module storage for radial velocity metadata, allocated in init routine.
+! Cumulative index into radar metadata array
+integer :: station_metadata_index = 0 
+integer ::    limb_metadata_index = 0 
+type(station_data_type), allocatable :: station_metadata(:)
+type(limb_data_type),    allocatable ::    limb_metadata(:)
+! namelist items
+integer :: max_station_obs = 0   ! set to > 0 for testing
+integer ::    max_limb_obs = 0   ! set to > 0 for testing
+logical :: debug = .false.   ! set to .true. to enable debug printout
+namelist /obs_def_tec_nml/ max_station_obs, max_limb_obs, debug
+! Start of executable routines
+subroutine initialize_module
+! Called once to set values and allocate space
+integer :: iunit, io, rc
+write(string1,*) 'obs_def_tec_mod is a totally untested routine.'
+write(string2,*) 'It is provided as an example,'
+write(string3,*) 'but needs to be thoroughly tested for your application.'
+call error_handler(E_ERR,'initialize_module',string1, &
+           source, revision, revdate, text2=string2, text3=string3)
+! Prevent multiple calls from executing this code more than once.
+if (module_initialized) return
+module_initialized = .true.
+! Log the version of this source file.
+call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
+! Read the namelist entry.
+call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "obs_def_tec_nml", iunit)
+read(iunit, nml = obs_def_tec_nml, iostat = io)
+call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "obs_def_tec_nml")
+! Record the namelist values used for the run ... 
+if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=obs_def_tec_nml)
+if (do_nml_term()) write(     *     , nml=obs_def_tec_nml)
+! Allocate space for the auxiliary information associated with each obs
+! This code must be placed after reading the namelist, so the user can
+! increase or decrease the number of obs supported and use more or less
+! memory at run time.
+if (max_station_obs > 0) then
+   allocate(station_metadata(max_station_obs), stat = rc)
+   if (rc /= 0) then
+      write(string1, *) 'initial allocation failed for station TEC obs data,', &
+                          'itemcount = ', max_station_obs
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'initialize_module', string1, &
+                         source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+if (max_limb_obs > 0) then
+   allocate(limb_metadata(max_limb_obs), stat = rc)
+   if (rc /= 0) then
+      write(string1, *) 'initial allocation failed for limb TEC obs data,', &
+                          'itemcount = ', max_limb_obs
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'initialize_module', string1, &
+                         source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+end subroutine initialize_module
+!  Nadir-at-tangent-point section
+subroutine get_expected_nadir(state_vector, location, teckey, &
+                              tec_val, istatus)
+! This is the main forward operator routine for nadir total electron content
+real(r8),            intent(in)  :: state_vector(:)
+type(location_type), intent(in)  :: location
+integer,             intent(in)  :: teckey
+real(r8),            intent(out) :: tec_val
+integer,             intent(out) :: istatus
+! Given a location and the state vector from one of the ensemble members, 
+! compute the model-predicted total electron content that would be in the
+! integrated column from an instrument looking straight down at the tangent point.
+! 'istatus' is the return code.  0 is success; any positive value signals an
+! error (different values can be used to indicate different error types).
+! Negative istatus values are reserved for internal use only by DART.
+integer  :: l, nlevels
+real(r8) :: tec(2000)
+real(r8) :: loc_vals(3), debug_location(3)
+type(location_type) :: probe
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! loop over model levels, expect to fail when we reach the top of the model
+! give it a (ridiculous) max number of times to loop so in case interpolate
+! doesn't return an error, we don't stay here forever.
+loc_vals = get_location(location)
+nlevels = 0
+levelloop: do l = 1, 2000 
+   probe = set_location(loc_vals(1), loc_vals(2), real(l,R8), VERTISLEVEL)
+   call interpolate(state_vector, location, KIND_TOTAL_ELECTRON_CONTENT, tec(l), istatus)
+   if (istatus /= 0) exit levelloop
+   nlevels = nlevels + 1
+enddo levelloop
+! if we didn't get through the loop even once, istatus is /= 0 and we
+! can just return
+if (nlevels == 0) return
+! if we get to the end of the loop, something is probably seriously wrong.
+! set a bad istatus and return.
+if (nlevels == 2000) then
+   tec_val = MISSING_R8
+   istatus = 99
+   return
+! FIXME: do a real integral here.
+tec_val = sum(tec(1:nlevels)) / nlevels
+! Good return code. 
+istatus = 0
+if (debug) then
+   debug_location = get_location(location)
+   print *
+   print *, 'obs location (deg): ', debug_location(1),         &
+                                    debug_location(2),         debug_location(3)
+   print *, 'obs location (rad): ', debug_location(1)*deg2rad, &
+                                    debug_location(2)*deg2rad, debug_location(3)
+   print *, 'interpolated tec: ', tec_val
+   print *, 'istatus: ', istatus
+end subroutine get_expected_nadir
+! Station velocity section
+subroutine get_expected_station(state_vector, location, teckey, &
+                              tec_val, istatus)
+! This is the main forward operator routine for station total electron content
+real(r8),            intent(in)  :: state_vector(:)
+type(location_type), intent(in)  :: location
+integer,             intent(in)  :: teckey
+real(r8),            intent(out) :: tec_val
+integer,             intent(out) :: istatus
+! Given a location and the state vector from one of the ensemble members, 
+! compute the model-predicted total electron content that would be integrated
+! along the line of sight from a station on the ground to the instrument.
+! 'istatus' is the return code.  0 is success; any positive value signals an
+! error (different values can be used to indicate different error types).
+! Negative istatus values are reserved for internal use only by DART.
+integer  :: l, nlevels
+real(r8) :: tec(2000)
+real(r8) :: loc_vals(3), debug_location(3)
+type(location_type) :: probe
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! loop over model levels, expect to fail when we reach the top of the model
+! give it a (ridiculous) max number of times to loop so in case interpolate
+! doesn't return an error, we don't stay here forever.
+loc_vals = get_location(location)
+nlevels = 0
+levelloop: do l = 1, 2000 
+   probe = set_location(loc_vals(1), loc_vals(2), real(l,R8), VERTISLEVEL)
+   call interpolate(state_vector, location, KIND_TOTAL_ELECTRON_CONTENT, tec(l), istatus)
+   if (istatus /= 0) exit levelloop
+   nlevels = nlevels + 1
+enddo levelloop
+! if we didn't get through the loop even once, istatus is /= 0 and we
+! can just return
+if (nlevels == 0) return
+! if we get to the end of the loop, something is probably seriously wrong.
+! set a bad istatus and return.
+if (nlevels == 2000) then
+   tec_val = MISSING_R8
+   istatus = 99
+   return
+! FIXME: do a real integral here.
+tec_val = sum(tec(1:nlevels)) / nlevels
+! Good return code. 
+istatus = 0
+if (debug) then
+   debug_location = get_location(location)
+   print *
+   print *, 'obs location (deg): ', debug_location(1),         &
+                                    debug_location(2),         debug_location(3)
+   print *, 'obs location (rad): ', debug_location(1)*deg2rad, &
+                                    debug_location(2)*deg2rad, debug_location(3)
+   print *, 'interpolated tec: ', tec_val
+   print *, 'istatus: ', istatus
+end subroutine get_expected_station
+subroutine read_station(teckey, ifile, fform)
+! Main read subroutine for station TEC data observation
+integer,          intent(out)          :: teckey
+integer,          intent(in)           :: ifile
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+logical  :: is_asciifile
+integer  :: instrument_id, oldkey
+real(r8) :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+is_asciifile = ascii_file_format(fform)
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   ! Read the character identifier for verbose formatted output
+   read(ifile, FMT="(a)") header
+   str1 = adjustl(header)
+   if(str1(1:7) /= 'STATION') then
+      write(string1,*)"Expected header 'STATION' in input file, got ", str1(1:7)
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_station', &
+           string1, source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+! read_location is a DART library routine that expects an optional string
+! arg, but the other two read routines are local to this module and we can
+! tell them exactly what format to be reading because we already know it.
+!instrument_id = read_instrument_id (ifile, is_asciifile)
+!beam_angle    = read_beam_angle    (ifile, is_asciifile)
+! Read in the teckey for this particular observation, however, it will
+! be discarded and a new, unique key will be generated in the set routine.
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   read(ifile, *) oldkey
+   read(ifile) oldkey
+! Generate new unique station observation key, and set the contents
+! of the private defined type.
+call set_station(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle)
+end subroutine read_station
+subroutine write_station(teckey, ifile, fform)
+! Write station auxiliary information to the obs_seq file.
+integer,          intent(in)           :: teckey, ifile
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+logical  :: is_asciifile
+integer  :: instrument_id
+real(r8) :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! Simple error check on key number before accessing the array
+call teckey_out_of_range(teckey,'write_station')
+is_asciifile = ascii_file_format(fform)
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   ! Write the 7 character identifier for verbose formatted output
+   write(ifile, "('STATION')")
+! Extract the values for this key and call the appropriate write routines.
+!instrument_id = station_metadata(teckey)%instrument_id
+!beam_angle    = station_metadata(teckey)%beam_angle
+! These two write routines are local to this module, and we have already 
+! figured out if it is a unformatted/binary file or formatted/ascii, so 
+! go ahead and pass that info directly down to the routines.
+call write_instrument_id(ifile, instrument_id, is_asciifile)
+call write_beam_angle(ifile, beam_angle, is_asciifile)
+! Write out the teckey used for this run, however this will be discarded
+! when this observation is read in and a new key will be generated.
+! (It may be useful for correlating error messages or identifying particular
+! observations so we are leaving it as part of the aux data.)
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   write(ifile, *) teckey
+   write(ifile) teckey
+end subroutine write_station
+subroutine interactive_station(teckey)
+! Interactively reads in auxiliary information for a radial velocity obs.
+integer, intent(out) :: teckey
+! Uses the local subroutines interactive_instrument_id and set_hf_radial_vel.
+! See read_hf_radial_vel for more information.
+! teckey is internally incremented in the set routine, and only counts 
+! the index for this specialized observation kind. 
+integer  :: instrument_id
+real(r8) :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! Get information from user about id, angle.
+write(*, *) 
+write(*, *) 'Beginning to inquire for information on instrument id.'
+write(*, *)
+call interactive_instrument_id(instrument_id)
+write(*, *) 
+write(*, *) 'Beginning to inquire for information on beam angle.'
+write(*, *)
+call interactive_beam_angle(beam_angle)
+call set_station(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle )
+write(*, *) 
+write(*, *) 'End of specialized section for station TEC.'
+write(*, *) 'You will now have to enter the regular obs information.'
+write(*, *)
+end subroutine interactive_station
+! Limb velocity section
+subroutine get_expected_limb(state_vector, location, teckey, &
+                              tec_val, istatus)
+! This is the main forward operator routine for limb total electron content
+real(r8),            intent(in)  :: state_vector(:)
+type(location_type), intent(in)  :: location
+integer,             intent(in)  :: teckey
+real(r8),            intent(out) :: tec_val
+integer,             intent(out) :: istatus
+! Given a location and the state vector from one of the ensemble members, 
+! compute the model-predicted total electron content that would be integrated
+! along the line of sight from a limb on the ground to the instrument.
+! 'istatus' is the return code.  0 is success; any positive value signals an
+! error (different values can be used to indicate different error types).
+! Negative istatus values are reserved for internal use only by DART.
+integer  :: l, nlevels
+real(r8) :: tec(2000)
+real(r8) :: loc_vals(3), debug_location(3)
+type(location_type) :: probe
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! loop over model levels, expect to fail when we reach the top of the model
+! give it a (ridiculous) max number of times to loop so in case interpolate
+! doesn't return an error, we don't stay here forever.
+loc_vals = get_location(location)
+nlevels = 0
+levelloop: do l = 1, 2000 
+   probe = set_location(loc_vals(1), loc_vals(2), real(l,R8), VERTISLEVEL)
+   call interpolate(state_vector, location, KIND_TOTAL_ELECTRON_CONTENT, tec(l), istatus)
+   if (istatus /= 0) exit levelloop
+   nlevels = nlevels + 1
+enddo levelloop
+! if we didn't get through the loop even once, istatus is /= 0 and we
+! can just return
+if (nlevels == 0) return
+! if we get to the end of the loop, something is probably seriously wrong.
+! set a bad istatus and return.
+if (nlevels == 2000) then
+   tec_val = MISSING_R8
+   istatus = 99
+   return
+! FIXME: do a real integral here.
+tec_val = sum(tec(1:nlevels)) / nlevels
+! Good return code. 
+istatus = 0
+if (debug) then
+   debug_location = get_location(location)
+   print *
+   print *, 'obs location (deg): ', debug_location(1),         &
+                                    debug_location(2),         debug_location(3)
+   print *, 'obs location (rad): ', debug_location(1)*deg2rad, &
+                                    debug_location(2)*deg2rad, debug_location(3)
+   print *, 'interpolated tec: ', tec_val
+   print *, 'istatus: ', istatus
+end subroutine get_expected_limb
+subroutine read_limb(teckey, ifile, fform)
+! Main read subroutine for limb TEC data observation
+integer,          intent(out)          :: teckey
+integer,          intent(in)           :: ifile
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+logical  :: is_asciifile
+integer  :: instrument_id, oldkey
+real(r8) :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+is_asciifile = ascii_file_format(fform)
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   ! Read the character identifier for verbose formatted output
+   read(ifile, FMT="(a)") header
+   str1 = adjustl(header)
+   if(str1(1:4) /= 'LIMB') then
+      write(string1,*)"Expected header 'LIMB' in input file, got ", str1(1:4)
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_limb', &
+           string1, source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+! read_location is a DART library routine that expects an optional string
+! arg, but the other two read routines are local to this module and we can
+! tell them exactly what format to be reading because we already know it.
+!instrument_id = read_instrument_id (ifile, is_asciifile)
+!beam_angle    = read_beam_angle    (ifile, is_asciifile)
+! Read in the teckey for this particular observation, however, it will
+! be discarded and a new, unique key will be generated in the set routine.
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   read(ifile, *) oldkey
+   read(ifile) oldkey
+! Generate new unique limb observation key, and set the contents
+! of the private defined type.
+call set_limb(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle)
+end subroutine read_limb
+subroutine write_limb(teckey, ifile, fform)
+! Write limb auxiliary information to the obs_seq file.
+integer,          intent(in)           :: teckey, ifile
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+logical  :: is_asciifile
+integer  :: instrument_id
+real(r8) :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! Simple error check on key number before accessing the array
+call teckey_out_of_range(teckey,'write_limb')
+is_asciifile = ascii_file_format(fform)
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   ! Write the 4 character identifier for verbose formatted output
+   write(ifile, "('LIMB')")
+! Extract the values for this key and call the appropriate write routines.
+!instrument_id = limb_metadata(teckey)%instrument_id
+!beam_angle    = limb_metadata(teckey)%beam_angle
+! These two write routines are local to this module, and we have already 
+! figured out if it is a unformatted/binary file or formatted/ascii, so 
+! go ahead and pass that info directly down to the routines.
+call write_instrument_id(ifile, instrument_id, is_asciifile)
+call write_beam_angle(ifile, beam_angle, is_asciifile)
+! Write out the teckey used for this run, however this will be discarded
+! when this observation is read in and a new key will be generated.
+! (It may be useful for correlating error messages or identifying particular
+! observations so we are leaving it as part of the aux data.)
+if (is_asciifile) then
+   write(ifile, *) teckey
+   write(ifile) teckey
+end subroutine write_limb
+subroutine interactive_limb(teckey)
+! Interactively reads in auxiliary information for a radial velocity obs.
+integer, intent(out) :: teckey
+! Uses the local subroutines interactive_instrument_id and set_hf_radial_vel.
+! See read_hf_radial_vel for more information.
+! teckey is internally incremented in the set routine, and only counts 
+! the index for this specialized observation kind. 
+integer  :: instrument_id
+real(r8) :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! Get information from user about id, angle.
+write(*, *) 
+write(*, *) 'Beginning to inquire for information on instrument id.'
+write(*, *)
+call interactive_instrument_id(instrument_id)
+write(*, *) 
+write(*, *) 'Beginning to inquire for information on beam angle.'
+write(*, *)
+call interactive_beam_angle(beam_angle)
+call set_limb(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle )
+write(*, *) 
+write(*, *) 'End of specialized section for limb TEC.'
+write(*, *) 'You will now have to enter the regular obs information.'
+write(*, *)
+end subroutine interactive_limb
+! other supporting routines
+function read_instrument_id(ifile, is_asciiformat)
+! Reads instrument id from file that was written by write_instrument_id.
+! See read_station for additional discussion.
+integer, intent(in) :: ifile
+logical, intent(in) :: is_asciiformat
+integer             :: read_instrument_id
+integer            :: instrument_id
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if (is_asciiformat) then
+   read(ifile, "(a)" ) header
+   str1 = adjustl(header)
+   if(str1(1:5) /= 'InsID') then
+      write(string1,*)"Expected Instrument ID header 'InsID' in input file, got ", str1(1:5)
+      call error_handler(E_ERR, 'read_instrument_id', string1, source, revision, revdate)  
+   endif
+   ! Read the instrument id data value into temporary
+   read(ifile, *) instrument_id
+   ! No header label, just the binary id value. 
+   read(ifile)    instrument_id
+! set function return value
+read_instrument_id = instrument_id
+end function read_instrument_id
+subroutine write_instrument_id(ifile, instrument_id, is_asciiformat)
+! Writes instrument_id to obs file.
+integer, intent(in) :: ifile
+integer, intent(in) :: instrument_id
+logical, intent(in) :: is_asciiformat
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if (is_asciiformat) then
+   write(ifile, "('InsID')" ) 
+   write(ifile, *) instrument_id
+   write(ifile)    instrument_id
+end subroutine write_instrument_id
+function read_beam_angle(ifile, is_asciiformat)
+! Reads beam_angle from file that was written by write_beam_angle.
+! See read_station for additional discussion.
+integer, intent(in) :: ifile
+logical, intent(in) :: is_asciiformat
+real(r8)            :: read_beam_angle
+real(r8) :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+beam_angle = missing_r8
+if (is_asciiformat) then
+   read(ifile, "(a)" ) header
+   str1 = adjustl(header)
+   if(str1(1:5) /= 'angle') then
+      write(string1,*)"Expected beam_angle header 'angle' in input file, got ", str1(1:5)
+      call error_handler(E_ERR, 'read_beam_angle', string1, source, revision, revdate)  
+   endif
+   ! Now read the beam_angle data value into temporaries
+   read(ifile, *) beam_angle
+   ! No header label, just the binary angle values. 
+   read(ifile)    beam_angle
+! Check for illegal values 
+if (beam_angle <= 0.0_r8 .or. beam_angle >= 360.0_r8 ) then
+   write(string1,*) "beam_angle value must be between 0 and 360, got: ", &
+                       beam_angle
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'read_beam_angle', string1, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+! set function return value
+read_beam_angle = beam_angle
+end function read_beam_angle
+subroutine write_beam_angle(ifile, beam_angle, is_asciiformat)
+! Writes beam_angle to obs file. Internally, the angles are in
+! radians. When they are written, they are converted to degrees.
+integer,  intent(in) :: ifile
+real(r8), intent(in) :: beam_angle
+logical,  intent(in) :: is_asciiformat
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if (is_asciiformat) then
+   write(ifile, "('angle')" ) 
+   write(ifile, *) beam_angle
+   write(ifile)    beam_angle
+end subroutine write_beam_angle
+subroutine get_obs_def_station(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle)
+! Return the auxiliary contents of a given radial velocity observation
+integer,   intent(in)  :: teckey
+integer,   intent(out) :: instrument_id
+real(r8),  intent(out) :: beam_angle
+! Simple error check on key number before accessing the array
+call teckey_out_of_range(teckey,'get_obs_def_station')
+!instrument_id = station_metadata(teckey)%instrument_id
+!beam_angle    = station_metadata(teckey)%beam_angle
+end subroutine get_obs_def_station
+subroutine set_station(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle )
+! Common code to increment the current key count, and set the private
+! contents of this observation's auxiliary data.
+integer,  intent(out) :: teckey
+integer,  intent(in)  :: instrument_id
+real(r8), intent(in)  :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! The total velocity metadata key count from all sequences
+station_metadata_index = station_metadata_index + 1
+teckey                 = station_metadata_index
+! Simple error check on key number before accessing the array
+! This errors out if too key value now too large.
+call teckey_out_of_range(teckey,'set_station')
+!station_metadata(teckey)%instrument_id = instrument_id
+!station_metadata(teckey)%beam_angle    = beam_angle
+end subroutine set_station 
+subroutine get_obs_def_limb(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle)
+! Return the auxiliary contents of a given radial velocity observation
+integer,   intent(in)  :: teckey
+integer,   intent(out) :: instrument_id
+real(r8),  intent(out) :: beam_angle
+! Simple error check on key number before accessing the array
+call teckey_out_of_range(teckey,'get_obs_def_limb')
+!instrument_id = limb_metadata(teckey)%instrument_id
+!beam_angle    = limb_metadata(teckey)%beam_angle
+end subroutine get_obs_def_limb
+subroutine set_limb(teckey, instrument_id, beam_angle )
+! Common code to increment the current key count, and set the private
+! contents of this observation's auxiliary data.
+integer,  intent(out) :: teckey
+integer,  intent(in)  :: instrument_id
+real(r8), intent(in)  :: beam_angle
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! The total velocity metadata key count from all sequences
+limb_metadata_index = limb_metadata_index + 1
+teckey              = limb_metadata_index
+! Simple error check on key number before accessing the array
+! This errors out if too key value now too large.
+call teckey_out_of_range(teckey,'set_limb')
+!limb_metadata(teckey)%instrument_id = instrument_id
+!limb_metadata(teckey)%beam_angle    = beam_angle
+end subroutine set_limb 
+subroutine interactive_instrument_id(instrument_id)
+! Prompt for instrument_id.  Not used in this code, but carried along.
+integer, intent(out) :: instrument_id
+write(*, *) 'Input an integer instrument_id:'
+read(*, *) instrument_id
+end subroutine interactive_instrument_id
+subroutine interactive_beam_angle(beam_angle)
+! Prompt for beam angle information in degrees.
+real(r8), intent(out) :: beam_angle
+beam_angle = missing_r8
+do while (beam_angle <= 0.0_r8 .or. beam_angle >= 360.0_r8) 
+   write(*, *) 'Input the beam angle in degrees (0 <= beam_angle <= 360):'
+   read(*, *) beam_angle
+end do
+end subroutine interactive_beam_angle
+subroutine teckey_out_of_range(teckey, callingroutine)
+! Range check teckey and trigger a fatal error if larger than allocated array.
+integer,          intent(in) :: teckey
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: callingroutine
+! fine -- no problem.
+if (teckey <= max_station_obs) return
+! Bad news.  Tell the user.
+write(string1, *) 'teckey (',teckey,') exceeds max_station_obs (', &
+                     max_station_obs,')'
+call error_handler(E_ERR,'set_station', &
+          'Increase max_station_obs in namelist', &
+          source, revision, revdate, text2=string1, text3=callingroutine)
+end subroutine teckey_out_of_range
+end module obs_def_tec_mod

Property changes on: DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_tec_mod.f90
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: DART/trunk/obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90
--- DART/trunk/obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90	2016-03-24 23:03:12 UTC (rev 9986)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90	2016-03-24 23:07:45 UTC (rev 9987)
@@ -338,7 +338,8 @@
   KIND_VELOCITY_VERTICAL_N4S         = 283, &
   KIND_VELOCITY_VERTICAL_NO          = 284, &
   KIND_GND_GPS_VTEC                  = 285, &
-  KIND_DENSITY_ION_OP                = 286
+  KIND_DENSITY_ION_OP                = 286, &
 ! more land kinds
 integer, parameter, public :: &
@@ -662,6 +663,7 @@
 obs_kind_names(284) = obs_kind_type(KIND_VELOCITY_VERTICAL_NO  ,'KIND_VELOCITY_VERTICAL_NO')
 obs_kind_names(285) = obs_kind_type(KIND_GND_GPS_VTEC          ,'KIND_GND_GPS_VTEC')
 obs_kind_names(286) = obs_kind_type(KIND_DENSITY_ION_OP        ,'KIND_DENSITY_ION_OP')

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