[Dart-dev] [6908] DART/trunk: Adding observation converter for the MODIS MOD15A2 dataset:

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Mon Apr 21 16:29:53 MDT 2014

Revision: 6908
Author:   thoar
Date:     2014-04-21 16:29:53 -0600 (Mon, 21 Apr 2014)
Log Message:
Adding observation converter for the MODIS MOD15A2 dataset:
"Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) 8 day composite"
Presently, only the 'selected site' data can be converted. The 'Global Tool' data does not
have the required header record. The existing tool can be extended to handle that case, but
not today ... 

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/trunk/index.html
--- DART/trunk/index.html	2014-04-21 20:33:59 UTC (rev 6907)
+++ DART/trunk/index.html	2014-04-21 22:29:53 UTC (rev 6908)
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@
 <LI><A href="observations/quikscat/QuikSCAT.html">QuikSCAT data</A></LI>
 <LI><A href="observations/radar/radar.html">Radar data</A></LI>
 <LI><A href="observations/snow/snow_to_obs.html">MODIS Snow data (ascii)</A></LI>
+<LI><A href="observations/MODIS/MODIS_README.html">MODIS data (ORNL DAAC)</A></LI>
 <LI><A href="observations/SSEC/SSEC.html">SSEC data</A></LI>
 <LI><A href="observations/text/text_to_obs.html">ascii/text data</A></LI>
 <LI><A href="observations/tpw/tpw.html">Total Precipitable Water obs (ascii)</A></LI>
@@ -367,6 +368,7 @@
 <LI><A HREF="observations/tpw/tpw.html#Namelist">&amp;convert_tpw_nml</A></LI>
 <LI><A HREF="observations/var/rad_3dvar_to_dart.html#Namelist">observations/var/&amp;rad_3dvar_to_dart_nml</A></LI>
 <LI><A HREF="observations/WOD/WOD.html#Namelist">&amp;wod_to_obs_nml</A></LI>
+<LI><A href="observations/MODIS/MOD15A2_to_obs.html#Namelist">observations/MODIS/&amp;MOD15A2_to_obs_nml</A></LI>
 <LI><A HREF="perfect_model_obs/perfect_model_obs.html#Namelist">&amp;perfect_model_obs_nml</A></LI>
 <LI><A HREF="preprocess/preprocess.html#Namelist">&amp;preprocess_nml</A></LI>
 <LI><A HREF="system_simulation/system_simulation.html#Namelist">system_simulation (&amp;full_error_nml)</A></LI>

Added: DART/trunk/observations/MODIS/MOD15A2_to_obs.f90
--- DART/trunk/observations/MODIS/MOD15A2_to_obs.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/MODIS/MOD15A2_to_obs.f90	2014-04-21 22:29:53 UTC (rev 6908)
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+! $Id$
+program MOD15A2_to_obs
+!   MOD15A2_to_obs - 
+!     created 21 April 2014   Tim Hoar NCAR/IMAGe
+use         types_mod, only : r8, MISSING_R8
+use     utilities_mod, only : initialize_utilities, finalize_utilities, &
+                              register_module, error_handler, E_MSG, E_ERR, &
+                              open_file, close_file, do_nml_file, do_nml_term, &
+                              check_namelist_read, find_namelist_in_file, &
+                              nmlfileunit, logfileunit, find_textfile_dims
+use  time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_calendar_type, GREGORIAN, &
+                              set_date, set_time, get_time, print_time, &
+                              print_date, operator(-), operator(+), &
+                              operator(>), operator(<), &
+                              operator(==), operator(/=), operator(<=), operator(>=)
+use      location_mod, only : VERTISSURFACE
+use  obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_sequence_type, obs_type, read_obs_seq, &
+                              static_init_obs_sequence, init_obs, write_obs_seq, &
+                              init_obs_sequence, get_num_obs, &
+                              set_copy_meta_data, set_qc_meta_data
+use obs_utilities_mod, only : create_3d_obs, add_obs_to_seq
+use      obs_kind_mod, only : MODIS_LEAF_AREA_INDEX, &
+                              MODIS_FPAR
+implicit none
+! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
+character(len=256), parameter :: source   = &
+   "$URL$"
+character(len=32 ), parameter :: revision = "$Revision$"
+character(len=128), parameter :: revdate  = "$Date$"
+! Namelist with default values
+character(len=128) :: text_input_file = 'MOD15A2.fn_usbouldr.txt'
+character(len=128) :: metadata_file   = 'MOD15A2_site_metadata.txt'
+character(len=128) :: obs_out_file    = 'obs_seq.out'
+real(r8)           :: maxgoodqc       = 10
+logical            :: verbose         = .false.
+namelist /MOD15A2_to_obs_nml/ text_input_file, metadata_file, obs_out_file, maxgoodqc, verbose
+! globally-scoped variables
+character(len=600)      :: input_line, bigline
+character(len=256)      :: string1, string2, string3
+integer                 :: iline
+logical                 :: first_obs
+integer                 :: rcio, iunit
+integer                 :: num_copies, num_qc, max_obs
+type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
+type(obs_type)          :: obs, prev_obs
+type(time_type)         :: prev_time
+type modis_type
+  character(len=20) :: HDFnamestring       = 'HDFname'
+  character(len=20) :: Productstring       = 'Product'
+  character(len=20) :: Datestring          = 'Date'
+  character(len=20) :: Sitestring          = 'Site'
+  character(len=20) :: ProcessDatestring   = 'ProcessDate'
+  character(len=20) :: Bandstring          = 'Band'
+  character(len=20) :: FparExtra_QCstring  = 'FparExtra_QC'
+  character(len=20) :: FparLai_QCstring    = 'FparLai_QC'
+  character(len=20) :: FparStdDevstring    = 'FparStdDev_1km'
+  character(len=20) :: Fparstring          = 'Fpar_1km'
+  character(len=20) :: LaiStdDevstring     = 'LaiStdDev_1km'
+  character(len=20) :: Laistring           = 'Lai_1km'
+  integer  :: HDFnameindex
+  integer  :: Productindex
+  integer  :: Dateindex
+  integer  :: Siteindex
+  integer  :: ProcessDateindex
+  integer  :: Bandindex
+  integer  :: FparExtra_QCindex
+  integer  :: FparLai_QCindex
+  integer  :: FparStdDevindex
+  integer  :: Fparindex
+  integer  :: LaiStdDev_index
+  integer  :: Lai_index
+  character(len=80) :: HDFname
+  character(len=80) :: Product
+  character(len=80) :: Date
+  character(len=80) :: Site
+  character(len=80) :: ProcessDate
+  integer  :: FparExtra_QC
+  integer  :: FparLai_QC
+  real(r8) :: FparStdDev
+  real(r8) :: Fpar ! the fraction of incident photosynthetically active 
+                   ! radiation (400-700nm) absorbed by the green elements 
+                   ! of a vegetation canopy.
+  real(r8) :: LaiStdDev
+  real(r8) :: Lai  ! one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broadland canopies
+                   ! and one-half the total needle surface area per ground area 
+                   ! in coniferous  canopies.
+  type(time_type) :: time_obs
+  type(time_type) :: FparExtra_QC_time
+  type(time_type) :: FparLai_QC_time
+  type(time_type) :: FparStdDev_time
+  type(time_type) :: Fpar_time
+  type(time_type) :: LaiStdDev_time
+  type(time_type) :: Lai_time
+end type modis_type
+    type(modis_type) :: modis
+! The preselected "Field Site and Flux Tower" data files have a
+! preliminary record describing the file format.
+! the first line/record  contains:
+! HDFname,Product,Date,Site,ProcessDate,Band,1,2,3, ...,47,48,49
+type record_type
+  character(len=80) :: HDFname
+  character(len=80) :: Product
+  character(len=80) :: Date
+  character(len=80) :: Site
+  character(len=80) :: ProcessDate
+  character(len=20) :: Band
+  integer, dimension(49) :: ivalues
+  type(time_type) :: time_obs
+end type record_type
+    type(record_type) :: modisrecord
+! The preselected "Field Site and Flux Tower" data files have a
+! companion file with the metadata for the site.
+type metadata_type
+   integer :: site_name_indx      ! Match(columns,'SITE NAME')
+   integer :: country_indx        ! Match(columns,'COUNTRY')
+   integer :: latitude_indx       ! Match(columns,'LATITUDE')
+   integer :: longitude_indx      ! Match(columns,'LONGITUDE')
+   integer :: modis_site_id_indx  ! Match(columns,'MODIS SITE ID')
+   integer :: fluxnet_id_indx     ! Match(columns,'FLUXNET ID')
+   integer :: fluxnet_key_id_indx ! Match(columns,'FLUXNET KEY ID')
+   integer :: nstations = 0
+   character(len=80), allocatable, dimension(:) :: site_name
+   character(len=80), allocatable, dimension(:) :: country
+   real(r8),          allocatable, dimension(:) :: latitude
+   real(r8),          allocatable, dimension(:) :: longitude
+   character(len=80), allocatable, dimension(:) :: modis_site_id
+   character(len=80), allocatable, dimension(:) :: fluxnet_id
+   character(len=80), allocatable, dimension(:) :: fluxnet_key_id
+end type metadata_type
+    type(metadata_type) :: metadata
+integer  :: siteindex
+real(r8) :: latitude
+real(r8) :: longitude
+integer  :: landcover
+! start of executable code
+call initialize_utilities('MOD15A2_to_obs')
+! Print module information to log file and stdout.
+call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
+! Read the namelist entry
+call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "MOD15A2_to_obs_nml", iunit)
+read(iunit, nml = MOD15A2_to_obs_nml, iostat = rcio)
+call check_namelist_read(iunit, rcio, "MOD15A2_to_obs_nml")
+! Record the namelist values used for the run ...
+if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=MOD15A2_to_obs_nml)
+if (do_nml_term()) write(     *     , nml=MOD15A2_to_obs_nml)
+! time setup
+call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
+prev_time = set_time(0, 0)
+! Check to make sure the metadata filename exists.
+call Get_MODIS_subset_metadata()
+! We need to know the maximum number of observations in the input file.
+! There are multiple lines for each observation, so file line count
+! is more than enough. This program will only write out the actual number 
+! created.
+call find_textfile_dims(text_input_file, max_obs)
+iunit = open_file(text_input_file, 'formatted', 'read')
+if (verbose) print *, 'opened input file ' // trim(text_input_file)
+call decode_data_header(iunit) ! which data csv columns are which
+num_copies = 1
+num_qc     = 1
+first_obs  = .true.
+call static_init_obs_sequence()
+call init_obs(obs,      num_copies, num_qc)
+call init_obs(prev_obs, num_copies, num_qc)
+call init_obs_sequence(obs_seq, num_copies, num_qc, max_obs)
+call init_record(modisrecord) ! one line of data from the csv file
+! the first one needs to contain the string 'observation' and the
+! second needs the string 'QC'.
+call set_copy_meta_data(obs_seq, 1, 'observation')
+call set_qc_meta_data(  obs_seq, 1, 'MODIS QC')
+obsloop: do iline = 2,max_obs
+   ! read in entire text line into a buffer
+   read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
+   if (rcio < 0) exit obsloop
+   if (rcio > 0) then
+      write (string1,'(''Cannot read (error '',i3,'') line '',i8,'' in '',A)') &
+                    rcio, iline, trim(text_input_file)
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'main', string1, source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+   input_line = adjustl(bigline)
+   ! parse the line into temporary modis structure (including the observation time)
+   ! If the time is an existing one, just add contents to modis structure and
+   ! continue. If time is a new time, flush the buffer, reset and continue.
+   call stringparse( input_line, iline )
+   if (iline <= 2) then
+      ! Only needs to be done once since file is for one site.
+      ! Extract the site from the filename and determine metadata.
+      siteindex = get_metadata(modisrecord%Site)
+      latitude  = metadata%latitude( siteindex)
+      longitude = metadata%longitude(siteindex)
+      landcover = -23 ! FIXME ... no landcover metadata included in this version.
+      ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+      if (longitude < 0.0_r8) longitude = longitude + 360.0_r8
+      if (( latitude > 90.0_r8 .or. latitude  <  -90.0_r8 ) .or. &
+          (longitude <  0.0_r8 .or. longitude >  360.0_r8 )) then
+         write (string2,*)'latitude  should be [-90, 90] but is ',latitude
+         write (string3,*)'longitude should be [  0,360] but is ',longitude
+         string1 ='modis location error in input.nml&MOD15A2_to_obs_nml'
+         call error_handler(E_ERR,'MOD15A2_to_obs', string1, source, revision, &
+                      revdate, text2=string2,text3=string3)
+      endif
+      ! First observation can define the following
+      modis%HDFname     = modisrecord%HDFname
+      modis%Product     = modisrecord%Product
+      modis%Date        = modisrecord%Date
+      modis%Site        = modisrecord%Site
+      modis%ProcessDate = modisrecord%ProcessDate
+      modis%time_obs    = modisrecord%time_obs
+      if (verbose) then
+         write(*,*)
+         write(*,*)'Check of the first observation: (column,string,value)'
+         write(*,*)modis%HDFnameindex,     modis%HDFnamestring,     trim(modis%HDFname)
+         write(*,*)modis%Productindex,     modis%Productstring,     trim(modis%Product)
+         write(*,*)modis%Dateindex,        modis%Datestring,        trim(modis%Date)
+         write(*,*)modis%Siteindex,        modis%Sitestring,        trim(modis%Site)
+         write(*,*)modis%ProcessDateindex, modis%ProcessDatestring, trim(modis%ProcessDate)
+         write(*,*)modis%Bandindex,        modis%Bandstring,        trim(modisrecord%Band)
+         write(*,*)'   site # ',siteindex,' is located at lat, lon =', latitude, longitude
+         write(*,*)'   data(25) is ',modisrecord%ivalues(25)
+      endif
+   endif
+                call print_date(modisrecord%time_obs, modisrecord%Band//' obs date is')
+   if (verbose) call print_time(modisrecord%time_obs, modisrecord%Band//' obs time is')
+   if (verbose) write(*,*)modisrecord%Band,' data(25) is ',modisrecord%ivalues(25)
+   if (verbose) write(*,*)
+   if (modisrecord%time_obs /= modis%time_obs) then
+      ! time to write the current modis structure to the obs sequence file
+      call stow_observation()
+      modis%time_obs = modisrecord%time_obs
+   endif
+   ! determine which values were read and update 
+   select case ( modisrecord%Band )
+   case ( 'FparExtra_QC' )
+     ! This is of no value to us at this time.
+     modis%FparExtra_QC      = modisrecord%ivalues(25) ! 25 is the center pixel of the 49 in the record
+     modis%FparExtra_QC_time = modisrecord%time_obs
+   case ( 'FparLai_QC' )
+     modis%FparLai_QC        = qc_and_scale(modisrecord)
+     modis%FparLai_QC_time   = modisrecord%time_obs
+   case ( 'FparStdDev_1km' )
+     modis%FparStdDev        = qc_and_scale(modisrecord)
+     modis%FparStdDev_time   = modisrecord%time_obs
+   case ( 'Fpar_1km' )
+     modis%Fpar              = qc_and_scale(modisrecord)
+     modis%Fpar_time         = modisrecord%time_obs
+   case ( 'LaiStdDev_1km' )
+     modis%LaiStdDev         = qc_and_scale(modisrecord)
+     modis%LaiStdDev_time    = modisrecord%time_obs
+   case ( 'Lai_1km' )
+     modis%Lai               = qc_and_scale(modisrecord)
+     modis%Lai_time          = modisrecord%time_obs
+   case default
+   end select
+end do obsloop
+call stow_observation() ! Flush that last observation 
+! if we added any obs to the sequence, write it out to a file now.
+if ( get_num_obs(obs_seq) > 0 ) then
+   if (verbose) print *, 'writing obs_seq, obs_count = ', get_num_obs(obs_seq)
+   call write_obs_seq(obs_seq, obs_out_file)
+! end of main program
+call finalize_utilities()
+subroutine Get_MODIS_subset_metadata()
+! Reads the list of station names and locations
+character(len=80), dimension(7) :: columns
+integer :: i, nlines, iline, nquotes, nwords, s1, s2
+integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: positions
+! The station metadata file has two header records. The first is important,
+! the second is fundamentally a 'blank' line.
+! ,,,,,,
+call find_textfile_dims(metadata_file, nlines)
+metadata%nstations = nlines - 2
+if (verbose) print *, 'there are ',metadata%nstations,' lines in the file.'
+allocate(metadata%site_name(     metadata%nstations))
+allocate(metadata%country(       metadata%nstations))
+allocate(metadata%latitude(      metadata%nstations))
+allocate(metadata%longitude(     metadata%nstations))
+allocate(metadata%modis_site_id( metadata%nstations))
+allocate(metadata%fluxnet_id(    metadata%nstations))
+iunit = open_file(metadata_file, 'formatted', 'read')
+if (verbose) print *, 'opened input file ' // trim(metadata_file)
+call decode_metadata(iunit)
+! Skip the first two lines 
+read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
+read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
+readloop: do iline = 1,metadata%nstations
+   ! read in entire text line into a buffer
+   read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
+   if (rcio < 0) exit readloop
+   if (rcio > 0) then
+      write (string1,'(''Cannot read (error '',i3,'') line '',i8,'' in '',A)') &
+                    rcio, iline+2, trim(text_input_file)
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'Get_MODIS_subset_metadata', string1, source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+   input_line = adjustl(bigline)
+   ! Some of the site names are quoted strings with embedded commas that screw up the
+   ! rest of the parsing logic. I am going to search for matching (double) quotes and
+   ! replace any embedded commas with whitespace. bother ...
+   nquotes = CountChar(input_line,'"')
+   if ( nquotes == 2) then
+      allocate(positions(1,2))
+      positions(1,1) = scan(input_line,'"',back=.FALSE.)
+      positions(1,2) = scan(input_line,'"',back=.TRUE.)
+      do i = positions(1,1),positions(1,2)
+         if (input_line(i:i) == ',') input_line(i:i) = ' '
+      enddo
+      deallocate(positions)
+   elseif ( nquotes == 0 ) then
+      ! normal situation, do nothing
+   else
+      write(string1,*)'unsupported number of double quotes on line ',iline+2
+      write(string2,*)'in file ',trim(text_input_file)
+      write(string3,*)'found ',nquotes,' double quotes. expected a pair, if any.'
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'Get_MODIS_subset_metadata', string1, &
+                 source, revision, revdate, text2=string2, text3=string3)
+   endif
+   ! Find the commas and the corresponding word lengths.
+   nwords = CountChar(input_line,',')
+   nwords = nwords + 1           ! count the last word, too
+   allocate(positions(nwords,2)) ! each word has a start and stop index in string
+   call SetWordPositions(input_line, ',', positions)
+   s1 = positions(metadata%site_name_indx,1);
+   s2 = positions(metadata%site_name_indx,2);
+   metadata%site_name(iline)      = trim(input_line(s1:s2))
+   s1 = positions(metadata%country_indx,1);
+   s2 = positions(metadata%country_indx,2);
+   metadata%country(iline)        = trim(input_line(s1:s2))
+   s1 = positions(metadata%modis_site_id_indx,1);
+   s2 = positions(metadata%modis_site_id_indx,2);
+   metadata%modis_site_id(iline)  = trim(input_line(s1:s2))
+   s1 = positions(metadata%fluxnet_id_indx,1);
+   s2 = positions(metadata%fluxnet_id_indx,2);
+   metadata%fluxnet_id(iline)     = trim(input_line(s1:s2))
+   s1 = positions(metadata%fluxnet_key_id_indx,1);
+   s2 = positions(metadata%fluxnet_key_id_indx,2);
+   metadata%fluxnet_key_id(iline) = trim(input_line(s1:s2))
+   s1 = positions(metadata%latitude_indx,1);
+   s2 = positions(metadata%latitude_indx,2);
+   read(input_line(s1:s2),*,iostat=rcio) metadata%latitude(iline)
+   if (rcio/=0) metadata%latitude(iline) = MISSING_R8
+   s1 = positions(metadata%longitude_indx,1);
+   s2 = positions(metadata%longitude_indx,2);
+   read(input_line(s1:s2),*,iostat=rcio) metadata%longitude(iline)
+   if (rcio/=0) metadata%longitude(iline) = MISSING_R8
+   if (verbose) then
+      write(*,*)'line number ',iline
+      write(*,*)'   site_name      is ', trim(metadata%site_name(iline))
+      write(*,*)'   country        is ', trim(metadata%country(iline))
+      write(*,*)'   latitude       is ', metadata%latitude( iline)
+      write(*,*)'   longitude      is ', metadata%longitude(iline)
+      write(*,*)'   modis_site_id  is ', trim(metadata%modis_site_id(iline))
+      write(*,*)'   fluxnet_id     is ', trim(metadata%fluxnet_id(iline))
+      write(*,*)'   fluxnet_key_id is ', trim(metadata%fluxnet_key_id(iline))
+      write(*,*)
+   endif
+   deallocate(positions)
+enddo readloop
+end subroutine Get_MODIS_subset_metadata
+subroutine decode_metadata(iunit)
+! Reads the first line of the header and parses the information.
+! And by parse, I mean determine which columns are the columns
+! of interest.
+integer,              intent(in)  :: iunit
+integer, parameter :: maxwordlength = 80
+integer :: i,charcount,columncount,wordlength
+character(len=maxwordlength), dimension(:), allocatable :: columns
+integer, dimension(7) :: qc = 0
+! Read the line and strip off any leading whitespace.
+read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
+if (rcio /= 0) then
+  write(string1,*)'Cannot parse header. Begins <',trim(bigline(1:40)),'>'
+  call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_metadata',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+input_line = adjustl(bigline)
+! Count how many commas are in the line - use this to determine how many columns
+charcount = CountChar(input_line,',')
+columncount = charcount + 1
+columncount  = 0  ! track the number of columns
+wordlength   = 0  ! number of characters in the column descriptor
+charcount    = 0  ! the position of the (last) comma
+do i = 1,len_trim(input_line)
+   if (input_line(i:i) == ',') then
+      columncount = columncount + 1
+      if (wordlength > maxwordlength) then
+         write(string1,*)'unexpected long word ... starts <',&
+                           input_line((i-wordlength):(i-1)),'>'
+         call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_metadata',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+      endif
+      columns(columncount) = input_line((i-wordlength):(i-1)) 
+      if (verbose) write(*,*)'word(',columncount,') is ',trim(columns(columncount))
+      wordlength = 0
+      charcount = i
+   else
+      wordlength = wordlength + 1
+   endif
+! There is one more column after the last comma
+columns(columncount+1) = input_line((charcount+1):len_trim(input_line))
+metadata%site_name_indx      = Match(columns, 'SITE NAME' )
+metadata%country_indx        = Match(columns, 'COUNTRY' )
+metadata%latitude_indx       = Match(columns, 'LATITUDE' )
+metadata%longitude_indx      = Match(columns, 'LONGITUDE' )
+metadata%modis_site_id_indx  = Match(columns, 'MODIS SITE ID' )
+metadata%fluxnet_id_indx     = Match(columns, 'FLUXNET ID' )
+metadata%fluxnet_key_id_indx = Match(columns, 'FLUXNET KEY ID' )
+! Check to make sure we got all the indices we need
+qc( 1) = CheckIndex( metadata%site_name_indx,     'SITE NAME' )
+qc( 2) = CheckIndex( metadata%country_indx,       'COUNTRY' )
+qc( 3) = CheckIndex( metadata%latitude_indx,      'LATITUDE' )
+qc( 4) = CheckIndex( metadata%longitude_indx,     'LONGITUDE' )
+qc( 5) = CheckIndex( metadata%modis_site_id_indx, 'MODIS SITE ID' )
+qc( 6) = CheckIndex( metadata%fluxnet_id_indx,    'FLUXNET ID' )
+qc( 7) = CheckIndex( metadata%fluxnet_key_id_indx,'FLUXNET KEY ID' )
+if (any(qc /= 0) ) then
+  write(string1,*)'Did not find all the required column indices.'
+  call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_metadata',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+end subroutine decode_metadata
+subroutine decode_data_header(iunit)
+! Reads the first line of the header and parses the information.
+! And by parse, I mean determine which columns are the columns
+! of interest.
+! The first line/record should be:
+! HDFname,Product,Date,Site,ProcessDate,Band,1,2,3 ... 47,48,49
+! We search for the 'Band' column and use that to decode whether
+! the observation is FparExtra_QC or FparLai_QC or Lai_1km or LaiStdDev_1km or ...
+integer, intent(in) :: iunit
+integer, parameter :: maxwordlength = 80
+integer :: i,charcount,columncount,wordlength
+character(len=maxwordlength), dimension(:), allocatable :: columns
+integer, dimension(6) :: qc = 0
+! Read the line and strip off any leading whitespace.
+read(iunit,'(A)',iostat=rcio) bigline
+if (rcio /= 0) then
+  write(string1,*)'Cannot parse header. Begins <',trim(bigline(1:40)),'>'
+  call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_data_header',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+input_line = adjustl(bigline)
+! Count how many commas are in the line - use this to determine how many columns
+charcount = CountChar(input_line,',')
+columncount = charcount + 1
+columncount  = 0  ! track the number of columns
+wordlength   = 0  ! number of characters in the column descriptor
+charcount    = 0  ! the position of the (last) comma
+do i = 1,len_trim(input_line)
+   if (input_line(i:i) == ',') then
+      columncount = columncount + 1
+      if (wordlength > maxwordlength) then
+         write(string1,*)'unexpected long word ... starts <',&
+                           input_line((i-wordlength):(i-1)),'>'
+         call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_data_header',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+      endif
+      columns(columncount) = input_line((i-wordlength):(i-1)) 
+      if (verbose) write(*,*)'word(',columncount,') is ',trim(columns(columncount))
+      wordlength = 0
+      charcount = i
+   else
+      wordlength = wordlength + 1
+   endif
+! check to make sure there are 6 metadata items and 49 data items 
+! in the data file metadata record.
+if ( columncount /= 54 ) then
+  write(string1,*)'Did not find all the required column separators.'
+  write(string2,*)'Found ',columncount,'expected 54.'
+  write(string3,*)'Require 6 to separate metadata and 48 to identify the 49 data records.'
+  call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_data_header',string1, &
+             source, revision, revdate, text2=string2, text3=string3)
+! There is one more column after the last comma
+columns(columncount+1) = input_line((charcount+1):len_trim(input_line))
+! Finally get to the task at hand
+modis%HDFnameindex     = Match( columns, modis%HDFnamestring )
+modis%Productindex     = Match( columns, modis%Productstring )
+modis%Dateindex        = Match( columns, modis%Datestring )
+modis%Siteindex        = Match( columns, modis%Sitestring )
+modis%ProcessDateindex = Match( columns, modis%ProcessDatestring )
+modis%Bandindex        = Match( columns, modis%Bandstring )
+! Check to make sure we got all the indices we need
+qc( 1) = CheckIndex( modis%HDFnameindex,     trim(modis%HDFnamestring) )
+qc( 2) = CheckIndex( modis%Productindex,     trim(modis%Productstring) )
+qc( 3) = CheckIndex( modis%Dateindex,        trim(modis%Datestring) )
+qc( 4) = CheckIndex( modis%Siteindex,        trim(modis%Sitestring) )
+qc( 5) = CheckIndex( modis%ProcessDateindex, trim(modis%ProcessDatestring) )
+qc( 6) = CheckIndex( modis%Bandindex,        trim(modis%Bandstring) )
+if (any(qc /= 0) ) then
+  write(string1,*)'Did not find all the required column indices.'
+  call error_handler(E_ERR,'decode_data_header',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+end subroutine decode_data_header
+function   get_metadata(observation_site)
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: observation_site
+integer :: get_metadata
+integer :: istation
+character(len=40) :: x,y
+get_metadata = -1
+StationLoop: do istation = 1,metadata%nstations
+   x = trim(metadata%modis_site_id(istation))
+   y = trim(observation_site)
+   if (x == y) then
+      get_metadata = istation
+      exit StationLoop
+   endif
+enddo StationLoop
+end function get_metadata
+function CountChar(str1,solo)
+! Count the number of instances of the single character in a character string.
+! useful when parsing a comma-separated list, for example.
+! Count the commas and add 1 to get the number of items in the list.
+integer                      :: CountChar
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: str1
+character,        intent(in) :: solo
+integer :: i
+CountChar = 0
+do i = 1,len_trim(str1)
+   if (str1(i:i) == solo) CountChar = CountChar + 1
+end function CountChar
+function Match(sentence,word)
+! Determine the first occurrence of the 'word' in a sentence.
+! In this context, a sentence is a character array, the dimension
+! of the array is the number of words in the sentence.
+! This is a case-sensitive match. Trailing blanks are removed.
+integer :: Match
+character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sentence
+character(len=*),               intent(in) :: word
+integer :: i
+Match = 0
+WordLoop : do i = 1,size(sentence)
+   if (trim(sentence(i)) == trim(word)) then
+      Match = i
+      return
+   endif
+enddo WordLoop
+end function Match
+function CheckIndex( myindex, context )
+! Routine to issue a warning if the index was not found.
+! Returns an error code ... 0 means the index WAS found
+! a negative number means the index was NOT found - an error condition.
+! I want to check ALL the indexes before fatally ending.
+integer                       :: CheckIndex
+integer,          intent(in)  :: myindex
+character(len=*), intent(in)  :: context
+if (myindex == 0) then
+   write(string1,*)'Did not find column header matching ',trim(context)
+   call error_handler(E_MSG,'decode_data_header:CheckIndex',string1 )
+   CheckIndex = -1 ! not a good thing
+   CheckIndex = 0  ! Good to go
+end function CheckIndex
+subroutine stringparse( myline, linenum )
+! just chunk it
+character(len=*), intent(in) :: myline
+integer,          intent(in) :: linenum
+character(len=80), dimension(6) :: column_names
+integer :: iyear, idoy
+type(time_type) :: time0, time1
+modisrecord%ivalues(:) = MISSING_R8
+read(myline,*,iostat=rcio) column_names, modisrecord%ivalues
+if (rcio /= 0) then
+   write(string1,*)'Cannot parse line',linenum,'. Begins <',trim(myline(1:40)),'>'
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'stringparse',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+modisrecord%HDFname     = trim(column_names(modis%HDFnameindex))
+modisrecord%Product     = trim(column_names(modis%Productindex))
+modisrecord%Date        = trim(column_names(modis%Dateindex))
+modisrecord%Site        = trim(column_names(modis%Siteindex))
+modisrecord%ProcessDate = trim(column_names(modis%ProcessDateindex))
+modisrecord%Band        = trim(column_names(modis%Bandindex))
+! These are 8 day composite values. I cannot determine if the Date is
+! the center of the 8 day composite, the beginning, the end ... 
+! is [DDD] modulo [0,365] or [1,366] ... FIXME
+time0   = set_date(iyear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
+time1   = set_time(0, idoy)
+modisrecord%time_obs = time0 + time1
+end subroutine stringparse
+function qc_and_scale( myrecord )
+! Checks the appropriate QC values for the value in question
+! and converts 'good' values to proper units as referenced in:
+! https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/sites/default/files/public/modis/docs/MODIS-LAI-FPAR-User-Guide.pdf
+type(record_type), intent(in) :: myrecord
+real(r8) :: qc_and_scale
+real(r8) :: value
+qc_and_scale = MISSING_R8
+value = real(myrecord%ivalues(25),r8)
+select case ( myrecord%Band )
+case ('FparLai_QC')     ! Class flag
+   qc_and_scale = value
+case ('FparStdDev_1km') ! dimensionless
+   if (value < 248) qc_and_scale = value * 0.01_r8
+case ('Fpar_1km')       ! dimensionless
+   if (value < 249) qc_and_scale = value * 0.01_r8
+case ('LaiStdDev_1km')  ! dimensionless
+   if (value < 248) qc_and_scale = value * 0.1_r8
+case ('Lai_1km')        ! dimensionless
+   if (value < 249) qc_and_scale = value * 0.1_r8
+case default
+   write(string1,*)'Did not match <',trim(myrecord%Band),'>'
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'qc_and_scale',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+end select
+end function qc_and_scale
+subroutine init_record( myrecord )
+type(record_type), intent(out) :: myrecord
+myrecord%HDFname     = 'null'
+myrecord%Product     = 'null'
+myrecord%Date        = 'null'
+myrecord%Site        = 'null'
+myrecord%ProcessDate = 'null'
+myrecord%Band        = 'null'
+myrecord%ivalues(:)  = MISSING_R8
+myrecord%time_obs    = set_time(0,0)
+end subroutine init_record
+subroutine stow_observation()
+! so by now, everything should be in the modis structure
+real(r8) :: oerr, qc, obval
+integer  :: oday, osec
+integer  :: bob, bits567
+if (verbose) then
+   call print_date(modis%time_obs)
+   write(*,*) 'FparExtra_QC is ', modis%FparExtra_QC
+   write(*,*) 'FparLai_QC   is ', modis%FparLai_QC
+   write(*,*) 'FparStdDev   is ', modis%FparStdDev
+   write(*,*) 'Fpar         is ', modis%Fpar
+   write(*,*) 'LaiStdDev    is ', modis%LaiStdDev
+   write(*,*) 'Lai          is ', modis%Lai
+   write(*,*)
+! QC flags are binary-coded ascii strings e.g., 10011101
+! bits 5,6,7 (the last three) are decoded as follows:
+! 000 ... Main(RT) method used, best result possible (no saturation)
+! 001 ... Main(RT) method used with saturation, Good, very usable
+! 010 ... Main(RT) method failed due to bad geometry, empirical algorithm used
+! 011 ... Main(RT) method failed due to other problems
+! 100 ... pixel not produced at all
+! relying on integer arithmetic
+bob = 1000 * (modis%FparLai_QC / 1000)
+bits567   =   modis%FparLai_QC - bob
+! TJH-OK write(*,*)'modis%FparLai_QC and last 3',modis%FparLai_QC, bits567
+if (bits567 > maxgoodqc) then
+   modis%Fpar = MISSING_R8
+   modis%Lai  = MISSING_R8
+call get_time(modis%time_obs, osec, oday)
+if ( (modis%Fpar /= MISSING_R8) .and. (modis%FparStdDev /= MISSING_R8) ) then
+   ! Check to make sure all Fpar observations are for the same time
+   if ( (modis%Fpar_time /= modis%FparLai_QC_time)   .or. &
+        (modis%Fpar_time /= modis%FparStdDev_time) ) then
+      call print_time(modis%Fpar_time,        str='Fpar_time')
+      call print_time(modis%FparLai_QC_time,  str='FparLai_QC_time')
+      call print_time(modis%FparStdDev_time,  str='FparStdDev_time')
+      write(string1,*)'All Fpar times did not match.'
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'stow_observation',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+   qc    = real(bits567,r8)
+   obval = modis%Fpar
+   oerr  = min(0.1_r8, (modis%FparStdDev*modis%Fpar))
+   call create_3d_obs(latitude, longitude, 0.0_r8, VERTISSURFACE, obval, &
+               MODIS_FPAR, oerr, oday, osec, qc, obs)
+   call add_obs_to_seq(obs_seq, obs, modis%time_obs, prev_obs, prev_time, first_obs)
+if ( (modis%Lai /= MISSING_R8) .and. (modis%LaiStdDev /= MISSING_R8) ) then
+   ! Check to make sure all Lai observations are for the same time
+   if ( (modis%Lai_time /= modis%FparLai_QC_time) .or. &
+        (modis%Lai_time /= modis%LaiStdDev_time) ) then
+      call print_time(modis%Lai_time,        str='Lai_time')
+      call print_time(modis%FparLai_QC_time, str='FparLai_QC_time')
+      call print_time(modis%LaiStdDev_time,  str='LaiStdDev_time')
+      write(string1,*)'All Lai times did not match.'
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'stow_observation',string1, source, revision, revdate)
+   endif
+   qc    = real(bits567,r8)
+   obval = modis%Lai
+   oerr  = min(0.1_r8, modis%LaiStdDev)
+   call create_3d_obs(latitude, longitude, 0.0_r8, VERTISSURFACE, obval, &
+               MODIS_LEAF_AREA_INDEX, oerr, oday, osec, qc, obs)
+   call add_obs_to_seq(obs_seq, obs, modis%time_obs, prev_obs, prev_time, first_obs)
+! Time to reinitialize the modis structure data values
+modis%FparExtra_QC      = MISSING_R8
+modis%FparExtra_QC_time = set_time(0,0)
+modis%FparLai_QC        = MISSING_R8
+modis%FparLai_QC_time   = set_time(0,0)
+modis%FparStdDev        = MISSING_R8
+modis%FparStdDev_time   = set_time(0,0)
+modis%Fpar              = MISSING_R8
+modis%Fpar_time         = set_time(0,0)
+modis%LaiStdDev         = MISSING_R8
+modis%LaiStdDev_time    = set_time(0,0)
+modis%Lai               = MISSING_R8
+modis%Lai_time          = set_time(0,0)
+end subroutine stow_observation
+subroutine SetWordPositions( bigstring, solo, positions )
+character(len=*),        intent(in)  :: bigstring
+character,               intent(in)  :: solo
+integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: positions
+integer :: nwords
+integer :: i, iword
+nwords = size(positions,1)
+iword = 1 
+positions(iword,1) = 1
+! First, simply count up the number of delimiters 
+do i = 1,len_trim(bigstring)
+   if (bigstring(i:i) == solo) then
+      positions(iword,2) = i-1
+      iword = iword + 1
+      positions(iword,1) = i+1
+   endif
+positions(iword,2) = len_trim(bigstring)
+if ( 0 == 99 ) then  ! Test. Passes with gfortran compiler
+   write(*,*)'There are ',nwords,' in this line: '
+   write(*,*)'[',trim(bigstring),']'
+   do i = 1,nwords
+      write(*,*)'word ',i,' is [',bigstring(positions(i,1):positions(i,2)),']'
+   enddo
+end subroutine SetWordPositions
+end program MOD15A2_to_obs
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$

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+<H1>PROGRAM <em class=program>MOD15A2_to_obs</em></H1>
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+          <small><small>version information for this file: <br />
+          <!-- version tag follows, do not edit -->
+          $Id$</small></small>
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+<A HREF="#Namelist">NAMELIST</A> /
+<A HREF="#DataSources">DATA SOURCES</A> /
+<A HREF="#Programs">PROGRAMS</A> /
+<A HREF="#Decisions">DECISIONS</A> /
+<A HREF="#References">REFERENCES</A> /
+<A HREF="#Errors">ERRORS</A> /
+<A HREF="#FuturePlans">PLANS</A> /
+<A HREF="#Legalese">TERMS OF USE</A>
+<H4> MODIS Land Product Subsets (Collection 5)
+to DART Observation Sequence Converter</H4>
+<P>This routine is designed to convert the
+<a href="http://daac.ornl.gov/MODIS/modis.shtml">MODIS Land Product Subsets</a> data
+of Leaf Area Index (<strong>LAI</strong>) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active
+Radiation (<strong>FPAR</strong>) 8 day composite [MOD15A2] to a DART observation
+sequence file.
+According to the <a href="https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/sites/default/files/public/modis/docs/MODIS-LAI-FPAR-User-Guide.pdf">MODIS LAI/FPAR Product User's Guide</a>:</P>
+<blockquote>Leaf area index (LAI; dimensionless) is defined as the one-sided green leaf 
+area per unit ground area in broadleaf canopies and as one-half the total needle 
+surface area per unit ground area in coniferous canopies.
+<br />
+<br />
+Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation absorbed by vegetation 
+(FPAR; dimensionless) is defined as the fraction of incident photosynthetically 
+active radiation (400-700 nm) absorbed by the green elements of a vegetation canopy.
+<P>Specifically, the composites are comma-separated-values (.csv format) ASCII files
+where each line is a record. The input <em class=file>.csv</em> files are directly 
+from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory <a href="http://daac.ornl.gov">DAAC</a>.
+There are two streams to download the data formats we support,
+they differ only in the very first line of the file. One of the formats has a header
+record, the other does not. Other than that, the file formats are identical. The format
+with the header record is fully described in
+<a href="http://daac.ornl.gov/MODIS/Data_File_Description_fixed_sites.html">
+Please remember to cite the data in your publications, 
+<a href="https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/about/citing_lp_daac_and_data">specific instructions from LP DAAC are available here.</a> This is an example:

@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@

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