[Dart-dev] [6896] DART/trunk/models/cam: These are historically useful, but are also contained in the sourcemod tar files

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Apr 17 15:05:44 MDT 2014

Revision: 6896
Author:   thoar
Date:     2014-04-17 15:05:44 -0600 (Thu, 17 Apr 2014)
Log Message:
These are historically useful, but are also contained in the sourcemod tar files 
available at http://www.image.ucar.edu/pub/DART/CAM/

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: DART/trunk/models/cam/controlMod.F90
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/controlMod.F90	2014-04-17 21:03:03 UTC (rev 6895)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/controlMod.F90	2014-04-17 21:05:44 UTC (rev 6896)
@@ -1,856 +0,0 @@
-! This code may (or may not) be part of the CESM distribution,
-! So it is not protected by the DART copyright agreement.
-! DART $Id$
-#include <misc.h>
-#include <preproc.h>
-module controlMod
-  use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
-  use clm_varpar        !parameter statements 
-  use clm_varctl        !run control variables 
-  use histFileMod       !history file variables
-  use spmdMod           !spmd routines and variables
-  implicit none
-! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
-character(len=256), parameter :: source   = &
-   "$URL$"
-character(len=32 ), parameter :: revision = "$Revision$"
-character(len=128), parameter :: revdate  = "$Date$"
-  save
-! Namelist variables only used locally
-  integer :: hist_ndens                         !output density of netcdf history files
-  logical :: mkfsurdat                          !true => make surface data from raw data
-  character(len=256) :: rpntpath                !full UNIX pathname of restart pointer file
-  character(len=  7) :: runtyp(4)               !run type
-  character(len  =8) :: hist_fldaux1(maxalflds) !fields for first  auxillary history file
-  character(len  =8) :: hist_fldaux2(maxalflds) !fields for second auxillary history file
-#if (defined COUP_CSM)
-  integer :: csm_dtime  !value passed to coupler on initialization set to namelist input 
-                        !consistency check done later that restart file gives same value
-  subroutine control_init (cam_caseid , cam_ctitle, cam_irad , cam_nsrest, &
-                           cam_crtinic, cam_nhtfrq, cam_mfilt, cam_irt )
-! Purpose: 
-! initialize run control variables 
-! Method: 
-! When running in cam mode, the base calendar info, nstep, nestep, 
-! nsrest, and time step are input to the land model from CAM. 
-! The values in the clmexp namelist are not used. The minimum 
-! namelist parameters are:
-!    o fsurdat
-!    o finidat
-!    o fpftcon 
-! When running in offline or csm mode, the minimum namelist parameters are:
-!    o nsrest
-!    o nestep or nelapse
-!    o fsurdat
-!    o finidat
-!    o dtime
-! Author: Mariana Vertenstein
-#if (defined OFFLINE) || (defined COUP_CSM)
-  use time_manager, only : calendar, dtime, nestep, nelapse, start_ymd, &
-                           start_tod, stop_ymd, stop_tod, ref_ymd, ref_tod
-  use time_manager, only : get_step_size
-! ------------------------ includes ------------------------------------
-    include 'netcdf.inc'
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ------------------------ arguments -----------------------------------
-    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: cam_caseid    !cam caseid
-    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: cam_ctitle    !cam title
-    integer         , optional, intent(in) :: cam_irad      !cam radiation frequency
-    integer         , optional, intent(in) :: cam_nsrest    !cam run type
-    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: cam_crtinic   !cam initial dataset frequency
-    integer         , optional, intent(in) :: cam_nhtfrq    !cam history write freq for tape 1
-    integer         , optional, intent(in) :: cam_mfilt     !cam number of files per tape for tape 1
-    integer         , optional, intent(in) :: cam_irt       !cam mss retention time
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ------------------------ local variables -----------------------------
-    character(len=256) :: homedir   !full UNIX filepath name of home directory
-    character(len=256) :: logid     !logid part of file path name
-    character(len=256) :: cap       !upper case logid
-    character(len=  1) :: ctmp      !character temporary
-    integer :: i,j,n                !loop indices
-    integer :: iundef               !integer undefined value
-    real(r8):: rundef               !real undefined value
-    integer :: ierr                 !error code
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------
-#if (defined COUP_CAM)
-! The following can be read in but are overwritten with values from the
-! cam time_manager module - consequently they are only declared as local 
-! variables here
-    integer :: dtime      ! timestep in seconds
-    integer :: nestep     ! final timestep (or day if negative) number
-    integer :: nelapse    ! number of timesteps (or days if negative) to extend a run
-    integer :: start_ymd  ! starting date for run in yearmmdd format
-    integer :: start_tod  ! starting time of day for run in seconds
-    integer :: stop_ymd   ! stopping date for run in yearmmdd format
-    integer :: stop_tod   ! stopping time of day for run in seconds
-    integer :: ref_ymd    ! reference date for time coordinate in yearmmdd format
-    integer :: ref_tod    ! reference time of day for time coordinate in seconds
-    character(len=32) :: calendar ! Calendar in date calculations ('NO_LEAP' or 'GREGORIAN')
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! ------------------------ namelist variables --------------------------
-    namelist /clmexp/  &
-         ctitle, caseid, nsrest,  &
-         calendar, dtime, nelapse, nestep, start_ymd, start_tod,  &
-         stop_ymd, stop_tod, ref_ymd, ref_tod, &
-         nrevsn, rpntpath, hist_ndens, hist_dov2xy, &
-         hist_nhtfrq, hist_mfilt, hist_fldadd, &
-         hist_chntyp, hist_fldaux1, hist_fldaux2, hist_crtinic, &
-         archive_dir, mss_wpass, mss_irt, &
-         finidat, fsurdat, fpftcon, frivinp_rtm, offline_atmdir, &
-         mksrf_fvegtyp, mksrf_fsoitex, mksrf_fsoicol, mksrf_flanwat, &
-         mksrf_fglacier, mksrf_furban, mksrf_flai, mksrf_offline_fgrid, &
-         mksrf_offline_edgen, mksrf_offline_edgee, mksrf_offline_edges, &
-         mksrf_offline_edgew, mksrf_offline_fnavyoro, &
-         conchk, irad, wrtdia, csm_doflxave, rtm_nsteps 
-! === define run =======================
-!    o caseid     = 32 character case name
-!    o ctitle     = 80 character case title
-!    o nsrest     = integer flag. 0: initial run. 1: restart: 3: branch
-! === model time =======================
-!    o dtime      = real model time step (s)
-!    o calendar   = Calendar to use in date calculations. 
-!                  'no_leap' (default) or 'gregorian'
-!    o start_ymd  = Starting date for run encoded in yearmmdd format.  
-!                   Default value is read from initial conditions file.
-!    o start_tod  = Starting time of day for run in seconds since 0Z.  
-!                   Default value is read from initial conditions file.
-!    o stop_ymd   = Stopping date for run encoded in yearmmdd format.  
-!                   No default.
-!    o stop_tod   = Stopping time of day for run in seconds since 0Z.  
-!                   Default: 0.
-!    o nelapse    = nnn, Specify the ending time for the run as an interval
-!                   starting at the current time in either timesteps
-!                   (if positive) or days (if negative).
-!                   Either nestep or (stop_ymd,stop_tod) take precedence.
-!    o nestep     = nnnn, Specify the ending time for the run as an interval
-!                   starting at (start_ymd,start_tod) in either timesteps
-!                   (if positive) or days (if negative).
-!                   (stop_ymd,stop_tod) takes precedence if set.
-!    o ref_ymd    = Reference date for time coordinate encoded in yearmmdd format.
-!                   Default value is start_ymd.
-!    o ref_tod    = Reference time of day for time coordinate in seconds since 0Z.
-!                   Default value is start_tod.
-! === input data ===
-!    o finidat         = 256 character initial conditions file name
-!    o fsurdat         = 256 character surface data file name
-!    o fpftcon         = 256 character data file with PFT physiological constants
-!    o frivinp_rtm     = 256 character input data file for rtm
-!    o nrevsn          = 256 character restart file name for use with branch run
-! === offline forcing data ===
-!    o offline_atmdir  = 256 character directory for input atm data files (can be Mass Store)
-! === input data when making surface data [fsurdat] ===
-!    o mksrf_offline_fgrid   = offline - land grid dataset to use instead of generating grid 
-!    o mksrf_offline_fnavyoro= offline - 20 min navy orography dataset
-!    o mksrf_offline_edgen   = offline - northern edge of grid (degrees): >  -90 and <= 90
-!    o mksrf_offline_edgee   = offline - eastern edge of grid (degrees) : see following notes
-!    o mksrf_offline_edges   = offline - southern edge of grid (degrees): >= -90 and <  90
-!    o mksrf_offline_edgew   = offline - western edge of grid (degrees) : see following notes
-!    o mksrf_fvegtyp         = 256 character vegetation type data file name
-!    o mksrf_fsoitex         = 256 character soil texture data file name
-!    o mksrf_fsoicol         = 256 character soil color data file name
-!    o mksrf_flanwat         = 256 character inland water data file name
-!    o mksrf_furban          = 256 character urban data file name
-!    o mksrf_fglacier        = 256 character glacier data file name
-!    o mksrf_flai            = 256 character lai data file file name
-! === history and restart files ===
-!    o hist_ndens    = integer, can have value of 1 (nc_double) or 2 (nf_float) 
-!    o hist_dov2xy   = true if want grid-average history field (false = vector)
-!    o hist_nhtfrq   = integer history interval (+ = iterations,  - = hours, 0=monthly ave)
-!    o hist_mfilt    = integer number of time samples per history file
-!    o hist_fldadd   = 8 character name of fields to change to active 
-!    o hist_chntyp   = paired 8 character field name and field type. 
-!                      OVERRIDES default settings in routine histlst(e.g., 'TV','maximum')
-!    o hist_fldaux1  = 8 character name of fields for first  auxillary history file
-!    o hist_fldaux2  = 8 character name of fields for second auxillary history file
-!    o hist_crtinic  = 8 character frequency to generate initial dataset
-!                      can be set to 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY' or 'NONE'.
-! kdr                  added 'ENDOFRUN' option for data assim, as in cam source
-!    o rpntpath      = 256 character full UNIX pathname of the local restart pointer 
-!                      file. This file must exist when the model is restarted. This 
-!                      file is overwritten and updated every time new restart data 
-!                      files are output. 
-! === long term archiving =====
-!    o archive_dir = 256 character long term archive directory (can be MSS directory)
-!    o mss_irt     = integer mass store retention period (days)
-!    o mss_wpass   = 8 character mass store write password for output data sets
-! === model physics ===
-!    o conchk     = true if want error energy and water conservation checks
-!    o irad       = integer solar radiation frequency (+ = iteration. - = hour)
-!    o wrtdia     = true if want output written
-!    o csm_doflxave = true => flux averaging is to be performed (only used for csm mode)
-! === rtm control variables ===
-!    o rtm_nsteps  = if > 1, average rtm over rtm_nsteps time steps  
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if (masterproc) then          
-       write(6,*) 'Attempting to initialize run control settings .....'
-    endif
-    runtyp(0 + 1) = 'initial'
-    runtyp(1 + 1) = 'restart'
-    runtyp(3 + 1) = 'branch '
-    iundef = -9999999
-    rundef = -9999999.
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Default values
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! control variables
-    caseid  = ' '
-    ctitle  = ' '
-    nsrest  = iundef
-! initial data
-    fsurdat = ' '
-    finidat = ' '
-    fpftcon = ' '
-    frivinp_rtm = ' '
-    nrevsn  = ' '
-! offline mode
-    offline_atmdir   = ' '
-! surface generation 
-    mksrf_offline_fgrid    = ' '
-    mksrf_offline_fnavyoro = ' '
-    mksrf_offline_edgen    =   90.
-    mksrf_offline_edgee    =  180.
-    mksrf_offline_edges    =  -90.
-    mksrf_offline_edgew    = -180.
-    mksrf_fvegtyp  = ' '
-    mksrf_fsoitex  = ' '
-    mksrf_fsoicol  = ' '
-    mksrf_flanwat  = ' '
-    mksrf_furban   = ' '
-    mksrf_fglacier = ' '
-    mksrf_flai     = ' '
-! long term archive settings
-    archive_dir = ' '
-    mss_irt = 0
-    mss_wpass = ' '
-! history file variables
-    hist_ndens  = 1	
-    hist_dov2xy(1) = .true.
-    hist_dov2xy(2:maxhist) = .true.
-    hist_nhtfrq(1) = -24
-    hist_nhtfrq(2:maxhist) = iundef
-    hist_mfilt(1) = 1
-    hist_mfilt(2:maxhist)  = iundef
-    hist_fldadd(:) = ' '
-    hist_chntyp(:,:) = ' '
-    hist_fldaux1(:) = ' '
-    hist_fldaux2(:) = ' '
-    hist_crtinic = 'YEARLY'
-    rpntpath = 'not_specified' 
-! other namelist variables
-    irad = -1
-    conchk = .true.
-    wrtdia = .false.
-    csm_doflxave = .true.
-! RTM control variables 
-#if (defined RTM)
-    rtm_nsteps = (3600*3)/dtime ! 3 hours
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Read namelist from standard input. Override if coupled to CAM
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if (masterproc) then
-       read(5, clmexp, iostat=ierr)
-       if (ierr /= 0) then
-          if (masterproc) then
-             write(6,*)'error: namelist input resulted in error code ',ierr
-          endif
-          call endrun
-       endif
-    endif
-#if (defined COUP_CAM)
-    caseid  = cam_caseid
-    ctitle  = cam_ctitle 
-    irad    = cam_irad
-    nsrest  = cam_nsrest
-    hist_crtinic  = cam_crtinic
-#if (defined PERGRO)    
-    hist_nhtfrq(1) = -48
-    hist_nhtfrq(1) = cam_nhtfrq
-    hist_mfilt(1) = cam_mfilt
-    mss_irt = cam_irt    
-#if (defined OFFLINE) 
-    if (fsurdat == ' ') then
-       if (mksrf_offline_fnavyoro /= ' ' .and. mksrf_offline_fgrid /= ' ') then
-          if (masterproc) then
-             write(6,*) 'cannot set both MKSRF_OFFLINE_FNAVYORO and MKSRF_OFFLINE_FGRID'
-          endif
-          call endrun
-       endif
-       if (mksrf_offline_fgrid /= ' ') then  ! must have global grid (overwrite namelist values)
-          mksrf_offline_edgen =   90.
-          mksrf_offline_edgee =  180.
-          mksrf_offline_edges =  -90.
-          mksrf_offline_edgew = -180.
-       endif
-    endif
-!if archive directory not input in namelist - set default from caseid
-    if (archive_dir == ' ') then
-       logid  = ' '
-       call getenv ('LOGNAME', logid)
-       if (logid(1:1) == ' ') then
-          write (6,*) 'error: logname not defined'
-          call endrun
-       end if
-       cap = ' '
-       do i = 1, len_trim(logid)
-          cap(i:i) = logid(i:i)
-          ctmp = cap(i:i)
-          if (ichar(logid(i:i))>=97 .and. ichar(logid(i:i))<=122) then
-             cap(i:i) = char(ichar(ctmp) - 32)
-          endif
-       end do
-       archive_dir = '/' // trim(cap) // '/csm/' // trim(caseid) // '/lnd' 
-    end if
-#if (defined SPMD)
-    call control_spmd()
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Define run 
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Determine run type
-    if (nsrest == iundef) then
-       if (masterproc) write(6,*) 'error: must set nsrest'
-       call endrun
-    end if
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Surface data
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if (fsurdat == ' ') then
-       mkfsurdat = .true.
-    else
-       mkfsurdat = .false.
-    endif
-    if (mkfsurdat) then
-       if (mksrf_fvegtyp  == ' ' .or. &
-           mksrf_fsoitex  == ' ' .or. &
-           mksrf_fsoicol  == ' ' .or. &
-           mksrf_flanwat  == ' ' .or. &
-           mksrf_furban   == ' ' .or. &
-           mksrf_fglacier == ' ' .or. &
-           mksrf_flai     == ' ') then
-          if (masterproc) then
-             write(6,*) 'error: need to set data file name'
-             write(6,*)'mksrf_fvegtyp = ',mksrf_fvegtyp
-             write(6,*)'mksrf_fsoitex = ',mksrf_fsoitex
-             write(6,*)'mksrf_fsoicol = ',mksrf_fsoicol
-             write(6,*)'mksrf_flanwat = ',mksrf_flanwat
-             write(6,*)'mksrf_furban  = ',mksrf_furban
-             write(6,*)'mksrf_fglacier= ',mksrf_fglacier
-             write(6,*)'mksrf_flai    = ',mksrf_flai
-          endif
-          call endrun
-       end if
-       if (nsrest > 0) then
-          if (masterproc) then
-             write(6,*) 'error: can not make surface data ', &
-                  'during a continuation run'
-          endif
-          call endrun
-       end if
-       if (finidat /= ' ') then
-          if (masterproc) then
-             write(6,*) 'error: can not make surface data ', &
-                  'when finidat is already specified'
-             write(6,*) 'set finidat to empty string in namelist' 
-          endif
-          call endrun
-       end if
-    end if
-#if (defined OFFLINE)
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Offline data
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    if (masterproc .and. offline_atmdir == ' ') then 
-       if (masterproc) then
-          write(6,*)'error: atmos  input data file must be specified'
-       endif
-       call endrun
-    endif
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Model physics
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if (defined COUP_CAM)
-!time manager initialization done in cam code
-    dtime = get_step_size() 
-#elif (defined COUP_CSM)
-!upon restart dtime not read in from restart file until after
-!initial information sent to coupler - need to set it to namelist
-!value here and do consistency check in routine restrd.
-    csm_dtime = dtime
-    if (irad < 0) irad = nint(-irad*3600./dtime)
-#if (defined COUP_CSM)
-    if (csm_doflxave .and. irad ==1 ) then
-       if (masterproc) then
-          write(6,*)'error: irad must be greater that one if', &
-            ' flux averaging option is enabled'
-       endif
-       call endrun
-    endif
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! History and restart files 
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    mss_irt = min(mss_irt,1825)
-    fldaux(:,:) = ' '
-    if (maxhist-1 > 3) then
-       if (masterproc) write(6,*) 'CLM_CTLI error: must create additional fldaux'
-       call endrun
-    end if
-    do j = 1, maxhist-1
-       do i = 1, maxalflds
-          if (j == 1) fldaux(i,j) = hist_fldaux1(i)
-          if (j == 2) fldaux(i,j) = hist_fldaux2(i)
-       end do
-    end do
-    nhist = 0
-    do j = 1, maxhist-1
-       do i = 1, maxalflds
-          if (fldaux(i,j) /= ' ') nhist = j
-       end do
-    end do
-    nhist = nhist + 1
-    do i = 1, nhist
-       if (hist_mfilt(i) == iundef ) then
-          if (masterproc) then
-             write(6,*)'error: must set hist_mfilt for file ',i
-          endif
-          call endrun
-       end if
-       if (hist_nhtfrq(i) == iundef) then
-          if (masterproc) then
-             write(6,*)'error: must set hist_nhtfrq for file ',i
-          endif
-          call endrun
-       else if (hist_nhtfrq(i) < 0) then
-          hist_nhtfrq(i) = nint(-hist_nhtfrq(i)*SHR_CONST_CDAY/(24.*dtime))
-       endif
-    end do
-    if (hist_ndens == 1) then
-       ncprec = nf_double
-    else if (hist_ndens == 2) then
-       ncprec = nf_float
-    else
-       if (masterproc) then
-          write(6,*)'error: history tape hist_ndens must be 1 or 2'
-       endif
-       call endrun
-    end if
-    if (rpntpath == 'not_specified') then
-       call getenv ('HOME', homedir)
-       rpntpath = trim(homedir)//'/lnd.'//trim(caseid)//'.rpointer'
-    endif
-    do i = 1, nhist
-       if (hist_nhtfrq(i)==0) then
-          hist_mfilt(i) = 1
-       endif
-    end do
-    if (nsrest == 0) nrevsn = ' '
-    if (nsrest == 1) nrevsn = 'set by restart pointer file file'
-    if (nsrest == 3 .and. nrevsn == ' ') then
-       if (masterproc) write(6,*) 'error: need to set restart data file name' 
-       call endrun
-    end if
-!kdr orig;    if (trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'MONTHLY' .and. trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'YEARLY') then 
-    if (trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'MONTHLY' .and. trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'YEARLY' &
-        .and. trim(hist_crtinic) /= 'ENDOFRUN') then 
-       hist_crtinic = 'NONE'
-    endif
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Restart pointer file
-! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! split the full pathname of the restart pointer file into a 
-! directory name and a file name
-! check if the directory exists and if not, make it 
-    rpntdir = ' '
-    rpntfil = ' '
-    do n = len_trim(rpntpath),0,-1     
-       if (rpntpath(n:n) ==  '/') then
-          rpntdir = rpntpath(1:n-1)
-          rpntfil = rpntpath(n+1:len_trim(rpntpath))
-          go to 100
-       endif
-    enddo
-    rpntdir = '.'        ! no "/" found, set path = "."
-    rpntfil = rpntpath   ! no "/" found, use whole input string.
-100 continue
-    if (masterproc) then
-       write(6,*) 'Successfully initialized run control settings'
-       write(6,*)
-    endif
-    return
-  end subroutine control_init
-#if (defined SPMD)
-  subroutine control_spmd()
-! Purpose: 
-! Distribute namelist data all processors. The cpp SPMD definition 
-! provides for the funnelling of all program i/o through the master 
-! processor. Processor 0 either reads restart/history data from the 
-! disk and distributes it to all processors, or collects data from 
-! all processors and writes it to disk.
-! Method: 
-! Author: Mariana Vertenstein
-#if (defined OFFLINE) || (defined COUP_CSM)
-    use time_manager, only : calendar, dtime, nestep, nelapse, start_ymd, &
-                             start_tod, stop_ymd, stop_tod, ref_ymd, ref_tod
-    use mpishorthand
-! ------------------------ local variables -----------------------------
-    integer ier       !error code
-! run control variables
-    call mpi_bcast (caseid, len(caseid), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (ctitle, len(ctitle), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (nsrest, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-#if (defined OFFLINE) || (defined COUP_CSM)
-    call mpi_bcast (nestep, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (nelapse, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (dtime, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (calendar, 32, mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (start_ymd, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (start_tod, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (stop_ymd, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (stop_tod, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (ref_ymd, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (ref_tod, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-! initial file variables
-    call mpi_bcast (nrevsn, len(nrevsn), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (finidat, len(finidat), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (fsurdat, len(fsurdat), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-#if (defined RTM)
-    call mpi_bcast (frivinp_rtm, len(frivinp_rtm), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-! surface dataset generation variables
-    if (fsurdat == ' ') then
-       call mpi_bcast (mksrf_fvegtyp, len(mksrf_fvegtyp), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-       call mpi_bcast (mksrf_fsoitex, len(mksrf_fsoitex), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-       call mpi_bcast (mksrf_fsoicol, len(mksrf_fsoicol), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-       call mpi_bcast (mksrf_flanwat, len(mksrf_flanwat), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-       call mpi_bcast (mksrf_furban, len(mksrf_furban), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-       call mpi_bcast (mksrf_fglacier, len(mksrf_fglacier), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-       call mpi_bcast (mksrf_flai, len(mksrf_flai), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    endif
-! physics variables
-    call mpi_bcast (conchk, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (irad, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (csm_doflxave, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (rtm_nsteps, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (wrtdia, 1, mpilog, 0, mpicom, ier)
-! history and restart file variables
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_dov2xy, size(hist_dov2xy), mpilog, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_nhtfrq, size(hist_nhtfrq), mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_mfilt, size(hist_mfilt), mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_ndens, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_chntyp, len(hist_chntyp(1,1))*size(hist_chntyp), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_fldadd, len(hist_fldadd(1))*size(hist_fldadd), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_fldaux1, len(hist_fldaux1(1))*size(hist_fldaux1), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_fldaux2, len(hist_fldaux2(1))*size(hist_fldaux2), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (hist_crtinic, len(hist_crtinic), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (rpntpath, len(rpntpath), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-! long term archiving variables
-    call mpi_bcast (mss_irt, 1, mpiint, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (mss_wpass, len(mss_wpass), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    call mpi_bcast (archive_dir, len(archive_dir), mpichar, 0, mpicom, ier)
-    return
-  end subroutine control_spmd
-  subroutine control_print
-! Purpose: 
-! Write out run control variables
-! Method: 
-! Author: Mariana Vertenstein
-! ------------------------ local variables -----------------------------
-    integer i  !loop index
-    write(6,*) 'define run:'
-    write(6,*) '   run type              = ',runtyp(nsrest+1)
-    write(6,*) '   case title            = ',trim(ctitle)
-    write(6,*) 'input data files:'
-    write(6,*) '   PFT physiology = ',trim(fpftcon)
-    if (mkfsurdat) then
-       write(6,*) '   generated surface dataset using raw data'
-       write(6,*) '     plant types  = ',trim(mksrf_fvegtyp)
-       write(6,*) '     inland water = ',trim(mksrf_flanwat)
-       write(6,*) '     glacier      = ',trim(mksrf_fglacier)
-       write(6,*) '     urban        = ',trim(mksrf_furban)
-       write(6,*) '     soil texture = ',trim(mksrf_fsoitex)
-       write(6,*) '     soil color   = ',trim(mksrf_fsoicol)
-       write(6,*) '     lai and sai  = ',trim(mksrf_flai)
-#if (defined OFFLINE)
-       if (mksrf_offline_fgrid /= ' ') then
-          write (6,*)'   land grid and mask obtained from = ',trim(mksrf_offline_fgrid)
-       endif
-       if (mksrf_offline_fnavyoro  /= ' ') then
-          write (6,*)'   land mask obtained obtained from = ',trim(mksrf_offline_fnavyoro)
-          write (6,*)'   regular grid is generated by model with'
-          write (6,*)'      northern edge (degrees)  = ',mksrf_offline_edgen
-          write (6,*)'      southern edge (degrees)  = ',mksrf_offline_edges
-          write (6,*)'      western  edge (degrees)  = ',mksrf_offline_edgew
-          write (6,*)'      eastern  edge (degrees)  = ',mksrf_offline_edgee
-       endif
-    else
-       write(6,*) '   surface data   = ',trim(fsurdat)
-    end if
-    if (nsrest == 0 .and. finidat == ' ') write(6,*) '   initial data created by model'
-    if (nsrest == 0 .and. finidat /= ' ') write(6,*) '   initial data   = ',trim(finidat)
-    if (nsrest /= 0) write(6,*) '   restart data   = ',trim(nrevsn)
-#if (defined OFFLINE)
-    if (offline_atmdir /= ' ') then
-       write(6,*) '   atmosperic forcing data    = ',trim(offline_atmdir) 
-    end if
-#elif (defined COUP_CAM)
-    write(6,*) '   atmosperhic forcing data is from cam model'
-#elif (defined COUP_CSM)
-    write(6,*) '   atmospheric forcint data is from csm flux coupler'
-#if (defined RTM)
-    if (frivinp_rtm /= ' ') write(6,*) '   RTM river data       = ',trim(frivinp_rtm)
-    write(6,*) 'history and restart parameters:'
-    if (hist_ndens == 1) then
-       write(6,*)'   history tape data will be double precision'
-    else if (hist_ndens == 2) then
-       write(6,*)'   history tape data will be single precision'
-    end if
-    write(6,101) (i,hist_dov2xy(i),i=1,nhist)
-    write(6,*) '   there will be ',nhist,' history files'
-    do i = 1, nhist
-       if (hist_nhtfrq(i)==0) then
-          write(6,*) '   history file ',i,' is monthly averaged'
-       else
-          write(6,*) '   history file ',i,' time interval (iterations)= ', hist_nhtfrq(i)
-       endif
-    end do
-    write(6,104) (i,hist_mfilt(i),i=1,nhist)
-    if (mss_irt /= 0) then 
-       write(6,*)'   mass store path                    = ',trim(archive_dir) 
-       write(6,*)'   mass store retention (days)        = ',mss_irt
-       write(6,*)'   mass store write password          = ',mss_wpass
-    endif
-    write(6,*)'   restart pointer file directory     = ',trim(rpntdir)
-    write(6,*)'   restart pointer file name          = ',trim(rpntfil)
-    if (hist_crtinic == 'MONTHLY') then
-       write(6,*)'initial datasets will be written monthly'
-    else if (hist_crtinic == 'YEARLY') then
-       write(6,*)'initial datasets will be written yearly'
-! kdr added for data assimilation
-    else if (hist_crtinic == 'ENDOFRUN') then
-       write(6,*)'initial datasets will be written at the end of the run'
-    else
-       write(6,*)'initial datasets will not be produced'
-    endif
-    write(6,*) 'model physics parameters:'
-#if (defined PERGRO)
-    write(6,*) '   flag for random perturbation test is set'
-    write(6,*) '   flag for random perturbation test is not set'
-    write(6,*) '   energy and water conservation checks   = ',conchk
-    write(6,*) '   solar radiation frequency (iterations) = ',irad
-#if (defined COUP_CSM)
-    write(6,*) 'communication with the flux coupler'
-    if (csm_doflxave) then
-       write(6,*)'    data will be sent to the flux coupler ', &
-            'only when an albedo calculation is performed '
-       write(6,*)'     fluxes will be averaged on steps where ', &
-            'communication with the flux coupler does not occur'
-    else
-       write(6,*)'    data will be sent and received to/from ', &
-            'the flux coupler at every time step except for nstep=1'
-    endif
-#if (defined RTM)
-    if (rtm_nsteps > 1) then
-       write(6,*)'river runoff calculation performed only every ',rtm_nsteps,' nsteps'
-    else
-       write(6,*)'river runoff calculation performed every time step'
-    endif
-    if (nsrest == 1) then
-       write(6,*) 'restart warning:'
-       write(6,*) '   Namelist not checked for agreement with initial run.'
-       write(6,*) '   Namelist should not differ except for ending time step and run type'
-    end if
-    if (nsrest == 3) then
-       write(6,*) 'branch warning:'
-       write(6,*) '   Namelist not checked for agreement with initial run.'
-       write(6,*) '   Surface data set and reference date should not differ from initial run'
-    end if
-#if (defined COUP_CSM)       
-    write(6,*) '   last time step determined by flux coupler'
-101 format (1x,'   history fields are grid-average    = ',4(i1,':',l1,' '))
-104 format (1x,'   time samples per history file      = ',4(i1,':',i2,' '))
-  end subroutine control_print
-end module controlMod
-! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-! $URL$
-! $Id$
-! $Revision$
-! $Date$

Deleted: DART/trunk/models/cam/history.F90
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/history.F90	2014-04-17 21:03:03 UTC (rev 6895)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/history.F90	2014-04-17 21:05:44 UTC (rev 6896)
@@ -1,5599 +0,0 @@
-! This code may (or may not) be part of the CESM distribution,
-! So it is not protected by the DART copyright agreement.
-! DART $Id$
-#include <misc.h>
-#include <params.h>
-module history
-! kdr; history.orig has original CAM code
-!      history.initwrite has modified code that output initial file
-!         at the end of the model run
-!      history.F90 now has changes to translate prog_var <-> vector
-! Purpose: History module.  Contains data and functions for writing history files.
-! Public functions/subroutines:
-!   addfld, add_default
-!   intht
-!   write_restart_history
-!   read_restart_history
-!   outfld
-!   wshist
-! Author: CCM Core Group
-   use utilities_mod, only : error_handler, E_ERR
-   use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, r4 => shr_kind_r4
-   use ppgrid,    only: pcols
-   use constituents, only: pcnst, pnats, cnst_name, cnst_longname
-   use tracers,   only: dcconnam, sflxnam
-   use filenames, only: mss_wpass, mss_irt, interpret_filename_spec, get_archivedir
-#if ( defined STAGGERED )
-   use pmgrid,    only: masterproc, beglat, endlat, plat, plon, plev, plevp, dyngrid_set, splon, beglev, endlev, endlevp
-   use pmgrid,    only: masterproc, beglat, endlat, plat, plon, plev, plevp, dyngrid_set
-   implicit none
-   include 'netcdf.inc'
-   integer, parameter :: pflds = 1000           ! max number of fields 
-   integer, parameter :: ptapes = 6             ! max number of tapes
-   integer, parameter :: max_chars = 128        ! max chars for char variables
-   real(r8), parameter :: fillvalue = 1.e36     ! fill value for reduced grid
-   type field_info
-      private
-      character*8 :: name                       ! field name
-      character*(max_chars) :: long_name        ! long name
-      character*(max_chars) :: units            ! units
-      integer :: coldimin                       ! column dimension of model array
-      integer :: numlev                         ! vertical dimension (.nc file and internal arr)
-      integer :: begver                         ! on-node vert start index
-      integer :: endver                         ! on-node vert end index
-      integer :: begdim3                        ! on-node chunk or lat start index
-      integer :: enddim3                        ! on-node chunk or lat end index
-      integer :: decomp_type                    ! type of decomposition (physics or dynamics)
-      integer, pointer :: colperdim3(:)         ! number of valid elements per chunk or lat
-   end type field_info
-! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
-character(len=256), parameter :: source   = &
-   "$URL$"
-character(len=32 ), parameter :: revision = "$Revision$"
-character(len=128), parameter :: revdate  = "$Date$"
-! master_entry: elements of an entry in the master field list
-   type master_entry
-      private
-      type (field_info)     :: field            ! field information
-      character*1           :: avgflag(ptapes)  ! averaging flag
-      character*(max_chars) :: time_op(ptapes)  ! time operator (e.g. max, min, avg)
-      logical               :: actflag(ptapes)  ! active/inactive flag
-   end type master_entry
-   type (master_entry) :: masterlist(pflds)     ! master field list
-! hbuffer_2d, hbuffer_3d: 2-D and 3-D history buffer pointers.
-!     Select either r4 or r8 kind buffer depending on hbuf_prec.
-   type hbuffer_2d
-      private
-      real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:)            ! 2-D history buffer for r8
-      real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:)            ! 2-D history buffer for r4
-   end type hbuffer_2d
-   type hbuffer_3d
-      private
-      real(r8), pointer :: buf8(:,:,:)          ! 3-D history buffer for r8
-      real(r4), pointer :: buf4(:,:,:)          ! 3-D history buffer for r4
-   end type hbuffer_3d
-! arrays served as targets for history pointers
-   integer,  target :: nothing_int(1,1)         ! 2-D integer target
-   real(r8), target :: nothing_r8(1,1,1)        ! 3-D r8 target
-   real(r4), target :: nothing_r4(1,1,1)        ! 3-D r4 target
-! hentry: elements of an entry in the list of active fields on a single history file
-   type hentry
-      private
-      type (field_info)     :: field            ! field information
-      character*1           :: avgflag          ! averaging flag
-      character*(max_chars) :: time_op          ! time operator (e.g. max, min, avg)
-      integer :: hbuf_prec                      ! history buffer precision
-      integer :: hwrt_prec                      ! history output precision
-      type (hbuffer_3d)   :: hbuf               ! history buffer
-      integer, pointer :: nacs(:,:)             ! accumulation counter
-   end type hentry
-! active_entry: vehicle for producing a ragged array
-   type active_entry
-      private
-      type (hentry) :: hlist(pflds)             ! array of history tape entries
-   end type active_entry
-   type (active_entry) :: tape(ptapes)          ! history tapes
-! dim_index_2d, dim_index_3d: 2-D & 3-D dimension index lower & upper bounds
-   type dim_index_2d                   ! 2-D dimension index
-      private
-      integer :: beg1, end1            ! lower & upper bounds of 1st dimension
-      integer :: beg2, end2            ! lower & upper bounds of 2nd dimension
-   end type dim_index_2d
-   type dim_index_3d                   ! 3-D dimension index
-      private
-      integer :: beg1, end1            ! lower & upper bounds of 1st dimension
-      integer :: beg2, end2            ! lower & upper bounds of 2nd dimension
-      integer :: beg3, end3            ! lower & upper bounds of 3rd dimension
-   end type dim_index_3d
-   integer :: ndm(12)                           ! number of days in each month (jan-dec)
-   save ndm
-   data ndm/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/
-   integer :: nfmaster = 0             ! number of fields in master field list
-   integer :: nflds(ptapes)            ! number of fields per tape
-! per tape sampling frequency (0=monthly avg)
-   integer :: i                        ! index for nhtfrq initialization
-   integer :: nhtfrq(ptapes) = (/0, (-24, i=2,ptapes)/)  ! history write frequency (0 = monthly)
-   integer :: mfilt(ptapes) = 30       ! number of time samples per tape
-   integer :: nfils(ptapes)            ! Array of no. of files on current h-file
-   integer :: mtapes = 0               ! index of max history file requested 
-   integer :: nexcl(ptapes)            ! Actual number of excluded fields
-   integer :: nincl(ptapes)            ! Actual number of included primary file fields
-   integer :: nhstpr(ptapes) = 8       ! history buffer precision (8 or 4 bytes)
-   integer :: ndens(ptapes) = 2        ! packing density (nf_float vs nf_double)
-   integer :: ncprec(ptapes) = -999    ! netcdf packing parameter based on ndens
-   real(r8) :: beg_time(ptapes)        ! time at beginning of an averaging interval
-! Netcdf ids
-   integer :: nfid(ptapes)             ! file id
-   integer :: varid(pflds,ptapes)      ! variable ids
-   integer :: mdtid(ptapes)            ! var id for timestep

@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@

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