[Dart-dev] [6447] DART/trunk/observations: first attempt at a reader for doppler wind lidar observations.

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Tue Sep 3 02:45:19 MDT 2013

Revision: 6447
Author:   nancy
Date:     2013-09-03 02:45:18 -0600 (Tue, 03 Sep 2013)
Log Message:
first attempt at a reader for doppler wind lidar observations.
these are for matic savli, working with nedjeljka zagar at
univ of ljubljana.

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/data/README
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/data/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/data/README	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+This directory contains a short example of the format that
+the converter is expecting as input.
+The observations are one per line. The items on each line
+should be separated either by spaces or commas.
+The first two numbers are the latitude/longitude locations.
+The next is the vertical elevation, in height in meters.
+Then the time of the observation - year, month, day, hour, minute,
+The last values are the actual observation values and an error
+estimate. The wind speeds and errors are in m/s.

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/data/README
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/data/text_input_file
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/data/text_input_file	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/data/text_input_file	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ -45 270   5000   2008 1 30 12  0 0    5  10   2
+  30 300   2000   2008 1 31  6 30 0   10 -12   4

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.f90
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.f90	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+! $Id$
+program dwl_to_obs
+!   dwl_to_obs - read in ascii lines with doppler wind lidar data.
+!      see below for exact input format.  create 2 observations from
+!      each input line - U and V components of the wind.
+!   3 Sep 2013, nancy collins NCAR, Matic Savli FMF/Univ Ljubljana
+use         types_mod, only : r8, PI, DEG2RAD
+use      utilities_mod, only : initialize_utilities, find_namelist_in_file,    &
+                               check_namelist_read, nmlfileunit, do_nml_file,  &
+                               get_next_filename, error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
+                               do_nml_term, finalize_utilities,                &
+                               open_file, close_file
+use  time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_calendar_type, set_date, &
+                              operator(>=), increment_time, get_time, &
+                              operator(-), GREGORIAN, operator(+), print_date
+use      location_mod, only : VERTISHEIGHT, VERTISPRESSURE
+use  obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_sequence_type, obs_type, read_obs_seq, &
+                              static_init_obs_sequence, init_obs, write_obs_seq, & 
+                              init_obs_sequence, get_num_obs, & 
+                              set_copy_meta_data, set_qc_meta_data
+use      obs_kind_mod, only : DWL_U_WIND_COMPONENT, DWL_V_WIND_COMPONENT
+implicit none
+!  Declare namelist parameters
+! the max possible number of obs needs to be specified but it will only 
+! write out the actual number created.
+integer             :: max_obs         = 100000  !  max number of obs in one file
+character(len=128)  :: text_input_file = 'dwldata.input'  ! default input name
+character(len=128)  :: obs_out_file    = 'obs_seq.out'    ! default output name
+namelist /dwl_to_obs_nml/ max_obs, text_input_file, obs_out_file
+! local variables
+logical, parameter :: debug = .false.  ! set to .true. to print info
+character (len=129) :: input_line
+integer :: oday, osec, rcio, iunit, otype
+integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
+integer :: num_copies, num_qc, lcount
+logical  :: file_exist, first_obs
+real(r8) :: temp, terr, qc, wdir, wspeed, werr
+real(r8) :: lat, lon, vert, uwnd, uerr, vwnd, verr
+type(obs_sequence_type) :: obs_seq
+type(obs_type)          :: obs, prev_obs
+type(time_type)         :: comp_day0, time_obs, prev_time
+! start of executable code
+call initialize_utilities('dwl_to_obs')
+! namelist handling
+call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "dwl_to_obs_nml", iunit)
+read(iunit, nml = dwl_to_obs_nml, iostat = rcio)
+call check_namelist_read(iunit, rcio, "dwl_to_obs_nml")
+! Record the namelist values used for the run
+if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=dwl_to_obs_nml)
+if (do_nml_term()) write(     *     , nml=dwl_to_obs_nml)
+! time setup
+call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
+! open input text file
+iunit = open_file(text_input_file, 'formatted', 'read')
+if (debug) print *, 'opened input file ' // trim(text_input_file)
+! each observation in this series will have a single observation value 
+! and a quality control flag. 
+num_copies = 1
+num_qc     = 1
+! call the initialization code, and initialize two empty observation types
+call static_init_obs_sequence()
+call init_obs(obs,      num_copies, num_qc)
+call init_obs(prev_obs, num_copies, num_qc)
+first_obs = .true.
+! create a new, empty obs_seq file.  you must give a max limit
+! on number of obs.  increase the size if too small.
+call init_obs_sequence(obs_seq, num_copies, num_qc, max_obs)
+! the first one needs to contain the string 'observation' and the
+! second needs the string 'QC'.
+call set_copy_meta_data(obs_seq, 1, 'observation')
+call set_qc_meta_data(obs_seq, 1, 'Data QC')
+! Set the DART data quality control.   0 is good data. 
+! increasingly larger QC values are more questionable quality data.
+qc = 0.0_r8
+! this is just for debugging or errors - count the number of input lines
+lcount = 0
+obsloop: do    ! no end limit - have the loop break when input ends
+   lcount = lcount + 1
+   ! read in a line from the text file.   What you need to create an obs:
+   !  location: lat, lon, and height in pressure or meters
+   !  time: when the observation was taken
+   !  type: from the DART list of obs types
+   !  error: very important - the instrument error plus representativeness error
+   !        (see html file for more info)
+   ! assume here a line is: a location, time, 2 obs values, obs error
+   ! read in entire text line into a buffer.  exit when no more lines.
+   read(iunit, "(A)", iostat=rcio) input_line
+   if (rcio /= 0) then 
+      if (debug) print *, 'line number ', lcount
+      if (debug) print *, 'got bad read code from input file, rcio = ', rcio
+      exit obsloop
+   endif
+   read(input_line, *, iostat=rcio) lat, lon, vert, &
+                                  year, month, day, hour, minute, second, &
+                                  uwnd, vwnd, werr
+   if (rcio /= 0) then 
+      if (debug) print *, 'got bad read code getting next wind obs, rcio = ', rcio
+      if (debug) print *, 'line number ', lcount, ' input line was:'
+      if (debug) print *, trim(input_line)
+      exit obsloop
+   endif
+   if (debug) print *, 'next observation located at lat, lon = ', lat, lon
+   ! check the lat/lon values to see if they are ok
+   if ( lat >  90.0_r8 .or. lat <  -90.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
+   if ( lon <   0.0_r8 .or. lon >  360.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
+   ! if lon comes in between -180 and 180, use these lines instead:
+   !if ( lon > 180.0_r8 .or. lon < -180.0_r8 ) cycle obsloop
+   !if ( lon < 0.0_r8 )  lon = lon + 360.0_r8 ! changes into 0-360
+   ! put date into a dart time format
+   time_obs = set_date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
+   if (debug) call print_date(time_obs, 'next obs time is')
+   ! extract time of observation into gregorian day, sec.
+   call get_time(time_obs, osec, oday)
+   ! vertical in height in meters
+   call create_3d_obs(lat, lon, vert, VERTISHEIGHT, uwnd, &
+                         DWL_U_WIND_COMPONENT, werr, oday, osec, qc, obs)
+   call add_obs_to_seq(obs_seq, obs, time_obs, prev_obs, prev_time, first_obs)
+   call create_3d_obs(lat, lon, vert, VERTISHEIGHT, vwnd, &
+                         DWL_V_WIND_COMPONENT, werr, oday, osec, qc, obs)
+   call add_obs_to_seq(obs_seq, obs, time_obs, prev_obs, prev_time, first_obs)
+   if (debug) print *, 'added 2 wind obs to output seq'
+end do obsloop
+! if we added any obs to the sequence, write it out to a file now.
+if ( get_num_obs(obs_seq) > 0 ) then
+   if (debug) print *, 'writing obs_seq, obs_count = ', get_num_obs(obs_seq)
+   call write_obs_seq(obs_seq, obs_out_file)
+! end of main program
+call finalize_utilities()
+!   create_3d_obs - subroutine that is used to create an observation
+!                   type from observation data.  
+!       NOTE: assumes the code is using the threed_sphere locations module, 
+!             that the observation has a single data value and a single
+!             qc value, and that this obs type has no additional required
+!             data (e.g. gps and radar obs need additional data per obs)
+!    lat   - latitude of observation
+!    lon   - longitude of observation
+!    vval  - vertical coordinate
+!    vkind - kind of vertical coordinate (pressure, level, etc)
+!    obsv  - observation value
+!    okind - observation kind
+!    oerr  - observation error
+!    day   - gregorian day
+!    sec   - gregorian second
+!    qc    - quality control value
+!    obs   - observation type
+!     created Oct. 2007 Ryan Torn, NCAR/MMM
+!     adapted for more generic use 11 Mar 2010, nancy collins, ncar/image
+subroutine create_3d_obs(lat, lon, vval, vkind, obsv, okind, oerr, day, sec, qc, obs)
+use        types_mod, only : r8
+use obs_def_mod,      only : obs_def_type, set_obs_def_time, set_obs_def_kind, &
+                             set_obs_def_error_variance, set_obs_def_location
+use obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_type, set_obs_values, set_qc, set_obs_def
+use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_time
+use     location_mod, only : set_location
+ integer,        intent(in)    :: okind, vkind, day, sec
+ real(r8),       intent(in)    :: lat, lon, vval, obsv, oerr, qc
+ type(obs_type), intent(inout) :: obs
+real(r8)           :: obs_val(1), qc_val(1)
+type(obs_def_type) :: obs_def
+call set_obs_def_location(obs_def, set_location(lon, lat, vval, vkind))
+call set_obs_def_kind(obs_def, okind)
+call set_obs_def_time(obs_def, set_time(sec, day))
+call set_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def, oerr * oerr)
+call set_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
+obs_val(1) = obsv
+call set_obs_values(obs, obs_val)
+qc_val(1)  = qc
+call set_qc(obs, qc_val)
+end subroutine create_3d_obs
+!   add_obs_to_seq -- adds an observation to a sequence.  inserts if first
+!           obs, inserts with a prev obs to save searching if that's possible.
+!     seq - observation sequence to add obs to
+!     obs - observation, already filled in, ready to add
+!     obs_time - time of this observation, in dart time_type format
+!     prev_obs - the previous observation that was added to this sequence
+!                (will be updated by this routine)
+!     prev_time - the time of the previously added observation (will also
+!                be updated by this routine)
+!     first_obs - should be initialized to be .true., and then will be
+!                updated by this routine to be .false. after the first obs
+!                has been added to this sequence.
+!     created Mar 8, 2010   nancy collins, ncar/image
+subroutine add_obs_to_seq(seq, obs, obs_time, prev_obs, prev_time, first_obs)
+ use        types_mod, only : r8
+ use obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_sequence_type, obs_type, insert_obs_in_seq
+ use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, operator(>=)
+  type(obs_sequence_type), intent(inout) :: seq
+  type(obs_type),          intent(inout) :: obs, prev_obs
+  type(time_type),         intent(in)    :: obs_time
+  type(time_type),         intent(inout) :: prev_time
+  logical,                 intent(inout) :: first_obs
+! insert(seq,obs) always works (i.e. it inserts the obs in
+! proper time format) but it can be slow with a long file.
+! supplying a previous observation that is older (or the same
+! time) as the new one speeds up the searching a lot.
+if(first_obs) then    ! for the first observation, no prev_obs
+   call insert_obs_in_seq(seq, obs)
+   first_obs = .false.
+   if(obs_time >= prev_time) then  ! same time or later than previous obs
+      call insert_obs_in_seq(seq, obs, prev_obs)
+   else                            ! earlier, search from start of seq
+      call insert_obs_in_seq(seq, obs)
+   endif
+! update for next time
+prev_obs = obs
+prev_time = obs_time
+end subroutine add_obs_to_seq
+end program dwl_to_obs
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.f90
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.html
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.html	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+          "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+<TITLE>program dwl_to_obs</TITLE>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../doc/html/doc.css" />
+<link href="../../doc/images/dart.ico" rel="shortcut icon" />
+<A NAME="TOP"></A>
+<H1>PROGRAM <em class=program>dwl_to_obs</em></H1>
+<table border=0 summary="" cellpadding=5>
+    <td valign=middle>
+    <img src="../../doc/images/Dartboard7.png" alt="DART project logo" height=70 />
+    </td>
+    <td>
+       <P>Jump to <a href="../../index.html">DART Documentation Main Index</a><br />
+          <small><small>version information for this file: <br />
+          <!-- version tag follows, do not edit -->
+          $Id$</small></small>
+       </P></td>
+<A HREF="#DataSources">DATA SOURCES</A> /
+<A HREF="#Programs">PROGRAMS</A> /
+<A HREF="#References">REFERENCES</A> /
+<A HREF="#Errors">ERRORS</A> /
+<A HREF="#FuturePlans">PLANS</A> / 
+<A HREF="#Legalese">TERMS OF USE</A>
+<H4>DWL to DART Converter</H4>
+These are Doppler Wind Lidar measurements
+which have previously been extracted from the incoming format
+and output in ascii format, one pair of wind component observations per line.
+This converter reads in the ascii file and outputs the data
+in DART observation sequence (obs_seq) format.
+This is OSSE data from a satellite which is expected
+to be launched in 2015.  Information on the satellite mission is here at
+<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADM-Aeolus">
+The workflow is: 
+<li>read in the needed information about each
+observation - location, time, observation values, obs errors - from 
+an ascii file</li>
+<li>call a series of DART library routines to construct a derived type that
+contains all the information about a single observation</li>
+<li>call another set of DART library
+routines to put it into a time-sorted series</li>
+<li>repeat the last 2 steps until all observations are processed</li>
+<li>finally, call a write subroutine that writes out the entire series to a file in 
+a format that DART can read in</li>
+<A NAME="DataSources"></A>
+<HR />
+Matic Savli at University of Ljubljana has programs which read
+the expected instrument formats, do the proper conversions, and write out
+ascii lines, one per wind observation.  
+<A NAME="Programs"></A>
+<HR />
+The <em class=file>dwl_to_obs.f90</em> file is the source
+for the main converter program.
+There is a sample data file in the "data" directory.
+The converter
+reads each text line into a character buffer
+and then reads from that buffer to parse up the data items.
+</P> <P>
+To compile and test,
+go into the work subdirectory and run the <em class=file>quickbuild.csh</em>
+script to build the converter and a couple of general purpose utilities.
+<em class=file>advance_time</em> helps with calendar and time computations,
+and the
+<em class=file>obs_sequence_tool</em> manipulates DART observation files
+once they have been created.
+The observation types are defined in
+<em class=file>DART/obs_def/obs_def_dwl_mod.f90</em>.
+That filename must be added to the
+<em class=file>input.nml</em> namelist file,
+to the &amp;preprocess_nml namelist, the 'input_files' variable
+before compiling any program that uses these observation types.
+Multiple files can be listed.  Then run quickbuild.csh again.
+It remakes the table of supported observation types before 
+trying to recompile the source code.
+An example script for converting batches of files is
+in the <em class=file>shell_scripts</em> directory.
+It will need customization before being used.
+<!-- Describe the bugs.                                               -->
+<A NAME="KnownBugs"></A>
+<HR />
+<!-- Describe Future Plans.                                           -->
+<A NAME="FuturePlans"></A>
+<HR />
+<!-- Legalese & Metadata                                              -->
+<A NAME="Legalese"></A>
+<HR />
+<H2>Terms of Use</H2>
+DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR.<br />
+This open source software is provided by UCAR, "as is",<br />
+without charge, subject to all terms of use at<br />
+<a href="http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download">
+<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 width=100% summary="">
+<TR><TD valign=top>Contact:       </TD><TD> nancy collins </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Revision:      </TD><TD> $Revision$ </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Source:        </TD><TD> $URL$ </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Change Date:   </TD><TD> $Date$ </TD></TR>
+<TR><TD valign=top>Change&nbsp;history:&nbsp;</TD><TD> try "svn&nbsp;log" or "svn&nbsp;diff" </TD></TR>

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/dwl_to_obs.html
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/html
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/hour_time_loop.csh
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/hour_time_loop.csh	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/hour_time_loop.csh	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+# this is a template for a shell script that can loop
+# over multiple hours and can roll over day, month, and
+# even year boundaries.  see the section inside the loop
+# for the 'your code goes here' part. look for the string ADDME.
+# this script requires the executable 'advance_time' to be
+# built and exist in the current directory, and advance_time
+# requires an input.nml namelist file.
+# set this to true if you're planning to pass the start & end times
+# in as command line args.  set it to false if you're planning to set
+# the times by editing this file.
+set command_line_args = false
+# set the first and last times.  can roll over day, month and year boundaries.
+# hours go from 0 to 23; days from 1 to 31, months from 1 to 12.
+if ($command_line_args == 'true') then
+  if ($#argv != 8) then
+     echo usage: $0 start_year start_month start_day start_hour end_year end_month end_day end_hour
+     exit 1
+  endif
+  set start_year=$argv[1]
+  set start_month=$argv[2]
+  set start_day=$argv[3]
+  set start_hour=$argv[4]
+  set end_year=$argv[5]
+  set end_month=$argv[6]
+  set end_day=$argv[7]
+  set end_hour=$argv[8]
+  set start_year=2006
+  set start_month=10
+  set start_day=31
+  set start_hour=18
+  set end_year=2006
+  set end_month=11
+  set end_day=1
+  set end_hour=12
+# <ADDME> put more stuff here if you have user settable options
+# end of things you should have to set in this script
+# convert the start and stop times to gregorian days, so we can
+# compute total number of days including rolling over month and
+# year boundaries.  make sure all values have leading 0s if they
+# are < 10.  do the end time first so we can use the same values
+# to set the initial day while we are doing the total day calc.
+# the output of advance time with the -g input is:
+#   gregorian_day_number  seconds
+# use $var[1] to return just the day number
+set mon2=`printf %02d $end_month`
+set day2=`printf %02d $end_day`
+set  hr2=`printf %02d $end_hour`
+set end_t=(`echo ${end_year}${mon2}${day2}${hr2} 0 -g | ./advance_time`)
+set mon2=`printf %02d $start_month`
+set day2=`printf %02d $start_day`
+set  hr2=`printf %02d $start_hour`
+set start_t=(`echo ${start_year}${mon2}${day2}${hr2} 0 -g | ./advance_time`)
+# the output of this call is a string YYYYMMDDHH
+# see below for help in how to easily parse this up into words
+set curhr=`echo ${start_year}${mon2}${day2}${hr2} 0 | ./advance_time`
+# how many total hours are going to be processed (for the loop counter)
+# note that the parens below are necessary; otherwise the computation
+# does total = end - (start+1), or total = end - start - 1, which is
+# not how elementary math is supposed to work.
+if ( $start_t[2] > $end_t[2]) then
+   @ end_t[2] += 86400
+   @ end_t[1] -= 1
+@ totaldays = ( $end_t[1] - $start_t[1] ) 
+@ totalsecs = ( $end_t[2] - $start_t[2] ) 
+@ totalhrs = ($totaldays * 24) + ($totalsecs / 3600) + 1
+echo days, secs = hrs: $totaldays, $totalsecs = $totalhrs
+# loop over each hour
+set h=1
+while ( $h <= $totalhrs )
+  # parse out the parts from a string which is YYYYMMDDHH
+  # use cut with the byte option to pull out columns 1-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
+  set  year=`echo $curhr | cut -b1-4`
+  set month=`echo $curhr | cut -b5-6`
+  set   day=`echo $curhr | cut -b7-8`
+  set  hour=`echo $curhr | cut -b9-10`
+  # compute the equivalent gregorian day here.
+  set g=(`echo ${year}${month}${day}${hour} 0 -g | ./advance_time`)
+  set gregday=$g[1]
+  set gregsec=$g[2]
+  # status/debug - comment in or out as desired.
+  echo starting processing for ${year} ${month} ${day} ${hour}
+  echo which is gregorian day: $gregday, $gregsec
+  # <ADDME> your code goes here.  
+  # use $year, $month, $day, $hour, and $gregday, $gregsec as needed.
+  # advance the hour; the output is YYYYMMDDHH
+  set curhr=`echo ${year}${month}${day}${hour} +1h | ./advance_time`
+  # advance the loop counter
+  @ h += 1
+exit 0
+#%# # example of using sed and lists of obs files to automate
+#%# # calling the obs_sequence_tool to split or combine obs_seq files:
+#%# # put a list of filenames into 'obstemp' somehow
+#%# # remove duplicate filenames
+#%# sort obstemp | uniq > infilelist
+#%# echo 'using input files:'
+#%# cat infilelist
+#%# # if the start and stop times are in gregorian format,
+#%# # in $start and $stop, use sed to set the input.nml
+#%# sed -e "s/BDAY/$start[1]/" \
+#%#     -e "s/BSEC/$start[2]/" \
+#%#     -e "s/ASEC/$stop[2]/"   \
+#%#     -e "s/ASEC/$stop[2]/"    input.nml.template >! input.nml
+#%# # run obs_seq_tool
+#%# ./obs_sequence_tool
+#%# # move the output someplace
+#%# mv obs_seq.combined obs_seq.$curhr
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/hour_time_loop.csh
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/input.nml	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/input.nml	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+    input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90',
+   output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90',
+     input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90',
+    output_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_mod.f90',
+   input_files              = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_eval_mod.f90',
+ /
+ /
+ /
+   module_details = .false.
+ /
+   write_binary_obs_sequence = .false.  
+ /
+   filename_seq         = '',
+   filename_out         = 'obs_seq.combined',
+   filename_seq_list    = 'infilelist',
+   first_obs_days       = -1,
+   first_obs_seconds    = -1,
+   last_obs_days        = -1,
+   last_obs_seconds     = -1,
+   gregorian_cal        = .true.,

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/input.nml
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/input.nml.template
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/input.nml.template	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/shell_scripts/input.nml.template	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+    input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90',
+   output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90',
+     input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90',
+    output_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_mod.f90',
+   input_files              = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_eval_mod.f90',
+ /
+ /
+ /
+   module_details = .false.
+ /
+   write_binary_obs_sequence = .false.  
+ /
+   filename_seq         = '',
+   filename_out         = 'obs_seq.combined',
+   filename_seq_list    = 'infilelist',
+   first_obs_days       = BDAY,
+   first_obs_seconds    = BSEC,
+   last_obs_days        = ADAY,
+   last_obs_seconds     = ASEC,
+   gregorian_cal        = .true.,

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/input.nml	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/input.nml	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+    input_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/DEFAULT_obs_kind_mod.F90',
+   output_obs_kind_mod_file = '../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90',
+     input_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/DEFAULT_obs_def_mod.F90',
+    output_obs_def_mod_file = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_mod.f90',
+   input_files              = '../../../obs_def/obs_def_dwl_mod.f90',
+ /
+   max_obs         = 100000
+   text_input_file = 'dwldata.input'
+   obs_out_file    = 'obs_seq.out' 
+ /
+ /
+ /
+   module_details = .false.
+ /
+   write_binary_obs_sequence = .false.  
+ /

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/input.nml
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_advance_time
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_advance_time	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_advance_time	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+../../../mkmf/mkmf -p advance_time -t ../../../mkmf/mkmf.template   \
+ -a "../../.." path_names_advance_time
+exit $status
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_advance_time
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_obs_sequence_tool
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_obs_sequence_tool	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_obs_sequence_tool	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+../../../mkmf/mkmf -p obs_sequence_tool -t ../../../mkmf/mkmf.template   \
+ -a "../../.." path_names_obs_sequence_tool
+exit $status
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_obs_sequence_tool
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_preprocess
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_preprocess	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_preprocess	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+../../../mkmf/mkmf -p preprocess -t ../../../mkmf/mkmf.template   \
+ -a "../../.." path_names_preprocess
+exit $status
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_preprocess
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_text_to_obs
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_text_to_obs	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_text_to_obs	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+../../../mkmf/mkmf -p text_to_obs -t ../../../mkmf/mkmf.template   \
+ -a "../../.." path_names_text_to_obs
+exit $status
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/mkmf_text_to_obs
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_advance_time
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_advance_time	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_advance_time	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_obs_sequence_tool
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_obs_sequence_tool	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_obs_sequence_tool	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_preprocess
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_preprocess	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_preprocess	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_text_to_obs
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_text_to_obs	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/path_names_text_to_obs	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

Added: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/quickbuild.csh
--- DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/quickbuild.csh	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/quickbuild.csh	2013-09-03 08:45:18 UTC (rev 6447)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2013 UCAR. This open source software is
+# provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+# http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+# DART $Id$
+# compile all converter programs
+# 'preprocess' is a program that culls the appropriate sections of the
+# observation module for the observations types in 'input.nml'; the 
+# resulting source file is used by all the remaining programs, 
+# so this MUST be run first.
+\rm -f preprocess *.o *.mod 
+\rm -f ../../../obs_def/obs_def_mod.f90
+\rm -f ../../../obs_kind/obs_kind_mod.f90
+set MODEL = "text converters"
+@ n = 1
+echo "---------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "${MODEL} build number ${n} is preprocess"
+csh  mkmf_preprocess
+make || exit $n
+./preprocess || exit 99
+# Build all the single-threaded targets
+foreach TARGET ( mkmf_* )
+   set PROG = `echo $TARGET | sed -e 's#mkmf_##'`
+   switch ( $TARGET )
+   case mkmf_preprocess:
+      breaksw
+   default:
+      @ n = $n + 1
+      echo
+      echo "---------------------------------------------------"
+      echo "${MODEL} build number ${n} is ${PROG}" 
+      \rm -f ${PROG}
+      csh $TARGET || exit $n
+      make        || exit $n
+      breaksw
+   endsw
+\rm -f *.o *.mod  input.nml*_default
+echo "Success: All ${MODEL} programs compiled."  
+exit 0
+# <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+# $URL$
+# $Revision$
+# $Date$

Property changes on: DART/trunk/observations/DWL/work/quickbuild.csh
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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