[Dart-dev] [5732] DART/branches: Moving CLM matlab support routine into development branch.

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Wed May 9 15:36:00 MDT 2012

Revision: 5732
Author:   thoar
Date:     2012-05-09 15:36:00 -0600 (Wed, 09 May 2012)
Log Message:
Moving CLM matlab support routine into development branch.

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: DART/branches/clm/matlab/GetClmInfo.m
--- DART/branches/clm/matlab/GetClmInfo.m	2012-05-09 19:48:53 UTC (rev 5731)
+++ DART/branches/clm/matlab/GetClmInfo.m	2012-05-09 21:36:00 UTC (rev 5732)
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-function pinfo = GetClmInfo(pstruct,fname,routine)
-%% GetClmInfo   prepares a structure of information needed by the subsequent "routine"
-%                The information is gathered via rudimentary "input" routines.
-% pinfo = GetClmInfo(pstruct,routine);
-% pstruct   structure containing the names of the truth_file and the diagn_file of the DART netcdf file
-% routine   name of subsequent plot routine.
-%% DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
-% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-% $URL$
-% $Id$
-% $Revision$
-% $Date$
-if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2 ), error('%s does not exist.',fname); end
-pinfo  = pstruct;
-model  = nc_attget(fname,nc_global,'model');
-if strcmpi(model,'clm') ~= 1
-   error('Not so fast, this is not a clm model.')
-%% Get the domain-independent information.
-varexist(fname, {'copy','time'})
-copy   = nc_varget(fname,'copy');
-times  = nc_varget(fname,'time');
-% Coordinate between time types and dates
-timeunits  = nc_attget(fname,'time','units');
-timebase   = sscanf(timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
-timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
-dates      = times + timeorigin;
-levels = nc_varget(fname, 'levgrnd'); % coordinate soil levels (usually 15)
-lon    = nc_varget(fname, 'lon');
-lat    = nc_varget(fname, 'lat');
-switch lower(deblank(routine))
-   case {'plotbins','plotenserrspread','plotensmeantimeseries','plotenstimeseries'}
-      base_var        = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});  % Determine prognostic variable
-      [level, lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, base_var);  % Determine level and index
-      [lat  , latind] = GetLatitude(lat);
-      [lon  , lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
-      pinfo.model      = model;
-      pinfo.times      = dates;
-      pinfo.var        = base_var;
-      pinfo.level      = level;
-      pinfo.levelindex = lvlind;
-      pinfo.longitude  = lon;
-      pinfo.lonindex   = lonind;
-      pinfo.latitude   = lat;
-      pinfo.latindex   = latind;
-   case 'plotcorrel'
-      disp('Getting information for the ''base'' variable.')
-       base_var                = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
-      [base_time, base_tmeind] = GetTime(dates);
-      [base_lvl,  base_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, base_var);
-      [base_lat,  base_latind] = GetLatitude(lat);
-      [base_lon,  base_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
-      disp('Getting information for the ''comparison'' variable.')
-       comp_var               = GetVar(pinfo.vars, base_var);
-      [comp_lvl, comp_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, comp_var, base_lvlind);
-      pinfo.model       = model;
-      pinfo.times       = dates;
-      pinfo.base_var    = base_var;
-      pinfo.comp_var    = comp_var;
-      pinfo.base_time   = base_time;
-      pinfo.base_tmeind = base_tmeind;
-      pinfo.base_lvl    = base_lvl;
-      pinfo.base_lvlind = base_lvlind;
-      pinfo.base_lat    = base_lat;
-      pinfo.base_latind = base_latind;
-      pinfo.base_lon    = base_lon;
-      pinfo.base_lonind = base_lonind;
-      pinfo.comp_lvl    = comp_lvl;
-      pinfo.comp_lvlind = comp_lvlind;
-   case 'plotvarvarcorrel'
-      disp('Getting information for the ''base'' variable.')
-       base_var                = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
-      [base_time, base_tmeind] = GetTime(dates);
-      [base_lvl , base_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, base_var);
-      [base_lat , base_latind] = GetLatitude(lat);
-      [base_lon , base_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
-      disp('Getting information for the ''comparison'' variable.')
-       comp_var               = GetVar(pinfo.vars, base_var);
-      [comp_lvl, comp_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, comp_var, base_lvlind);
-      [comp_lat, comp_latind] = GetLatitude( lat, base_lat);
-      [comp_lon, comp_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon, base_lon);
-      pinfo.model       = model;
-      pinfo.times       = dates;
-      pinfo.base_var    = base_var;
-      pinfo.comp_var    = comp_var;
-      pinfo.base_time   = base_time;
-      pinfo.base_tmeind = base_tmeind;
-      pinfo.base_lvl    = base_lvl;
-      pinfo.base_lvlind = base_lvlind;
-      pinfo.base_lat    = base_lat;
-      pinfo.base_latind = base_latind;
-      pinfo.base_lon    = base_lon;
-      pinfo.base_lonind = base_lonind;
-      pinfo.comp_lvl    = comp_lvl;
-      pinfo.comp_lvlind = comp_lvlind;
-      pinfo.comp_lat    = comp_lat;
-      pinfo.comp_latind = comp_latind;
-      pinfo.comp_lon    = comp_lon;
-      pinfo.comp_lonind = comp_lonind;
-   case 'plotsawtooth'
-       pgvar          = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
-      [level, lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, pgvar);
-      [  lat, latind] = GetLatitude( lat);
-      [  lon, lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
- %    [  lon, lonind] = GetCopies(pgvar,xxx);
-      pinfo.model          = model;
-      pinfo.times          = dates;
-      pinfo.var_names      = pgvar;
-      pinfo.truth_file     = [];
-      pinfo.prior_file     = pstruct.prior_file;
-      pinfo.posterior_file = pstruct.posterior_file;
-      pinfo.level          = level;
-      pinfo.levelindex     = lvlind;
-      pinfo.latitude       = lat;
-      pinfo.latindex       = latind;
-      pinfo.longitude      = lon;
-      pinfo.lonindex       = lonind;
-      pinfo.copies         = 0;
-      pinfo.copyindices    = [];
-      if ( exist(pstruct.truth_file,'file') )
-         pinfo.truth_file = pstruct.truth_file;
-      end
-   case 'plotphasespace'
-      disp('Getting information for the ''X'' variable.')
-       var1                   = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
-      [var1_lvl, var1_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, var1);
-      [var1_lat, var1_latind] = GetLatitude( lat );
-      [var1_lon, var1_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon );
-      disp('Getting information for the ''Y'' variable.')
-       var2                   = GetVar(pinfo.fname, pinfo.vars, var1   );
-      [var2_lvl, var2_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, var2, var1_lvlind);
-      [var2_lat, var2_latind] = GetLatitude( lat, var1_lat);
-      [var2_lon, var2_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon, var1_lon);
-      disp('Getting information for the ''Z'' variable.')
-       var3                   = GetVar(pinfo.fname, pinfo.vars, var1   );
-      [var3_lvl, var3_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, var3, var1_lvlind);
-      [var3_lat, var3_latind] = GetLatitude( lat, var1_lat);
-      [var3_lon, var3_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon, var1_lon);
-      % query for ensemble member
-      s1 = input('Input ensemble member metadata STRING. <cr> for ''true state''  ','s');
-      if isempty(s1), ens_mem = 'true state'; else ens_mem = s1; end
-      % query for line type
-      s1 = input('Input line type string. <cr> for ''k-''  ','s');
-      if isempty(s1), ltype = 'k-'; else ltype = s1; end
-      pinfo.model       = model;
-      pinfo.times       = dates;
-      pinfo.var1name    = var1;
-      pinfo.var2name    = var2;
-      pinfo.var3name    = var3;
-      pinfo.var1_lvl    = var1_lvl;
-      pinfo.var1_lvlind = var1_lvlind;
-      pinfo.var1_lat    = var1_lat;
-      pinfo.var1_latind = var1_latind;
-      pinfo.var1_lon    = var1_lon;
-      pinfo.var1_lonind = var1_lonind;
-      pinfo.var2_lvl    = var2_lvl;
-      pinfo.var2_lvlind = var2_lvlind;
-      pinfo.var2_lat    = var2_lat;
-      pinfo.var2_latind = var2_latind;
-      pinfo.var2_lon    = var2_lon;
-      pinfo.var2_lonind = var2_lonind;
-      pinfo.var3_lvl    = var3_lvl;
-      pinfo.var3_lvlind = var3_lvlind;
-      pinfo.var3_lat    = var3_lat;
-      pinfo.var3_latind = var3_latind;
-      pinfo.var3_lon    = var3_lon;
-      pinfo.var3_lonind = var3_lonind;
-      pinfo.ens_mem     = ens_mem;
-      pinfo.ltype       = ltype;
-   otherwise
-function pgvar = GetVar(prognostic_vars, pgvar)
-str = sprintf(' %s ',prognostic_vars{1});
-for i = 2:length(prognostic_vars),
-   str = sprintf(' %s %s ',str,prognostic_vars{i});
-fprintf('Default variable is ''%s'', if this is OK, <cr>;\n',pgvar)
-fprintf('If not, please enter one of: %s\n',str)
-varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
-if ~isempty(varstring), pgvar = strtrim(varstring); end
-inds        = strfind(pgvar,',');
-pgvar(inds) = '';
-function [time, timeind] = GetTime(times, deftime)
-% Query for the time of interest.
-ntimes = length(times);
-% Determine a sensible default.
-if (nargin == 2),
-   time = deftime;
-   tindex = find(times == deftime);
-   if (ntimes < 2)
-      tindex = round(ntimes/2);
-   else
-      tindex = 1;
-   end
-   time = times(tindex);
-fprintf('Default time is %s (index %d), if this is OK, <cr>;\n',datestr(time),tindex)
-fprintf('If not, enter an index between %d and %d \n',1,ntimes)
-fprintf('Pertaining to %s and %s \n',datestr(times(1)),datestr(times(ntimes)))
-varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
-if ~isempty(varstring), tindex = str2double(varstring); end
-timeinds = 1:ntimes;
-d        = abs(tindex - timeinds); % crude distance
-ind      = find(min(d) == d);      % multiple minima possible
-timeind  = ind(1);                 % use the first one
-time     = times(timeind);
-function [level, lvlind] = GetLevel(fname, pgvar, deflevel)
-% level and lvlind will not be equal for all models, (and probably
-% shouldn't for clm ... but for future expansion ...
-if (nargin == 3), lvlind = deflevel; else lvlind = 1; end
-vinfo  = nc_getvarinfo(fname,pgvar);
-levdim = find(strncmpi(vinfo.Dimension,'lev',3));
-if ( isempty(levdim) )
-   fprintf('''%s'' only has one level, using it.',pgvar)
-   level  = 1;
-   lvlind = 1;
-   nlevs = vinfo.Size(levdim);
-   fprintf('Default level (index) is  %d, if this is OK, <cr>;\n',lvlind)
-   fprintf('If not, enter a level between %d and %d, inclusive ...\n', ...
-                         1,nlevs)
-   varstring = input('we''ll use the closest (no syntax required)\n','s');
-   if ~isempty(varstring), lvlind = str2double(varstring); end
-%  level  = levels(lvlind);
-   level  = lvlind;
-function [lon, lonind] = GetLongitude(lons, deflon)
-if (nargin == 2), lon = deflon; else lon = 255.0; end
-fprintf('Default longitude is %f, if this is OK, <cr>;\n',lon)
-fprintf('If not, enter a longitude between %.2f and %.2f, we use the closest.\n', ...
-                         min(lons),max(lons))
-varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
-if ~isempty(varstring), lon  = str2double(varstring); end
-d      = abs(lon - lons);    % crude distance
-ind    = find(min(d) == d);  % multiple minima possible
-lonind = ind(1);             % use the first one
-lon    = lons(lonind);
-function [lat, latind] = GetLatitude(lats, deflat)
-if (nargin == 3), lat = deflat; else lat = 40.0; end
-fprintf('Default latitude is %f, if this is OK, <cr>;\n',lat)
-fprintf('If not, enter a latitude between %.2f and %.2f, we use the closest.\n', ...
-                         min(lats),max(lats))
-varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
-if ~isempty(varstring), lat = str2double(varstring); end
-d      = abs(lat - lats);    % crude distance
-ind    = find(min(d) == d);  % multiple minima possible
-latind = ind(1);             % use the first one
-lat    = lats(latind);
-function varexist(filename, varnames)
-%% We already know the file exists by this point.
-% Lets check to make sure that file contains all needed variables.
-% Fatally die if they do not exist.
-nvars  = length(varnames);
-gotone = ones(1,nvars);
-for i = 1:nvars
-   gotone(i) = nc_isvar(filename,varnames{i});
-   if ( ~ gotone(i) )
-      fprintf('\n%s is not a variable in %s\n',varnames{i},filename)
-   end
-if ~ all(gotone)
-   error('missing required variable ... exiting')

Copied: DART/branches/development/matlab/GetClmInfo.m (from rev 5731, DART/branches/clm/matlab/GetClmInfo.m)
--- DART/branches/development/matlab/GetClmInfo.m	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/branches/development/matlab/GetClmInfo.m	2012-05-09 21:36:00 UTC (rev 5732)
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+function pinfo = GetClmInfo(pstruct,fname,routine)
+%% GetClmInfo   prepares a structure of information needed by the subsequent "routine"
+%                The information is gathered via rudimentary "input" routines.
+% pinfo = GetClmInfo(pstruct,routine);
+% pstruct   structure containing the names of the truth_file and the diagn_file of the DART netcdf file
+% routine   name of subsequent plot routine.
+%% DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
+% provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
+% http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
+% <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+% $URL$
+% $Id$
+% $Revision$
+% $Date$
+if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2 ), error('%s does not exist.',fname); end
+pinfo  = pstruct;
+model  = nc_attget(fname,nc_global,'model');
+if strcmpi(model,'clm') ~= 1
+   error('Not so fast, this is not a clm model.')
+%% Get the domain-independent information.
+varexist(fname, {'copy','time'})
+copy   = nc_varget(fname,'copy');
+times  = nc_varget(fname,'time');
+% Coordinate between time types and dates
+timeunits  = nc_attget(fname,'time','units');
+timebase   = sscanf(timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD
+timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3));
+dates      = times + timeorigin;
+levels = nc_varget(fname, 'levgrnd'); % coordinate soil levels (usually 15)
+lon    = nc_varget(fname, 'lon');
+lat    = nc_varget(fname, 'lat');
+switch lower(deblank(routine))
+   case {'plotbins','plotenserrspread','plotensmeantimeseries','plotenstimeseries'}
+      base_var        = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});  % Determine prognostic variable
+      [level, lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, base_var);  % Determine level and index
+      [lat  , latind] = GetLatitude(lat);
+      [lon  , lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
+      pinfo.model      = model;
+      pinfo.times      = dates;
+      pinfo.var        = base_var;
+      pinfo.level      = level;
+      pinfo.levelindex = lvlind;
+      pinfo.longitude  = lon;
+      pinfo.lonindex   = lonind;
+      pinfo.latitude   = lat;
+      pinfo.latindex   = latind;
+   case 'plotcorrel'
+      disp('Getting information for the ''base'' variable.')
+       base_var                = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
+      [base_time, base_tmeind] = GetTime(dates);
+      [base_lvl,  base_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, base_var);
+      [base_lat,  base_latind] = GetLatitude(lat);
+      [base_lon,  base_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
+      disp('Getting information for the ''comparison'' variable.')
+       comp_var               = GetVar(pinfo.vars, base_var);
+      [comp_lvl, comp_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, comp_var, base_lvlind);
+      pinfo.model       = model;
+      pinfo.times       = dates;
+      pinfo.base_var    = base_var;
+      pinfo.comp_var    = comp_var;
+      pinfo.base_time   = base_time;
+      pinfo.base_tmeind = base_tmeind;
+      pinfo.base_lvl    = base_lvl;
+      pinfo.base_lvlind = base_lvlind;
+      pinfo.base_lat    = base_lat;
+      pinfo.base_latind = base_latind;
+      pinfo.base_lon    = base_lon;
+      pinfo.base_lonind = base_lonind;
+      pinfo.comp_lvl    = comp_lvl;
+      pinfo.comp_lvlind = comp_lvlind;
+   case 'plotvarvarcorrel'
+      disp('Getting information for the ''base'' variable.')
+       base_var                = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
+      [base_time, base_tmeind] = GetTime(dates);
+      [base_lvl , base_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, base_var);
+      [base_lat , base_latind] = GetLatitude(lat);
+      [base_lon , base_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
+      disp('Getting information for the ''comparison'' variable.')
+       comp_var               = GetVar(pinfo.vars, base_var);
+      [comp_lvl, comp_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, comp_var, base_lvlind);
+      [comp_lat, comp_latind] = GetLatitude( lat, base_lat);
+      [comp_lon, comp_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon, base_lon);
+      pinfo.model       = model;
+      pinfo.times       = dates;
+      pinfo.base_var    = base_var;
+      pinfo.comp_var    = comp_var;
+      pinfo.base_time   = base_time;
+      pinfo.base_tmeind = base_tmeind;
+      pinfo.base_lvl    = base_lvl;
+      pinfo.base_lvlind = base_lvlind;
+      pinfo.base_lat    = base_lat;
+      pinfo.base_latind = base_latind;
+      pinfo.base_lon    = base_lon;
+      pinfo.base_lonind = base_lonind;
+      pinfo.comp_lvl    = comp_lvl;
+      pinfo.comp_lvlind = comp_lvlind;
+      pinfo.comp_lat    = comp_lat;
+      pinfo.comp_latind = comp_latind;
+      pinfo.comp_lon    = comp_lon;
+      pinfo.comp_lonind = comp_lonind;
+   case 'plotsawtooth'
+       pgvar          = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
+      [level, lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, pgvar);
+      [  lat, latind] = GetLatitude( lat);
+      [  lon, lonind] = GetLongitude(lon);
+ %    [  lon, lonind] = GetCopies(pgvar,xxx);
+      pinfo.model          = model;
+      pinfo.times          = dates;
+      pinfo.var_names      = pgvar;
+      pinfo.truth_file     = [];
+      pinfo.prior_file     = pstruct.prior_file;
+      pinfo.posterior_file = pstruct.posterior_file;
+      pinfo.level          = level;
+      pinfo.levelindex     = lvlind;
+      pinfo.latitude       = lat;
+      pinfo.latindex       = latind;
+      pinfo.longitude      = lon;
+      pinfo.lonindex       = lonind;
+      pinfo.copies         = 0;
+      pinfo.copyindices    = [];
+      if ( exist(pstruct.truth_file,'file') )
+         pinfo.truth_file = pstruct.truth_file;
+      end
+   case 'plotphasespace'
+      disp('Getting information for the ''X'' variable.')
+       var1                   = GetVar(pinfo.vars, pinfo.vars{1});
+      [var1_lvl, var1_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, var1);
+      [var1_lat, var1_latind] = GetLatitude( lat );
+      [var1_lon, var1_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon );
+      disp('Getting information for the ''Y'' variable.')
+       var2                   = GetVar(pinfo.fname, pinfo.vars, var1   );
+      [var2_lvl, var2_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, var2, var1_lvlind);
+      [var2_lat, var2_latind] = GetLatitude( lat, var1_lat);
+      [var2_lon, var2_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon, var1_lon);
+      disp('Getting information for the ''Z'' variable.')
+       var3                   = GetVar(pinfo.fname, pinfo.vars, var1   );
+      [var3_lvl, var3_lvlind] = GetLevel(pinfo.fname, var3, var1_lvlind);
+      [var3_lat, var3_latind] = GetLatitude( lat, var1_lat);
+      [var3_lon, var3_lonind] = GetLongitude(lon, var1_lon);
+      % query for ensemble member
+      s1 = input('Input ensemble member metadata STRING. <cr> for ''true state''  ','s');
+      if isempty(s1), ens_mem = 'true state'; else ens_mem = s1; end
+      % query for line type
+      s1 = input('Input line type string. <cr> for ''k-''  ','s');
+      if isempty(s1), ltype = 'k-'; else ltype = s1; end
+      pinfo.model       = model;
+      pinfo.times       = dates;
+      pinfo.var1name    = var1;
+      pinfo.var2name    = var2;
+      pinfo.var3name    = var3;
+      pinfo.var1_lvl    = var1_lvl;
+      pinfo.var1_lvlind = var1_lvlind;
+      pinfo.var1_lat    = var1_lat;
+      pinfo.var1_latind = var1_latind;
+      pinfo.var1_lon    = var1_lon;
+      pinfo.var1_lonind = var1_lonind;
+      pinfo.var2_lvl    = var2_lvl;
+      pinfo.var2_lvlind = var2_lvlind;
+      pinfo.var2_lat    = var2_lat;
+      pinfo.var2_latind = var2_latind;
+      pinfo.var2_lon    = var2_lon;
+      pinfo.var2_lonind = var2_lonind;
+      pinfo.var3_lvl    = var3_lvl;
+      pinfo.var3_lvlind = var3_lvlind;
+      pinfo.var3_lat    = var3_lat;
+      pinfo.var3_latind = var3_latind;
+      pinfo.var3_lon    = var3_lon;
+      pinfo.var3_lonind = var3_lonind;
+      pinfo.ens_mem     = ens_mem;
+      pinfo.ltype       = ltype;
+   otherwise
+function pgvar = GetVar(prognostic_vars, pgvar)
+str = sprintf(' %s ',prognostic_vars{1});
+for i = 2:length(prognostic_vars),
+   str = sprintf(' %s %s ',str,prognostic_vars{i});
+fprintf('Default variable is ''%s'', if this is OK, <cr>;\n',pgvar)
+fprintf('If not, please enter one of: %s\n',str)
+varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
+if ~isempty(varstring), pgvar = strtrim(varstring); end
+inds        = strfind(pgvar,',');
+pgvar(inds) = '';
+function [time, timeind] = GetTime(times, deftime)
+% Query for the time of interest.
+ntimes = length(times);
+% Determine a sensible default.
+if (nargin == 2),
+   time = deftime;
+   tindex = find(times == deftime);
+   if (ntimes < 2)
+      tindex = round(ntimes/2);
+   else
+      tindex = 1;
+   end
+   time = times(tindex);
+fprintf('Default time is %s (index %d), if this is OK, <cr>;\n',datestr(time),tindex)
+fprintf('If not, enter an index between %d and %d \n',1,ntimes)
+fprintf('Pertaining to %s and %s \n',datestr(times(1)),datestr(times(ntimes)))
+varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
+if ~isempty(varstring), tindex = str2double(varstring); end
+timeinds = 1:ntimes;
+d        = abs(tindex - timeinds); % crude distance
+ind      = find(min(d) == d);      % multiple minima possible
+timeind  = ind(1);                 % use the first one
+time     = times(timeind);
+function [level, lvlind] = GetLevel(fname, pgvar, deflevel)
+% level and lvlind will not be equal for all models, (and probably
+% shouldn't for clm ... but for future expansion ...
+if (nargin == 3), lvlind = deflevel; else lvlind = 1; end
+vinfo  = nc_getvarinfo(fname,pgvar);
+levdim = find(strncmpi(vinfo.Dimension,'lev',3));
+if ( isempty(levdim) )
+   fprintf('''%s'' only has one level, using it.',pgvar)
+   level  = 1;
+   lvlind = 1;
+   nlevs = vinfo.Size(levdim);
+   fprintf('Default level (index) is  %d, if this is OK, <cr>;\n',lvlind)
+   fprintf('If not, enter a level between %d and %d, inclusive ...\n', ...
+                         1,nlevs)
+   varstring = input('we''ll use the closest (no syntax required)\n','s');
+   if ~isempty(varstring), lvlind = str2double(varstring); end
+%  level  = levels(lvlind);
+   level  = lvlind;
+function [lon, lonind] = GetLongitude(lons, deflon)
+if (nargin == 2), lon = deflon; else lon = 255.0; end
+fprintf('Default longitude is %f, if this is OK, <cr>;\n',lon)
+fprintf('If not, enter a longitude between %.2f and %.2f, we use the closest.\n', ...
+                         min(lons),max(lons))
+varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
+if ~isempty(varstring), lon  = str2double(varstring); end
+d      = abs(lon - lons);    % crude distance
+ind    = find(min(d) == d);  % multiple minima possible
+lonind = ind(1);             % use the first one
+lon    = lons(lonind);
+function [lat, latind] = GetLatitude(lats, deflat)
+if (nargin == 3), lat = deflat; else lat = 40.0; end
+fprintf('Default latitude is %f, if this is OK, <cr>;\n',lat)
+fprintf('If not, enter a latitude between %.2f and %.2f, we use the closest.\n', ...
+                         min(lats),max(lats))
+varstring = input('(no syntax required)\n','s');
+if ~isempty(varstring), lat = str2double(varstring); end
+d      = abs(lat - lats);    % crude distance
+ind    = find(min(d) == d);  % multiple minima possible
+latind = ind(1);             % use the first one
+lat    = lats(latind);
+function varexist(filename, varnames)
+%% We already know the file exists by this point.
+% Lets check to make sure that file contains all needed variables.
+% Fatally die if they do not exist.
+nvars  = length(varnames);
+gotone = ones(1,nvars);
+for i = 1:nvars
+   gotone(i) = nc_isvar(filename,varnames{i});
+   if ( ~ gotone(i) )
+      fprintf('\n%s is not a variable in %s\n',varnames{i},filename)
+   end
+if ~ all(gotone)
+   error('missing required variable ... exiting')

Property changes on: DART/branches/development/matlab/GetClmInfo.m
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain
Added: svn:keywords
   + Date Rev Author HeadURL Id
Added: svn:mergeinfo
   + /DART/trunk/matlab/GetClmInfo.m:5026-5730
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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