[Dart-dev] [5831] DART/branches/development/models: Trying to rename noah_1d to noah

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Thu Aug 2 17:04:07 MDT 2012

Revision: 5831
Author:   thoar
Date:     2012-08-02 17:04:07 -0600 (Thu, 02 Aug 2012)
Log Message:
Trying to rename noah_1d to noah

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/dart_to_noah1D.f90
--- DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/dart_to_noah1D.f90	2012-08-02 21:28:23 UTC (rev 5830)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/dart_to_noah1D.f90	2012-08-02 23:04:07 UTC (rev 5831)
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
-! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-program dart_to_noah1D
-! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-! $URL$
-! $Id$
-! $Revision$
-! $Date$
-! purpose: interface between DART and the noah1D model
-! method: Read DART state vector and overwrite values in a noah1D restart file.
-!         If the DART state vector has an 'advance_to_time' present, 
-!         it is read ... but nothing happens with it at this time.
-!         DART is NEVER expected to advance noah1D.
-!         The dart_to_noah1D_nml namelist setting for advance_time_present 
-!         determines whether or not the input file has an 'advance_to_time'.
-!         Typically, only temporary files like 'assim_model_state_ic' have
-!         an 'advance_to_time'.
-! author: Tim Hoar 12 July 2011
-use        types_mod, only : r8
-use    utilities_mod, only : initialize_utilities, timestamp, &
-                             find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read, &
-                             logfileunit, open_file, close_file, &
-                             error_handler, E_MSG
-use  assim_model_mod, only : open_restart_read, aread_state_restart, close_restart
-use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, print_time, print_date, operator(-), get_time
-use        model_mod, only : static_init_model, dart_vector_to_model_file, &
-                             get_model_size
-implicit none
-! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
-character(len=128), parameter :: &
-   source   = "$URL$", &
-   revision = "$Revision$", &
-   revdate  = "$Date$"
-! The namelist variables
-character (len = 128) :: dart_to_noah1D_input_file = 'dart_restart'
-logical               :: advance_time_present   = .false.
-namelist /dart_to_noah1D_nml/ dart_to_noah1D_input_file, &
-                           advance_time_present
-character(len=20)     :: noah1D_restart_filename = 'noah1d_input.nml'
-integer               :: iunit, io, x_size
-type(time_type)       :: model_time, adv_to_time
-real(r8), allocatable :: statevector(:)
-logical               :: verbose              = .FALSE.
-call initialize_utilities(progname='dart_to_noah1D', output_flag=verbose)
-! Call model_mod:static_init_model() which reads the noah_1d namelist
-! to set location and state vector
-call static_init_model()
-x_size = get_model_size()
-! Read the namelist to get the input filename. 
-call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "dart_to_noah1D_nml", iunit)
-read(iunit, nml = dart_to_noah1D_nml, iostat = io)
-call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "dart_to_noah1D_nml")
-write(*,'(''dart_to_noah1D:converting DART file '',A, &
-      &'' to noah_1d input namelist '',A)') &
-     trim(dart_to_noah1D_input_file), trim(noah1D_restart_filename)
-! Reads the valid time, the state, and the target time.
-iunit = open_restart_read(dart_to_noah1D_input_file)
-if ( advance_time_present ) then
-   call aread_state_restart(model_time, statevector, iunit, adv_to_time)
-   call aread_state_restart(model_time, statevector, iunit)
-call close_restart(iunit)
-! write out the new namelist ...
-if ( advance_time_present ) then
-   call dart_vector_to_model_file(statevector, noah1D_restart_filename, model_time, adv_to_time)
-   call dart_vector_to_model_file(statevector, noah1D_restart_filename, model_time)
-! Log what we think we're doing, and exit.
-call print_date( model_time,'dart_to_noah1D:noah1D  model date')
-call print_time( model_time,'dart_to_noah1D:DART    model time')
-call print_date( model_time,'dart_to_noah1D:noah1D  model date',logfileunit)
-call print_time( model_time,'dart_to_noah1D:DART    model time',logfileunit)
-if ( advance_time_present ) then
-   call print_time(adv_to_time,'dart_to_noah1D:advance_to time')
-   call print_date(adv_to_time,'dart_to_noah1D:advance_to date')
-   call print_time(adv_to_time,'dart_to_noah1D:advance_to time',logfileunit)
-   call print_date(adv_to_time,'dart_to_noah1D:advance_to date',logfileunit)
-! When called with 'end', timestamp will call finalize_utilities()
-call timestamp(string1=source, pos='end')
-end program dart_to_noah1D

Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/dart_to_noah1D.nml
--- DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/dart_to_noah1D.nml	2012-08-02 21:28:23 UTC (rev 5830)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/dart_to_noah1D.nml	2012-08-02 23:04:07 UTC (rev 5831)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-   dart_to_noah1D_output_file   = 'dart_restart',
-   advance_time_present         = .true.,
-  /

Deleted: DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/model_mod.f90
--- DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/model_mod.f90	2012-08-02 21:28:23 UTC (rev 5830)
+++ DART/branches/development/models/noah_1d/model_mod.f90	2012-08-02 23:04:07 UTC (rev 5831)
@@ -1,1407 +0,0 @@
-! DART software - Copyright 2004 - 2011 UCAR. This open source software is
-! provided by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at
-! http://www.image.ucar.edu/DAReS/DART/DART_download
-module model_mod
-! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-! $URL$
-! $Id$
-! $Revision$
-! $Date$
-! This is a noah_1d showing the interfaces required for a model to be compliant
-! with the DART data assimilation infrastructure. The public interfaces listed
-! must all be supported with the argument lists as indicated. Many of the interfaces
-! are not required for minimal implementation (see the discussion of each
-! interface and look for NULL INTERFACE). 
-! Modules that are absolutely required for use are listed
-use        types_mod, only : r8, MISSING_R8, obstypelength
-use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_time, set_date, get_time,          &
-                             print_time, print_date, set_calendar_type,        &
-                             operator(*),  operator(+), operator(-),           &
-                             operator(>),  operator(<), operator(/),           &
-                             operator(/=), operator(<=)
-use     location_mod, only : location_type, get_dist, query_location,          &
-                             get_close_maxdist_init, get_close_type,           &
-                             set_location, get_location, horiz_dist_only,      &
-                             vert_is_undef,    VERTISUNDEF,                    &
-                             vert_is_surface,  VERTISSURFACE,                  &
-                             vert_is_level,    VERTISLEVEL,                    &
-                             vert_is_pressure, VERTISPRESSURE,                 &
-                             vert_is_height,   VERTISHEIGHT,                   &
-                             get_close_obs_init, get_close_obs,                &
-                             set_location_missing, write_location
-use    utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, nc_check,         &
-                             E_ERR, E_MSG, logfileunit, get_unit,              &
-                             nmlfileunit, do_output, do_nml_file, do_nml_term, &
-                             find_namelist_in_file, check_namelist_read,       &
-                             open_file, file_exist, find_textfile_dims,        &
-                             file_to_text
-use     obs_kind_mod, only : KIND_SOIL_TEMPERATURE,   &
-                             KIND_LIQUID_WATER,       &
-                             KIND_ICE,                &
-                             KIND_SNOWCOVER_FRAC,     &
-                             KIND_SNOW_THICKNESS,     &
-                             KIND_LEAF_CARBON,        &
-                             KIND_WATER_TABLE_DEPTH,  &
-                             paramname_length,        &
-                             get_raw_obs_kind_index
-use mpi_utilities_mod, only: my_task_id
-use    random_seq_mod, only: random_seq_type, init_random_seq, random_gaussian
-use typesizes
-use netcdf
-implicit none
-! required by DART code - will be called from filter and other
-! DART executables.  interfaces to these routines are fixed and
-! cannot be changed in any way.
-public :: get_model_size,         &
-          adv_1step,              &
-          get_state_meta_data,    &
-          model_interpolate,      &
-          get_model_time_step,    &
-          end_model,              &
-          static_init_model,      &
-          init_time,              &
-          init_conditions,        &
-          nc_write_model_atts,    &
-          nc_write_model_vars,    &
-          pert_model_state,       &
-          get_close_maxdist_init, &
-          get_close_obs_init,     &
-          get_close_obs,          &
-          ens_mean_for_model
-! not required by DART but for larger models can be useful for
-! utility programs that are tightly tied to the other parts of
-! the model_mod code.
-public :: noah1d_to_dart_vector, &
-          dart_vector_to_model_file, &
-          get_noah1D_restart_filename
-! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
-character(len=128), parameter :: &
-   source   = "$URL$", &
-   revision = "$Revision$", &
-   revdate  = "$Date$"
-! The variables in the noah restart file that are used to create the
-! DART state vector are specified in the input.nml:model_nml namelist.
-!    noah_variables  = 'STC',    'KIND_SOIL_TEMPERATURE',
-!                      'SMC',    'KIND_SOIL_MOISTURE',
-!                      'SH2O',   'KIND_LIQUID_SOIL_MOISTURE',
-!                      'T1',     'KIND_SKIN_TEMPERATURE',
-!                      'SNOWH',  'KIND_SNOW_DEPTH',
-!                      'SNEQV',  'KIND_LIQUID_EQUIVALENT',
-!                      'CMC',    'KIND_CANOPY_WATER',
-integer :: nfields
-integer, parameter :: max_state_variables = 40
-integer, parameter :: num_state_table_columns = 2
-character(len=obstypelength) :: variable_table(max_state_variables, num_state_table_columns)
-! things which can/should be in the DART model_nml
-character(len=128)    :: noah_netcdf_filename   = 'OUTPUT.NC'
-character(len=128)    :: noah_namelist_filename = 'somelocation.dat'
-integer               :: assimilation_period_days     = 0
-integer               :: assimilation_period_seconds  = 60
-real(r8)              :: model_perturbation_amplitude = 0.2
-logical               :: output_state_vector          = .true.
-character(len=32)     :: calendar = 'Gregorian'
-integer               :: debug    = 0  ! turn up for more and more debug messages
-character(len=obstypelength) :: noah_variables(max_state_variables*num_state_table_columns) = ' '
-namelist /model_nml/ noah_netcdf_filename, noah_namelist_filename, &
-          assimilation_period_days, assimilation_period_seconds,   &
-          model_perturbation_amplitude, output_state_vector,       &
-          calendar, debug, noah_variables
-! Everything needed to recreate the NOAH METADTA_NAMELIST
-! To restart the file, we write a new namelist.
-! DART needs to write a NOAH-compatible namelist. 
-integer, parameter :: nSoilLayers = 4
-character(len=12) :: startdate
-character(len=12) :: enddate
-logical  :: loop_for_a_while
-real(r8) :: Latitude
-real(r8) :: Longitude
-integer  :: Forcing_Timestep
-integer  :: Noahlsm_Timestep
-logical  :: Sea_ice_point
-real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: Soil_layer_thickness
-real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: Soil_Temperature
-real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: Soil_Moisture
-real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: Soil_Liquid
-real(r8) :: Skin_Temperature
-real(r8) :: Canopy_water
-real(r8) :: Snow_depth
-real(r8) :: Snow_equivalent
-real(r8) :: Deep_Soil_Temperature
-character(len=256) :: Landuse_dataset
-integer  :: Soil_type_index
-integer  :: Vegetation_type_index
-integer  :: Urban_veg_category
-integer  :: glacial_veg_category
-integer  :: Slope_type_index
-real(r8) :: Max_snow_albedo
-real(r8) :: Air_temperature_level
-real(r8) :: Wind_level
-real(r8) :: Green_Vegetation_Min
-real(r8) :: Green_Vegetation_Max
-logical  :: Usemonalb
-logical  :: Rdlai2d
-integer  :: sfcdif_option
-integer  :: iz0tlnd
-real(r8), dimension(12) :: Albedo_monthly
-real(r8), dimension(12) :: Shdfac_monthly
-real(r8), dimension(12) ::    lai_monthly
-real(r8), dimension(12) ::  Z0brd_monthly
-namelist /METADATA_NAMELIST/ startdate, enddate, loop_for_a_while,   &
-         Latitude, Longitude, Forcing_Timestep, Noahlsm_Timestep,    &
-         Sea_ice_point, Soil_layer_thickness, Soil_Temperature,      &
-         Soil_Moisture, Soil_Liquid, Skin_Temperature, Canopy_water, &
-         Snow_depth, Snow_equivalent, Deep_Soil_Temperature, Landuse_dataset, &
-         Soil_type_index, Vegetation_type_index, Urban_veg_category, &
-         glacial_veg_category, Slope_type_index, Max_snow_albedo,    &
-         Air_temperature_level, Wind_level, Green_Vegetation_Min,    &
-         Green_Vegetation_Max, Usemonalb, Rdlai2d, sfcdif_option,    &
-         iz0tlnd, Albedo_monthly, Shdfac_monthly, lai_monthly, Z0brd_monthly
-! We are going to create a DART state vector out of the following 17 items
-type noahtype
-   private
-   real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: Soil_Temperature
-   real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: Soil_Moisture
-   real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: Soil_Liquid
-   real(r8) :: Skin_Temperature
-   real(r8) :: Canopy_water
-   real(r8) :: Snow_depth
-   real(r8) :: Snow_equivalent
-   real(r8) :: Deep_Soil_Temperature
-end type noahtype
-! define model parameters here
-type(time_type)     :: time_step
-type(location_type) :: state_loc(0:nSoilLayers)
-type(noahtype)      :: noah1d
-! Everything needed to describe a variable
-type progvartype
-   private
-   character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: varname
-   character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: long_name
-   character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: units
-   character(len=obstypelength), dimension(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) :: dimnames
-   integer, dimension(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) :: dimlens
-   integer :: numdims
-   integer :: maxlevels
-   integer :: xtype
-   integer :: varsize     ! prod(dimlens(1:numdims))
-   integer :: index1      ! location in dart state vector of first occurrence
-   integer :: indexN      ! location in dart state vector of last  occurrence
-   integer :: dart_kind
-   character(len=paramname_length) :: kind_string
-end type progvartype
-type(progvartype), dimension(max_state_variables) :: progvar
-! These are the metadata arrays that are the same size as the state vector.
-real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: ens_mean ! may be needed for forward ops
-real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: levels   ! depth
-! module storage
-integer            :: model_size       ! the state vector length
-type(time_type)    :: model_time       ! valid time of the model state
-type(time_type)    :: model_time_step  ! smallest time to adv model
-character(len=256) :: string1, string2, string3
-logical, save      :: module_initialized = .false.
-real(r8), dimension(nSoilLayers) :: soil_depths
-subroutine static_init_model()
-! one time initialization of the model
-! Local variables - all the important ones have module scope
-integer, dimension(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) :: dimIDs
-character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME)          :: varname
-character(len=obstypelength)          :: dimname
-character(len=paramname_length)       :: kind_string
-integer  :: VarID, dimlen, varsize 
-integer  :: iunit, io, ivar
-integer  :: i, index1, nLayers
-if ( module_initialized ) return ! only need to do this once.
-! Since this routine calls other routines that could call this routine
-! we'll say we've been initialized pretty dang early.
-module_initialized = .true.
-! Print module information to log file and stdout.
-call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
-! Read the DART namelist
-call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "model_nml", iunit)
-read(iunit, nml = model_nml, iostat = io)
-call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "model_nml")
-! Record the DART namelist values used for the run ...
-if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=model_nml)
-if (do_nml_term()) write(     *     , nml=model_nml)
-! Read the NOAH namelist
-call find_namelist_in_file(trim(noah_namelist_filename), "METADATA_NAMELIST", iunit)
-read(iunit, nml = METADATA_NAMELIST, iostat = io)
-call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "METADATA_NAMELIST")
-! Record the NOAH namelist
-if (do_nml_file()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=METADATA_NAMELIST)
-if (do_nml_term()) write(     *     , nml=METADATA_NAMELIST)
-! Check to make sure the required input files exist
-if ( .not. file_exist(noah_netcdf_filename) ) then
-   write(string1,*) 'cannot open file ', trim(noah_netcdf_filename),' for reading.'
-   call error_handler(E_ERR,'static_init_model',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-if ( .not. file_exist(noah_namelist_filename) ) then
-   write(string1,*) 'cannot open file ', trim(noah_namelist_filename),' for reading.'
-   call error_handler(E_ERR,'static_init_model',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-! convert the [-180,180] longitudes to [0,360)
-if (Longitude < 0.0_r8) Longitude = Longitude + 360.0_r8
-! The time_step in terms of a time type must also be initialized.
-call set_calendar_type( calendar )
-call nc_check(nf90_open(adjustl(noah_netcdf_filename), NF90_NOWRITE, iunit), &
-                   'static_init_model', 'open '//trim(noah_netcdf_filename))
-model_time      = get_state_time(iunit, trim(noah_netcdf_filename))
-model_time_step = set_time(assimilation_period_seconds, assimilation_period_days)
-if (debug > 0) then
-   call print_date(model_time     ,'static_init_model:model date')
-   call print_time(model_time     ,'static_init_model:model time')
-   call print_time(model_time_step,'static_init_model:model timestep')
-! Make sure the number of soil layers is as we expect
-call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(iunit, 'num_soil_layers', dimIDs(1)), &
-                  'static_init_model','inq_dimid num_soil_layers '//trim(noah_netcdf_filename))
-call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(iunit, dimIDs(1), len=nLayers), &
-                  'static_init_model','inquire_dimension Time '//trim(noah_netcdf_filename))
-if (nSoilLayers /= nLayers) then
-   write(string1,*) 'Expected ',nSoilLayers,' soil layers ', &
-                       trim(noah_netcdf_filename),' has ',nLayers
-   call error_handler(E_ERR,'static_init_model',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-! convert soil thicknesses to depths
-! closer to the center of the earth is an increasingly large negative number
-soil_depths(1) = Soil_layer_thickness(1) 
-do i = 2,nSoilLayers
-   soil_depths(i) = soil_depths(i-1) + Soil_layer_thickness(i)
-soil_depths = -1.0_r8 * soil_depths
-! there are only nSoilLayers + 1 different locations
-state_loc(0) = set_location(Longitude, Latitude, 0.0_r8, VERTISHEIGHT)
-do i = 1,nSoilLayers
-   state_loc(i) = set_location(Longitude, Latitude, soil_depths(i), VERTISHEIGHT)
-! Compile the list of NOAH variables to use in the creation
-! of the DART state vector. Required to determine model_size.
-! Verify all variables are in the NOAH netcdf file.
-! Compute the offsets into the state vector for each variable type.
-! Record the extent of the variable type in the state vector.
-call verify_state_variables( noah_variables, iunit, noah_netcdf_filename, &
-                             nfields, variable_table )
-index1  = 1
-FILL_PROGVAR : do ivar = 1, nfields
-   varname                   = trim(variable_table(ivar,1))
-   kind_string               = trim(variable_table(ivar,2))
-   progvar(ivar)%varname     = varname
-   progvar(ivar)%kind_string = kind_string
-   progvar(ivar)%dart_kind   = get_raw_obs_kind_index( progvar(ivar)%kind_string )
-   progvar(ivar)%dimlens     = 0
-   progvar(ivar)%dimnames    = ' '
-   progvar(ivar)%maxlevels   = 0
-   string2 = trim(noah_netcdf_filename)//' '//trim(varname)
-   call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(iunit, trim(varname), VarID), &
-            'static_init_model', 'inq_varid '//trim(string2))
-   call nc_check(nf90_inquire_variable(iunit, VarID, dimids=dimIDs, &
-                 ndims=progvar(ivar)%numdims, xtype=progvar(ivar)%xtype), &
-            'static_init_model', 'inquire '//trim(string2))
-   ! If the long_name and/or units attributes are set, get them.
-   ! They are not REQUIRED to exist but are nice to use if they are present.
-   if( nf90_inquire_attribute(    iunit, VarID, 'long_name') == NF90_NOERR ) then
-      call nc_check( nf90_get_att(iunit, VarID, 'long_name' , progvar(ivar)%long_name), &
-                  'static_init_model', 'get_att long_name '//trim(string2))
-   else
-      progvar(ivar)%long_name = varname
-   endif
-   if( nf90_inquire_attribute(    iunit, VarID, 'units') == NF90_NOERR )  then
-      call nc_check( nf90_get_att(iunit, VarID, 'units' , progvar(ivar)%units), &
-                  'static_init_model', 'get_att units '//trim(string2))
-   else
-      progvar(ivar)%units = 'unknown'
-   endif
-   ! These variables have a Time dimension. We only want the most recent time.
-   varsize = 1
-   dimlen  = 1
-   DimensionLoop : do i = 1,progvar(ivar)%numdims
-      write(string1,'(''inquire dimension'',i2,A)') i,trim(string2)
-      call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(iunit, dimIDs(i), name=dimname, len=dimlen), &
-                                          'static_init_model', string1)
-      if ((trim(dimname) == 'Time') .or. (trim(dimname) == 'time')) dimlen = 1
-      progvar(ivar)%dimlens( i) = dimlen
-      progvar(ivar)%dimnames(i) = dimname
-      varsize = varsize * dimlen
-   enddo DimensionLoop
-   progvar(ivar)%varsize     = varsize
-   progvar(ivar)%index1      = index1
-   progvar(ivar)%indexN      = index1 + varsize - 1
-   index1                    = index1 + varsize      ! sets up for next variable
-   if ((debug > 8) .and. do_output()) then
-      write(logfileunit,*)
-      write(logfileunit,*) trim(progvar(ivar)%varname),' variable number ',ivar
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  long_name   ',trim(progvar(ivar)%long_name)
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  units       ',trim(progvar(ivar)%units)
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  xtype       ',progvar(ivar)%xtype
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  dimnames    ',progvar(ivar)%dimnames(1:progvar(ivar)%numdims)
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  dimlens     ',progvar(ivar)%dimlens( 1:progvar(ivar)%numdims)
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  numdims     ',progvar(ivar)%numdims
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  varsize     ',progvar(ivar)%varsize
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  index1      ',progvar(ivar)%index1
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  indexN      ',progvar(ivar)%indexN
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  dart_kind   ',progvar(ivar)%dart_kind
-      write(logfileunit,*) '  kind_string ',progvar(ivar)%kind_string
-      write(     *     ,*)
-      write(     *     ,*) trim(progvar(ivar)%varname),' variable number ',ivar
-      write(     *     ,*) '  long_name   ',trim(progvar(ivar)%long_name)
-      write(     *     ,*) '  units       ',trim(progvar(ivar)%units)
-      write(     *     ,*) '  xtype       ',progvar(ivar)%xtype
-      write(     *     ,*) '  dimnames    ',progvar(ivar)%dimnames(1:progvar(ivar)%numdims)
-      write(     *     ,*) '  dimlens     ',progvar(ivar)%dimlens( 1:progvar(ivar)%numdims)
-      write(     *     ,*) '  numdims     ',progvar(ivar)%numdims
-      write(     *     ,*) '  varsize     ',progvar(ivar)%varsize
-      write(     *     ,*) '  index1      ',progvar(ivar)%index1
-      write(     *     ,*) '  indexN      ',progvar(ivar)%indexN
-      write(     *     ,*) '  dart_kind   ',progvar(ivar)%dart_kind
-      write(     *     ,*) '  kind_string ',progvar(ivar)%kind_string
-   endif
-call nc_check(nf90_close(iunit), 'static_init_model', 'close '//trim(noah_netcdf_filename))
-model_size = progvar(nfields)%indexN
-if ((debug > 8) .and. do_output()) then
-   write(*,*)
-   do i=1,nSoilLayers
-      write(*,*)'soil layer',i,soil_depths(i)
-   enddo
-   write(*,*)
-   do i=0,nSoilLayers
-      call write_location(iunit,state_loc(i),charstring=string1)
-      write(*,*)'location ',i,' is ',trim(string1)
-   enddo
-end subroutine static_init_model
-subroutine init_conditions(x)
-! subroutine init_conditions(x)
-! Returns a model state vector, x, that is some sort of appropriate
-! initial condition for starting up a long integration of the model.
-! At present, this is only used if the namelist parameter 
-! start_from_restart is set to .false. in the program perfect_model_obs.
-! If this option is not to be used in perfect_model_obs, or if no 
-! synthetic data experiments using perfect_model_obs are planned, 
-! this can be a NULL INTERFACE.
-real(r8), intent(out) :: x(:)
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-end subroutine init_conditions
-subroutine adv_1step(x, time)
-! subroutine adv_1step(x, time)
-! Does a single timestep advance of the model. The input value of
-! the vector x is the starting condition and x is updated to reflect
-! the changed state after a timestep. The time argument is intent
-! in and is used for models that need to know the date/time to 
-! compute a timestep, for instance for radiation computations.
-! This interface is only called if the namelist parameter
-! async is set to 0 in perfect_model_obs of filter or if the 
-! program integrate_model is to be used to advance the model
-! state as a separate executable. If one of these options
-! is not going to be used (the model will only be advanced as
-! a separate model-specific executable), this can be a 
-real(r8),        intent(inout) :: x(:)
-type(time_type), intent(in)    :: time
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-end subroutine adv_1step
-function get_model_size()
-! Returns the size of the model as an integer. Required for all
-! applications.
-integer :: get_model_size
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-get_model_size = model_size
-end function get_model_size
-subroutine init_time(time)
-! Companion interface to init_conditions. Returns a time that is somehow 
-! appropriate for starting up a long integration of the model.
-! At present, this is only used if the namelist parameter 
-! start_from_restart is set to .false. in the program perfect_model_obs.
-! If this option is not to be used in perfect_model_obs, or if no 
-! synthetic data experiments using perfect_model_obs are planned, 
-! this can be a NULL INTERFACE.
-type(time_type), intent(out) :: time
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-time = model_time
-end subroutine init_time
-subroutine model_interpolate(x, location, itype, obs_val, istatus)
-! Given a state vector, a location, and a model state variable type,
-! interpolates the state variable field to that location and returns
-! the value in obs_val. The istatus variable should be returned as
-! 0 unless there is some problem in computing the interpolation in
-! which case an alternate value should be returned. The itype variable
-! is a model specific integer that specifies the type of field (for
-! instance temperature, zonal wind component, etc.). In low order
-! models that have no notion of types of variables, this argument can
-! be ignored. For applications in which only perfect model experiments
-! with identity observations (i.e. only the value of a particular
-! state variable is observed), this can be a NULL INTERFACE.
-real(r8),            intent(in) :: x(:)
-type(location_type), intent(in) :: location
-integer,             intent(in) :: itype
-real(r8),           intent(out) :: obs_val
-integer,            intent(out) :: istatus
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-! This should be the result of the interpolation of a
-! given kind (itype) of variable at the given location.
-obs_val = MISSING_R8
-! The return code for successful return should be 0. 
-! Any positive number is an error.
-! Negative values are reserved for use by the DART framework.
-! Using distinct positive values for different types of errors can be
-! useful in diagnosing problems.
-istatus = 1
-end subroutine model_interpolate
-function get_model_time_step()
-! Returns the the time step of the model; the smallest increment
-! in time that the model is capable of advancing the state in a given
-! implementation. This interface is required for all applications.
-type(time_type) :: get_model_time_step
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-get_model_time_step = model_time_step
-end function get_model_time_step
-subroutine get_state_meta_data(index_in, location, var_type)
-! Given an integer index into the state vector structure, returns the
-! associated location. A second intent(out) optional argument kind
-! can be returned if the model has more than one type of field (for
-! instance temperature and zonal wind component). This interface is
-! required for all filter applications as it is required for computing
-! the distance between observations and state variables.
-integer,             intent(in)            :: index_in
-type(location_type), intent(out)           :: location
-integer,             intent(out), optional :: var_type
-integer :: n, layer, ivar
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-layer = -1
-FindIndex : do n = 1,nfields
-   if( (progvar(n)%index1 <= index_in) .and. (index_in <= progvar(n)%indexN) ) then
-      layer    = index_in - progvar(n)%index1 + 1
-      var_type = progvar(n)%dart_kind
-      ivar     = n
-      exit FindIndex
-   endif
-enddo FindIndex
-if ((debug > 0) .and. do_output()) then
-   write(*,*)'get_state_meta_data: index_in is ',index_in
-   write(*,*)'get_state_meta_data: ivar     is ',ivar
-   write(*,*)'get_state_meta_data: layer    is ',layer
-if( layer == -1 ) then
-     write(string1,*) 'Problem, cannot find base_offset, index_in is: ', index_in
-     call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_state_meta_data',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-if (progvar(ivar)%varsize == 1) layer = 0
-location = state_loc(layer)
-end subroutine get_state_meta_data
-subroutine end_model()
-! Does any shutdown and clean-up needed for model. Can be a NULL
-! INTERFACE if the model has no need to clean up storage, etc.
-! good style ... perhaps you could deallocate stuff (from static_init_model?).
-! deallocate(state_loc)
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-end subroutine end_model
-function nc_write_model_atts( ncFileID ) result (ierr)
-! TJH 24 Oct 2006 -- Writes the model-specific attributes to a netCDF file.
-!     This includes coordinate variables and some metadata, but NOT
-!     the model state vector. We do have to allocate SPACE for the model
-!     state vector, but that variable gets filled as the model advances.
-! As it stands, this routine will work for ANY model, with no modification.
-! The simplest possible netCDF file would contain a 3D field
-! containing the state of 'all' the ensemble members. This requires
-! three coordinate variables -- one for each of the dimensions 
-! [model_size, ensemble_member, time]. A little metadata is useful, 
-! so we can also create some 'global' attributes. 
-! This is what is implemented here.
-! Once the simplest case is working, this routine (and nc_write_model_vars)
-! can be extended to create a more logical partitioning of the state vector,
-! fundamentally creating a netCDF file with variables that are easily 
-! plotted. The bgrid model_mod is perhaps a good one to view, keeping
-! in mind it is complicated by the fact it has two coordinate systems. 
-! There are stubs in this template, but they are only stubs.
-! TJH 29 Jul 2003 -- for the moment, all errors are fatal, so the
-! return code is always '0 == normal', since the fatal errors stop execution.
-! assim_model_mod:init_diag_output uses information from the location_mod
-!     to define the location dimension and variable ID. All we need to do
-!     is query, verify, and fill ...
-! Typical sequence for adding new dimensions,variables,attributes:
-! NF90_OPEN             ! open existing netCDF dataset
-!    NF90_redef         ! put into define mode 
-!    NF90_def_dim       ! define additional dimensions (if any)
-!    NF90_def_var       ! define variables: from name, type, and dims
-!    NF90_put_att       ! assign attribute values
-! NF90_ENDDEF           ! end definitions: leave define mode
-!    NF90_put_var       ! provide values for variable
-! NF90_CLOSE            ! close: save updated netCDF dataset
-use typeSizes
-use netcdf
-integer, intent(in)  :: ncFileID      ! netCDF file identifier
-integer              :: ierr          ! return value of function
-integer :: nDimensions, nVariables, nAttributes, unlimitedDimID
-integer :: StateVarDimID    ! netCDF pointer to state variable dimension (model size)
-integer :: MemberDimID      ! netCDF pointer to dimension of ensemble    (ens_size)
-integer :: TimeDimID        ! netCDF pointer to time dimension           (unlimited)
-integer :: nSoilLayersDimID !   ..     ..                                (# soil layers)
-integer :: StateVarVarID   ! netCDF pointer to state variable coordinate array
-integer :: StateVarID      ! netCDF pointer to 3D [state,copy,time] array
-! variables for the namelist output
-character(len=129), allocatable, dimension(:) :: textblock
-integer :: LineLenDimID, nlinesDimID, nmlVarID
-integer :: nlines, linelen
-logical :: has_ncommas_namelist
-! we are going to need these to record the creation date in the netCDF file.
-! This is entirely optional, but nice.
-character(len=8)      :: crdate      ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
-character(len=10)     :: crtime      ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
-character(len=5)      :: crzone      ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
-integer, dimension(8) :: values      ! needed by F90 DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
-character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: str1
-integer :: i
-if ( .not. module_initialized ) call static_init_model
-! make sure ncFileID refers to an open netCDF file, 
-! and then put into define mode.
-ierr = -1 ! assume things go poorly
-call nc_check(nf90_inquire(ncFileID,nDimensions,nVariables,nAttributes,unlimitedDimID), &
-                     "nc_write_model_atts", "inquire")
-call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncFileID), "nc_write_model_atts", "redef")
-! We need the dimension ID for the number of copies/ensemble members, and
-! we might as well check to make sure that Time is the Unlimited dimension. 
-! Our job is create the 'model size' dimension.
-call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncFileID, name="copy", dimid=MemberDimID), &
-                            "nc_write_model_atts", "inq_dimid copy")
-call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid=ncFileID, name="time", dimid= TimeDimID), &
-                            "nc_write_model_atts", "inq_dimid time")
-if ( TimeDimID /= unlimitedDimId ) then
-   write(string1,*)"Time Dimension ID ",TimeDimID, &
-                     " should equal Unlimited Dimension ID",unlimitedDimID
-   call error_handler(E_ERR,"nc_write_model_atts", string1, source, revision, revdate)
-! Define the model size / state variable dimension / whatever ...
-call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name="StateVariable",  &
-                           len=model_size, dimid=StateVarDimID), &
-                           "nc_write_model_atts", "def_dim state")
-call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncFileID, name="nSoilLayers",  &
-                           len=nSoilLayers, dimid=nSoilLayersDimID), &
-                           "nc_write_model_atts", "def_dim nSoilLayers")
-! Write Global Attributes 
-call DATE_AND_TIME(crdate,crtime,crzone,values)
-write(str1,'(''YYYY MM DD HH MM SS = '',i4,5(1x,i2.2))') &
-                  values(1), values(2), values(3), values(5), values(6), values(7)
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, "creation_date" ,str1), &
-                          "nc_write_model_atts", "put_att creation_date")
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, "model_source"  ,source), &
-                          "nc_write_model_atts", "put_att model_source")
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, "model_revision",revision), &
-                          "nc_write_model_atts", "put_att model_revision")
-call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncFileID, NF90_GLOBAL, "model_revdate" ,revdate), &
-                          "nc_write_model_atts", "put_att model_revdate")

@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@

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