[Dart-dev] [5697] DART/branches/development/obs_sequence/obs_seq_verify.f90: Fixed some logic problems with determining the appropriate forecast lag.

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Apr 13 16:29:52 MDT 2012

Revision: 5697
Author:   thoar
Date:     2012-04-13 16:29:52 -0600 (Fri, 13 Apr 2012)
Log Message:
Fixed some logic problems with determining the appropriate forecast lag.
Renamed variables to help interpretability.
Using the right variable indices for 'number of analyses' 
and 'number of forecasts in each analysis' and 
'number of observations at each location'.
They were not being used correctly before.

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: DART/branches/development/obs_sequence/obs_seq_verify.f90
--- DART/branches/development/obs_sequence/obs_seq_verify.f90	2012-04-13 21:29:34 UTC (rev 5696)
+++ DART/branches/development/obs_sequence/obs_seq_verify.f90	2012-04-13 22:29:52 UTC (rev 5697)
@@ -29,26 +29,26 @@
 !   +--------------------------------------------- obs value, prior, obs_err.
 ! I think the logic of the program should be as follows:
-! 1) The list of 'stations' is read from a netCDF file -- the product of obs_seq_coverage.f90 
+! 1) The list of 'stations' is read from a netCDF file -- the product of obs_seq_coverage.f90
 ! 2) The set of forecast lead times must be determined. Having 8 might not be
 !    specific enough ... we want 8 separated by 3 hours ... for example.
 ! 3) A series of obs_seq.fcst files (each from one analysisT and containing multiple
 !    forecast lead times) is read and stuffed into an appropriate structure.
 ! 4) The structure is written into the netCDF file.
 ! 5) On to the next obs_seq.fcst file ... (step 3)
-! 6) wrap up ... 
+! 6) wrap up ...
 ! Soyoung's wish list:
 ! Now I'm done running filter for 24-hr forecast with 3-hrly observations as an
 ! evaluation mode only, and am ready to hand obs_seq.final over to you for the final
 ! conversion process.
 ! be1005en.ucar.edu:/ptmp/syha/wrfruns/ENS_FCST/Verify>
 ! -rw-r--r--    1 syha     ncar     1006513852 Nov 19 12:24 Prior_Diag.nc
 ! -rw-r--r--    1 syha     ncar     1006513856 Nov 19 12:24 Posterior_Diag.nc
 ! -rw-r--r--    1 syha     ncar      111484368 Nov 19 12:24 prior_inflate_restart
 ! -rw-r--r--    1 syha     ncar      126848308 Nov 19 12:24 obs_seq.final
 ! Ideally, in obs_seq_fcst.nc (if I can name it on my own), I would like to have a
 ! data structure of (copy, station, level, ensemble, date, time) for each variable
 ! and each obs type, where copy is (observation value, prior observation value
@@ -130,8 +130,9 @@
 logical,       allocatable, dimension(:) :: DesiredStations
 type(station), allocatable, dimension(:) :: stations
-integer :: ensemble_size ! the # of ensemble members in the obs_seq file 
+integer :: ensemble_size ! the # of ensemble members in the obs_seq file
 integer :: num_stations  ! This is the current number of unique locations
+integer :: num_verif_times ! number of all possible verification times.
 ! variables associated with the observation
@@ -184,8 +185,8 @@
 integer ::  dart_qc_index   ! copy index of the DART qc value
 integer :: obs_copy_index   ! copy index of the observation
 integer :: station_id
-integer :: time_index       ! verification time/forecast lead time index
-integer :: AnalysisIndex    ! index of the forecast experiment 
+integer :: fcst_T_index     ! verification time/forecast lead time index
+integer :: AnalysisIndex    ! index of the forecast experiment
 character(len=metadatalength), dimension(:), allocatable :: module_obs_copy_names
 integer,                       dimension(:), allocatable :: copy_indices
 integer,                       dimension(:), allocatable :: forecast_leads
@@ -200,11 +201,11 @@
 integer  :: i, io, ncunit
 type(time_type) :: obs_time
-type(time_type) :: analysisT ! valid time of analysis at start of forecast 
+type(time_type) :: analysisT ! valid time of analysis at start of forecast
 character(len = 129) :: ncName, string1, string2
-! ~# of degrees for 1/2 meter at Earth equator 
+! ~# of degrees for 1/2 meter at Earth equator
 ! 360 deg-earth/(40000 km-earth * 1000m-km)
 real(r8), parameter :: HALF_METER = 180.0_r8 / (40000.0_r8 * 1000.0_r8)
@@ -213,8 +214,8 @@
 call initialize_utilities('obs_seq_verify')
-call register_module(source,revision,revdate) 
-call static_init_obs_sequence()  ! Initialize the obs sequence module 
+call register_module(source,revision,revdate)
+call static_init_obs_sequence()  ! Initialize the obs sequence module
 call init_obs(obs1, 0, 0)
 call init_obs(obs2, 0, 0)
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@
    if (allocated( qc_copy_names)) deallocate( qc_copy_names)
    if (allocated(obs_copy_names)) deallocate(obs_copy_names)
-   ! Determine the next input filename ... 
+   ! Determine the next input filename ...
    if (obs_sequence_list == '') then
       obs_seq_in_file_name = trim(next_file(obs_sequence_name,ifile))
@@ -298,6 +299,7 @@
    if ( file_exist(trim(obs_seq_in_file_name)) ) then
       write(*,*) ! whitespace
+      write(*,*) ! whitespace
       write(string1,*)'opening ', trim(obs_seq_in_file_name)
       call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_seq_verify:',string1,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -376,12 +378,12 @@
          qc_copy_names(i) = adjustl(string1)
-   ! Determine which qc copy is original qc and dart qc 
+   ! Determine which qc copy is original qc and dart qc
    call find_our_copies(seq, obs_copy_index, copy_indices, qc_index, dart_qc_index )
    ! The first trip through sets the module_obs_copy_names so we can
-   ! be sure we are stuffing compatible objects into the same slots 
+   ! be sure we are stuffing compatible objects into the same slots
    if ( ifile == 1 ) then
       module_obs_copy_names = obs_copy_names(copy_indices(1:ensemble_size))
@@ -403,9 +405,9 @@
    ngood = 0
-   if ( .not. get_first_obs(seq, obs1) )              &
-      call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_seq_verify', &
-              'No first observation in sequence.',    &
+   if ( .not. get_first_obs(seq, obs1) )           &
+      call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_seq_verify',   &
+              'No first observation in sequence.', &
@@ -420,6 +422,7 @@
       obs_time = get_obs_def_time(    obs_def)
       obs_loc  = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
+   !  if (debug .and. any(nread == (/1, 295, 1908, 6265/) )) then
       if (debug .and. (nread == 1)) then
          call print_time(obs_time,'First observation time')
          call print_date(obs_time,'First observation date')
@@ -428,7 +431,7 @@
          write(*,*)'looking for observation kinds of ',obtype_integer, &
-         write(*,*)'first observation "kind" is ',flavor, &
+         write(*,*)'First observation "kind" is ',flavor, &
          write(*,*)'observation values are:'
          do i = 1,size(copy_values)
@@ -460,28 +463,28 @@
       station_id = find_station_location(flavor, obs_loc, stations)
       if ( station_id < 1 ) goto 100
-      if ( is_time_unwanted( obs_time, station_id, stations, time_index) ) &
-             goto 100
+      if ( .not. time_wanted( obs_time, station_id, fcst_T_index)) goto 100
-      if (debug) write(*,*)'obs ',nread,' is station ',station_id,' at time ',time_index
+      if (debug) write(*,*)'obs ',nread,' is station ',station_id,' at fcst index ',fcst_T_index
       call get_qc(        obs1,   qc_values)
       call get_obs_values(obs1, copy_values)
-      if (     qc_index > 0) stations(station_id)%orgqc( time_index) = qc_values(     qc_index)
-      if (dart_qc_index > 0) stations(station_id)%dartqc(time_index) = qc_values(dart_qc_index)
+      if (     qc_index > 0) stations(station_id)%orgqc( fcst_T_index) = qc_values(     qc_index)
+      if (dart_qc_index > 0) stations(station_id)%dartqc(fcst_T_index) = qc_values(dart_qc_index)
-      stations(station_id)%obserror(   time_index) = get_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def)
-      stations(station_id)%observation(time_index) = copy_values(obs_copy_index)
-      stations(station_id)%forecast(:, time_index) = copy_values(copy_indices)
+      stations(station_id)%obserror(   fcst_T_index) = get_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def)
+      stations(station_id)%observation(fcst_T_index) = copy_values(obs_copy_index)
+      stations(station_id)%forecast(:, fcst_T_index) = copy_values(copy_indices)
-      if (debug) then   ! GIGANTIC OUTPUT - BE CAREFUL
+   !  if (debug) then ! GIGANTIC OUTPUT - BE CAREFUL
+      if (debug .and. (station_id == 1)) then ! LESS GIGANTIC OUTPUT
          do i = 1,size(copy_indices)
-            write(*,'(''ob'',3(1x,i6),4(1x,e15.5))') &
-            nread, time_index, copy_indices(i), &
-            stations(station_id)%obserror(   time_index),&
-            stations(station_id)%observation(time_index),&
-            stations(station_id)%forecast(i, time_index),&
+            write(*,'(''ob'',3(1x,i6),4(1x,f14.7))') &
+            nread, fcst_T_index, copy_indices(i), &
+            stations(station_id)%obserror(   fcst_T_index),&
+            stations(station_id)%observation(fcst_T_index),&
+            stations(station_id)%forecast(i, fcst_T_index),&
          write(*,*) ! a little whitespace
@@ -496,12 +499,14 @@
    enddo ObservationLoop
    ! So by now, all the observations have been stuffed into the 'station'
-   ! array - not that we know if the station array is complete ... 
+   ! array - not that we know if the station array is complete ...
    ! Take what we have (i.e. for one analysis time) and push it into
    ! the output forecast netcdf file.
-   call WriteNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName), stations)
+   call WriteNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName), ifile)
+   call reset_stations()
 enddo ObsFileLoop
 call CloseNetCDF(ncunit, trim(ncName))
@@ -524,11 +529,30 @@
 call timestamp(source,revision,revdate,'end') ! That closes the log file, too.
+subroutine reset_stations()
+integer :: i
+do i = 1,size(stations)
+   stations(i)%orgqc       = MISSING_I
+   stations(i)%dartqc      = MISSING_I
+   stations(i)%obserror    = MISSING_R8
+   stations(i)%observation = MISSING_R8
+   stations(i)%forecast    = MISSING_R8
+end subroutine reset_stations
 function find_station_location(ObsType, ObsLocation, stationlist) result(station_id)
 ! Simply try to find a matching lat/lon for an observation type
@@ -553,8 +577,8 @@
    obslocarray = get_location(ObsLocation)  ! returns degrees
    stnlocarray = get_location(stationlist(i)%location)
-   londiff = abs(obslocarray(1) - stnlocarray(1)) 
-   latdiff = abs(obslocarray(2) - stnlocarray(2)) 
+   londiff = abs(obslocarray(1) - stnlocarray(1))
+   latdiff = abs(obslocarray(2) - stnlocarray(2))
    if ( (londiff <= HALF_METER) .and. &
         (latdiff <= HALF_METER) .and. &
@@ -584,11 +608,10 @@
 integer                      :: nstations
 integer :: DimID, VarID
-integer ::  nmax, ntimes, nforecasts, nverify, locNdim, strlen
+integer ::  nmax, nanalyses, nforecasts, locNdim, strlen
 integer :: ncid, i, j, istation, ndims, mylen
 integer :: my_type
 integer :: seconds, days
-type(time_type)     :: mytime
 type(location_type) :: myloc
 integer, dimension(nf90_max_var_dims) :: dimIDs
@@ -611,7 +634,7 @@
 ! Determine the maximum number of stations from the station dimension,
-! the number of times, and the number of dimensions in the location 
+! the number of times, and the number of dimensions in the location
 ! used for integer array indicating yes/no - do we want the station
 call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'station', dimid=DimID), &
@@ -622,19 +645,19 @@
 ! used for array of all possible verification times needed
 call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'time', dimid=DimID), &
            'fill_stations', 'inquire time dimid '//trim(filename))
-call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, DimID, len=ntimes), &
+call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, DimID, len=num_verif_times), &
            'fill_stations', 'inquire time len '//trim(filename))
-! used for array of the analysis times / 'zero-length' forecast times  
+! used for array of the analysis times / 'zero-length' forecast times
 call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'analysisT', dimid=DimID), &
            'fill_stations', 'inquire analysisT dimid '//trim(filename))
-call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, DimID, len=nforecasts), &
+call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, DimID, len=nanalyses), &
            'fill_stations', 'inquire analysisT len '//trim(filename))
-! used for array of the verification times 
+! used for array of the verification times
 call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'forecast_lead', dimid=DimID), &
            'fill_stations', 'inquire forecast_lead dimid '//trim(filename))
-call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, DimID, len=nverify), &
+call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, DimID, len=nforecasts), &
            'fill_stations', 'inquire forecast_lead len '//trim(filename))
 call nc_check(nf90_inq_dimid(ncid, 'stringlength', dimid=DimID), &
@@ -670,12 +693,12 @@
 allocate(allstations(nmax),  obs_types(nmax), which_vert(nmax), &
-          ntimearray(nmax), first_time(nmax),  last_time(nmax)) 
+          ntimearray(nmax), first_time(nmax),  last_time(nmax))
-allocate(forecast_leads(nverify))       ! how far into the forecast (seconds)
-allocate(ReportTimes(nverify,nmax))    ! observation times that are closest
-allocate(ExperimentTimes(nverify,nforecasts)) ! verification times of interest 
-allocate(VerifyTimes(nforecasts,nverify))     ! verification times of interest 
+allocate(forecast_leads(nforecasts))       ! how far into the forecast (seconds)
+allocate(ReportTimes(num_verif_times,nmax))    ! observation times that are closest
+allocate(ExperimentTimes(nforecasts,nanalyses)) ! verification times of interest
+allocate(VerifyTimes(nanalyses,nforecasts))     ! verification times of interest
 ! Read all the information from the station list netCDF file.
@@ -735,21 +758,26 @@
 ! Convert all the Experiment Times to DART time types.
 ! While we're at it, let's reshape them to our liking:
-if (debug) write(*,*)'size(VerifyTimes,1) is ',size(VerifyTimes,1),'nforecasts is ',nforecasts
-if (debug) write(*,*)'size(VerifyTimes,2) is ',size(VerifyTimes,2),'nverify is',nverify
+if (debug) then
+   write(*,*)'nanalyses/nforecasts  are :',nanalyses,nforecasts
+   write(*,*)'shape of VerifyTimes   is :',shape(VerifyTimes)
+   write(*,*)'shape of ReportTimes   is :',shape(ReportTimes)
+   write(*,*)'                 expected :',num_verif_times,nmax
+   write(*,*)'ReportTimes for station 1 :',ReportTimes(:,1)
-do j = 1,nforecasts
-do i = 1,nverify
+do j = 1,nanalyses
+do i = 1,nforecasts
    days    = floor(ExperimentTimes(i,j))
    seconds = nint((ExperimentTimes(i,j) - days) * 86400.0_digits12)
    VerifyTimes(j,i) = set_time(seconds, days)
-! Allocate the desired number of stations. 
+! Allocate the desired number of stations.
 ! The 'allstations' array contains either 0 (unwanted) or 1 (desired)
 ! from the temporal coverage standpoint. Combine that with namelist input
 ! to generate subset of stations we want.
@@ -786,57 +814,60 @@
       call error_handler(E_ERR,'fill_stations',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-   stations(i)%obs_type = get_obs_kind_index(obs_types(istation))
+   allocate(stations(i)%times( num_verif_times))
+   allocate(stations(i)%orgqc(      nforecasts))
+   allocate(stations(i)%dartqc(     nforecasts))
+   allocate(stations(i)%obserror(   nforecasts))
+   allocate(stations(i)%observation(nforecasts))
+   allocate(stations(i)%forecast(nensemble,nforecasts))
-   myloc = set_location(locations(1,istation),  locations(2,istation), &
-                        locations(3,istation), which_vert(istation) ) 
-   stations(i)%location   = myloc
+   stations(i)%orgqc       = MISSING_I            ! RESET EVERY ANALYSIS
+   stations(i)%dartqc      = MISSING_I            ! RESET EVERY ANALYSIS
+   stations(i)%obserror    = MISSING_R8           ! RESET EVERY ANALYSIS
+   stations(i)%observation = MISSING_R8           ! RESET EVERY ANALYSIS
+   stations(i)%forecast    = MISSING_R8           ! RESET EVERY ANALYSIS
+   stations(i)%times       = set_time(0,0)        ! SET ONE TIME ONLY
+   stations(i)%ntimes      = ntimearray(istation) ! SET ONE TIME ONLY
+   stations(i)%obs_type    = get_obs_kind_index(obs_types(istation))
+   myloc = set_location(locations(1,istation), &
+                        locations(2,istation), &
+                        locations(3,istation), which_vert(istation) )
+   stations(i)%location    = myloc
    days    = floor(first_time(istation))
    seconds = nint((first_time(istation) - days) * 86400.0_digits12)
-   mytime  = set_time(seconds, days)
-   stations(i)%first_time = mytime
+   stations(i)%first_time  = set_time(seconds, days)
    days    = floor(last_time(istation))
    seconds = nint((last_time(istation) - days) * 86400.0_digits12)
-   mytime  = set_time(seconds, days)
-   stations(i)%last_time  = mytime
+   stations(i)%last_time   = set_time(seconds, days)
-   stations(i)%ntimes     = nverify
-   allocate(stations(i)%times(      nverify))
-   allocate(stations(i)%orgqc(      nverify))
-   allocate(stations(i)%dartqc(     nverify))
-   allocate(stations(i)%obserror(   nverify))
-   allocate(stations(i)%observation(nverify))
-   allocate(stations(i)%forecast(nensemble,nverify))
-   do j = 1,nverify
+   do j = 1,num_verif_times
       days    = floor(ReportTimes(j,istation))
       seconds = nint((ReportTimes(j,istation) - days) * 86400.0_digits12)
-      mytime  = set_time(seconds, days)
-      stations(i)%times(j) = mytime
+      stations(i)%times(j) = set_time(seconds, days)
-   stations(i)%orgqc       = MISSING_I
-   stations(i)%dartqc      = MISSING_I
-   stations(i)%obserror    = MISSING_R8
-   stations(i)%observation = MISSING_R8
-   stations(i)%forecast    = MISSING_R8
+   if (verbose .and. (istation == 1)) then
+      write(*,*)
+      write(*,*)'station 1 ReportTimes is ',ReportTimes(:,1)
+   endif
    ! The only thing left to fill is the analaysisT ... which
-   ! comes from the obs_seq.fcst directory name or something. 
+   ! comes from the obs_seq.fcst directory name or something.
    ! It surely does not come from the station list netcdf file.
 enddo StationLoop
 ! Print a summary of all the station information if so desired.
-! FIXME can think of lots of other things to check ... 
+! FIXME can think of lots of other things to check ...
 if (verbose) then
    write(*,*) ! whitespace
-   write(string1,*)'There are ',nstations,' stations of interest,'
-   write(string2,*)'and   ',nverify,  ' times    of interest.'
+   write(string1,*)'There are ',nstations,' stations/locations of interest,'
+   write(string2,*)'and   ',nforecasts,  ' times    of interest.'
    call error_handler(E_MSG,'fill_stations:',string1,text2=string2)
@@ -851,7 +882,7 @@
-function is_time_unwanted(ObsTime, stationid, stationlist, timeindex)
+function time_wanted(ObsTime, stationid, timeindex)
 ! Determine if the observation time is one
 ! of the times for the particular station.
@@ -859,37 +890,35 @@
 type(time_type),             intent(in)  :: ObsTime
 integer,                     intent(in)  :: stationid
-type(station), dimension(:), intent(in)  :: stationlist
 integer,                     intent(out) :: timeindex
-logical                                  :: is_time_unwanted
+logical                                  :: time_wanted
 integer :: i
-type(time_type) :: one_second, dt
+timeindex   = 0
+time_wanted = .FALSE.
-one_second = set_time(1,0)
+if ( stations(stationid)%ntimes == 0 ) return
-timeindex        = 0
-is_time_unwanted = .TRUE.
+TimeLoop : do i = 1,num_verif_times
-if ( stationlist(stationid)%ntimes == 0 ) return
+   if ( ObsTime == stations(stationid)%times(i) ) then
-TimeLoop : do i = 1,stationlist(stationid)%ntimes
+      timeindex   = i - AnalysisIndex + 1
+      time_wanted = .TRUE.
-   dt = stationlist(stationid)%times(i) - ObsTime
+      if (debug) then
+         write(string1,*)'desired ob at station ',stationid,' timeindex ',i
+         call print_time(ObsTime,trim(string1))
+         write(*,*)'analysis index ',AnalysisIndex,' implies forecast index ',timeindex
+      endif
-   if (dt <= one_second) then
-      if (debug) write(string1,*)'desired ob at station ',stationid,' time ',i
-      if (debug) call print_time(ObsTime,trim(string1))
-      timeindex        = i
-      is_time_unwanted = .FALSE.
       exit TimeLoop
 enddo TimeLoop
-end function is_time_unwanted
+end function time_wanted
@@ -920,7 +949,7 @@
      (/ 'observation               ', &
         'forecast                  ', &
         'observation error variance' /)
 if(.not. byteSizesOK()) then
     call error_handler(E_ERR,'InitNetCDF', &
    'Compiler does not support required kinds of variables.',source,revision,revdate)
@@ -976,7 +1005,7 @@
 call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid, name='ensemble',  len=ensemble_size, &
                dimid = NmembersDimID), 'InitNetCDF', 'def_dim:ensemble '//trim(fname))
-call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid, name='forecast_lead',  len=stations(1)%ntimes, &
+call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid, name='forecast_lead',  len=size(forecast_leads), &
                dimid = ForecastDimID), 'InitNetCDF', 'def_dim:forecast_lead '//trim(fname))
 ! namelist quantities
@@ -1195,7 +1224,7 @@
 ! Finish up ...
-call nc_check(nf90_sync( ncid), 'InitNetCDF', 'sync '//trim(fname))  
+call nc_check(nf90_sync( ncid), 'InitNetCDF', 'sync '//trim(fname))
 InitNetCDF = ncid
@@ -1205,17 +1234,18 @@
-subroutine WriteNetCDF(ncid, fname, stations)
+subroutine WriteNetCDF(ncid, fname, ifile)
 integer,                     intent(in) :: ncid
 character(len=*),            intent(in) :: fname
-type(station), dimension(:), intent(in) :: stations
+integer,                     intent(in) :: ifile
 integer, dimension(1) :: istart, icount
 integer :: ilev, obscopyindex, priorcopyindex, errorcopyindex, ensmem
 integer :: stationindex, i, seconds, days
+character(len=nf90_max_name) :: dimName
 integer, dimension(nf90_max_var_dims) :: dimIDs, dimLengths
 integer ::  TimeVarID, VarID, ndims
 integer ::  QCVarID, DARTQCVarID
@@ -1235,7 +1265,6 @@
 integer :: ForecastDimlen
 real(digits12) :: fdays
-real(digits12), allocatable, dimension(:) :: mytimes
 real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: datmat
 if (debug) write(*,*)'DEBUG --- entering WriteNetCDF'
@@ -1283,9 +1312,13 @@
 call nc_check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, 'dart_qc', varid=DARTQCVarID), &
           'WriteNetCDF', 'inq_varid:dart_qc '//trim(fname))
-! Increase the record dimension 
+! FIXME Check to see if the record dimension (the analysis dimension) matches
+! the information from the input filename. Each input file corresponds
+! to a new Analysis Time ...
-istart(1) = AnalysisDimlen + 1
+! Increase the record dimension ... once for each input/analysis file
+istart(1) = ifile
 icount(1) = 1
 call get_time(analysisT,seconds,days)
@@ -1305,13 +1338,12 @@
    write(*,*)   ! a little whitespace
    do i = 1,ndims
       write(string1,*)'dimlen ',i,' of ',trim(obtype_string),trim(fname)
-      call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimIDs(i), len=dimLengths(i)), &
+      call nc_check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimIDs(i), name=dimName, len=dimLengths(i)), &
               'WriteNetCDF', string1)
-      ! FIXME check the dimlength agains that expected ...  
-      write(*,*)trim(obtype_string),' dimlen ',i,' is ',dimLengths(i)
+      ! FIXME check the dimlength against that expected ...
+      write(*,*)trim(obtype_string),' dimID ',i,' length/name ',dimLengths(i),trim(dimName)
-   write(*,*)   ! a little whitespace
@@ -1319,35 +1351,49 @@
 ! This routine gets called for every analysis time
 allocate(datmat(ForecastDimlen, NmembersDimlen, CopyDimlen, LevelsDimlen))
 ! FIXME These are hardwired for now ... kills me
 ilev           = 1
-  obscopyindex = 1 
-priorcopyindex = 2 
-errorcopyindex = 3 
+  obscopyindex = 1
+priorcopyindex = 2
+errorcopyindex = 3
 WriteObs : do stationindex = 1,num_stations
-   if (debug) write(*,*)'writing station ',stationindex,' to output.'
+   ! if (debug) write(*,*)'writing station ',stationindex,' to output.'
    ! FIXME - some sort of error check on making sure the time of the station
-   ! matches the time of the forecast verification 
+   ! matches the time of the forecast verification
+   datmat = MISSING_R8
    do ensmem = 1,NmembersDimlen
    do i = 1,ForecastDimlen
       ! observation value
-      datmat(i,ensmem,  obscopyindex,ilev) = stations(stationindex)%observation(i) 
+      datmat(i,ensmem,  obscopyindex,ilev) = stations(stationindex)%observation(i)
       ! ensemble prior observation value
-      datmat(i,ensmem,priorcopyindex,ilev) = stations(stationindex)%forecast(ensmem,i) 
+      datmat(i,ensmem,priorcopyindex,ilev) = stations(stationindex)%forecast(ensmem,i)
       ! observation error variance
-      datmat(i,ensmem,errorcopyindex,ilev) = stations(stationindex)%obserror(i) 
+      datmat(i,ensmem,errorcopyindex,ilev) = stations(stationindex)%obserror(i)
+   if (verbose .and. (stationindex == 1)) then
+      write(*,*)
+      write(*,*)'station 1/ens 1 summary before being written @ analysis T index ',istart(1),':'
+      write(*,*)'observation ',datmat(:,1,obscopyindex,1)
+      write(*,*)'prior       ',datmat(:,1,priorcopyindex,1)
+      write(*,*)'error       ',datmat(:,1,errorcopyindex,1)
+   !  write(*,*)
+   !  write(*,*)'station 1/ens 1 summary from stations structure.'
+   !  write(*,*)'observation ',stations(1)%observation
+   !  write(*,*)'prior       ',stations(1)%forecast(1,:)
+   !  write(*,*)'error       ',stations(1)%obserror
+   endif
    call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, VarId, datmat, &
         start=(/ 1, 1, 1, ilev, stationindex, istart(1) /), &
         count=(/ ForecastDimlen, NmembersDimlen, CopyDimlen, LevelsDimlen, 1, 1 /) ), &
@@ -1365,14 +1411,13 @@
 enddo WriteObs
 ! finished ...
-call nc_check(nf90_sync( ncid), 'WriteNetCDF', 'sync '//trim(fname))  
+call nc_check(nf90_sync( ncid), 'WriteNetCDF', 'sync '//trim(fname))
 if (debug) write(*,*)'DEBUG --- leaving WriteNetCDF'
@@ -1395,7 +1440,7 @@
 ! files used. For expediency, should learn how to allocate some
 ! extra space for this ... possible FIXME
-call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'redef '//trim(fname))  
+call nc_check(nf90_redef(ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'redef '//trim(fname))
 ! write all observation sequence files used
 FILEloop : do i = 1,SIZE(obs_seq_filenames)
@@ -1411,9 +1456,9 @@
 enddo FILEloop
-call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'enddef '//trim(fname))  
-call nc_check(nf90_sync(  ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'sync   '//trim(fname))  
-call nc_check(nf90_close( ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'close  '//trim(fname))  
+call nc_check(nf90_enddef(ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'enddef '//trim(fname))
+call nc_check(nf90_sync(  ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'sync   '//trim(fname))
+call nc_check(nf90_close( ncid), 'CloseNetCDF', 'close  '//trim(fname))
 end subroutine CloseNetCDF
@@ -1447,8 +1492,8 @@
 function find_ensemble_size()
 ! The only way I know of to determine the ensemble size is to read the
-! copy metadata from one of the obs_seq.xxx files. I'm just going to 
-! open the first file, read the entire damn sequence, and count them up. 
+! copy metadata from one of the obs_seq.xxx files. I'm just going to
+! open the first file, read the entire damn sequence, and count them up.
 ! Then, I need to preserve all the indices for the observation value
 ! as well as the indices for the ensemble members. The observation error
@@ -1475,7 +1520,7 @@
 ! Read the entire observation sequence - allocates 'seq' internally
-! And then cruise throught the metadata 
+! And then cruise throught the metadata
 call read_obs_seq(obs_seq_in_file_name, 0, 0, 0, seq)
@@ -1507,7 +1552,7 @@
 subroutine find_analysis_time(filename, ExpIndex, analysis_time)
-! Parse the filename into an integer string that defines the 
+! Parse the filename into an integer string that defines the
 ! analysis time.
@@ -1574,7 +1619,7 @@
 TimeLoop : do j = 1,size(VerifyTimes,1)
    if ( mytime == VerifyTimes(j,1) ) then
-      analysis_time = mytime 
+      analysis_time = mytime
       ExpIndex      = j
       exit TimeLoop
@@ -1584,7 +1629,7 @@
    write(string1,*)'Cannot find an analysis time that matches '//lj_filename(indx+0:indx+9)
    call error_handler(E_ERR,'find_analysis_time',string1,source,revision,revdate)
 end subroutine find_analysis_time
@@ -1609,7 +1654,7 @@
 dart_qcindex = -1
 indices      = -1
-! Find the observation copy 
+! Find the observation copy
 ObsDataLoop : do i=1, get_num_copies(myseq)
    metadata = get_copy_meta_data(myseq,i)
@@ -1651,7 +1696,7 @@
 ! Here is the sanity check to make sure the indices pick off just the
 ! prior ensemble members.
-if (verbose) then
+if (debug) then
    write(*,*)   ! just a little whitespace
    do i = 1,size(indices)
       metadata = get_copy_meta_data(myseq,indices(i))
@@ -1669,18 +1714,18 @@
    if(index(get_qc_meta_data(myseq,i),'DART quality control') > 0) dart_qcindex = i
 enddo QCMetaDataLoop
-if (      qcindex < 0 ) then 
-   write(string1,*)'metadata:Quality Control copyindex not found' 
+if (      qcindex < 0 ) then
+   write(string1,*)'metadata:Quality Control copyindex not found'
    call error_handler(E_MSG,'find_qc_indices:',string1,source,revision,revdate)
-if ( dart_qcindex < 0 ) then 
-   write(string1,*)'metadata:DART quality control copyindex not found' 
+if ( dart_qcindex < 0 ) then
+   write(string1,*)'metadata:DART quality control copyindex not found'
    call error_handler(E_MSG,'find_qc_indices:',string1,source,revision,revdate)
 ! Just echo what we know
-if (verbose) then
+if (debug) then
    write(*,*)'QC index',     qcindex,' ',trim(get_qc_meta_data(myseq,     qcindex))
    write(*,*)'QC index',dart_qcindex,' ',trim(get_qc_meta_data(myseq,dart_qcindex))

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