[Dart-dev] [3868] DART/trunk/observations/utilities/threed_sphere: Has landmasses at the surface of the planet, more faithful axis limits.

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Fri May 8 12:05:13 MDT 2009

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Modified: DART/trunk/observations/utilities/threed_sphere/plot_obs_netcdf.m
--- DART/trunk/observations/utilities/threed_sphere/plot_obs_netcdf.m	2009-05-08 13:48:56 UTC (rev 3867)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/utilities/threed_sphere/plot_obs_netcdf.m	2009-05-08 18:05:13 UTC (rev 3868)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-function obsstruct = plot_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ObsString, ...
+function h = plot_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString, ...
                                      QCString, maxQC, verbose)
 % fname         = 'obs_sequence_001.nc';
 % region        = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf];
-% ObsString     = 'NCEP BUFR observation';
+% CopyString    = 'NCEP BUFR observation';
 % QCString      = 'DART quality control';
 % maxQC         = 2;
 % verbose       = 1;   % anything > 0 == 'true'
-% bob = plot_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ObsString, QCString, maxQC, verbose);
+% bob = plot_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString, QCString, maxQC, verbose);
 % record the user input
 obsstruct.fname         = fname;
 obsstruct.ObsTypeString = ObsTypeString;
 obsstruct.region        = region;
-obsstruct.ObsString     = ObsString;
+obsstruct.CopyString    = CopyString;
 obsstruct.QCString      = QCString;
 obsstruct.maxQC         = maxQC;
 obsstruct.verbose       = verbose;
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 t              = nc_varget(fname,'time');
 obs_type       = nc_varget(fname,'obs_type');
-z              = nc_varget(fname,'which_vert');
+z_type         = nc_varget(fname,'which_vert');
 loc            = nc_varget(fname,'location');
 obs            = nc_varget(fname,'observations');
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 % Find observations of the correct type.
-mytypeind = get_copy_index(fname, ObsString);
+mytypeind = get_copy_index(fname, CopyString);
 myind     = strmatch(ObsTypeString,ObsTypeStrings);
 inds      = find(obs_type == myind);
 mylocs    = loc(inds,:);
@@ -90,19 +90,29 @@
 obsstruct.lats = mylocs(inds,2);
 obsstruct.z    = mylocs(inds,3);
 obsstruct.obs  =  myobs(inds);
+obsstruct.Ztyp = z_type(inds);
-if ( ~ isempty(myqc))
-obsstruct.qc   =   myqc(inds);
+if (isempty(myqc))
+   obsstruct.qc = [];
+   obsstruct.qc = myqc(inds);
-% It might be great to have a histogram of the observations with particular QC
-% values
 % subset based on qc value
-if ( (~ isempty(myqc)) & ( ~ isempty(maxQC)) )
+if ( (~ isempty(myqc)) & (~ isempty(maxQC)) )
    inds = find(obsstruct.qc > maxQC);
+   if (~isempty(inds))
+       badobs.lons = obsstruct.lons(inds);
+       badobs.lats = obsstruct.lats(inds);
+       badobs.Ztyp = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds);
+       badobs.z    = obsstruct.z(   inds);
+       badobs.obs  = obsstruct.obs(inds);
+       badobs.qc   = obsstruct.qc(inds);       
+   end
    disp(sprintf('Removing %d obs with a %s value greater than %f', ...
@@ -110,11 +120,19 @@
    bob = obsstruct.lons(inds); obsstruct.lons = bob;
    bob = obsstruct.lats(inds); obsstruct.lats = bob;
+   bob = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds); obsstruct.Ztyp = bob;
    bob = obsstruct.z(   inds); obsstruct.z    = bob;
    bob = obsstruct.obs( inds); obsstruct.obs  = bob;
+   bob = obsstruct.qc(  inds); obsstruct.qc   = bob;
+% Create graphic with area-weighted symbols for the good observations.
+figure(1); clf
 xmin = min(region(1:2));
 xmax = max(region(1:2));
 ymin = min(region(3:4));
@@ -122,24 +140,167 @@
 zmin = min(obsstruct.z);
 zmax = max(obsstruct.z);
-y1 = 36;
-yN = 10*y1;
-x1 = min(obsstruct.obs);
-xN = max(obsstruct.obs);
+y1    = 36;
+yN    = 10*y1;
+x1    = min(obsstruct.obs);
+xN    = max(obsstruct.obs);
 slope = (yN-y1)/(xN-x1);
-b = y1 - slope*x1;
+b     = y1 - slope*x1;
 scalarray = obsstruct.obs*slope + b;
-h = scatter(obsstruct.lons,obsstruct.lats,scalarray,obsstruct.obs,'d','filled');
-axis image
-% axis([xmin xmax -Inf Inf])
+scatter3(obsstruct.lons, obsstruct.lats, obsstruct.z, ...
+         scalarray, obsstruct.obs, 'd', 'filled');
+axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax])
 str1 = sprintf('%s level (%.2f - %.2f)',ObsTypeString,zmin,zmax);
 str2 = sprintf('(%d locations)',length(obsstruct.obs));
 str3 = sprintf('%s - %s',timestring(1,:),timestring(2,:));
-title( {str1, str3}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',18);
+title( {str1, str3, str2}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',18);
+if     (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == -2) % VERTISUNDEF     = -2
+   zlabel('curious ... undefined')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == -1) % VERTISSURFACE   = -1
+   zlabel('surface')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) ==  1) % VERTISLEVEL     =  1
+   zlabel('level')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) ==  2) % VERTISPRESSURE  =  2
+   set(gca,'ZDir','reverse')
+   zlabel('pressure')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) ==  3) % VERTISHEIGHT    =  3
+   zlabel('height')
+h = colorbar;
+% Create graphic of spatial distribution of 'bad' observations & their QC value.
+figure(2); clf
+subplot('position',[0.1 0.20 0.8 0.65])
+scalearray = 128 * ones(size(badobs.obs));
+zmin = min(badobs.z);
+zmax = max(badobs.z);
+scatter3(badobs.lons, badobs.lats, badobs.z, scalearray, badobs.qc,'filled')
+title( {str1, str3, 'Bad Observations'}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',18);
+if     (badobs.Ztyp(1) == -2) % VERTISUNDEF     = -2
+   zlabel('curious ... undefined')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) == -1) % VERTISSURFACE   = -1
+   zlabel('surface')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) ==  1) % VERTISLEVEL     =  1
+   zlabel('level')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) ==  2) % VERTISPRESSURE  =  2
+   set(gca,'ZDir','reverse')
+   zlabel('pressure')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) ==  3) % VERTISHEIGHT    =  3
+   zlabel('height')
+axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax])
+h = colorbar;
+subplot('position',[0.1 0.05 0.8 0.10])
+axis off
+qcvals  = unique(badobs.qc);
+qccount = zeros(size(qcvals));
+for i = 1:length(qcvals)
+   qccount(i) = sum(badobs.qc == qcvals(i));
+   s{i} = sprintf('%d obs with qc == %d',qccount(i),qcvals(i));
+function h = myworldmap
+load topo;                 % GET Matlab-native [180x360] ELEVATION DATASET
+lats = [-89.5:89.5];       % CREATE LAT ARRAY FOR TOPO MATRIX
+lons = [0.5:359.5];        % CREATE LON ARRAY FOR TOPO MATRIX
+nlon = length(lons);
+nlat = length(lats);
+% If we didn't explicitly tell it, make a guess.
+ax   = axis;
+if (ax(1) < -2)
+   lons = lons - 180.0;
+   topo = [ topo(:,nlon/2+1:nlon) topo(:,1:nlon/2) ];
+% We need to determine the geographic subset of the elevation matrix.
+lon_ind1 = min(find(ax(1) <= lons));
+lon_ind2 = min(find(ax(2) <= lons));
+lat_ind1 = min(find(ax(3) <= lats));
+lat_ind2 = min(find(ax(4) <= lats));
+if (isempty(lon_ind1)) lon_ind1 = 1;    end;
+if (isempty(lon_ind2)) lon_ind2 = nlon; end;
+if (isempty(lat_ind1)) lat_ind1 = 1;    end;
+if (isempty(lat_ind2)) lat_ind2 = nlat; end;
+elev = topo(lat_ind1:lat_ind2,lon_ind1:lon_ind2);
+x    = lons(lon_ind1:lon_ind2);
+y    = lats(lat_ind1:lat_ind2);
+% Contour the "subset"
+% There are differences between 6.5 and 7.0 that make changing the colors
+% of the filled contours a real pain. Providing both solutions.
+orgholdstate = ishold;
+hold on;
+switch  get(gca,'ZDir')
+   case 'reverse'
+      zlevel = max(ax(5:6));
+   otherwise
+      zlevel = min(ax(5:6));
+fcolor = [0.7 0.7 0.7];    % light grey
+[c,h] = contourf(x,y,elev,[0.0 0.0],'k-');
+new_level = 1000;
+h_patch = get(h, 'Children');
+for i = 1:numel(h_patch)
+    y = get(h_patch(i), 'YData');
+    s = size(y);
+    set(h_patch(i), 'ZData', zlevel*ones(s),'FaceColor',fcolor);
+if (orgholdstate == 0) hold off; end;

Modified: DART/trunk/observations/utilities/threed_sphere/plot_obs_netcdf_diffs.m
--- DART/trunk/observations/utilities/threed_sphere/plot_obs_netcdf_diffs.m	2009-05-08 13:48:56 UTC (rev 3867)
+++ DART/trunk/observations/utilities/threed_sphere/plot_obs_netcdf_diffs.m	2009-05-08 18:05:13 UTC (rev 3868)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 function obsstruct = plot_obs_netcdf_diffs(fname, ObsTypeString, region,  ...
-                      ObsString1, ObsString2, QCString, maxQC, verbose)
+                      CopyString1, CopyString2, QCString, maxQC, verbose)
 % fname         = 'obs_sequence_001.nc';
 % region        = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf];
-% ObsString1    = 'NCEP BUFR observation';
-% ObsString2    = 'prior ensemble mean';
+% CopyString1   = 'NCEP BUFR observation';
+% CopyString2   = 'prior ensemble mean';
 % QCString      = 'DART quality control';
 % maxQC         = 1;
 % verbose       = 1;   % anything > 0 == 'true'
-% bob = plot_obs_netcdf_diffs(fname, ObsTypeString, region, ObsString1, ObsString2, ...
+% bob = plot_obs_netcdf_diffs(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString1, CopyString2, ...
 %                       QCString, maxQC, verbose);
 % record the user input
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 obsstruct.fname         = fname;
 obsstruct.ObsTypeString = ObsTypeString;
 obsstruct.region        = region;
-obsstruct.ObsString1    = ObsString1;
-obsstruct.ObsString2    = ObsString2;
+obsstruct.CopyString1   = CopyString1;
+obsstruct.CopyString2   = CopyString2;
 obsstruct.QCString      = QCString;
 obsstruct.maxQC         = maxQC;
 obsstruct.verbose       = verbose;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 t              = nc_varget(fname,'time');
 obs_type       = nc_varget(fname,'obs_type');
-z              = nc_varget(fname,'which_vert');
+z_type         = nc_varget(fname,'which_vert');
 loc            = nc_varget(fname,'location');
 obs            = nc_varget(fname,'observations');
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
 % Find observations of the correct types.
-mytype1   = get_copy_index(fname, ObsString1);
-mytype2   = get_copy_index(fname, ObsString2);
+mytype1   = get_copy_index(fname, CopyString1);
+mytype2   = get_copy_index(fname, CopyString2);
 myind     = strmatch(ObsTypeString,ObsTypeStrings);
 inds      = find(obs_type == myind);
@@ -99,19 +99,29 @@
 obsstruct.lats = mylocs(inds,2);
 obsstruct.z    = mylocs(inds,3);
 obsstruct.obs  =  myobs(inds);
+obsstruct.Ztyp = z_type(inds);
-if ( ~ isempty(myqc))
-obsstruct.qc   =   myqc(inds);
+if (isempty(myqc))
+   obsstruct.qc = [];
+   obsstruct.qc = myqc(inds);
-% It might be great to have a histogram of the observations with particular QC
-% values
 % subset based on qc value
-if ( (~ isempty(myqc)) & ( ~ isempty(maxQC)) )
+if ( (~ isempty(myqc)) & (~ isempty(maxQC)) )
    inds = find(obsstruct.qc > maxQC);
+   if (~isempty(inds))
+       badobs.lons = obsstruct.lons(inds);
+       badobs.lats = obsstruct.lats(inds);
+       badobs.Ztyp = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds);
+       badobs.z    = obsstruct.z(   inds);
+       badobs.obs  = obsstruct.obs(inds);
+       badobs.qc   = obsstruct.qc(inds);       
+   end
    disp(sprintf('Removing %d obs with a %s value greater than %f', ...
@@ -119,11 +129,19 @@
    bob = obsstruct.lons(inds); obsstruct.lons = bob;
    bob = obsstruct.lats(inds); obsstruct.lats = bob;
+   bob = obsstruct.Ztyp(inds); obsstruct.Ztyp = bob;
    bob = obsstruct.z(   inds); obsstruct.z    = bob;
    bob = obsstruct.obs( inds); obsstruct.obs  = bob;
+   bob = obsstruct.qc(  inds); obsstruct.qc   = bob;
+% Create graphic with area-weighted symbols for the good observations.
+figure(1); clf
 xmin = min(region(1:2));
 xmax = max(region(1:2));
 ymin = min(region(3:4));
@@ -131,24 +149,169 @@
 zmin = min(obsstruct.z);
 zmax = max(obsstruct.z);
-y1 = 24;
-yN = 10*y1;
-x1 = min(obsstruct.obs);
-xN = max(obsstruct.obs);
+y1    = 36;
+yN    = 10*y1;
+x1    = min(obsstruct.obs);
+xN    = max(obsstruct.obs);
 slope = (yN-y1)/(xN-x1);
-b = y1 - slope*x1;
+b     = y1 - slope*x1;
 scalarray = obsstruct.obs*slope + b;
+scalearray = 128 * ones(size(obsstruct.obs));
-h = scatter(obsstruct.lons,obsstruct.lats,128,obsstruct.obs,'d','filled');
-axis image
-% axis([xmin xmax -Inf Inf])
+scatter3(obsstruct.lons, obsstruct.lats, obsstruct.z, ...
+              scalearray, obsstruct.obs,'d','filled');
+axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax])
 str1 = sprintf('%s level (%.2f - %.2f)',ObsTypeString,zmin,zmax);
-str2 = sprintf('%s - %s (%d locations)',ObsString2,ObsString1,length(obsstruct.obs));
+str2 = sprintf('%s - %s (%d locations)',CopyString2,CopyString1,length(obsstruct.obs));
 str3 = sprintf('%s - %s',timestring(1,:),timestring(2,:));
-title( {str1, str3}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',18);
+title( {str1, str3, str2}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',18);
+if     (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == -2) % VERTISUNDEF     = -2
+   zlabel('curious ... undefined')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) == -1) % VERTISSURFACE   = -1
+   zlabel('surface')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) ==  1) % VERTISLEVEL     =  1
+   zlabel('level')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) ==  2) % VERTISPRESSURE  =  2
+   set(gca,'ZDir','reverse')
+   zlabel('pressure')
+elseif (obsstruct.Ztyp(1) ==  3) % VERTISHEIGHT    =  3
+   zlabel('height')
+h = colorbar;
+% Create graphic of spatial distribution of 'bad' observations & their QC value.
+figure(2); clf
+subplot('position',[0.1 0.20 0.8 0.65])
+scalearray = 128 * ones(size(badobs.obs));
+zmin = min(badobs.z);
+zmax = max(badobs.z);
+scatter3(badobs.lons, badobs.lats, badobs.z, scalearray, badobs.qc,'filled')
+title( {str1, str3, 'Bad Observations'}, 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',18);
+if     (badobs.Ztyp(1) == -2) % VERTISUNDEF     = -2
+   zlabel('curious ... undefined')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) == -1) % VERTISSURFACE   = -1
+   zlabel('surface')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) ==  1) % VERTISLEVEL     =  1
+   zlabel('level')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) ==  2) % VERTISPRESSURE  =  2
+   set(gca,'ZDir','reverse')
+   zlabel('pressure')
+elseif (badobs.Ztyp(1) ==  3) % VERTISHEIGHT    =  3
+   zlabel('height')
+axis([region(1) region(2) ymin ymax zmin zmax])
+h = colorbar;
+subplot('position',[0.1 0.05 0.8 0.10])
+axis off
+qcvals  = unique(badobs.qc);
+qccount = zeros(size(qcvals));
+for i = 1:length(qcvals)
+   qccount(i) = sum(badobs.qc == qcvals(i));
+   s{i} = sprintf('%d obs with qc == %d',qccount(i),qcvals(i));
+function h = myworldmap
+load topo;                 % GET Matlab-native [180x360] ELEVATION DATASET
+lats = [-89.5:89.5];       % CREATE LAT ARRAY FOR TOPO MATRIX
+lons = [0.5:359.5];        % CREATE LON ARRAY FOR TOPO MATRIX
+nlon = length(lons);
+nlat = length(lats);
+% If we didn't explicitly tell it, make a guess.
+ax   = axis;
+if (ax(1) < -2)
+   lons = lons - 180.0;
+   topo = [ topo(:,nlon/2+1:nlon) topo(:,1:nlon/2) ];
+% We need to determine the geographic subset of the elevation matrix.
+lon_ind1 = min(find(ax(1) <= lons));
+lon_ind2 = min(find(ax(2) <= lons));
+lat_ind1 = min(find(ax(3) <= lats));
+lat_ind2 = min(find(ax(4) <= lats));
+if (isempty(lon_ind1)) lon_ind1 = 1;    end;
+if (isempty(lon_ind2)) lon_ind2 = nlon; end;
+if (isempty(lat_ind1)) lat_ind1 = 1;    end;
+if (isempty(lat_ind2)) lat_ind2 = nlat; end;
+elev = topo(lat_ind1:lat_ind2,lon_ind1:lon_ind2);
+x    = lons(lon_ind1:lon_ind2);
+y    = lats(lat_ind1:lat_ind2);
+% Contour the "subset"
+% There are differences between 6.5 and 7.0 that make changing the colors
+% of the filled contours a real pain. Providing both solutions.
+orgholdstate = ishold;
+hold on;
+switch  get(gca,'ZDir')
+   case 'reverse'
+      zlevel = max(ax(5:6));
+   otherwise
+      zlevel = min(ax(5:6));
+fcolor = [0.7 0.7 0.7];    % light grey
+[c,h] = contourf(x,y,elev,[0.0 0.0],'k-');
+new_level = 1000;
+h_patch = get(h, 'Children');
+for i = 1:numel(h_patch)
+    y = get(h_patch(i), 'YData');
+    s = size(y);
+    set(h_patch(i), 'ZData', zlevel*ones(s),'FaceColor',fcolor);
+if (orgholdstate == 0) hold off; end;

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