[Dart-dev] [3962] DART/trunk: Finally - i' ve taken the advance_time program that is a derivative

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Fri Jul 10 15:24:09 MDT 2009

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Added: DART/trunk/time_manager/advance_time.f90
--- DART/trunk/time_manager/advance_time.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/time_manager/advance_time.f90	2009-07-10 21:24:09 UTC (rev 3962)
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+! Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+! Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+! University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+! Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+program advance_time
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$
+! interface identical to da_advance_cymdh, except for reading the arg line
+! from standard input, to be more portable since iargc() is nonstandard across
+! different fortran implementations.
+! i/o sections of file lightly modified from da_advance_cymdh
+! time computations all call DART time manager
+!   - has accuracy down to second,
+!   - can use day/hour/minute/second (with/without +/- sign) to advance time,
+!   - can digest various input date format if it still has the right order (ie. cc yy mm dd hh nn ss)
+!   - can digest flexible time increment 
+!   - can output in wrf date format (ccyy-mm-dd_hh:nn:ss)
+!   - can specify output date format
+!   - can output Julian day
+!   - can output Gregorian days and seconds (since year 1601)
+! e.g:
+!  echo 20070730      12         | advance_time    # advance 12 h 
+!  echo 2007073012   -1d2h30m30s | advance_time    # back 1 day 2 hours 30 minutes and 30 seconds
+!  echo 2007073012    1s-3h30m   | advance_time    # back 3 hours 30 minutes less 1 second
+!  echo 200707301200  2d1s -w    | advance_time    # advance 2 days and 1 second, output in wrf date format
+!  echo 2007-07-30_12:00:00 2d1s -w  | advance_time  # same as previous example
+!  echo 200707301200  2d1s -f ccyy-mm-dd_hh:nn:ss | advance_time # same as previous example
+!  echo 2007073006    120 -j     | advance_time    # advance 120 h, and print year and Julian day
+!  echo 2007073006    120 -J     | advance_time    # advance 120 h, print year, Julian day, hour, minute and second
+!  echo 2007073006    0 -g       | advance_time    # print Gregorian day and second (since year 1601)
+use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, set_calendar_type, GREGORIAN, &
+                             increment_time, decrement_time, set_time, get_time, &
+                             set_date, get_date, julian_day
+use    utilities_mod, only : initialize_utilities, error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG
+use   parse_args_mod, only : get_args_from_string
+   implicit none
+   integer :: ccyy, mm, dd, hh, nn, ss, dday, dh, dn, ds, gday, gsec
+   integer :: nargum, i
+   character(len=80), dimension(10) :: argum
+   character(len=14) :: ccyymmddhhnnss
+   character(len=80) :: out_date_format, dtime
+   character(len=256) :: in_string
+   integer :: datelen
+   integer, parameter :: stdout=6
+   type(time_type) :: base_time
+   ! Initialize modules used that require it, and be silent about it
+   call initialize_utilities('advance_time', output_flag = .false.)
+   !call register_module(source,revision,revdate)
+   call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
+   ! this routine reads a line from standard input and parses it up 
+   ! into blank-separated words.
+   read(*, '(A)') in_string
+   call get_args_from_string(in_string, nargum, argum)
+   if ( nargum < 2 ) then
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         'Usage:   echo ccyymmddhh[nnss] [+|-]dt[d|h|m|s] [-w|-W|-wrf|-WRF] [-f|-F date_format] [-j|-J] [-g|-G] | advance_time'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         'Option:  -w|-W|-wrf|-WRF  output in wrf date format as ccyy-mm-dd_hh:nn:ss'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         -f|-F  specify output date format, such as ccyy-mm-dd_hh:nn:ss, or ''ccyy/mm/dd  hh:nn:ss'''
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         -j|-J  print Julian day'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         -g|-G  print Gregorian days and seconds (since year 1601)'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         'Example: echo 20070730      12         | advance_time   # advance 12 h'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 2007073012   -1d2h30m30s | advance_time   # back 1 day 2 hours 30 min and 30 sec'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 2007073012    1s-3h30m   | advance_time   # back 3 hours 30 minutes less 1 second'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 200707301200  1d1s -w    | advance_time   # advance 1 day 1 sec, output in wrf date format'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 2007-07-30_12:00:00 2d1s -w | advance_time              # same as previous example'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 200707301200  2d1s -f ccyy-mm-dd_hh:nn:ss | advance_time # same as previous' 
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 2007073006    120 -j     | advance_time    # advance 120 h, and print year and Julian day'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 2007073006    120 -J     | advance_time    # advance 120 h, print year, Julian day, hour, minute and second'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') &
+         '         echo 2007073006    0 -g       | advance_time    # print Gregorian day and second (since year 1601)'
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') ''
+      stop 'try again.'
+   end if
+   ccyymmddhhnnss = parsedate(argum(1))
+   datelen = len_trim(ccyymmddhhnnss)
+   if (datelen == 8) then
+      read(ccyymmddhhnnss(1:10), fmt='(i4, 2i2)')  ccyy, mm, dd
+      hh = 0
+      nn = 0
+      ss = 0
+   else if (datelen == 10) then
+      read(ccyymmddhhnnss(1:10), fmt='(i4, 3i2)')  ccyy, mm, dd, hh
+      nn = 0
+      ss = 0
+   else if (datelen == 12) then
+      read(ccyymmddhhnnss(1:12), fmt='(i4, 4i2)')  ccyy, mm, dd, hh, nn
+      ss = 0
+   else if (datelen == 14) then
+      read(ccyymmddhhnnss(1:14), fmt='(i4, 5i2)')  ccyy, mm, dd, hh, nn, ss
+   else
+      stop 'wrong input date'
+   endif
+   base_time = set_date(ccyy, mm, dd, hh, nn, ss)
+   dtime = trim(argum(2))
+   call parsedt(dtime,dday,dh,dn,ds)
+!print*, 'delta t: ', dday, dh, dn, ds
+   ! each part can be positive or negative, or 0. 
+   if (dday > 0) then
+      base_time = increment_time(base_time, 0, dday)
+   else if (dday < 0) then
+      base_time = decrement_time(base_time, 0, -dday)
+   endif
+   if (dh > 0) then
+      base_time = increment_time(base_time, dh*3600)
+   else if (dh < 0) then
+      base_time = decrement_time(base_time, -dh*3600)
+   endif
+   if (dn > 0) then
+      base_time = increment_time(base_time, dn*60)
+   else if (dn < 0) then
+      base_time = decrement_time(base_time, -dn*60)
+   endif
+   if (ds > 0) then
+      base_time = increment_time(base_time, ds)
+   else if (ds < 0) then
+      base_time = decrement_time(base_time, -ds)
+   endif
+   call get_date(base_time, ccyy, mm, dd, hh, nn, ss)
+   write(ccyymmddhhnnss(1:14), fmt='(i4, 5i2.2)')  ccyy, mm, dd, hh, nn, ss
+   if ( nargum == 2 ) then
+      if (datelen<14) then
+         if(nn /= 0) datelen=12
+         if(ss /= 0) datelen=14
+      endif
+      write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') ccyymmddhhnnss(1:datelen)
+   else if ( nargum > 2 ) then
+      i = 3
+      do while (i <= nargum)
+        select case ( trim(argum(i)) )
+           case ('-w', '-W', '-wrf','-WRF')
+              out_date_format = 'ccyy-mm-dd_hh:nn:ss'
+              write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') trim(formatdate(ccyymmddhhnnss, out_date_format))
+              i = i+1
+           case ('-f', '-F')
+              out_date_format = trim(argum(i+1))
+              write(unit=stdout, fmt='(a)') trim(formatdate(ccyymmddhhnnss, out_date_format))
+              i = i+2
+           case ('-j')
+              write(unit=stdout, fmt='(I4,I4)') ccyy, julian_day(ccyy,mm,dd)
+              i = i+1
+           case ('-J')
+              write(unit=stdout, fmt='(I4,I4,I3,I3,I3)') ccyy, julian_day(ccyy,mm,dd),hh,nn,ss
+              i = i+1
+           case ('-g','-G')
+              call get_time(base_time, gsec, gday)
+              write(unit=stdout, fmt='(I8,I8)') gday, gsec
+              i = i+1
+           case default
+              i = i+1
+        end select
+      end do
+   end if
+function parsedate(datein)
+   character(len=80) :: datein
+   character(len=14) :: parsedate
+   character(len=1 ) :: ch
+   integer :: n, i
+   parsedate = '00000000000000'
+   i=0
+   do n = 1, len_trim(datein)
+      ch = datein(n:n)
+      if (ch >= '0' .and. ch <= '9') then
+         i=i+1
+         parsedate(i:i)=ch
+      end if
+   end do
+   if (parsedate(11:14) == '0000') then
+      parsedate(11:14) = ''
+   else if(parsedate(13:14) == '00') then
+      parsedate(13:14) = ''
+   end if
+   return 
+end function parsedate
+subroutine parsedt(dt,dday,dh,dn,ds)
+   character(len=80) :: dt
+   integer :: dday, dh, dn, ds
+   character(len=1 ) :: ch
+   integer :: n,i,d,s,nounit
+   ! initialize time and sign
+   nounit=1
+   dday=0
+   dh=0
+   dn=0
+   ds=0
+   d=0
+   s=1
+   do n = 1, len_trim(dt)
+      ch = dt(n:n)
+      select case (ch)
+         case ('0':'9')
+           read(ch,fmt='(i1)') i
+           d=d*10+i
+         case ('-')
+           s=-1
+         case ('+')
+           s=1
+         case ('d')
+           nounit=0
+           dday=dday+d*s
+           d=0
+         case ('h')
+           nounit=0
+           dh=dh+d*s
+           d=0
+         case ('n','m')
+           nounit=0
+           dn=dn+d*s
+           d=0
+         case ('s')
+           nounit=0
+           ds=ds+d*s
+           d=0
+         case default
+      end select
+   end do
+   if (nounit==1) dh=d*s
+end subroutine parsedt
+function formatdate(datein,dateform)
+   character(len=14) :: datein
+   character(len=80) :: dateform
+   character(len=80) :: formatdate
+   integer :: ic,iy,im,id,ih,in,is
+   ic=index(dateform,'cc')
+   iy=index(dateform,'yy')
+   im=index(dateform,'mm')
+   id=index(dateform,'dd')
+   ih=index(dateform,'hh')
+   in=index(dateform,'nn')
+   is=index(dateform,'ss')
+   formatdate=trim(dateform)
+   if (ic /= 0) formatdate(ic:ic+1) = datein(1:2)
+   if (iy /= 0) formatdate(iy:iy+1) = datein(3:4)
+   if (im /= 0) formatdate(im:im+1) = datein(5:6)
+   if (id /= 0) formatdate(id:id+1) = datein(7:8)
+   if (ih /= 0) formatdate(ih:ih+1) = datein(9:10)
+   if (in /= 0) formatdate(in:in+1) = datein(11:12)
+   if (is /= 0) formatdate(is:is+1) = datein(13:14)
+   return
+end function formatdate
+end program advance_time

Property changes on: DART/trunk/time_manager/advance_time.f90
Name: svn:keywords
   + Date Revision Author HeadURL Id

Added: DART/trunk/utilities/parse_args_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/utilities/parse_args_mod.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/utilities/parse_args_mod.f90	2009-07-10 21:24:09 UTC (rev 3962)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+! Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+! Copyright 2004-2009, Data Assimilation Research Section
+! University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+! Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+module parse_args_mod
+use utilities_mod, only : error_handler, E_ERR
+! parse a list of blank separated words.  intended to be used to parse
+! a line of input read from a terminal/stdin, as opposed to using the
+! (non-standard) fortran argc command line arg parsing.
+! the intended use would be: 
+!   % echo "a b c" | program
+! or
+!   % cat file
+!    a b c
+!   % program < file
+! or
+!   % program <<EOF
+!   a b c
+!   EOF
+implicit none
+! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
+character(len=128), parameter :: &
+   source   = "$URL$", &
+   revision = "$Revision$", &
+   revdate  = "$Date$"
+public :: get_args_from_string
+subroutine get_args_from_string(argline, argcount, argwords)
+! parse a single string up into blank-separated words
+ character(len=*), intent(in)  :: argline
+ integer,          intent(out) :: argcount
+ character(len=*), intent(out) :: argwords(:)
+! in all these offsets, they are relative to 1, left hand char in string:
+!  firstc is next non-blank character starting a word
+!  thisc is the current character
+!  finalc is the offset of the last non-blank character in the string
+! inword is a logical which toggles when inside a word or not
+! maxw are the max number of words, defined by what the caller passes in
+! maxl is the max length of any one word, again defined by the size of the
+!  in coming array.
+integer :: firstc, finalc, thisc
+logical :: inword
+integer :: maxw, maxl
+integer :: wordlen
+! error handling
+character(len=128) :: msgstring
+! maxw is max number of arg 'words' allowed
+! maxl is the max length of any one 'word'
+maxw = size(argwords)
+maxl = len(argwords(1))
+argwords = ''
+argcount = 0
+finalc = len_trim(argline)
+firstc = 0
+thisc  = 1
+inword = .false.
+wordlen = 0
+LINE: do
+   ! end of input?
+   if (thisc > finalc) then
+      ! if currently in a word, complete it
+      if (inword) then
+         argcount = argcount + 1
+         if (argcount > maxw) exit LINE
+         wordlen = thisc-firstc+1
+         if (wordlen > maxl) exit LINE
+         argwords(argcount) = argline(firstc:thisc-1)
+      endif
+      exit LINE
+   endif
+   ! transition into a word
+   if (.not. inword .and. argline(thisc:thisc) /= ' ') then
+      inword = .true.
+      firstc = thisc
+      thisc = thisc + 1
+   endif
+   ! transition out of a word
+   if (inword .and. argline(thisc:thisc) == ' ') then
+      inword = .false.
+      argcount = argcount + 1
+      if (argcount > maxw) exit LINE
+      wordlen = thisc-firstc+1
+      if (wordlen > maxl) exit LINE
+      argwords(argcount) = argline(firstc:thisc-1)
+      thisc = thisc + 1
+   endif
+   ! no transition: multiple blanks or consective chars
+   if ((.not. inword  .and. argline(thisc:thisc) == ' ') .or. &
+       (inword  .and. argline(thisc:thisc) /= ' ')) then
+      thisc = thisc + 1
+   endif
+enddo LINE
+if (argcount > maxw) then
+   write(msgstring,*) 'more blank-separated args than max allowed by calling code, ', maxw
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_args_from_string',msgstring, source,revision,revdate)
+if (wordlen > maxl) then
+   write(msgstring,*) 'one or more args longer than max length allowed by calling code, ', maxl
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_args_from_string',msgstring, source,revision,revdate)
+end subroutine 
+end module parse_args_mod

Property changes on: DART/trunk/utilities/parse_args_mod.f90
Name: svn:keywords
   + Date Revision Author HeadURL Id

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