[Dart-dev] [4002] DART/trunk: Move the contents of the top level 'converters' directory to a subdirectory

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Aug 12 10:51:20 MDT 2009

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Deleted: DART/trunk/converters/README
--- DART/trunk/converters/README	2009-08-12 15:41:26 UTC (rev 4001)
+++ DART/trunk/converters/README	2009-08-12 16:51:20 UTC (rev 4002)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-These are conversion programs to and from Dart observation
-sequence files and 3D-Var and little-r observation formats.
-Whether they work with the latest 3D-Var format is untested
-at this point.  Please contact the DART Development group if
-you are interested in using these tools.

Deleted: DART/trunk/converters/littler_tf_dart.f90
--- DART/trunk/converters/littler_tf_dart.f90	2009-08-12 15:41:26 UTC (rev 4001)
+++ DART/trunk/converters/littler_tf_dart.f90	2009-08-12 16:51:20 UTC (rev 4002)
@@ -1,1194 +0,0 @@
-! Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
-! Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
-! University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
-! Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
-PROGRAM littler_tf_dart
-! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
-! $URL$
-! $Id$
-! $Revision$
-! $Date$
-use        types_mod, only : r8, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG, MISSING_I, MISSING_R8
-use    utilities_mod, only : open_file, close_file, file_exist, &
-                             get_unit, initialize_utilities, &
-                             register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
-                             timestamp, logfileunit
-use obs_sequence_mod, only : obs_type, obs_sequence_type, init_obs_sequence, &
-                             insert_obs_in_seq, write_obs_seq, read_obs_seq, &
-                             set_qc, set_obs_values, set_copy_meta_data, &
-                             assignment(=), get_obs_time_range, &
-                             init_obs, static_init_obs_sequence, get_num_qc, set_obs_def, &
-                             get_num_obs, get_max_num_obs, get_obs_values, &
-                             get_time_range_keys, get_obs_from_key, get_obs_def, get_qc
-use      obs_def_mod, only : copy_obs_def, obs_def_type, &
-                             get_obs_def_time, get_obs_def_location, &
-                             get_obs_def_error_variance, get_obs_kind, &
-                             set_obs_def_kind, set_obs_def_location, set_obs_def_time, &
-                             set_obs_def_error_variance
-use     obs_kind_mod, only : RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT, &
-                             RADIOSONDE_V_WIND_COMPONENT, &
-                             RADIOSONDE_SURFACE_PRESSURE, &
-                             RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE, &
-                             RADIOSONDE_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY, &
-                             max_obs_kinds, get_obs_kind_name, map_def_index
-use     location_mod, only : location_type, get_location, query_location, set_location
-use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, get_time, set_calendar_type, GREGORIAN, get_date, &
-                             set_date, operator(/=), set_time
-implicit none
-! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
-character(len=128), parameter :: &
-   source   = "$URL$", &
-   revision = "$Revision$", &
-   revdate  = "$Date$"
-type(obs_sequence_type) :: dart_seq
-type(obs_type)          :: obs, prev_obs
-type(obs_def_type)      :: obs_def
-type(location_type)     :: location
-type(time_type)         :: time, stime, ftime
-INTEGER                 :: iunit, end_of_file
-integer                 :: key_bounds(2), obs_kind, which_vert, pwhich_vert
-real(r8)                :: obs_value(1), qc(1), erms
-real(r8), dimension(3)  :: loc, sloc, floc
-real(r8)                :: lon, lat, vloc, pvloc
-integer           :: is, ie, iobs, k
-integer           :: num_obs, num_copies, num_qc, max_num_obs, dart_seq_num_obs, num_obs_in_set
-integer, allocatable :: keys(:)
-character(len = 32)  :: obs_name, obs_no_support(max_obs_kinds)
-character(len = 129) :: msgstring
-integer              :: n_no_support
-character(len = 129) :: dart_file_name     = 'obs_seq.out', &
-                        littler_file_name = 'little-r.dat', &
-                        copy_meta_data
-integer              :: calendar_type      = GREGORIAN
-character *20  :: date_char
-CHARACTER *120 :: rpt_format
-CHARACTER *120 :: meas_format
-CHARACTER *120 :: end_format
-character *40  :: tst_id, tst_name, tst_pltfrm, tst_src
-real(r8)       :: tst_ter, tst_slp, tst_xlat, tst_xlon, tst_Psfc
-integer        :: kx, iseq_num, tst_sut, tst_julian
-logical        :: tst_sound, tst_bogus, tst_discard
-integer        :: i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10
-integer        :: i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18
-real(r8)       :: f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10,f11,f12
-integer, parameter :: n_wind_pres = 26, n_pres = 15
-real(r8)           :: wind_error(n_wind_pres)
-real(r8)           :: temp_error(n_pres), specific_humidity_error(n_pres)
-! Observational errors are contained in a separate file 'obserr.txt'
-CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: filein      != 'obserr.txt'
-CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: platform    != 'RAOBS'
-CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: sensor_name != 'WIND SENSOR ERRORS'
-integer :: wind_pressures(n_wind_pres)
-data wind_pressures / 10,   20,   30,   40,   50,  100,  150, &
-                     200,  250,  300,  350,  400,  450,  500, &
-                     550,  600,  650,  700,  750,  800,  850, &
-                     900,  950, 1000, 1050, 1100/
-integer :: pressure_levels(n_pres)
-data pressure_levels / 1000,  850,  700,  500,  400, &
-                        300,  250,  200,  150,  100, &
-                         70,   50,   30,   20,   10/
-real(r8), allocatable :: z(:),t(:),td(:),spd(:),dir(:), &
-                         uu(:), vv(:), p(:), cld(:), ciel(:)
-integer, allocatable  :: zpp_qc(:), tt_qc(:), td_qc(:), &
-                         zuu_qc(:), zvv_qc(:), p_qc(:), &
-                         spd_qc(:), dir_qc(:), cld_qc(:), ciel_qc(:)
-logical :: littler_to_dart, out_of_range
-rpt_format =  ' ( 2f20.5 , 4a40 , f20.5 , 5i10 , 3L10 , ' &
-                  // ' 2i10 , a20 ,  13( f13.5 , i7 ) ) '
-meas_format =  ' ( 10( f13.5 , i7 ) ) '
-end_format = ' ( 3 ( i7 ) ) '
-call initialize_utilities('littler_tf_dart')
-call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
-call set_calendar_type(calendar_type)
-write(*,*) 'littler to DART (.true./T) or DART to littler (.false./F)?'
-read(*,*) littler_to_dart
-tst_id = 'dart_id'
-tst_name = 'dart_name'
-tst_pltfrm = 'dart_pltfrm'
-tst_src = 'dart_src'
-tst_ter = MISSING_R8
-tst_bogus = .false.
-tst_discard = .false.
-tst_slp = MISSING_R8
-i1 = 0
-i2 = 0
-iseq_num = 0
-i3 = 0
-tst_sut = MISSING_I
-tst_julian = MISSING_I
-i6 = 0
-i7 = 0
-i8 = 0
-i9 = 0
-i10 = 0
-i11 = 0
-i12 = 0
-i13 = 0
-i14 = 0
-i15 = 0
-i16 = 0
-i17 = 0
-i18 = 0
-f1 = MISSING_R8
-f2 = MISSING_R8
-f3 = MISSING_R8
-f4 = MISSING_R8
-f5 = MISSING_R8
-f6 = MISSING_R8
-f7 = MISSING_R8
-f8 = MISSING_R8
-f9 = MISSING_R8
-f10 = MISSING_R8
-f11 = MISSING_R8
-f12 = MISSING_R8
-wind_error(:) = -1.0_R8
-temp_error(:) = -1.0_R8
-specific_humidity_error(:) = -1.0_R8
-n_no_support = 0
-call static_init_obs_sequence()
-num_copies = 1
-num_qc = 0
-! must use read_obs_seq_header
-call init_obs(obs, num_copies, num_qc)
-! -------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Initialize the counter:
-num_obs = 0
-if(.not. littler_to_dart) then
-   ! Conversion from DART to littler format.
-   ! littler format needs soundings
-   call read_obs_seq(dart_file_name, 0, 0, 0, dart_seq)
-   dart_seq_num_obs = get_num_obs(dart_seq)
-   stime = set_time(0, 0)
-   ftime = set_time(0, 200000)
-   call get_obs_time_range(dart_seq, stime, ftime, key_bounds, num_obs_in_set, &
-                           out_of_range)
-   if(num_obs_in_set /= dart_seq_num_obs) then
-      write(msgstring, *) 'Did not get all obs. Got ',num_obs_in_set, &
-           '. In file: ',dart_seq_num_obs
-      call error_handler(E_ERR,'littler_tf_dart', &
-           msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-   endif
-   allocate(keys(dart_seq_num_obs))
-   call get_time_range_keys(dart_seq, key_bounds, dart_seq_num_obs, keys)
-   ! This should be get_first_obs(), get_last_obs()
-   print*,'First obs key: ',keys(1)
-   print*,'Last  obs key: ',keys(dart_seq_num_obs)
-   print*,'Number of obs: ',dart_seq_num_obs
-   iunit = get_unit()
-   open(unit=iunit,file=littler_file_name,status='new')
-   is = 1
-   ie = 1
-   do while (ie <= dart_seq_num_obs+1)
-      call get_obs_from_key(dart_seq, keys(is), obs)
-      call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-      sloc = get_location(get_obs_def_location(obs_def))
-      stime = get_obs_def_time(obs_def)
-      if(ie <= dart_seq_num_obs) then
-         call get_obs_from_key(dart_seq, keys(ie), obs)
-         call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-      endif
-      floc = get_location(get_obs_def_location(obs_def))
-      ftime = get_obs_def_time(obs_def)
-      ! Write to littler file when a full sounding has been read.
-      if ( ftime /= stime .or. sloc(1) /= floc(1) .or. &
-           sloc(2) /= floc(2) .or. ie == dart_seq_num_obs+1) then
-         tst_Psfc = MISSING_R8
-         kx = 1
-         call get_obs_from_key(dart_seq, keys(is), obs)
-         call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-         location = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
-         loc = get_location(location)
-         pwhich_vert = nint(query_location(location,'which_vert'))
-         pvloc = loc(3)
-         ! Count the number of pressure levels.
-         do iobs = is+1, ie-1
-            call get_obs_from_key(dart_seq, keys(iobs), obs)
-            call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-            location = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
-            loc = get_location(location)
-            which_vert = nint(query_location(location,'which_vert'))
-!!$            if (which_vert == -1) then
-!!$               obs_kind =  map_def_index(get_obs_kind(obs_def))
-!!$               if (obs_kind == RADIOSONDE_SURFACE_PRESSURE) then
-!!$                  call get_obs_values(obs, obs_value, 1)
-!!$                  tst_Psfc = obs_value(1)
-!!$               endif
-!!$            endif
-            if (loc(3) /= pvloc .and. which_vert == pwhich_vert) kx = kx + 1
-            pvloc = loc(3)
-            pwhich_vert = which_vert
-         enddo
-!!$         if (kx > 1) then
-         obs_kind = map_def_index(get_obs_kind(obs_def))
-         obs_name = get_obs_kind_name(obs_kind)
-         if ( obs_name(1:10) == 'RADIOSONDE' ) then
-            tst_sound = .true.
-            tst_pltfrm = 'FM-35 TEMP'
-!!$         else
-!!$            tst_sound = .false.
-         endif
-         call set_str_date(date_char, stime)
-         ! In littler format, longitude is defined within [-180,180].
-         tst_xlat = loc(2)
-         tst_xlon = loc(1)
-         if (tst_xlon > 180.0_r8) tst_xlon = tst_xlon - 360.0_r8
-         ! Now the header can be written.
-         WRITE ( UNIT = iunit , ERR = 19 , FMT = rpt_format ) &
-              tst_xlat, tst_xlon, tst_id , tst_name, &
-              tst_pltfrm, tst_src, tst_ter, kx, i1, i2, iseq_num, i3, &
-              tst_sound, tst_bogus, tst_discard, tst_sut, tst_julian, date_char, &
-              tst_slp, i6, f1, i7, f2, i8, f3, i9, tst_Psfc, i10, &
-              f5, i11, f6, i12, f7, i13, f8, i14, f9, i15, &
-              f10, i16, f11, i17, f12, i18
-         allocate(p(kx),p_qc(kx), z(kx),zpp_qc(kx), t(kx),tt_qc(kx), td(kx),td_qc(kx), &
-              spd(kx),spd_qc(kx), dir(kx),dir_qc(kx), &
-              uu(kx),zuu_qc(kx), vv(kx),zvv_qc(kx), cld(kx),cld_qc(kx), &
-              ciel(kx),ciel_qc(kx))
-         p(:) = MISSING_R8
-         z(:) = MISSING_R8
-         t(:) = MISSING_R8
-         td(:) = MISSING_R8
-         spd(:) = MISSING_R8
-         dir(:) = MISSING_R8
-         uu(:) = MISSING_R8
-         vv(:) = MISSING_R8
-         cld(:) = MISSING_R8
-         ciel(:) = MISSING_R8
-         p_qc(:) = 0
-         zpp_qc(:) = 0
-         tt_qc(:) = 0
-         td_qc(:) = 0
-         spd_qc(:) = 0
-         dir_qc(:) = 0
-         zuu_qc(:) = 0
-         zvv_qc(:) = 0
-         cld_qc(:) = 0
-         ciel_qc(:) = 0
-         ! Write data at each (pressure) level.
-         k = 1
-         call get_obs_from_key(dart_seq, keys(is), obs)
-         call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-         location = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
-         loc = get_location(location)
-         pwhich_vert = nint(query_location(location,'which_vert'))
-         pvloc = loc(3)
-         do iobs = is, ie-1
-            call get_obs_from_key(dart_seq, keys(iobs), obs)
-            call get_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-            location = get_obs_def_location(obs_def)
-            loc = get_location(location)
-            which_vert = nint(query_location(location,'which_vert'))
-            if (loc(3) /= pvloc .and. which_vert == pwhich_vert) k = k + 1
-            pvloc = loc(3)
-            pwhich_vert = which_vert
-            if(which_vert == 2) then
-               p(k) = loc(3)
-!  Flaging all data above 100 hPa.
-!!$               if(p(k) < 10000.0_r8) then
-!!$                  p_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  zpp_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  tt_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  td_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  spd_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  dir_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  zuu_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  zvv_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  cld_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$                  ciel_qc(k) = MISSING_I
-!!$               endif
-            elseif(which_vert == 3) then
-               z(k) = loc(3)
-            endif
-            obs_kind = map_def_index(get_obs_kind(obs_def))
-            call get_obs_values(obs, obs_value, 1)
-            if(obs_kind == RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT) then
-               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-               uu(k) = obs_value(1)
-            elseif(obs_kind == RADIOSONDE_V_WIND_COMPONENT) then
-               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-               vv(k) = obs_value(1)
-               if(p(k) /= MISSING_R8) then
-                  call StoreObsErr(get_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def), &
-                       nint(0.01_r8 * p(k)), wind_pressures, n_wind_pres, wind_error)
-               endif
-            elseif(obs_kind == RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE) then
-               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-               t(k) = obs_value(1)
-               if(p(k) /= MISSING_R8) then
-                  call StoreObsErr(get_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def), &
-                       nint(0.01_r8 * p(k)), pressure_levels, n_pres, temp_error)
-               endif
-!!$            elseif(obs_kind == RADIOSONDE_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY) then
-!!$               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-!!$               t(k) = obs_value(1)
-!!$               if(p(k) /= MISSING_R8) then
-!!$                  call StoreObsErr(1.0e6_r8*get_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def), &
-!!$                       nint(0.01_r8 * p(k)), pressure_levels, n_pres, specific_humidity_error)
-!!$               endif
-!!$            elseif(obs_kind == RADIOSONDE_SURFACE_PRESSURE) then
-!!$               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-            else
-               if (n_no_support == 0) then
-                  n_no_support = n_no_support + 1
-                  obs_no_support(n_no_support) = get_obs_kind_name(obs_kind)
-               elseif (obs_no_support(n_no_support) /= get_obs_kind_name(obs_kind)) then
-                  n_no_support = n_no_support + 1
-                  obs_no_support(n_no_support) = get_obs_kind_name(obs_kind)
-               endif
-            endif
-         enddo
-         do k = 1 , kx
-            ! Convert zonal and meridional wind components to
-            ! wind speed and direction.
-            if (uu(k) /= missing_r8 .and. vv(k) /= missing_r8) then
-               spd(k) = sqrt(uu(k)*uu(k) + vv(k)*vv(k))
-               if (spd(k) /= 0.0_r8) then
-                  if (vv(k) == 0.0_r8) then
-                     if (uu(k) > 0.0_r8) dir(k) = 270.0_r8
-                     if (uu(k) < 0.0_r8) dir(k) = 90.0_r8
-                  else
-                     dir(k) = atan(uu(k)/vv(k))*RAD2DEG
-                     if (vv(k) >= 0.0_r8) then
-                        dir(k) = dir(k) + 180.0_r8
-                     else
-                        if (uu(k) >= 0.0_r8) dir(k) = dir(k) + 360.0_r8
-                     endif
-                  endif
-               else
-                  dir(k) = 0.0_r8
-               endif
-            endif
-            WRITE ( UNIT = iunit , ERR = 20 , FMT = meas_format ) &
-                 p(k),0, z(k),zpp_qc(k), t(k),tt_qc(k),td(k),td_qc(k), &
-                 spd(k),zvv_qc(k), dir(k),zuu_qc(k), &
-                 uu(k),zuu_qc(k), vv(k),zvv_qc(k), MISSING_R8,0, MISSING_R8,0
-         enddo
-         ! Write "footer" of the sounding.
-         WRITE ( UNIT = iunit , ERR = 21 , FMT = meas_format ) &
-              -777777.,0, -777777.,0,float(kx),0, &
-              MISSING_R8,0, MISSING_R8,0, MISSING_R8,0, &
-              MISSING_R8,0, MISSING_R8,0, MISSING_R8,0, MISSING_R8,0
-         WRITE ( UNIT = iunit , ERR = 21 , FMT = end_format )  kx, 0, 0
-         deallocate(p,p_qc, z,zpp_qc, t,tt_qc, td,td_qc, &
-              spd,spd_qc, dir,dir_qc, &
-              uu,zuu_qc, vv,zvv_qc, cld,cld_qc, &
-              ciel,ciel_qc)
-         is = ie
-      endif
-      ie = ie + 1
-   enddo
-   deallocate(keys)
-   close(iunit)
-   ! Write out the obserr.txt.
-   open(unit=iunit,file='obserr.txt',status='new')
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "      BOGUS   WIND SENSOR ERRORS" ) ') wind_error(1:7)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "        :" ) ') wind_error(8:14)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "        :" ) ') wind_error(15:21)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "        :" ) ') wind_error(22:26),wind_error(26),wind_error(26)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "      RAOBS" ) ') wind_error(1:7)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "        :" ) ') wind_error(8:14)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "        :" ) ') wind_error(15:21)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 7f6.1 , "        :" ) ') wind_error(22:26),wind_error(26),wind_error(26)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.1 , "      BOGUS   TEMP SENSOR ERRORS" ) ') temp_error(1:5)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.1 , "        :" ) ') temp_error(6:10)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.1 , "        :" ) ') temp_error(11:15)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.1 , "      RAOBS" ) ') temp_error(1:5)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.1 , "        :" ) ') temp_error(6:10)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.1 , "        :" ) ') temp_error(11:15)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.2 , "      BOGUS   SPECIFIC HUMIDITY SENSOR ERRORS" ) ') specific_humidity_error(1:5)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.2 , "        :" ) ') specific_humidity_error(6:10)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.2 , "        :" ) ') specific_humidity_error(11:15)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.2 , "      RAOBS" ) ') specific_humidity_error(1:5)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.2 , "        :" ) ') specific_humidity_error(6:10)
-   write(iunit, FMT = ' ( 5f6.2 , "        :" ) ') specific_humidity_error(11:15)
-   close(iunit)
-   if (n_no_support /= 0) then
-      write(*,*) 'Observations not supported yet:'
-      do k = 1 , n_no_support
-         write(*,*) k,'. ',trim(adjustl(obs_no_support(k)))
-      enddo
-   endif
-   ! Conversion from littler to DART format.
-   ! Read in the observational errors from file 'obserr.txt'.
-   filein = 'obserr.txt'
-   platform = 'RAOBS'
-   sensor_name = 'WIND SENSOR ERRORS'
-   call READ_OBSERR (filein, platform, sensor_name, wind_error, n_wind_pres)
-   sensor_name = 'TEMP SENSOR ERRORS'
-   call READ_OBSERR (filein, platform, sensor_name, temp_error, n_pres)
-   max_num_obs = 500000
-   ! Initialize an obs_sequence structure
-   call init_obs_sequence(dart_seq, num_copies, num_qc, max_num_obs)
-   copy_meta_data = 'littler observations'
-   call set_copy_meta_data(dart_seq, 1, copy_meta_data)
-   iunit = open_file(littler_file_name, action = 'read')
-   end_of_file=0
-   ! Read littler until end of file.
-   do while (end_of_file == 0)
-      ! Read header of sounding.
-      READ ( UNIT=iunit,ERR=19,FMT=rpt_format,iostat=end_of_file,end=25 ) &
-           tst_xlat, tst_xlon, tst_id, tst_name, &
-           tst_pltfrm, tst_src, tst_ter, kx, i1, i2, iseq_num, i3, &
-           tst_sound, tst_bogus, tst_discard, tst_sut, tst_julian, date_char, &
-           tst_slp, i6, f1,i7, f2,i8, f3,i9, tst_Psfc,i10, f5,i11, &
-           f6,i12, f7,i13, f8,i14, f9,i15, f10,i16, f11,i17, f12,i18
-      allocate(p(kx),p_qc(kx), z(kx),zpp_qc(kx), t(kx),tt_qc(kx), td(kx),td_qc(kx), &
-           spd(kx),spd_qc(kx), dir(kx),dir_qc(kx), &
-           uu(kx),zuu_qc(kx), vv(kx),zvv_qc(kx), cld(kx),cld_qc(kx), &
-           ciel(kx),ciel_qc(kx))
-      if (.not. tst_sound ) kx = 1
-      ! Read each level of the sounding.
-      do k = 1 , kx
-         READ (UNIT=iunit,ERR=20,FMT=meas_format,iostat=end_of_file,end=25) &
-              p(k),p_qc(k), z(k),zpp_qc(k), t(k),tt_qc(k), &
-              td(k),td_qc(k), &
-              spd(k),spd_qc(k), dir(k),dir_qc(k), &
-              uu(k),zuu_qc(k), vv(k),zvv_qc(k), cld(k),cld_qc(k), &
-              ciel(k),ciel_qc(k)
-         if (p(k) /= missing_r8) then
-            vloc = p(k)
-            which_vert = 2
-!!$         elseif (z(k)/= missing_r8) then
-!!$            vloc = p(k)
-!!$            which_vert = 3
-         else
-            call error_handler(E_ERR,'littler_tf_dart', &
-                 'No vertical coordinate.', source, revision, revdate)
-         endif
-         ! In DART format, longitude is defined within [0, 360].
-         if(tst_xlon < 0.0_r8) tst_xlon = tst_xlon + 360.0_r8
-         lon = tst_xlon
-         lat = tst_xlat
-         location = set_location(lon, lat, vloc, which_vert)
-         call set_obs_def_location(obs_def, location)
-         call set_dart_time(date_char, time)
-         call set_obs_def_time(obs_def, time)
-         ! Insert obs into DART obs sequence.
-         ! Observational errors are interpolated from data
-         ! in obserr.txt
-         if (t(k) /= missing_r8) then
-            if (tst_pltfrm == 'FM-35 TEMP') then
-               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-               call set_obs_def_kind(obs_def, RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE)
-               erms = intplog (p(k)*0.01_r8, pressure_levels, temp_error)
-               call set_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def, erms*erms)
-               call set_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-               obs_value(1) = t(k)
-               call set_obs_values(obs, obs_value)
-!!$               qc(1) = tt_qc(k)
-!!$               call set_qc(obs, qc)
-               if(num_obs == 1) then
-                  call insert_obs_in_seq(dart_seq, obs)
-               else
-                  call insert_obs_in_seq(dart_seq, obs, prev_obs)
-               endif
-               prev_obs = obs
-            endif
-         endif
-         ! Littler may carry wind speed and direction:
-         ! convert to zonal and meridional wind components.
-         if (uu(k) == missing_r8 .and. vv(k) == missing_r8 .and. &
-              spd(k) /= missing_r8 .and. dir(k) /= missing_r8) then
-            dir(k) = dir(k)*DEG2RAD
-            uu(k) = -spd(k)*SIN(dir(k))
-            vv(k) = -spd(k)*COS(dir(k))
-         endif
-         if (uu(k) /= missing_r8) then
-            if (tst_pltfrm == 'FM-35 TEMP') then
-               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-               call set_obs_def_kind(obs_def, RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT)
-               erms = intplin (p(k)*0.01_r8, wind_pressures, wind_error)
-               call set_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def, erms*erms)
-               call set_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-               obs_value(1) = uu(k)
-               call set_obs_values(obs, obs_value)
-!!$               qc(1) = zuu_qc(k)
-!!$               call set_qc(obs, qc)
-               if(num_obs == 1) then
-                  call insert_obs_in_seq(dart_seq, obs)
-               else
-                  call insert_obs_in_seq(dart_seq, obs, prev_obs)
-               endif
-               prev_obs = obs
-            endif
-         endif
-         if (vv(k) /= missing_r8) then
-            if (tst_pltfrm == 'FM-35 TEMP') then
-               num_obs = num_obs + 1
-               call set_obs_def_kind(obs_def, RADIOSONDE_V_WIND_COMPONENT)
-               erms = intplin (p(k)*0.01_r8, wind_pressures, wind_error)
-               call set_obs_def_error_variance(obs_def, erms*erms)
-               call set_obs_def(obs, obs_def)
-               obs_value(1) = vv(k)
-               call set_obs_values(obs, obs_value, 1)
-!!$               qc(1) = zvv_qc(k)
-!!$               call set_qc(obs, qc)
-               if(num_obs == 1) then
-                  call insert_obs_in_seq(dart_seq, obs)
-               else
-                  call insert_obs_in_seq(dart_seq, obs, prev_obs)
-               endif
-               prev_obs = obs
-            endif
-         endif
-      enddo
-      deallocate(p,p_qc, z,zpp_qc, t,tt_qc, td,td_qc, &
-           spd,spd_qc, dir,dir_qc, &
-           uu,zuu_qc, vv,zvv_qc, cld,cld_qc, &
-           ciel,ciel_qc)
-      READ ( UNIT = iunit , ERR = 21 , FMT = meas_format ) &
-           f1,i1, f2,i2, f3,i3, f4,i4, f5,i5, f6,i6, &
-           f7,i7, f8,i8, f9,i9, f10,i10
-      READ ( UNIT = iunit , ERR = 21 , FMT = end_format )  kx, i1, i2
-   enddo
-25 print*,"FOUND END"
-   close(iunit)
-! Write out the sequence
-   call write_obs_seq(dart_seq, dart_file_name)
-write(unit=*, fmt='(5x,a,i7)') &
-     'Total number of observations:  ', num_obs
-goto 26
-! These are for error messages when regarding littler files.
-19 continue
-call error_handler(E_ERR,'littler_tf_dart', &
-     'Error when reading or writing header of sounding.', source, revision, revdate)
-20 continue
-call error_handler(E_ERR,'littler_tf_dart', &
-     'Error when reading or writing sounding.', source, revision, revdate)
-21 continue
-call error_handler(E_ERR,'littler_tf_dart', &
-     'Error when reading or writing footer of the sounding.', source, revision, revdate)
-26 continue
-write(logfileunit,*)'FINISHED littler_tf_dart.'
-call timestamp(source,revision,revdate,'end') ! That closes the log file, too.
-subroutine set_str_date(timestring, dart_time)
-implicit none
-type(time_type),   intent(in)  :: dart_time
-character(len=20), intent(out) :: timestring
-integer           :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
-character(len=4)  :: ch_year
-character(len=2)  :: ch_month, ch_day, ch_hour, ch_minute, ch_second
-call get_date(dart_time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
-write(ch_year,'(i4)') year
-write(ch_month,'(i2.2)') month
-write(ch_day,'(i2.2)') day
-write(ch_hour,'(i2.2)') hour
-write(ch_minute,'(i2.2)') minute
-write(ch_second,'(i2.2)') second
-timestring(1:6)   = "      "
-timestring(7:10)  = ch_year
-timestring(11:12) = ch_month
-timestring(13:14) = ch_day
-timestring(15:16) = ch_hour
-timestring(17:18) = ch_minute
-timestring(19:20) = ch_second
-end subroutine set_str_date
-subroutine set_dart_time(tstring, dart_time)
-implicit none
-type(time_type),   intent(out) :: dart_time
-character(len=20), intent(in)  :: tstring
-integer           :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
-read(tstring(7:10),'(i4)') year
-read(tstring(11:12),'(i2)') month
-read(tstring(13:14),'(i2)') day
-read(tstring(15:16),'(i2)') hour
-read(tstring(17:18),'(i2)') minute
-read(tstring(19:20),'(i2)') second
-dart_time = set_date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
-end subroutine set_dart_time
-Subroutine StoreObsErr(obs_err_var, pres, plevel, nlev, obs_err_std)
-implicit none
-integer,  intent(in)    :: nlev, pres
-real(r8), intent(in)    :: obs_err_var
-integer,  intent(in)    :: plevel(nlev)
-real(r8), intent(inout) :: obs_err_std(nlev)
-integer :: level_index
-level_index = GetClosestLevel(pres, plevel, nlev)
-if ( plevel(level_index) == pres ) then
-   if ( obs_err_std(level_index) == -1.0_R8 ) then
-      obs_err_std(level_index) = sqrt(obs_err_var)
-   elseif (obs_err_std(level_index) /= sqrt(obs_err_var)) then
-      print*,'Various observation errors at same level: ', &
-           obs_err_std(level_index), sqrt(obs_err_var), ' level = ',pres
-   endif
-end Subroutine StoreObsErr
-Function GetClosestLevel(ilev, vlev, nlev) result (level_index)
-implicit none
-integer,  intent(in) :: nlev, ilev
-integer,  intent(in) :: vlev(nlev)
-integer                  :: level_index, a(1)
-integer, dimension(nlev) :: dx
-dx = abs(ilev - vlev)
-a = minloc(dx)
-level_index = a(1)
-end Function GetClosestLevel
-SUBROUTINE READ_OBSERR (filein, platform, sensor_name, err, nlevels)
-! Read observational error on pressure levels (in hPa)
-  CHARACTER (LEN=80), intent(in) :: filein      != 'obserr.txt'
-  CHARACTER (LEN=80), intent(in) :: platform    != 'RAOBS'
-  CHARACTER (LEN=80), intent(in) :: sensor_name != 'WIND SENSOR ERRORS'
-  INTEGER,            intent(in) :: nlevels
-  REAL(r8), intent(out) :: err(nlevels)
-  character(len=129)  :: msgstring
-  INTEGER             :: io_error, i, iunit, ncol
-  CHARACTER (LEN=80)  :: fmt_err                    != '(5(1X,F5.1))'
-  CHARACTER (LEN=80)  :: line1, line2, line3, line4
-  LOGICAL             :: sensor_found, found
-! ===================
-  iunit = get_unit()
-  OPEN (UNIT = iunit , FILE = filein , FORM = 'FORMATTED'  , &
-       ACTION = 'READ' , STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = io_error)
-  IF (io_error /= 0) THEN
-     write(msgstring, *) 'Unable to open input observational error file ',TRIM (filein)
-     call error_handler(E_ERR,'READ_OBSERR', &
-          msgstring, source, revision, revdate)
-! 2.  READ DATA
-! =============
-! Read file until sensor_name is found
-  found          = .FALSE.
-  sensor_found   = .FALSE.
-  io_error= 0
-  DO WHILE (io_error == 0.)
-     READ (UNIT = iunit, IOSTAT = io_error, FMT = '(A)') line1
-     !  Exit when error or at end of file
-     IF (io_error /= 0 .OR. (line1 (1:2) == '*.')) EXIT
-     IF (TRIM (sensor (line1)) == 'BOGUS') THEN
-        IF (TRIM (obstype (line1)) == TRIM (sensor_name)) sensor_found = .TRUE.
-     ENDIF
-     IF (sensor_found .and. (TRIM (sensor (line1)) == TRIM (platform))) THEN
-        found = .TRUE.
-        READ (UNIT = iunit, IOSTAT = io_error, FMT = '(A)') line2
-        READ (UNIT = iunit, IOSTAT = io_error, FMT = '(A)') line3
-        IF (TRIM (sensor_name) == 'WIND SENSOR ERRORS') &
-          READ (UNIT = iunit, IOSTAT = io_error, FMT = '(A)') line4
-        EXIT
-     ELSE
-        !  If obstype is not found, keep on reading
-        CYCLE
-     ENDIF
-  IF (found) THEN
-     !  Sensor_name has been found, Error at mandatory pressure levels follow
-     !  Break down data upon obs type
-     SELECT CASE (TRIM (sensor_name))
-        ncol = 7
-        fmt_err = '(7(1X,F5.1))'
-        ncol = 5
-        fmt_err = '(5(1X,F5.2))'
-        ncol = 5
-        fmt_err = '(5(1X,F5.1))'
-     READ (line1, fmt_err) (err (i), i =        1,   ncol)
-     READ (line2, fmt_err) (err (i), i =   ncol+1, 2*ncol)
-     READ (line3, fmt_err) (err (i), i = 2*ncol+1, 3*ncol)
-     !  Winds are given over 4 lines, any other data are given over 3 lines
-     IF (TRIM (sensor_name) == 'WIND SENSOR ERRORS') &
-     READ (line4, fmt_err) (err (i), i = 3*ncol+1, min(4*ncol,nlevels))
-     WRITE (*, FMT = '(/,A,A,A,/)') TRIM (sensor_name), &
-          ' were not found in file ', TRIM (filein)
-! ====================
-  CLOSE (UNIT = iunit)
-FUNCTION obstype (line) RESULT (f_obstype)
-  ! Read in a line the string present after keyword 'BOGUS'
-  CHARACTER (LEN= 80), intent(in) :: line
-  CHARACTER (LEN= 80) :: f_obstype
-  INTEGER :: b,c
-!  Find keyword bogus
-  DO c = 1, LEN_TRIM (line) - 5
-     IF (line (c:c+4) == 'BOGUS') EXIT
-  c = c + 5
-!  Skip blank until next word
-  DO b = c, LEN_TRIM (line)
-     IF (line (b:b) /= ' ') EXIT
-!  String follows
-  f_obstype = TRIM (line (b:LEN_TRIM (line)))
-FUNCTION sensor (line) RESULT (f_sensor)
-  ! Read first in a string after numbers
-  CHARACTER (LEN= 80), intent(in) :: line
-  CHARACTER (LEN= 80) :: f_sensor
-  INTEGER :: b,c
-!  Find the first non-blank, non point and non-number character
-  DO c = 1, LEN_TRIM (line)
-     IF (((iachar (line(c:c)) /= 32)  .AND. &
-          (iachar (line(c:c)) /= 46)) .AND. &
-          ((iachar (line(c:c)) .LT. 48)  .OR.  &   
-          (iachar (line(c:c)) .GT. 57)))      &
-          EXIT
-  DO b = c, LEN_TRIM (line)
-     IF (line (b:b) == ' ') EXIT
-  f_sensor = line (c:b-1)
-FUNCTION intplin (x,xx,yy) RESULT (val)
-  INTEGER,  DIMENSION (:), intent(in) :: xx
-  REAL(r8), DIMENSION (:), intent(in) :: yy
-  REAL(r8),                intent(in) :: x
-  REAL(r8) :: val
-  INTEGER :: n,m,jl
-  n = size (xx)
-  m = size (yy)
-  IF (n /= m) THEN
-     call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplin', &
-          'arrays xx and yy must have same size', source,revision,revdate)
-  jl = locate (x,xx)
-  IF (jl .LE. 0) THEN
-     if (yy (1) >= 0.0_r8) then
-        val = yy (1)
-     else
-        call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplin', &
-             'bad value in yy(1)', source,revision,revdate)
-     endif
-  ELSE IF (jl .GE. n) THEN    
-     if (yy (n) >= 0.0_r8) then
-        val = yy (n)
-     else
-        call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplin', &
-             'bad value in yy(n)', source,revision,revdate)
-     endif
-     if (yy (jl) >= 0.0_r8 .and. yy (jl+1) >= 0.0_r8) then
-        val = (xx (jl+1) - x) * yy (jl) + (x - xx (jl)) * yy (jl+1)
-        val = val / (xx (jl+1) - xx (jl))
-     else
-        call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplin', &
-             'bad value in yy(jl) or yy(jl+1)', source,revision,revdate)
-     endif
-FUNCTION intplog (x,xx,yy) RESULT (val)
-  INTEGER,  DIMENSION (:), intent(in) :: xx
-  REAL(r8), DIMENSION (:), intent(in) :: yy
-  REAL(r8),                intent(in) :: x
-  REAL(r8) :: val
-  INTEGER :: n,m,jl
-  n = size (xx)
-  m = size (yy)
-  IF (n /= m) THEN
-     call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplog', &
-          'arrays xx and yy must have same size', source,revision,revdate)
-  jl = locate (x,xx)
-  IF (jl .LE. 0) THEN    
-     if (yy (1) >= 0.0_r8) then
-        val = yy (1)
-     else
-        call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplog', &
-             'bad value in yy(1)', source,revision,revdate)
-     endif
-  ELSE IF (jl .GE. n) THEN    
-     if (yy (n) >= 0.0_r8) then
-        val = yy (n)
-     else
-        call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplog', &
-             'bad value in yy(n)', source,revision,revdate)
-     endif
-     if (yy (jl) >= 0.0_r8 .and. yy (jl+1) >= 0.0_r8) then
-        val = log (real(xx(jl+1)) / x) * yy (jl) + log (x / real(xx(jl))) * yy (jl+1)
-        val = val / log (real(xx(jl+1)) / real(xx(jl)))
-     else
-        call error_handler(E_ERR,'intplog', &
-             'bad value in yy(jl) or yy(jl+1)', source,revision,revdate)
-     endif
-FUNCTION locate (x,xx) RESULT (level_index)
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION (:), intent(in) :: xx
-  REAL(r8),               intent(in) :: x
-  INTEGER :: level_index
-  INTEGER :: n,jl,jm,ju
-  LOGICAL :: ascnd
-  n = size (xx)
-  ascnd = (xx (n) >= xx (1))   ! True if ascending order, false otherwise
-  jl = 0                       ! Initialize lower limit
-  ju = n+1                     ! Initialize upper limit
-  DO
-     IF (ju-jl <= 1) EXIT      ! Repeat until this condition is satisfied
-     jm = (ju+jl) / 2.         ! Compute a mid point
-     IF (ascnd .EQV. (x >= xx (jm))) THEN
-        jl = jm               ! Replace mid point by lower limit
-     ELSE
-        ju = jm               ! Replace mid point by upper limit
-     ENDIF
-  IF (x == xx (1)) THEN      ! Set the output, being carefull with endpoints
-     level_index = 1
-  ELSE IF (x == xx (n)) THEN
-     level_index = n-1 
-     level_index = jl
-END PROGRAM littler_tf_dart

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-<TITLE>program littler_tf_dart</TITLE>
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../doc/html/doc.css"></link> 
-!!                                                                       !!
-!!                   GNU General Public License                          !!
-!!                                                                       !!
-!! This file is part of the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART).   !!
-!!                                                                       !!
-!! DART is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify          !!
-!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public     !!
-!! License as published by the Free Software Foundation.                 !!
-!!                                                                       !!
-!! DART is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               !!
-!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        !!
-!! GNU General Public License for more details.                          !!
-!!                                                                       !!
-!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     !!
-!! along with DART; if not, write to:                                    !!
-!!          Free Software Foundation, Inc.                               !!
-!!          59 Temple Place, Suite 330                                   !!
-!!          Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA                                  !!
-!! or see:                                                               !!
-!!          http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt                          !!

@@ Diff output truncated at 40000 characters. @@

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