[Dart-dev] [3680] DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_TES_nadir_mod.f90: Mars Radiance observation module.

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Wed Nov 26 15:09:50 MST 2008

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Added: DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_TES_nadir_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_TES_nadir_mod.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_TES_nadir_mod.f90	2008-11-26 22:09:50 UTC (rev 3680)
@@ -0,0 +1,1311 @@
+! Data Assimilation Research Testbed -- DART
+! Copyright 2004-2007, Data Assimilation Research Section
+! University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
+! Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
+! $URL$
+! $Id$
+! $Revision$
+! $Date$
+!   use obs_def_TES_nadir_mod, only : write_TES_nadir_obs, read_TES_nadir_obs, &
+!                                    interactive_TES_nadir_obs, get_expected_TES_nadir_obs
+!         case(TES_NADIR_OBS)                                                         
+!            call get_expected_TES_nadir_obs(state, location, obs_def%key, obs_val, istatus)  
+!      case(TES_NADIR_OBS)
+!         call read_TES_nadir_obs(obs_def%key, ifile, fileformat)
+!      case(TES_NADIR_OBS)
+!         call write_TES_nadir_obs(obs_def%key, ifile, fileformat)
+!      case(TES_NADIR_OBS)
+!         call interactive_TES_nadir_obs(obs_def%key)
+module obs_def_TES_nadir_mod
+use        types_mod, only : r8, missing_r8, PI, DEG2RAD
+use    utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, E_WARN, E_MSG, &
+                             check_namelist_read, find_namelist_in_file, &
+                             logfileunit, do_output, file_exist, &
+                             open_file, close_file, get_unit
+use     location_mod, only : location_type, set_location, get_location, &
+                             vert_is_undef, vert_is_surface, &
+                             vert_is_level, vert_is_pressure, vert_is_height, &
+                             VERTISHEIGHT
+use  assim_model_mod, only : interpolate
+use     obs_kind_mod, only : KIND_SURFACE_PRESSURE, &
+                             KIND_TEMPERATURE, &
+                             KIND_SKIN_TEMPERATURE, &
+                             KIND_NADIR_RADIANCE
+implicit none
+public :: set_TES_nadir, get_TES_nadir, write_TES_nadir_obs, read_TES_nadir_obs, &
+          interactive_TES_nadir_obs, get_expected_TES_nadir_obs
+! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
+character(len=128), parameter :: &
+   source   = "$ /export/scratch01/wglawson/dart_080723/obs_def/obs_def_TES_nadir_mod.f90 $", &
+   revision = "$NOT committed yet $", &
+   revdate  = "$Date$"
+logical, save :: module_initialized = .false.
+! All variables declared here are in MODULE STORAGE
+character(len=129) :: errstring
+! parameters for dealing with the Planck function
+real(r8), parameter :: c_light = 2.99792458e10_r8     ! cm s^-1
+real(r8), parameter :: h_planck = 6.626069e-34_r8     ! J s
+real(r8), parameter :: k_boltz = 1.3806662e-23_r8     ! J K^-1
+real(r8) :: alfa, beta
+! other parameters required for code
+real(r8), parameter :: co2frac = 0.9532_r8            ! percentage
+real(r8), parameter :: gascon = 1.9114e6_r8           ! cm^2 K^-1 s^-2
+real(r8), parameter :: mb_to_cgs = 1.0e3_r8           ! g cm^-1 s^-1
+real(r8), parameter :: stpconv = 3709.5_r8            ! g cm^-1 s^-1 K^-1
+real(r8), parameter :: tes_g = 374.0_r8               ! g cm^-2
+real(r8), parameter :: amu_to_kgram = 1.672e-27_r8    ! kg amu^-1
+real(r8), parameter :: cm_to_m = 0.01_r8              ! m cm^-1
+integer,  parameter :: molwt = 44                     ! amu (mean Mol Wgt of CO2)
+real(r8) :: fac_coeff1
+! module-wide bits read in by init_corrk
+integer  :: nv, np, nt, ng
+real(r8), allocatable :: ck_v(:), ck_p(:), ck_t(:), gw(:)
+real(r8), allocatable :: values(:,:,:,:)
+! need arrays for storing vertical columns of pressure and temperature -- 
+!   the array size depends on N_layers, which is in the namelist
+real(r8), allocatable :: ret_p(:), ret_t(:), t_mid(:)  ! , p_mid(:)
+real(r8), allocatable :: corrk(:,:), corrk_tmp(:), dust_opt_dep(:)
+real(r8), allocatable :: opt_dep(:,:), trans10k(:,:), trans(:)
+! Create a private module derived type to store extra observation metadata in
+!   This is modeled after Nancy's construction for obs_def_gps_mod
+type TES_nadir_type
+   private
+   integer         :: scan_length
+   real(r8)        :: wavenumber
+   real(r8)        :: emission_angle
+   real(r8)        :: l_sub_s
+end type TES_nadir_type
+integer  :: keycount
+! The idea here is that TES_nadir_data will be allocated to the namelist 
+!   specified value of max_TES_nadir_obs
+type(TES_nadir_type), allocatable :: TES_data(:)
+! Namelist with default values
+!  1.          N_layers :: number of vertical layers used in code
+!  2.           n_gauss :: number of Gaussian quadrature abscissas
+!  3.         corrk_dir :: path to directory containing the k-table files
+!  4.          fn_corrk :: name of file within corrk_dir containing overview data
+!  5.              ptop :: RT assumed pressure at top of domain (mbar)
+!  6.       isothermalP :: RT assumed level above which atmosphere is isothermal
+!  7.        fixed_dust :: logical for whether dust is parameterized (MCD-MGS)
+!  8. max_TES_nadir_obs :: maximum number of TES nadir observations to process
+! Default namelist values
+integer              :: N_layers              = 30
+integer              :: n_gauss               = 20
+character(len = 129) :: corrk_dir             = '/home/wglawson/lee/TES_ktables/'
+character(len = 129) :: fn_corrk              = 'lattice_coordinates.dat'
+real(r8)             :: ptop                  = 1.0e-4_r8
+real(r8)             :: isothermalP           = 4.0e-4_r8
+logical              :: fixed_dust            = .true.
+integer              :: max_TES_nadir_obs     = 100000
+namelist /obs_def_TES_nadir_mod_nml/ N_layers, n_gauss, corrk_dir, fn_corrk, &
+                                     ptop, isothermalP, fixed_dust, &
+                                     max_TES_nadir_obs
+  subroutine initialize_module
+! subroutine initialize_module
+! Here we want to do the one-time overhead associated with using this observation
+!   type, including:  registering module,  reading and writing out namelist,  
+!   define used constants,  allocate storage for arrays,  read in necessary 
+!   external data (possibly via other defined subroutines & functions)
+! local variables; most "useful" variables here should be declared above in 
+!   module storage
+integer  :: iunit, io, k, status, rc
+! a DART tradition
+call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
+! Global count of all TES nadir observations from any input file
+keycount = 0
+! Read the namelist entry
+call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "obs_def_TES_nadir_mod_nml", iunit)
+read(iunit, nml = obs_def_TES_nadir_mod_nml, iostat = io)
+call check_namelist_read(iunit, io, "obs_def_TES_nadir_mod_nml")
+! Allocate arrays whose dimensions depend on namelist values
+allocate( gw(n_gauss) )
+allocate( TES_data(max_TES_nadir_obs), stat = rc )
+if (rc /= 0) then
+   write(errstring, *) 'Initial allocation failed for TES nadir observation data,', &
+                       'itemcount = ', max_TES_nadir_obs
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'initialize_module', errstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+allocate( ret_p(0:N_layers) )
+allocate( ret_t(0:N_layers) )
+!allocate( p_mid(N_layers) )
+allocate( t_mid(N_layers) )
+allocate( corrk(0:N_layers, n_gauss) )
+allocate( corrk_tmp(n_gauss) )
+allocate( dust_opt_dep(0:N_layers) )
+allocate( opt_dep(0:N_layers,n_gauss) )
+allocate( trans10k(0:N_layers,n_gauss) )
+allocate( trans(0:N_layers) )
+! Calculate and store some derived "conglomerate" parameters:
+!   alfa = 2.h.c^2 with units of J cm^2 s^-1 -- for Planck Law
+alfa = 2.0_r8 * h_planck * c_light * c_light
+!   beta = h.c/k with units of K cm -- for Planck Law
+beta = h_planck * c_light / k_boltz
+!   fac_coeff1 = co2frac * gascon * mb_to_cgs / (tes_g * stpconv) -- for 
+!     RT of optical depth once divided by the cosine of emission angle
+fac_coeff1 = co2frac * gascon * mb_to_cgs / ( tes_g * stpconv )
+! Get the Gaussian weights for the Correlated K approach (size n_gauss)
+call get_gaussian_weights( n_gauss,gw )
+! Read in the K-tables -- should I read in both the scan_length = 1 tables
+!   AND the scan_length = 2 tables (i.e., lo-res and hi-res?)
+! init_corrk will allocate arrays ck_v, ck_p, ck_t, and values
+call init_corrk
+module_initialized = .true.
+end subroutine initialize_module
+  subroutine get_gaussian_weights( n,w )
+! subroutine get_gaussian_weights( n,w )
+! This my Fortran 90 version of "gauleg_LN_CO2.f90", which is in the original
+!   TES forward operator code bundle I got from NASA GSFC (M. Smith et al.).
+!   gauleg_LN_CO2.f90's lineage appears to have its roots from Numerical Recipes
+!   and was originally coded by Mike Smith.  Here I have stripped out some
+!   apparently unneeded and unused stuff.  I have tested this directly against
+!   gauleg_LN_CO2.f90, and it performs identically.  
+integer,  intent( in) :: n
+real(r8), intent(out) :: w(n)
+! local variables
+real(r8), parameter :: small = 5.0e-10_r8
+integer  :: m, j, k
+real(r8) :: xm, xl, z, z1, p1, p2, p3, pp, rn
+! initialize weights and set other initial values
+w = 0.0_r8
+m = int( (n + 1)/2 )
+xm = 0.5_r8
+xl = 0.5_r8
+rn = real( n,r8 )
+do j = 1, m
+   z = cos( PI * ( real( j,r8 ) - 0.25_r8 ) / ( rn + 0.5_r8 ) ) 
+   z1 = 1.0e6_r8
+   small_test: do
+      p1 = 1.0_r8
+      p2 = 0.0_r8
+      do k = 1, n
+         p3 = p2
+         p2 = p1
+         p1 = ( real( 2*k-1,r8 ) * z * p2 - real( k-1,r8 ) * p3 ) / real( k,r8 )
+      end do
+      pp = rn * ( z * p1 - p2 ) / ( z * z - 1.0_r8 )
+      z1 = z
+      z = z1 - p1 / pp
+      if ( abs( z - z1 ) < small ) exit small_test
+   end do small_test
+   w(j) = 2.0_r8 * xl / ( ( 1.0_r8 - z * z ) * pp * pp )
+   w(n+1-j) = w(j)
+end do
+end subroutine get_gaussian_weights
+  subroutine init_corrk
+! subroutine init_corrk
+! This my Fortran 90 version of "init_corrk_LN_CO2.f90", which is in the original
+!   TES forward operator code bundle I got from NASA GSFC (M. Smith et al.).
+!   This code reads in the Temperatures, Pressures, and Wavenumbers valid for
+!   the k-tables stored in a specified directory (namelist items : corrk_dir).
+!   It then goes from k-table file to file and reads in the full k-tables.
+! I have tested this subroutine in a stand-alone mode and it works.
+integer  :: k_unit, strlen1, strlen2, strlen, istat
+integer  :: iflag, k, tmp, iv, ig, it, ip
+character(len = 129) :: fn, msgstr
+character(len = 5)   :: x
+! In the future we will likely have to point this subroutine to both lo-res and
+!   hi-res k-tables
+! Use DART utilities for opening file and getting a unit number
+! Read executive lattice file -- in namelist as fn_corrk, stored in corrk_dir
+! 1. Construct file name for lattice file
+strlen1 = len_trim( corrk_dir )
+strlen2 = len_trim( fn_corrk )
+strlen = strlen1 + strlen2
+fn(:strlen1) = trim( corrk_dir )
+fn((strlen1+1):strlen) = trim( fn_corrk )
+! 2. Get a free I/O file unit from DART
+k_unit = get_unit()
+! 3. Open the file and confirm success
+open( UNIT=k_unit, FILE=trim(fn), STATUS='old', IOSTAT=istat )
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for opening fn_corrk :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 4. Begin reading process
+! 4. a. iflag -- ought to be equal to 1
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) iflag
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading iflag :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+if ( iflag /= 1 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'iflag .ne. 1 in fn_corrk :: iflag = ',iflag
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 4. b. nv -- number of wavenumbers
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) nv
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading nv :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 4. c. np -- number of pressures
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) np
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading np :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 4. d. nt -- number of temperatures  
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) nt
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading nt :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 4. e. ng -- number of gaussian abscissae
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) ng
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading ng :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 5. Allocate array sizes based on what we just read in
+allocate( ck_v( nv ) )
+allocate( ck_p( np ) )
+allocate( ck_t( nt ) )
+allocate( values( ng,nt,np,nv ) )
+! 6. Read more data into the arrays we just allocated
+! 6. a. ck_v -- array of wavenumber files in corrk_dir
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) ( ck_v(k), k=1,nv )
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading ck_v :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 6. b. ck_p -- array of pressures included in k-tables
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) ( ck_p(k), k=1,np )
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading ck_p :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 6. c. ck_t -- array of temperatures included in k-tables
+read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) ( ck_t(k), k=1,nt )
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading ck_t :: istat = ',istat
+   call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+end if
+! 7. Close the lattice file
+close( UNIT=k_unit )
+! 8. Now loop through the k-tables files -- just reuse the same unit number
+do iv = 1, nv
+   ! Build the filename for the k-table file
+   fn = ' '
+   write(x,'(i5)') nint( ck_v(iv) * 100.0_r8 )
+   fn = trim(  corrk_dir ) // 'ln_distribution_' // x // '.dat'
+   ! Open the file & check for success
+   open( UNIT=k_unit, FILE=trim(fn), STATUS='old', IOSTAT=istat )
+   if ( istat > 0 ) then
+      write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for opening k-table file ',iv,' :: istat = ',istat
+      call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+   end if
+   ! Read in the k-table data into the array "values"
+   read( UNIT=k_unit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=istat ) (((values(ig,it,ip,iv), ig=1,ng), it=1,nt), ip=1,np)
+   if ( istat > 0 ) then
+      write(msgstr,*)'istat > 0 for reading k-table file ',iv,' :: istat = ',istat
+      call error_handler(E_ERR, 'obs_def_TES_nadir_mod:init_corrk', msgstr)
+   end if
+   ! Close the file
+   close( UNIT=k_unit )
+end do
+end subroutine init_corrk
+  subroutine set_TES_nadir(teskey, scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s)
+! subroutine set_TES_nadir(teskey, scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s)
+! Increment key and set all private data for this observation
+integer,          intent(out) :: teskey
+integer,          intent(in)  :: scan_length
+real(r8),         intent(in)  :: wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+keycount = keycount + 1
+teskey = keycount
+if(teskey > max_TES_nadir_obs) then
+   write(errstring, *) 'key (',teskey,') exceeds max_TES_nadir_obs (',max_TES_nadir_obs,')'
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'set_TES_nadir', errstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+TES_data(teskey)%scan_length     = scan_length
+TES_data(teskey)%wavenumber      = wavenumber
+TES_data(teskey)%emission_angle  = emission_angle
+TES_data(teskey)%l_sub_s         = l_sub_s
+end subroutine set_TES_nadir
+  subroutine get_TES_nadir(teskey, scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s)
+! subroutine get_TES_nadir(teskey, scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s)
+! Increment key and set all private data for this observation
+integer,          intent(in)  :: teskey
+integer,          intent(out) :: scan_length
+real(r8),         intent(out) :: wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if (teskey < 1 .or. teskey > keycount) then
+   write(errstring, *) 'key (',teskey,') out of valid range (1<=key<=',keycount,')'
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_TES_nadir', errstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+scan_length    = TES_data(teskey)%scan_length
+wavenumber     = TES_data(teskey)%wavenumber
+emission_angle = TES_data(teskey)%emission_angle
+l_sub_s        = TES_data(teskey)%l_sub_s
+end subroutine get_TES_nadir
+  subroutine write_TES_nadir_obs(teskey, ifile, fform)
+! subroutine write_TES_nadir_obs(teskey, ifile, fform)
+! The following is largely lifted from obs_def_gps_mod.f90 and obs_def_radar_mod.f90
+integer,          intent(in)           :: teskey, ifile
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+character(len=32) :: fileformat
+integer :: i
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+fileformat = "ascii"   ! supply default
+if(present(fform)) fileformat = trim(adjustl(fform))
+! write out obs_seq info 
+SELECT CASE ( fileformat )
+   CASE( "unf", "UNF", "unformatted", "UNFORMATTED" )   ! binary stuff
+      write(ifile) teskey
+      write(ifile) TES_data(teskey)%scan_length, &
+                   TES_data(teskey)%wavenumber, &
+                   TES_data(teskey)%emission_angle, &
+                   TES_data(teskey)%l_sub_s
+      continue
+   CASE default
+      write(ifile,98) teskey
+      write(ifile, *) TES_data(teskey)%scan_length, &
+                      TES_data(teskey)%wavenumber, &
+                      TES_data(teskey)%emission_angle, &
+                      TES_data(teskey)%l_sub_s
+98 format('TES_nadir_obs', i8)
+end subroutine write_TES_nadir_obs
+  subroutine read_TES_nadir_obs(teskey, ifile, fform)
+! subroutine read_TES_nadir_obs(teskey, ifile, fform)
+! The following is largely lifted from obs_def_gps_mod.f90 and obs_def_radar_mod.f90
+integer,          intent(out)          :: teskey
+integer,          intent(in)           :: ifile
+character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
+integer             :: keyin    ! the metadata key in the current obs sequence
+integer             :: scan_length
+real(r8)            :: wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s
+character(len=13)   :: header
+character(len=32)   :: fileformat
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+fileformat = "ascii"   ! supply default
+if(present(fform)) fileformat = trim(adjustl(fform))
+SELECT CASE ( fileformat )
+   CASE( "unf", "UNF", "unformatted", "UNFORMATTED" )   ! binary stuff
+      read(ifile) keyin          ! read and throw away
+      read(ifile) scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s
+   CASE default
+      read(ifile, fmt='(a13, i8)') header, keyin    ! throw away keyin
+      if(header /= 'TES_nadir_obs') then
+         write(errstring,*)'Expected header "TES_nadir_obs" in input file'
+         call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_TES_nadir_obs',errstring, &
+                                  source, revision, revdate)
+      end if
+      read(ifile,*) scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s
+! increment key and set all private data for this observation
+call set_TES_nadir(teskey, scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s)
+end subroutine read_TES_nadir_obs
+  subroutine interactive_TES_nadir_obs(teskey)
+! subroutine interactive_TES_nadir_obs(teskey)
+! The following is largely lifted from obs_def_1d_state_mod.f90 and obs_def_radar_mod.f90
+integer, intent(out) :: teskey
+integer              :: scan_length
+real(r8)             :: wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if( keycount >= max_TES_nadir_obs ) then
+   write(errstring, *)'Not enough room left for another TES_nadir_obs.'
+   call error_handler(E_MSG,'interactive_TES_nadir_obs',errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+   write(errstring, *)'Can only have max_TES_nadir_obs (currently ',max_TES_nadir_obs,')' 
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'interactive_TES_nadir_obs',errstring, source, revision, revdate)
+! get obs metadata
+write(*, *) 'Creating an interactive TES nadir observation'
+write(*, *)
+write(*, *) 'Input the TES scan length:'
+write(*, *) '   Enter 1 for low-res (nominally 10/cm)'
+write(*, *) '   Enter 2 for high-res (nominally 5/cm)'
+read(*,*) scan_length
+write(*, *)
+write(*, *) 'Input the TES channel wavenumber in cm^-1'
+read(*,*) wavenumber
+write(*, *)
+write(*, *) 'Input the TES emission angle in degrees'
+read(*,*) emission_angle
+write(*, *)
+write(*, *) 'Input the L_sub_s in degrees for this observation'
+read(*,*) l_sub_s
+! increment key and set all private data for this observation
+call set_TES_nadir(teskey, scan_length, wavenumber, emission_angle, l_sub_s)
+write(*, *)
+write(*, *) '   End of specialized section for TES nadir observations.'
+write(*, *) '   You will now have to enter the regular obs information.'
+write(*, *)
+end subroutine interactive_TES_nadir_obs
+  subroutine get_expected_TES_nadir_obs(state, location, teskey, val, istatus)
+! subroutine get_expected_TES_nadir_obs(state, location, teskey, val, istatus)
+! We are going to try to capture the code here from the original
+!   TES forward operator code bundle I got from NASA GSFC (M. Smith et al.).
+!   The code here is split over several routines and functions including:
+!     guess_LN_CO2.f90
+!     trans_LN_CO2.f90
+!     inv_LN_CO2.f90
+!     atmosrad_LN_CO2.f90
+!     planck.f90
+! In order to calculate the expected TES radiance, we will need:
+!   state vector
+!   latitude on planet
+!   longitude on planet
+!   local time
+!   UTC -- determined by longitude + local time
+!   sol/date -- determined by L_sub_s (?)
+!   L_sub_s
+!   emission angle
+!   TES channel -- specified as wavenumber 
+!   scan length (1 = lo-res, 2 = hi-res)
+!   uncertainty
+real(r8), intent(in)            :: state(:)
+type(location_type), intent(in) :: location
+integer, intent(in)             :: teskey
+real(r8), intent(out)           :: val
+integer, intent(out)            :: istatus
+! The first item of business is to get the vertical columns of temperature 
+!   and pressure, as well as the surface values, all interpolated to the 
+!   correct location for the nadir observation.  This is not quite as simple
+!   as it may sound because the nominal time and location may not synch 
+!   correctly with the cited local time value.  I think the issue is the 
+!   martian equation of time -- the GCM approximates time as mean solar time,
+!   whereas the satellite is viewing w.r.t. true local solar time.  Worse,
+!   the GCM isn't exactly on mean solar time because it assumes 669 sols per
+!   year instead of 668.599, or whatever the appropriate value should be.
+! What is most important, I imagine, is that the location and the local time
+!   be as close to matching as possible -- since local time is a proxy for
+!   longitude, the location really specifies the local time FOR A GIVEN 
+!   value of UTC.  To match location and local time, we may need to shift
+!   the nominal time tag of the observation either forward or backward.  
+!   This is the essence of the equation of time, but I don't think even that
+!   is accurate enough for our faked GCM clocks and calendars **check this**
+! Okay, TES doesn't include a Date or UTC field, just L_s and Local_time 
+!   (and also Mars J2000 positions and Ephemeris_time) -- we will need to
+!   use L_s and Local_time in conjunction with longitude to back-calculate
+!   UTC fields and Date fields so that time_manager will know at what time
+!   step each observation is valid for -- this is something to be handled 
+!   during the construction of the obs_seq files, NOT here.
+! istatus = 0  :: nominally okay
+!         = 1  :: did not find k-table for specified wavenumber
+!         = 2  :: trouble with interpolating to find PSFC
+!         = 3  :: trouble with interpolating to find TSK
+!         = 4  :: could not find acceptable value for isothermalP
+!         = 5  :: trouble with interpolating to find T below isothermalP
+!         = 11 :: corrk trouble -- pressure out of range
+!         = 12 :: corrk trouble -- temperature too low
+!         = 13 :: corrk trouble -- temperature too high & outside of 15 micron center
+!         = 14 :: corrk trouble -- should never return 4
+!         = 15 :: corrk trouble -- corner entries in array values are = -1
+!         = 88 :: originally set and somehow the code makes it through without changing
+integer  :: k, j, istat, iv, rc
+real(r8) :: obsloc(3), lon, lat
+real(r8) :: psfc, tsk, delz, isoP
+real(r8) :: vtmp, ptmp, ttmp, isothermalT, coeff1
+real(r8) :: atmos_now, surface_now, rad_now
+real(r8), parameter :: tolerance = 0.05_r8
+logical,  parameter :: debug = .false., debug_ng = .false.
+type(location_type) :: location2
+integer  :: which_vert
+! Make sure the module is initialized -- we need the k-tables in memory!
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+! Initially assume istatus is 88 and leave it to code to change the value below
+istatus = 88
+! Find the wavenumber in k-table!
+! It is important to know not only the wavenumber (TES channel) of the 
+!   observation in question but also the index of that wavenumber in the
+!   array of possible k-table wavenumbers
+vtmp = TES_data(teskey)%wavenumber
+! Find index of this wavenumber in array of k-table wavenumber values
+iv = 0
+do k = 1, nv
+   if ( abs( ck_v(k) - vtmp ) <= tolerance ) then
+      iv = k
+      exit
+   end if
+end do
+if (debug) print*, 'iv = ', iv, ';  vtmp = ', vtmp
+! If we haven't found a wavenumber in ck_v that is within tolerance of this
+!   observation's cited wavenumber value, then we have a problem -- set
+!   val to missing and the return code to a non-zero value
+if ( iv == 0 ) then
+   write(errstring, *)'Did not find wavenumber for ob!; TES obs key ', teskey
+   call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+   val = missing_r8
+   istatus = 1
+   return
+end if
+! Vertical profile interpolation
+! Since nadir radiances are related to vertical integrals, a vertical
+!   location does not really make sense -- for threed_sphere/location, we 
+!   will use and expect a vertical location of "undefined".  Don't let this
+!   necessarily break the code though.
+if ( .not. vert_is_undef(location) ) then
+   write(errstring, *)'vertical location should be undefined; TES obs key ', teskey
+   call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+! Convert from location_type to real numbers
+obsloc = get_location( location )
+! Strip out lat and lon for interpolation purposes
+lon = obsloc( 1 )    ! EAST longitude in degrees: 0 to 360
+lat = obsloc( 2 )    ! latitude in degrees: -90 to 90
+if (debug) print*, 'lon = ', lon, ';  lat = ', lat
+! Get surface pressure at location
+which_vert = VERTISSURFACE
+location2 = set_location( lon, lat, missing_r8, which_vert )
+call interpolate( state, location2, KIND_SURFACE_PRESSURE, psfc, istat )
+if (debug) print*, 'psfc = ', psfc
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(errstring, *)'trouble with PSFC interpolation, key = ', teskey, '; istat = ', istat
+   call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+   val = missing_r8
+   istatus = 2
+   return
+! Make sure all pressures are actually in mbars, as the forward operator
+!   code (i.e., k-tables) is expecting.  The model uses Pascals.
+! ptop is already in mbars
+psfc = psfc * 1.0e-2_r8
+! Now surface temperature at locations
+call interpolate( state, location2, KIND_SKIN_TEMPERATURE, tsk, istat )
+if (debug) print*, 'tsk = ', tsk
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   write(errstring, *)'trouble with TSK interpolation, key = ', teskey, '; istat = ', istat
+   call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+   val = missing_r8
+   istatus = 3
+   return
+! We want to construct the vertical temperature and pressure profiles -- 
+!   Philosophically, we do not want to know what the vertical resolution of 
+!   our model is -- rather we want to specify actual vertical levels on
+!   which to interpolate the values we are looking for.  If we directly
+!   specify the pressure levels we want, then we will only have to interpolate
+!   temperature.
+! We will use the namelist item N_layers to accomplish this, though in a sigma
+!   coordinate fashion where we have N_layers evenly spaced in log pressure
+!   over the pressure difference between p_surf and p_top.
+! p([0:N]) = psfc * exp( -( log(psfc/ptop)/N ) * [0:N] )
+ret_p = 0.0_r8
+ret_p(0) = psfc
+delz = log( psfc / ptop ) / real(N_layers,r8)
+do k = 1, N_layers
+   ret_p(k) = psfc * exp( -delz * real(k,r8) )
+end do
+if (debug) print*, 'ret_p = ', ret_p
+if (debug) print*, ' '
+! Use model's interpolate routine to find isothermalT, the temperature when the
+!   model attains height isothermalP -- keep in mind that interpolate assumes 
+!   pressure is in Pa, not mbars.
+! Store namelist item isothermalP in isoP so that we can change it if necessary
+isoP = isothermalP
+which_vert = VERTISPRESSURE
+ptmp = isoP * 1.0e2_r8
+location2 = set_location( lon, lat, ptmp, which_vert )
+call interpolate( state, location2, KIND_TEMPERATURE, isothermalT, istat )
+if (debug) print*, 'isothermalT = ', isothermalT
+! If we had trouble it is MOST LIKELY because isothermalP is above the model's
+!   value of ptop -- try lowering (in altitude) isothermalP.  For now we will
+!   (arbitrarily) try lowering it 6 times, and if we haven't found an acceptable
+!   value by then, then return with missing value because we won't be able to
+!   construct a reasonable T(p) profile for vertical intergration.
+if ( istat > 0 ) then
+   do k = 1, 6
+      isoP = 2.0_r8 * isoP
+      ptmp = 2.0_r8 * ptmp
+      location2 = set_location( lon, lat, ptmp, which_vert )
+      call interpolate( state, location2, KIND_TEMPERATURE, isothermalT, istat )
+      if (debug) print*, 'k = ', k, '  isothermalT = ', isothermalT
+      write(errstring, *)'lowered isothermalP, key = ',teskey,'; new isoP = ', isoP
+      call error_handler(E_MSG,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                            source, revision, revdate)
+      if ( istat == 0 ) exit
+   end do
+   if ( k == 6 ) then
+      write(errstring, *)'could not find acceptable isothermalP level, key = ',teskey, &
+                           '; last isoP = ', isoP
+      call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                           source, revision, revdate)
+      val = missing_r8
+      istatus = 4
+      return
+   end if
+end if
+! Now set the corresponding temperature profile -- TSK is surface; interpolate
+!   for others -- which_vert has already been set to VERTISPRESSURE
+ret_t = 0.0_r8
+ret_t(0) = tsk
+do k = 1, N_layers
+   ! Test whether we are surface-ward of the namelist specified isothermalP,
+   !   but compare to isoP in case we had to bring isothermalP closer to the 
+   !   surface to abide by the model's own value for p_top.
+   if ( ret_p(k) > isoP ) then
+      ! For model interpolation, make sure we are back in Pa
+      ptmp = ret_p(k) * 1.0e2_r8
+      location2 = set_location( lon, lat, ptmp, which_vert )
+      call interpolate( state, location2, KIND_TEMPERATURE, ret_t( k ), istat )
+      if ( istat > 0 ) then
+         write(errstring, *)'trouble with T interpolation, key = ', teskey, '; istat = ', &
+                               istat,'; level k = ', k
+         call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                               source, revision, revdate)
+         val = missing_r8
+         istatus = 5
+         return
+      end if
+   else
+      ret_t(k) = isothermalT
+   end if
+end do
+if (debug) print*, 'ret_t = ', ret_t
+if (debug) print*, ' '
+! We will also want T and P on the mid-points between the layers above.  The
+!   original TES code just interpolates linearly in log(P), but we could use
+!   our model_mod to interpolate more closely with what the model says.  The
+!   TES approach is certainly faster -- I wonder how much of a difference it 
+!   makes?  
+! Here we will use the TES approach...
+!   If we are not explicitly interpolating from the model state vector, then
+!   don't actually need p_mid because t_mid is simply the mid-points of ret_t
+!p_mid = 0.0_r8
+t_mid = 0.0_r8
+do k = 1, N_layers
+   !p_mid(k) = exp( 0.5_r8 * ( log(ret_p(k)) + log(ret_p(k-1)) ) )
+   t_mid(k) = 0.5_r8 * ( ret_t(k) + ret_t(k-1) )
+end do
+if (debug) print*, 't_mid = ', t_mid
+if (debug) print*, ' '
+! Dust stuff
+! We will need access to the vertical dust distribution for the (lon,lat)
+!   location as well.  We can either make TAU_OD part of the state vector
+!   (including TRC01 and TRC02 if "active dust") or we can try to give 
+!   the forward operator access to the fixed dust distribution subroutine.
+!   This second option is definitely against the philosophy of DART.
+! For now we will stick with the logical "fixed_dust" construction and call
+!   the function mcd_mgs below -- keep in mind that mcd_mgs assumes inputs 
+!   are in Pa, NOT mbars!
+if ( fixed_dust ) then
+   do k = 0, N_layers
+      dust_opt_dep(k) = mcd_mgs( TES_data(teskey)%l_sub_s, lat, ret_p(k) )
+   end do
+end if
+if (debug) print*, 'VIS dust_opt_dep = ', dust_opt_dep
+if (debug) print*, ' '
+! dust_opt_dep above is the optical depth due to dust in the visible!  We now
+!   need a way to convert the visible tau to IR tau relevant for whatever
+!   wavenumber we are currently treating
+! Push this task into a subroutine below, and go and get the multiplier data
+!   from the Forget 1998 dust paper later.
+call dust_vis_to_ir( dust_opt_dep, N_layers+1, vtmp )
+if (debug) print*, ' IR dust_opt_dep = ', dust_opt_dep
+if (debug) print*, ' '
+! Do k-table look-up / interpolation
+! Now grab the appropriate entries in the correlated-k tables for the 
+!   pressures and temperatures of the vertical column we've created
+corrk = 0.0_r8
+do k = 0, N_layers
+   ptmp = ret_p(k)
+   ttmp = ret_t(k)
+   call get_corrk(iv, vtmp, ptmp, ttmp, n_gauss, corrk_tmp, rc)
+   ! check return code:
+   ! 1 = pressure out of range
+   ! 2 = temperature too low
+   ! 3 = temperature too high & outside of 15 micron center
+   ! 4 = should never return 4
+   ! 5 = corner entries in array values are = -1
+   if ( rc == 1 ) then
+      write(errstring, *)'Pressure is outside of k-table bounds; key = ',teskey, &
+                           '; p(mbar) = ',ptmp,'; level = ',k
+      call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                           source, revision, revdate)
+      val = missing_r8
+      istatus = 10+rc
+      return
+   elseif ( rc == 2 ) then
+      write(errstring, *)'Temperature is lower than k-table bounds; key = ',teskey, &
+                           '; T(K) = ',ttmp,'; level = ',k
+      call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                           source, revision, revdate)
+      val = missing_r8
+      istatus = 10+rc
+      return
+   elseif ( rc == 3 ) then
+      write(errstring, *)'Temperature is higher than k-table bounds; key = ',teskey, &
+                           '; T(K) = ',ttmp,'; level = ',k
+      call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                           source, revision, revdate)
+      val = missing_r8
+      istatus = 10+rc
+      return
+   elseif ( rc == 4 ) then
+      write(errstring, *)'This should not return; key = ',teskey
+      call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                           source, revision, revdate)
+      val = missing_r8
+      istatus = 10+rc
+      return
+   elseif ( rc == 5 ) then
+      write(errstring, *)'Trying to interpolate where k-tables have no data; key = ',teskey
+      call error_handler(E_WARN,'get_expected_TES_nadir_obs', errstring, &
+                           source, revision, revdate)
+      val = missing_r8
+      istatus = 10+rc
+      return
+   end if
+   corrk(k,:) = corrk_tmp
+end do
+if (debug .and. debug_ng) print*, 'corrk = ', corrk
+if (debug .and. debug_ng) print*, ' '
+! Start the radiative transfer part
+! Take observation's emission angle into consideration here -- not very 
+!   sensitive because all obs are nadir viewing, which means emission 
+!   angle is within 2 degrees of nadir.  But still, it's a good idea.
+coeff1 = fac_coeff1 * COS( DEG2RAD * TES_data(teskey)%emission_angle )
+! Evaluate opt_dep and trans10k
+opt_dep = 0.0_r8
+trans10k = 0.0_r8
+! Top layer first
+opt_dep(N_layers,:) = coeff1 * corrk(N_layers,:) * ret_p(N_layers) + dust_opt_dep(N_layers)
+trans10k(N_layers,:) = exp( -opt_dep(N_layers,:) )
+! Then fill in layers below
+do k = N_layers, 1, -1
+   opt_dep(k-1,:) = opt_dep(k,:) + coeff1 * 0.5_r8 * ( corrk(k-1,:) + corrk(k,:) ) * &
+                      ( ret_p(k-1) - ret_p(k) ) + dust_opt_dep(k-1) - dust_opt_dep(k)
+   trans10k(k-1,:) = exp( -opt_dep(k-1,:) )
+end do
+if (debug .and. debug_ng) print*, 'opt_dep = ', opt_dep
+if (debug .and. debug_ng) print*, ' '
+if (debug .and. debug_ng) print*, 'trans10k = ', trans10k
+if (debug .and. debug_ng) print*, ' '
+! Calculate transmittance at each level
+trans = 0.0_r8
+do k = 0, N_layers
+   trans(k) = sum( trans10k(k,:) * gw )
+end do
+if (debug) print*, 'trans = ', trans
+if (debug) print*, ' '
+! Get atmospheric contribution -- depends on t_mid
+atmos_now = 0.0_r8
+do k = 1, N_layers
+   atmos_now = atmos_now + ( alfa * vtmp**3 )/( exp( beta * vtmp / t_mid(k) ) - &
+                              1.0_r8 ) * ( trans(k) - trans(k-1) )
+end do
+atmos_now = atmos_now + ( alfa * vtmp**3 )/( exp( beta * vtmp / isothermalT ) - &
+                              1.0_r8 ) * ( 1 - trans(N_layers) )
+if (debug) print*, 'atmos_now = ', atmos_now
+if (debug) print*, ' '
+! Get surface contribution
+surface_now = 0.0_r8

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