[Dart-dev] [3476] DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.f90: Updated gps observation module.

nancy at ucar.edu nancy at ucar.edu
Mon Jul 28 11:50:03 MDT 2008

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Modified: DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.f90
--- DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.f90	2008-07-25 21:20:18 UTC (rev 3475)
+++ DART/trunk/obs_def/obs_def_gps_mod.f90	2008-07-28 17:50:02 UTC (rev 3476)
@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
 ! University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 ! Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html
+! Note:  This version has a namelist item for the max number of
+! gps observations that can be read in, but it is currently commented out.
+! Search below for the 'NAMELIST' string to find where to comment the
+! code back in.  There are 2 places.  This maximum must be the total of
+! all gps obs in all input files, which if you are reading multiple obs_seq
+! files (e.g. for the obs_diag program) might be a larger number than 100K.
 ! <next few lines under version control, do not edit>
 ! $URL$
@@ -19,7 +25,8 @@
-!   use obs_def_gps_mod, only : get_expected_gpsro_ref, read_gpsro_ref, write_gpsro_ref
+!  use obs_def_gps_mod, only : get_expected_gpsro_ref, interactive_gpsro_ref, &
+!                              read_gpsro_ref, write_gpsro_ref
@@ -31,20 +38,19 @@
 !         case(GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY)
-!         call read_gpsro_ref(obs_def%key, ifile, fileformat)
-!         continue
+!            call read_gpsro_ref(obs_def%key, ifile, fileformat)
 !         case(GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY)
-!         call write_gpsro_ref(obs_def%key, ifile, fileformat)
+!            call write_gpsro_ref(obs_def%key, ifile, fileformat)
 !         case(GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY)
-!       ! call interactive_gpsro_ref(obs_def%key)
+!            call interactive_gpsro_ref(obs_def%key)
@@ -52,23 +58,27 @@
 module obs_def_gps_mod
 use        types_mod, only : r8, missing_r8, RAD2DEG, DEG2RAD, PI
-use    utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG, file_exist, &
-                             open_file, close_file
-use     location_mod, only : location_type, set_location, get_location , write_location, &
-                             read_location
-use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, read_time, write_time, set_time, set_time_missing, &
-                             interactive_time
+use    utilities_mod, only : register_module, error_handler, E_ERR, E_MSG, &
+                             file_exist, open_file, close_file, nmlfileunit, &
+                             check_namelist_read, find_namelist_in_file, &
+                             do_output
+use     location_mod, only : location_type, set_location, get_location, &
+                             write_location, read_location, vert_is_height, &
+                             VERTISHEIGHT
+use time_manager_mod, only : time_type, read_time, write_time, &
+                             set_time, set_time_missing, interactive_time
 use  assim_model_mod, only : interpolate
 use     obs_kind_mod, only : KIND_U_WIND_COMPONENT, &
                              KIND_V_WIND_COMPONENT, KIND_SURFACE_PRESSURE, &
-                             KIND_GPSRO
+                             KIND_TEMPERATURE, KIND_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY, &
+                             KIND_PRESSURE, KIND_GPSRO
 implicit none
-public :: set_gpsro_ref, write_gpsro_ref, read_gpsro_ref, get_expected_gpsro_ref
+public :: set_gpsro_ref, get_gpsro_ref, write_gpsro_ref, read_gpsro_ref, &
+          get_expected_gpsro_ref, interactive_gpsro_ref
 ! version controlled file description for error handling, do not edit
 character(len=128), parameter :: &
@@ -80,63 +90,148 @@
 ! Storage for the special information required for GPS RO observations
-integer, parameter :: max_gpsro_obs = 100000
-character(len=6) :: gpsro_ref_form(max_gpsro_obs)
-real(r8) ::       ray_direction(3, max_gpsro_obs)
-real(r8) ::                  rfict(max_gpsro_obs) ! local curvature radius
-real(r8) ::              step_size(max_gpsro_obs)
-real(r8) ::                ray_top(max_gpsro_obs)
+!integer, parameter :: max_gpsro_obs = 100000
+!character(len=6) :: gpsro_ref_form(max_gpsro_obs)
+!real(r8) ::       ray_direction(3, max_gpsro_obs)
+!real(r8) ::                  rfict(max_gpsro_obs) ! local curvature radius
+!real(r8) ::              step_size(max_gpsro_obs)
+!real(r8) ::                ray_top(max_gpsro_obs)
+! Because we are currently only generating one observation type
+! (GPSRO_REFRACTIVITY), there must be enough of these to cover all gps
+! obs in all obs_seq files that are read in (e.g. for obs_diag if you
+! cover multiple days or weeks, you must have enough room for all of them.)
+! the local operator needs none of this additional info; the best approach
+! would be to keep a single KIND_GPSRO, but make 2 observation types.
+! the local has no additional metadata; the nonlocal needs one of these
+! allocated and filled in.
+integer :: max_gpsro_obs = 100000
+type gps_nonlocal_type
+   private
+   character(len=6) :: gpsro_ref_form
+   real(r8)         :: ray_direction(3)
+   real(r8)         :: rfict
+   real(r8)         :: step_size
+   real(r8)         :: ray_top
+end type gps_nonlocal_type
+type(gps_nonlocal_type), allocatable :: gps_data(:)
+! NAMELIST - comment in this plus one more place below to enable run-time limit.
+!namelist /obs_def_gps_nml/ max_gpsro_obs
+character(len=129) :: msgstring
 integer  :: ii
-integer  :: keycount = 0
+integer  :: keycount 
   subroutine initialize_module
-! subroutine initialize_module
-! pretty simple for this module.
+! initialize global gps private key number and allocate space for obs data
+integer :: rc, iunit
 call register_module(source, revision, revdate)
 module_initialized = .true.
+! global count of all gps observations from any input file
+keycount = 0
+! NAMELIST - comment in this block to enable runtime setting of the max obs.
+!! Read the namelist entry
+!! find max number of gps obs which can be stored, and initialize type
+!call find_namelist_in_file("input.nml", "obs_def_gps_nml", iunit)
+!read(iunit, nml = obs_def_gps_nml, iostat = rc)
+!call check_namelist_read(iunit, rc, "obs_def_gps_nml")
+!! Record the namelist values used for the run ...
+!if (do_output()) write(nmlfileunit, nml=obs_def_gps_nml)
+!if (do_output()) write(     *     , nml=obs_def_gps_nml)
+allocate(gps_data(max_gpsro_obs), stat = rc)
+if (rc /= 0) then
+   write(msgstring, *) 'initial allocation failed for gps observation data,', &
+                       'itemcount = ', max_gpsro_obs
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'initialize_module', msgstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
 end subroutine initialize_module
- subroutine set_gpsro_ref(key, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)
-!subroutine set_gpsro_ref(key, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)
+ subroutine set_gpsro_ref(gpskey, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)
+! increment key and set all private data for this observation
-integer,          intent(in) :: key
-real(r8),         intent(in) :: nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop
-character(len=6), intent(in) :: subset0
+integer,          intent(out) :: gpskey
+real(r8),         intent(in)  :: nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop
+character(len=6), intent(in)  :: subset0
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
-ray_direction(1, key) = nx
-ray_direction(2, key) = ny
-ray_direction(3, key) = nz
-gpsro_ref_form(key)   = subset0
+keycount = keycount + 1
+gpskey = keycount
-    rfict(key) = rfict0
-step_size(key) = ds
-  ray_top(key) = htop
+if(gpskey > max_gpsro_obs) then
+   write(msgstring, *) 'key (',gpskey,') exceeds max_gpsro_obs (',max_gpsro_obs,')'
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_gpsro_ref', msgstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(1) = nx
+gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(2) = ny
+gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(3) = nz
+gps_data(gpskey)%gpsro_ref_form   = subset0
+gps_data(gpskey)%rfict     = rfict0
+gps_data(gpskey)%step_size = ds
+gps_data(gpskey)%ray_top   = htop
 end subroutine set_gpsro_ref
+ subroutine get_gpsro_ref(gpskey, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)
+! return all private data for this observation
- subroutine write_gpsro_ref(key, ifile, fform)
-!subroutine write_gpsro_ref(key, ifile, fform)
+integer,          intent(in)  :: gpskey
+real(r8),         intent(out) :: nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop
+character(len=6), intent(out) :: subset0
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if (gpskey < 1 .or. gpskey > keycount) then
+   write(msgstring, *) 'key (',gpskey,') out of valid range (1<=key<=',keycount,')'
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_gpsro_ref', msgstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
+nx = gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(1)
+ny = gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(2)
+nz = gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(3)
+subset0 = gps_data(gpskey)%gpsro_ref_form
+rfict0 = gps_data(gpskey)%rfict
+ds     = gps_data(gpskey)%step_size
+htop   = gps_data(gpskey)%ray_top
+end subroutine get_gpsro_ref
+ subroutine write_gpsro_ref(gpskey, ifile, fform)
-integer,          intent(in)           :: key, ifile
+integer,          intent(in)           :: gpskey, ifile
 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
 character(len=32) :: fileformat
@@ -151,16 +246,20 @@
 SELECT CASE (fileformat)
    CASE ("unf", "UNF", "unformatted", "UNFORMATTED")
-    write(ifile) key
-    write(ifile) rfict(key), step_size(key), ray_top(key), &
-                (ray_direction(ii, key), ii=1, 3), gpsro_ref_form(key)
+    write(ifile) gpskey
+    write(ifile) gps_data(gpskey)%rfict, gps_data(gpskey)%step_size, &
+                 gps_data(gpskey)%ray_top, &
+                (gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(ii), ii=1, 3), &
+                 gps_data(gpskey)%gpsro_ref_form
-    write(ifile,11)  key
-    write(ifile, *) rfict(key), step_size(key), ray_top(key), &
-                   (ray_direction(ii, key), ii=1, 3), gpsro_ref_form(key)
+    write(ifile,11) gpskey
+    write(ifile, *) gps_data(gpskey)%rfict, gps_data(gpskey)%step_size, &
+                    gps_data(gpskey)%ray_top, &
+                   (gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(ii), ii=1, 3), &
+                    gps_data(gpskey)%gpsro_ref_form
 11  format('gpsroref', i8)
@@ -168,88 +267,164 @@
- subroutine read_gpsro_ref(key, ifile, fform)
-!subroutine read_gpsro_ref(key, ifile, fform)
+ subroutine read_gpsro_ref(gpskey, ifile, fform)
-! Every GPS observation has its own (metadata) key.
-! When you read two gps observation sequence files, it is necessary to track the
-! total number of metadata keys read ... not just the number in the current file.
+! Every GPS observation has its own (metadata) gpskey.
+! When you read multiple gps observation sequence files, it is necessary 
+! to track the total number of metadata gpskeys read, not just the number 
+! in the current file.
-integer,          intent(out)          :: key
+integer,          intent(out)          :: gpskey
 integer,          intent(in)           :: ifile
 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fform
-integer             :: keyin    ! the metadata key in the current obs sequence
+integer :: keyin    ! the metadata key in the current obs sequence
-character(len=8)    :: header
-character(len=32)   :: fileformat
+real(r8) :: nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop
+character(len=6) :: subset0
+character(len=8) :: header
+character(len=32) :: fileformat
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
 fileformat = "ascii"   ! supply default
 if(present(fform)) fileformat = trim(adjustl(fform))
-keycount = keycount + 1    ! the total metadata key count from all sequences
-key = keycount             ! copied to the output variable
-if(key > max_gpsro_obs) then
-   write(*, *) 'key (',key,') exceeds max_gpsro_obs (',max_gpsro_obs,')'
-   call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_gpsro_ref', &
-        'Increase max_gpsro_obs.', source, revision, revdate)
 ! Read the character identifier for verbose formatted output
 SELECT CASE (fileformat)
    CASE ("unf", "UNF", "unformatted", "UNFORMATTED")
-    read(ifile) keyin          ! read and throw away
-    read(ifile) rfict(key), step_size(key), ray_top(key), &
-               (ray_direction(ii, key), ii=1, 3), gpsro_ref_form(key)
-    continue
+      read(ifile) keyin          ! read and throw away
+      read(ifile) rfict0, ds, htop, nx, ny, nz, subset0
       read(ifile, FMT='(a8, i8)') header, keyin    ! throw away keyin
       if(header /= 'gpsroref') then
-       call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_gpsro_ref', &
-            'Expected header "gpsroref" in input file', source, revision, revdate)
+          call error_handler(E_ERR,'read_gpsro_ref', &
+          'Expected header "gpsroref" in input file', source, revision, revdate)
-    read(ifile, *) rfict(key), step_size(key), ray_top(key), &
-                  (ray_direction(ii, key), ii=1, 3), gpsro_ref_form(key)
+      read(ifile, *) rfict0, ds, htop, nx, ny, nz, subset0
+! increment key and set all private data for this observation
+call set_gpsro_ref(gpskey, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)
 end subroutine read_gpsro_ref
+subroutine interactive_gpsro_ref(gpskey)
+! Interactively prompt for the info needed to create a gps refractivity 
+! observation.  Increments the key number and returns it.
- subroutine get_expected_gpsro_ref(state_vector, location, key, ro_ref, istatus)
-!subroutine get_expected_gpsro_ref(state_vector, location, key, ro_ref, istatus)
+integer, intent(out) :: gpskey
+real(r8) :: nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop
+character(len=6) :: subset0
+type(location_type) :: location
+integer :: gpstype
+if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+!Now interactively obtain reflectivity type information
+! valid choices are local or non-local
+write(*, *)
+write(*, *) 'Beginning to inquire information on reflectivity type.'
+write(*, *)
+100 continue
+write(*, *) 'Enter 1 for local refractivity (GPSREF)'
+write(*, *) 'Enter 2 for non-local refractivity/excess phase delay (GPSEXC)'
+write(*, *)
+read(*,*) gpstype
+select case (gpstype)
+   case (1)
+      subset0 = 'GPSREF'
+   case (2)
+      subset0 = 'GPSEXC'
+   case default
+      write(*,*) 'Bad value, must enter 1 or 2'
+      goto 100
+end select
+if (gpstype == 2) then
+    ! FIXME:  i have no idea what valid values are for any
+   !  of the following items, so i cannot add any error checking or
+   !  guidance for the user.
+   write(*, *)
+   write(*, *) 'Enter X, Y, Z value for ray direction'
+   write(*, *)
+   read(*,*) nx, ny, nz
+   write(*, *)
+   write(*, *) 'Enter local curvature radius'
+   write(*, *)
+   read(*,*) rfict0
+   write(*, *)
+   write(*, *) 'Enter step size'
+   write(*, *)
+   read(*,*) ds
+   write(*, *)
+   write(*, *) 'Enter ray top'
+   write(*, *)
+   read(*,*) htop
+   nx = 0.0
+   ny = 0.0
+   nz = 0.0
+   rfict0 = 0.0
+   ds = 0.0
+   htop = 0.0
+! increment key and set all private data for this observation
+call set_gpsro_ref(gpskey, nx, ny, nz, rfict0, ds, htop, subset0)
+write(*, *)
+write(*, *) 'End of specialized section for gps observation data.'
+write(*, *) 'You will now have to enter the regular obs information.'
+write(*, *)
+end subroutine interactive_gpsro_ref
+ subroutine get_expected_gpsro_ref(state_vector, location, gpskey, ro_ref, istatus)
 ! Purpose: Calculate GPS RO local refractivity or non_local (integrated) 
 !          refractivity (excess phase, Sergey Sokolovskiy et al., 2005)
 ! inputs:
 !    state_vector:    DART state vector
 ! output parameters:
-!    ro_ref: modeled local refractivity (N-1)*1.0e6 or non_local refractivity (excess phase, m)
+!    ro_ref: modeled local refractivity (N-1)*1.0e6 or non_local 
+!            refractivity (excess phase, m)
 !            (according to the input data parameter subset)
 !    istatus:  =0 normal; =1 outside of domain.
 !  Author: Hui Liu 
 !  Version 1.1: June 15, 2004: Initial version CAM
 !  Version 1.2: July 29, 2005: revised for new obs_def and WRF
 implicit none
 real(r8),            intent(in)  :: state_vector(:)
-integer,             intent(in)  :: key
 type(location_type), intent(in)  :: location
+integer,             intent(in)  :: gpskey
 real(r8),            intent(out) :: ro_ref
 integer,             intent(out) :: istatus
@@ -267,8 +442,15 @@
 if ( .not. module_initialized ) call initialize_module
+if ( .not. vert_is_height(location)) then
+   write(msgstring, *) 'vertical location must be height; gps obs key ', gpskey
+   call error_handler(E_ERR,'get_expected_gpsro_ref', msgstring, &
+                      source, revision, revdate)
 obsloc   = get_location(location)
 lon      = obsloc(1)                       ! degree: 0 to 360
 lat      = obsloc(2)                       ! degree: -90 to 90
 height   = obsloc(3)                       ! (m)
@@ -276,34 +458,32 @@
 ! calculate refractivity at perigee
 call ref_local(state_vector, location, height, lat, lon, ref_perigee, istatus0)
-istatus = istatus0
+! if istatus > 0, the interpolation failed and we should return failure now.
+if(istatus0 > 0) then
+   istatus = istatus0
+   ro_ref = missing_r8
-choose: if(gpsro_ref_form(key) == 'GPSREF') then ! use local refractivity
+choose: if(gps_data(gpskey)%gpsro_ref_form == 'GPSREF') then 
+    ! use local refractivity
     ro_ref = ref_perigee * 1.0e6      ! in (N-1)*1.0e6, same with obs
-    if(istatus > 1) then
-      istatus = 1
-      ro_ref = missing_r8
-    endif
+else  ! gps_data(gpskey)%gpsro_ref_form == 'GPSEXC'
-    return
-else  ! gpsro_ref_form(key) == 'GPSEXC'
     ! otherwise, use non_local refractivity(excess phase delay)
-    ! Initilization
+    ! Initialization
     phase = 0.0_r8  
     dist_to_perigee =  0.0_r8   ! distance to perigee from a point of the ray
-    nx = ray_direction(1, key)
-    ny = ray_direction(2, key)
-    nz = ray_direction(3, key)
+    nx = gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(1)
+    ny = gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(2)
+    nz = gps_data(gpskey)%ray_direction(3)
     ! convert location of the perigee from geodetic to Cartesian coordinate
-    call geo2carte (height, lat, lon, xo, yo, zo, rfict(key) )
+    call geo2carte (height, lat, lon, xo, yo, zo, gps_data(gpskey)%rfict )
     ! currently, use a straight line passing the perigee point as ray model.
     ! later, more sophisticated ray models can be used.
@@ -322,7 +502,7 @@
 100 continue
     iter = iter + 1
-    dist_to_perigee = dist_to_perigee + step_size(key)
+    dist_to_perigee = dist_to_perigee + gps_data(gpskey)%step_size
     !  integrate to one direction of the ray for one step
     xx = xo + dist_to_perigee * nx
@@ -332,14 +512,19 @@
     ! convert the location of the point to geodetic coordinates 
     ! height(m), lat, lon(deg)
-    call carte2geo(xx, yy, zz, height1, lat1, lon1, rfict(key) )  
+    call carte2geo(xx, yy, zz, height1, lat1, lon1, gps_data(gpskey)%rfict )  
     ! get the refractivity at this ray point(ref00)
     call ref_local(state_vector, location, height1, lat1, lon1, ref00, istatus0)
-    istatus = istatus + istatus0
+    ! when any point of the ray is problematic, return failure
+    if(istatus0 > 0) then
+      istatus = istatus0
+      ro_ref = missing_r8
+      return
+    endif
     ! get the excess phase due to this ray interval
-    delta_phase1 = (ref1 + ref00) * step_size(key) * 0.5_r8
+    delta_phase1 = (ref1 + ref00) * gps_data(gpskey)%step_size * 0.5_r8
     ! save the refractivity for integration of next ray interval
     ref1 = ref00
@@ -349,14 +534,19 @@
     yy = yo - dist_to_perigee * ny 
     zz = zo - dist_to_perigee * nz
-    call carte2geo (xx, yy, zz, height1, lat1, lon1, rfict(key) )  
+    call carte2geo (xx, yy, zz, height1, lat1, lon1, gps_data(gpskey)%rfict )  
     ! get the refractivity at this ray point(ref00)
     call ref_local(state_vector, location, height1, lat1, lon1, ref00, istatus0)
-    istatus = istatus + istatus0
+    ! when any point of the ray is problematic, return failure
+    if(istatus0 > 0) then
+      istatus = istatus0
+      ro_ref = missing_r8
+      return
+    endif
     ! get the excess phase due to this ray interval
-    delta_phase2 = (ref2 + ref00) * step_size(key) * 0.5_r8
+    delta_phase2 = (ref2 + ref00) * gps_data(gpskey)%step_size * 0.5_r8
     ! save the refractivity for integration of next ray interval
     ref2 = ref00
@@ -364,39 +554,35 @@
     phase = phase + delta_phase1 + delta_phase2
     ! print*, 'phase= ',  phase, delta_phase1, delta_phase2
-    if(height1 .lt. ray_top(key) ) go to 100             !! do one more step
+    if(height1 .lt. gps_data(gpskey)%ray_top ) go to 100   !! do one more step
     ! finish the integration of the excess phase along the ray
     ro_ref = phase    ! in m
-    ! when any point of the ray is problematic
-    if(istatus > 1) then
-      istatus = 1
-      ro_ref = missing_r8
-    endif
     ! print*, 'xx = ', lon, lat, height, ro_ref
 endif choose
+! ended ok, return local or non-local accumulated value
+istatus = 0
 end subroutine get_expected_gpsro_ref
  subroutine ref_local(state_vector, location, height, lat, lon, ref00, istatus0)
-!subroutine ref_local(state_vector, location, height, lat, lon, ref00, istatus0)
-!   Calculate local refractivity at any GPS ray point (height, lat, lon)
+! Calculate local refractivity at any GPS ray point (height, lat, lon)
-!  inputs:
-!         height, lat, lon:  GPS observation location (units: m, degree)
+! inputs:
+!    height, lat, lon:  GPS observation location (units: m, degree)
-!  output:
-!         ref00: modeled local refractivity at ray point(unit: N-1, ~1.0e-4 to e-6)
+! output:
+!    ref00: modeled local refractivity at ray point(unit: N-1, ~1.0e-4 to e-6)
 implicit none
 real(r8), intent(in) :: state_vector(:)
@@ -418,13 +604,20 @@
 if(lon > 360.0_r8 ) lon2 = lon - 360.0_r8
 if(lon <   0.0_r8 ) lon2 = lon + 360.0_r8
-which_vert = 3
+which_vert = VERTISHEIGHT
 location2 = set_location(lon2, lat, height,  which_vert)
-istatus0 = 0
+! set return values assuming failure, so we can simply return if any
+! of the interpolation calls below fail.
+istatus0 = 1
+ref00 = missing_r8
 call interpolate(state_vector, location2,  KIND_TEMPERATURE,       t, istatus0)
+if (istatus0 > 0) return
 call interpolate(state_vector, location2,  KIND_SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY, q, istatus0)
+if (istatus0 > 0) return
 call interpolate(state_vector, location2,  KIND_PRESSURE,          p, istatus0)
+if (istatus0 > 0) return
 !  required variable units for calculation of GPS refractivity
 !   t :  Kelvin, from top to bottom
@@ -437,22 +630,24 @@
 ew    = q * p/(rdorv + (1.0_r8-rdorv)*q )
 ref00 = c1*p/t + c2*ew/(t**2)              ! (N-1)
+! now we have succeeded, set istatus to good
+istatus0 = 0
 end subroutine ref_local
  subroutine geo2carte (s1, s2, s3, x1, x2, x3, rfict0) 
-!subroutine geo2carte (s1, s2, s3, x1, x2, x3, rfict0) 
 !  Converts geodetical coordinates to cartesian with a reference sphere
 !  input parameters:
 !   s - geodetical coordinates
 !        (height (m), latitude (degree), longitude (degree))
 !                     -90 to 90           0 to 360
 !  output parameters:
 !   x - cartesian coordinates (m) connected with the earth(x, y, z-coordinate)
 implicit none
 real(r8), intent(in)  :: s1, s2, s3, rfict0    ! units: m
 real(r8), intent(out) ::   x1, x2 ,x3
@@ -470,8 +665,7 @@
  subroutine carte2geo (x1, x2, x3, s1, s2, s3, rfict0)
-!subroutine carte2geo (x1, x2, x3, s1, s2, s3, rfict0)
 !  Converts cartesian coordinates to geodetical.
@@ -482,7 +676,7 @@
 !        s - geodetical coordinates
 !            (height (m), latitude (deg), longitude (deg))
 !                          -90 to 90         0 to 360
 implicit none
 real(r8), intent(in)  :: x1, x2, x3, rfict0
 real(r8), intent(out) :: s1, s2, s3
@@ -507,4 +701,5 @@
 end  subroutine carte2geo
 end module obs_def_gps_mod

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