[Dart-dev] [3223] DART/trunk: obs_diag. f90 has been extended to be able to plot the observation locations

thoar at subversion.ucar.edu thoar at subversion.ucar.edu
Mon Feb 11 23:31:51 MST 2008

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Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/get_varnames.m
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/get_varnames.m	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/matlab/get_varnames.m	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
       if (strcmp( varname ,      'time_bounds')), isatmosvar = 0; end 
       if (strcmp( varname ,     'region_names')), isatmosvar = 0; end 
       if (strcmp( varname ,     'CopyMetaData')), isatmosvar = 0; end 
+      if (strcmp( varname , 'ObservationTypes')), isatmosvar = 0; end 
    if (isatmosvar > 0)

Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.f90
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.f90	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.f90	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
    revision = "$Revision$", &
    revdate  = "$Date$"
@@ -108,6 +107,7 @@
 integer :: num_obs_kinds
 character(len=129) :: obs_seq_read_format
 logical :: pre_I_format
+logical :: only_print_locations = .false.
 integer,  dimension(2) :: key_bounds
 real(r8), dimension(1) :: obs
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 ! 8+    reserved for future use
 integer             :: qc_index, dart_qc_index
-integer             :: qc_integer
+integer             :: qc_integer, my_qc_integer
 integer, parameter  :: QC_MAX = 7
 integer, parameter  :: QC_MAX_PRIOR     = 3
 integer, parameter  :: QC_MAX_POSTERIOR = 1
@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@
 call static_init_obs_sequence()  ! Initialize the obs sequence module 
-! Define/Append the 'wind speed' obs_kinds to supplant the list declared
+! Define/Append the 'wind velocity' obs_kinds to supplant the list declared
 ! in obs_kind_mod.f90 i.e. if there is a RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT
 ! Replace calls to 'get_obs_kind_name' with variable 'my_obs_kind_names'
@@ -309,6 +309,7 @@
 ! Now that we have input, do some checking and setup
+call ObsLocationsExist( print_obs_locations )
 call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN)
 call Convert2Time(beg_time, end_time, skip_time, binsep, binwidth, halfbinwidth)
 call ActOnNamelist( Nregions )
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@
    write(*,*)'height   interfaces = ',hlevel_edges(1:Nhlevels+1)
    write(*,*)'model    levels     = ',mlevel(    1:Nmlevels)
    do i = 1,Nregions
-      write(*,'(''Region '',i02,1x,a32,'' (EWSN): '',4(f10.4,1x))') i, &
+      write(*,'(''Region '',i02,1x,a32,'' (WESN): '',4(f10.4,1x))') i, &
              reg_names(i), lonlim1(i),lonlim2(i),latlim1(i),latlim2(i)
@@ -472,8 +473,8 @@
 ! Open file for histogram of innovations, as a function of standard deviation.
-nsigmaUnit = open_file('nsigma.dat',form='formatted',action='rewind')
-write(nsigmaUnit,*)'Any observations flagged as bad are dumped into the last bin.'
+nsigmaUnit = open_file('LargeInnov.txt',form='formatted',action='rewind')
+write(nsigmaUnit,'(a)')'Any observations flagged as bad are dumped into the last bin.'
 write(nsigmaUnit,'(a)') '   day   secs    lon      lat    level         obs    guess   zscore   key   kind'
 ! We must assume the observation sequence files span an unknown amount
@@ -576,11 +577,17 @@
    call print_time(seqT1,'First observation time',logfileunit)
    call print_time(seqTN,'Last  observation time',logfileunit)
+   call print_date(seqT1,'First observation date',logfileunit)
+   call print_date(seqTN,'Last  observation date',logfileunit)
    if ( verbose ) then
       call print_time(seqT1,'First observation time')
       call print_time(seqTN,'Last  observation time')
       call print_time(TimeMin,'TimeMin ')
       call print_time(TimeMax,'TimeMax ')
+      call print_date(seqT1,'First observation date')
+      call print_date(seqTN,'Last  observation date')
+      call print_date(TimeMin,'TimeMin ')
+      call print_date(TimeMax,'TimeMax ')
@@ -630,11 +637,24 @@
    ! Find the index of obs, ensemble mean, spread ... etc.
+   ! Only require obs_index to be present; this allows the program
+   ! to be run on obs_seq.in files which have no means or spreads.
+   ! You can still plot locations, but that's it.
+   !--------------------------------------------------------------------
    call SetIndices( obs_index, qc_index, dart_qc_index, &
             prior_mean_index,   posterior_mean_index,   &
             prior_spread_index, posterior_spread_index  )
+   if ( any( (/ prior_mean_index,     prior_spread_index, &
+            posterior_mean_index, posterior_spread_index /) < 0) ) then
+      only_print_locations = .true.
+      msgstring = 'observation sequence has no prior/posterior information'
+      call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_diag',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+   else
+      only_print_locations = .false.
+   endif
    EpochLoop : do iepoch = 1, Nepochs
@@ -660,8 +680,12 @@
       if (print_obs_locations) then
           ! Append epoch number to name
           write(locName,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'observation_locations.', iepoch, '.dat'
-          lunit = open_file(trim(adjustl(locName)),form='formatted',action='rewind')
-          write(lunit, '(a)') '   lon      lat    lev     kind   key    used'
+          if (file_exist(locName)) then
+             lunit = open_file(trim(adjustl(locName)),form='formatted',action='append')
+          else
+             lunit = open_file(trim(adjustl(locName)),form='formatted',action='rewind')
+             write(lunit, '(a)') '     lon         lat      lev       kind     key   QCval'
+          endif
@@ -713,6 +737,10 @@
          level_index = ParseLevel(obs_loc, obslevel, flavor, which_vert)
+         if ( 1 == 2 ) then
+            write(8,*)'obsindx ',obsindex, keys(obsindex), obsloc3(3), level_index
+         endif
          ! Convert the DART QC data to an integer and create histogram 
@@ -723,15 +751,38 @@
             qc_integer = min( nint(qc(dart_qc_index)), QC_MAX )
             qc_counter(qc_integer) = qc_counter(qc_integer) + 1  ! histogram
-            ! Provide backwards compatibility. If no dart_qc in obs_seq,
-            ! put qc_integer to 0 to replicate logic to be unable to treat 
-            ! prior and posterior separately. 
-            qc_integer = 0
-            msgstring = 'cannot find DART QC metatdata'
-            call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_diag',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+            ! If there is no dart_qc in obs_seq, make sure the observation
+            ! is never used. This must be a case where we are interested
+            ! only in getting the location information.
+            qc_integer = QC_MAX + 9999
+         ! Write location of observation if namelist item is true
+         !--------------------------------------------------------------
+         if (print_obs_locations) then
+            if (dart_qc_index > 0) then 
+               my_qc_integer =      nint(qc(dart_qc_index))
+            elseif  (qc_index > 0) then
+               my_qc_integer = -1 * nint(qc(     qc_index))
+            else
+               my_qc_integer = -99
+            endif
+            write(lunit, FMT='(3(f10.2,1x),3(i7,1x))') &
+               obslon, obslat, obslevel, flavor, keys(obsindex), my_qc_integer
+         endif
+         !--------------------------------------------------------------
+         ! Early exit from the observation loop if the observation 
+         ! does not have all the required copies (attributes).
+         !--------------------------------------------------------------
+         if (only_print_locations) cycle ObservationLoop
+         !--------------------------------------------------------------
          ! retrieve observation prior and posterior means and spreads
@@ -768,9 +819,9 @@
          if ( 1 == 2 ) then
          call get_obs_values(observation, copyvals)
      !   if (any(copyvals < -87.0) .and. ( qc_integer < (QC_MAX_PRIOR+1) ) ) then
-         if (any(copyvals < -87.0) .and. ( qc_integer < (QC_MAX_PRIOR-1) ) ) then
+         if ( obsindex == 311 ) then
-              write(*,*)'Observation ',keys(obsindex),' has some suspicious stuff.'
+              write(*,*)'Observation index 311 is ',keys(obsindex),' and has:'
               write(*,*)'flavor                 is',flavor
               write(*,*)'obs              value is',obs(1)
               write(*,*)'prior_mean       value is',prior_mean(1)
@@ -778,8 +829,6 @@
               write(*,*)'prior_spread     value is',prior_spread(1)
               write(*,*)'posterior_spread value is',posterior_spread(1)
               write(*,*)'DART QC          value is',qc_integer
-         !    qc_integer = QC_MAX_PRIOR - 1
-         !    write(*,*)'DART QC          value is now',qc_integer
               do i= 1,num_copies 
@@ -814,13 +863,12 @@
          ! update the histogram of the magnitude of the innovation,
-         ! where each bin is a single standard deviation. This is 
-         ! a one-sided histogram. The innovation can only be calculated
-         ! if the prior_mean is valid.
+         ! where each bin is a single standard deviation. 
+         ! This is a one-sided histogram. 
-         pr_zscore = InnovZscore(obs(1), pr_mean, pr_sprd, obs_err_var, qc_integer)
-         po_zscore = InnovZscore(obs(1), po_mean, po_sprd, obs_err_var, qc_integer)
+         pr_zscore = InnovZscore(obs(1), pr_mean, pr_sprd, obs_err_var, qc_integer, QC_MAX_PRIOR)
+         po_zscore = InnovZscore(obs(1), po_mean, po_sprd, obs_err_var, qc_integer, QC_MAX_POSTERIOR)
          indx         = min(int(pr_zscore), MaxSigmaBins)
          nsigma(indx) = nsigma(indx) + 1
@@ -828,7 +876,7 @@
          ! Individual (valid) observations that are very far away get
          ! logged to a separate file.
-         if( (pr_zscore > 10.0_r8) .and. (qc_integer <= QC_MAX_PRIOR) ) then
+         if( (pr_zscore > 3.0_r8) .and. (qc_integer <= QC_MAX_PRIOR) ) then
             call get_time(obs_time,seconds,days)
             write(nsigmaUnit,FMT='(i7,1x,i5,1x,2f8.2,i7,1x,2f13.2,f8.1,2i7)') &
@@ -861,13 +909,6 @@
-         ! Print out location of observation if namelist item is true
-         !--------------------------------------------------------------
-         if (print_obs_locations) write(lunit, FMT='(3(f10.2,1x),3(i7,1x))') &
-                    obslon, obslat, obslevel, flavor, keys(obsindex), qc_integer
-         !--------------------------------------------------------------
          ! We have Nregions of interest
@@ -951,12 +992,12 @@
                   ! since we don't have the necessary covariance between U,V
                   ! we will reject if either univariate z score is bad 
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_PRIOR)
                   if( (pr_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(guess%NbadIZ(iepoch,level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_POSTERIOR)
                   if( (po_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(analy%NbadIZ(iepoch,level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
@@ -1010,12 +1051,12 @@
                   ierr = ParseLevel(obs_loc, obslevel, wflavor, which_vert)
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_pr_mean, U_pr_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_PRIOR)
                   if( (pr_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(guessAVG%NbadIZ(level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
-                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc)
+                  zscoreU = InnovZscore(U_obs, U_po_mean, U_po_sprd, U_obs_err_var, U_qc, QC_MAX_POSTERIOR)
                   if( (po_zscore > rat_cri) .or. (zscoreU > rat_cri) )  then
                      call IPE(analyAVG%NbadIZ(level_index,iregion,wflavor), 1)
@@ -1038,6 +1079,8 @@
+      if (print_obs_locations) close(lunit)
    enddo EpochLoop
    if (verbose) then
@@ -1045,8 +1088,6 @@
       write(     *     ,*)'End of EpochLoop for ',trim(adjustl(obs_seq_in_file_name))
-   if (print_obs_locations) close(lunit)
    call destroy_obs(obs1)
    call destroy_obs(obsN)
    call destroy_obs(observation)
@@ -1131,12 +1172,17 @@
 ! Actually print the histogram of innovations as a function of standard deviation. 
-write(*,*)'last bin contains all (flagged) bad observations'
+write(     *    ,*)
+write(     *    ,'(''last bin contains all (flagged) bad observations'')')
+write(nsigmaUnit,'(''last bin contains all (flagged) bad observations'')')
 do i=0,MaxSigmaBins
-   if(nsigma(i) /= 0) write(*,*)'innovations in stdev bin ',i+1,' = ',nsigma(i)
+   if(nsigma(i) /= 0) then
+      write(     *    ,'(''(prior) innovations in stdev bin '',i3,'' = '',i10)'),i+1,nsigma(i)
+      write(nsigmaUnit,'(''(prior) innovations in stdev bin '',i3,'' = '',i10)'),i+1,nsigma(i)
+   endif
 ! temporal average of the vertical statistics
@@ -1577,8 +1623,15 @@
       reg_names(4) = 'North America       '
- !   TJH - confirm - anything that needs to be done ?
+      ! If lonlim2 < lonlim1 ... we add 360.0 to lonlim2 in anticipation
+      ! that you are going 'the long way around'
+      ! e.g.    300E to  25E  is a perfectly valid domain ... which
+      ! is also 300E to 385E
+      do i = 1,Nregions
+         if (lonlim2(i) < lonlim1(i)) lonlim2(i) = lonlim2(i) + 360.0_r8
+      enddo
    ! Pressure levels
@@ -1654,10 +1707,6 @@
    ! Make sure we find an index for each of them.
-   if ( obs_index              < 0 ) then
-      write(msgstring,*)'metadata:observation not found'
-      call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_diag',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-   endif
    if ( prior_mean_index       < 0 ) then
       write(msgstring,*)'metadata:prior ensemble mean not found'
       call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_diag',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -1682,14 +1731,13 @@
       write(msgstring,*)'metadata:DART quality control not found' 
       call error_handler(E_MSG,'obs_diag',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
-   !if ( any( (/obs_index, prior_mean_index, posterior_mean_index, qc_index, & 
-   !            prior_spread_index, posterior_spread_index /) < 0) ) then
    ! Only require obs_index to be present; this allows the program
-   ! to be run on obs_seq.in files which have no means or spread.  You can get
-   ! less info from them, but for plotting locations, etc, there are reasons
-   ! you might want to run diags on them.
-   if ( any( (/ obs_index /) < 0) ) then
-      write(msgstring,*)'observation metadata incomplete'
+   ! to be run on obs_seq.in files which have no means or spread.  You get
+   ! less info from them, but you can still plot locations, etc.
+   if ( obs_index < 0 ) then
+      write(msgstring,*)'metadata:observation not found'
       call error_handler(E_ERR,'obs_diag',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
@@ -1967,13 +2015,8 @@
+   Function InnovZscore(obsval, prmean, prspred, errvar, qcval, qcmaxval)
-   Function InnovZscore(obsval, prmean, prspred, errvar, qcval)
    ! This function tries to get a handle on the magnitude of the innovations.
    ! If the ratio of the observation to the prior mean is 'big', it is an outlier. 
    ! If the prior mean cannot be calculated (i.e. is missing) we put it in the 
@@ -1982,11 +2025,11 @@
    real(r8)             :: InnovZscore
    real(r8), intent(in) :: obsval, prmean, prspred, errvar
-   integer,  intent(in) :: qcval
+   integer,  intent(in) :: qcval, qcmaxval
    real(r8) :: numer, denom
-   if ( qcval <= QC_MAX_PRIOR ) then ! QC indicates a valid obs 
+   if ( qcval <= qcmaxval ) then ! QC indicates a valid obs 
       numer = abs(prmean - obsval)
       denom = sqrt( prspred**2 + errvar )
       InnovZscore = numer / denom
@@ -1999,14 +2042,27 @@
    Function InRegion( lon, lat, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 )
+   ! InRegion handles regions that 'wrap' in longitude
+   ! if the easternmost longitude of the region is > 360.0
+   ! For example; lon1 == 320, lon = 10, lon2 == 380 --> .true.
+   ! 
    logical :: InRegion
    real(r8), intent(in) :: lon, lat, lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2
+   real(r8) :: mylon
    InRegion = .false.
-   if( (lon .ge. lon1) .and. (lon .le. lon2) .and. &
-       (lat .ge. lat1) .and. (lat .le. lat2) ) InRegion = .true.
+   if( (lon >= lon1) .and. (lon <= lon2) .and. &
+       (lat >= lat1) .and. (lat <= lat2) ) InRegion = .true.
+   if( lon2 > 360.0_r8 ) then ! checking the wraparound case
+      mylon = lon + 360.0_r8
+      if( (mylon >= lon1) .and. (mylon <= lon2) .and. &
+          (  lat >= lat1) .and. (  lat <= lat2) ) then
+         InRegion = .true.
+      endif
+   endif
    end Function InRegion
@@ -2069,9 +2125,9 @@
    if (indx1 > 0) then ! must be _?_WIND_COMPONENT
-      str3 = str1(1:indx1)//'_WIND_SPEED'
+      str3 = str1(1:indx1)//'_WIND_VELOCITY'
    else                ! must be _?_10_METER_WIND_SPEED
-      str3 = str1(1:indx2)//'_WIND_SPEED'
+      str3 = str1(1:indx2)//'_WIND_VELOCITY'
       indx1 = indx2
@@ -2129,21 +2185,16 @@
    real(r8) :: postspred       ! POSTERIOR (spread,variance)
    real(r8) :: postspredplus   ! POSTERIOR (spread,variance**)
    logical, dimension(6) :: optionals
-   real(r8) :: obsspeed, pospeed, prspeed
    optionals = (/ present(uobs), present(uobserrvar), present(uprmean), &
                   present(uprsprd), present(upomean), present(uposprd) /)
    if ( all(optionals) ) then
-      obsspeed   = sqrt(    uobs**2 + obsval**2 )
-      prspeed    = sqrt( uprmean**2 + prmean**2 )
-      pospeed    = sqrt( upomean**2 + pomean**2 )
-      priorsqerr     = (prspeed - obsspeed)**2
-      postsqerr      = (pospeed - obsspeed)**2
-      priorbias      =  prspeed - obsspeed
-      postbias       =  pospeed - obsspeed
+      priorsqerr     = (prmean - obsval)**2 + (uprmean - uobs)**2
+      postsqerr      = (pomean - obsval)**2 + (upomean - uobs)**2
+      priorbias      = (prmean - obsval)    + (uprmean - uobs) 
+      postbias       = (pomean - obsval)    + (upomean - uobs)
       priorspred     = prsprd**2 + uprsprd**2
       postspred      = posprd**2 + uposprd**2
       priorspredplus = prsprd**2 + obserrvar + uprsprd**2 + uobserrvar
@@ -2226,6 +2277,7 @@
    real(r8), intent(in)           :: obsval,  obserrvar,  prmean,  prsprd,  pomean,  posprd
    real(r8), intent(in), optional ::   uobs, uobserrvar, uprmean, uprsprd, upomean, uposprd
+   real(r8) :: obsspeed       ! PRIOR     Squared Error
    real(r8) :: priorsqerr     ! PRIOR     Squared Error
    real(r8) :: priorbias      ! PRIOR     simple bias
    real(r8) :: priorspred     ! PRIOR     (spread,variance)
@@ -2236,26 +2288,27 @@
    real(r8) :: postspredplus  ! POSTERIOR (spread,variance**)
    logical, dimension(6) :: optionals
-   real(r8) :: obsspeed, pospeed, prspeed
    optionals = (/ present(uobs), present(uobserrvar), present(uprmean), &
                   present(uprsprd), present(upomean), present(uposprd) /)
    if ( all(optionals) ) then
+      priorsqerr     = (prmean - obsval)**2 + (uprmean - uobs)**2
+      postsqerr      = (pomean - obsval)**2 + (upomean - uobs)**2
-      obsspeed   = sqrt(    uobs**2 + obsval**2 )
-      prspeed    = sqrt( uprmean**2 + prmean**2 )
-      pospeed    = sqrt( upomean**2 + pomean**2 )
+      ! This calculation is the bias in the wind vector  
+      priorbias      = (prmean - obsval)    + (uprmean - uobs) 
+      postbias       = (pomean - obsval)    + (upomean - uobs)
-      priorsqerr     = (prspeed - obsspeed)**2
-      postsqerr      = (pospeed - obsspeed)**2
-      priorbias      =  prspeed - obsspeed
-      postbias       =  pospeed - obsspeed
+      ! This calculation is the bias in the wind speed
+      obsspeed       = sqrt(uobs**2 + obsval**2)
+      priorbias      = obsspeed - sqrt(prmean**2 + uprmean**2) 
+      postbias       = obsspeed - sqrt(pomean**2 + upomean**2) 
       priorspred     = prsprd**2 + uprsprd**2
       postspred      = posprd**2 + uposprd**2
       priorspredplus = prsprd**2 + obserrvar + uprsprd**2 + uobserrvar
       postspredplus  = posprd**2 + obserrvar + uposprd**2 + uobserrvar
    else if ( any(optionals) ) then
       call error_handler(E_ERR,'Bin3D','wrong number of optional arguments', &
@@ -2339,7 +2392,8 @@
    integer ::  HlevelDimID,  HlevelVarID
    integer ::  SlevelDimID
    integer ::    TimeDimID,    TimeVarID
-   integer ::    CopyDimID,    CopyVarID, CopyMetaVarID
+   integer ::    CopyDimID,    CopyVarID,  CopyMetaVarID
+   integer ::   TypesDimID,   TypesVarID, TypesMetaVarID
    integer :: PlevIntDimID, PlevIntVarID
    integer :: HlevIntDimID, HlevIntVarID
    integer ::  BoundsDimID,  BoundsVarID  
@@ -2430,7 +2484,8 @@
    ! write all 'known' observation types
    call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, "comment", &
-              'all known observation types follow' ), &
+              'All known observation types follow. &
+              &Also see ObservationTypes variable.' ), &
               'WriteNetCDF', 'put_att latlim2 '//trim(fname))
    do ivar = 1,max_obs_kinds
      call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, &
@@ -2447,6 +2502,10 @@
               'WriteNetCDF', 'copy:def_dim '//trim(fname))
    call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid, &
+              name="obstypes", len = max_obs_kinds,  dimid = TypesDimID), &
+              'WriteNetCDF', 'types:def_dim '//trim(fname))
+   call nc_check(nf90_def_dim(ncid=ncid, &
               name="region", len = Nregions,         dimid = RegionDimID), &
               'WriteNetCDF', 'region:def_dim '//trim(fname))
@@ -2491,6 +2550,14 @@
    call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, CopyVarID, "explanation", 'see CopyMetaData'), &
              'WriteNetCDF', 'copy:explanation')
+   ! Define the observation types - needed to be a coordinate variable
+   call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name="obstypes", xtype=nf90_int, &
+             dimids=TypesDimID, varid=TypesVarID), &
+             'WriteNetCDF', 'types:def_var')
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, TypesVarID, "explanation", 'see ObservationTypes'), &
+             'WriteNetCDF', 'types:explanation')
    ! Define the regions coordinate variable and attributes
    call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name="region", xtype=nf90_int, &
@@ -2617,6 +2684,15 @@
    call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, CopyMetaVarID, "long_name", "quantity names"), &
              'WriteNetCDF', 'copymeta:long_name')
+   call nc_check(nf90_def_var(ncid=ncid, name="ObservationTypes", xtype=nf90_char, &
+             dimids=(/ StringDimID, TypesDimID /), varid=TypesMetaVarID), &
+             'WriteNetCDF', 'typesmeta:def_var')
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, TypesMetaVarID, "long_name", "DART observation types"), &
+             'WriteNetCDF', 'typesmeta:long_name')
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_att(ncid, TypesMetaVarID, "comment", &
+         "table relating integer to observation type string"), &
+             'WriteNetCDF', 'typesmeta:comment')
    ! Set nofill mode - supposed to be performance gain
    call nc_check(nf90_set_fill(ncid, NF90_NOFILL, i),  &
@@ -2638,6 +2714,12 @@
    call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, CopyMetaVarID, copy_names), &
               'WriteNetCDF', 'copymeta:put_var')
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, TypesVarId, (/ (i,i=1,max_obs_kinds) /) ), &
+              'WriteNetCDF', 'types:put_var')
+   call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, TypesMetaVarID, my_obs_kind_names(1:max_obs_kinds)), &
+              'WriteNetCDF', 'typesmeta:put_var')
    call nc_check(nf90_put_var(ncid, RegionVarID, (/ (i,i=1,Nregions) /) ), &
               'WriteNetCDF', 'region:put_var')
@@ -2845,7 +2927,7 @@
-   Function FindVertical(ncid, flav,dimid)
+   Function FindVertical(ncid, flav, dimid)
       integer, intent(in)  :: ncid, flav
       integer, intent(out) :: dimid
       integer              :: FindVertical
@@ -2875,6 +2957,8 @@
                                        'FindVertical', 'vertisheight')
       else if ( which_vert(flav) == VERTISUNDEF   ) then
+         write(msgstring,*)flav,trim(my_obs_kind_names(flav)),' has undefined vertical.'
+         call error_handler(E_MSG,'FindVertical',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
          call error_handler(E_ERR,'FindVertical','vertical undefined not implemented', &
@@ -2888,9 +2972,9 @@
    Function grok_observation_names(my_names)
-   ! Define/Append the 'wind speed' obs_kinds to supplant the list declared
+   ! Define/Append the 'wind velocity' obs_kinds to supplant the list declared
    ! in obs_kind_mod.f90 i.e. if there is a RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT
    ! Replace calls to 'get_obs_kind_name' with variable 'my_obs_kind_names'
@@ -2902,7 +2986,7 @@
    character(len=stringlength), dimension(2*max_obs_kinds) :: names
    ! Initially, the array of obs_kind_names is exactly 'max_num_obs' in length.
-   ! This block finds the U,V wind pairs and searches for pre-existing wind_speed
+   ! This block finds the U,V wind pairs and searches for pre-existing wind_velocity
    ! equivalents. Depending on the number of unique wind pairs - we can allocate
    ! space, copy the existing names into that array, and append the new unique ones.
    ! easy ...
@@ -2944,7 +3028,7 @@
          if (indxN > 0) then ! we know they are matching kinds
             nwinds = nwinds + 1
-            str3   = str1(1:indx2)//'_WIND_SPEED'
+            str3   = str1(1:indx2)//'_WIND_VELOCITY'
             names(max_obs_kinds + nwinds) = str3
          !  write(*,*)'Seems like ',str1(1:indx1N),' matches ',str2(1:indx2N)
@@ -2971,7 +3055,7 @@
          indxN = index(str1(1:indx1),str2(1:indx2))
          if (indxN > 0) then ! we know they are matching kinds
             nwinds = nwinds + 1
-            str3   = str1(1:indx2)//'_10_METER_WIND_SPEED'
+            str3   = str1(1:indx2)//'_10_METER_WIND_VELOCITY'
             names(max_obs_kinds + nwinds) = str3
@@ -3081,4 +3165,39 @@
    end Function NextFile
+   Subroutine ObsLocationsExist( printswitch )
+   ! This routine checks for the existence of observation location files.
+   ! Each epoch writes out its own observation location file - and since
+   ! it is possible that multiple observation sequence files contribute
+   ! to the same epoch ... opening and appending is not a well-posed 
+   ! strategy. Furthermore, some people do not start close enough to the
+   ! beginning of their epoch definition to ensure that epoch 1 exists.
+   ! So ... we check for any of observation_locations.00[1-4].dat
+   ! Completely arbitrary.
+   logical :: printswitch
+   integer :: i
+   ! locname, msgstring, source, revision, and revdate are globally-scoped
+   if (printswitch) then
+      do i = 1,4
+      write(locName,'(a,i3.3,a)') 'observation_locations.', i, '.dat'
+      if (file_exist(locName)) then
+         write(msgstring,*)'please remove file(s) like ', trim(locName)
+         call error_handler(E_MSG,'ObsLocationsExist',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+         write(msgstring,*)'Cannot have pre-existing obs location output files. Stopping.'
+         call error_handler(E_ERR,'ObsLocationsExist',msgstring,source,revision,revdate)
+      endif
+      enddo
+   endif
+   end Subroutine ObsLocationsExist
 end program obs_diag

Modified: DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.nml
--- DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/diagnostics/threed_sphere/obs_diag.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -15,10 +15,7 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
-   max_num_bins = 1000,
-   plevel       = 500,
-   hlevel       = 5000,
-   mlevel       = 5,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
    rat_cri            = 3.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
    Nregions   = 4,

Modified: DART/trunk/matlab/PlotObsLocs.m
--- DART/trunk/matlab/PlotObsLocs.m	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/matlab/PlotObsLocs.m	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-function PlotObsLocs(in_used, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, in_subset, in_plotd, in_world, in_invertz, in_writeplot, in_legend2dloc, in_legend3dloc, in_viewlist)
+function phandle = PlotObsLocs(in_dartqc, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, ...
+                    in_subset, in_plotd, in_world, in_invertz, in_writeplot, ...
+                    in_legend2dloc, in_legend3dloc, in_viewlist)
 % PLOTOBSLOCS - Plot an observation_locations.NNN.dat file as output from the latest obs_diag program in DART.
 % (You must enable an obs_diag_nml namelist entry to get the output files; 
 % they are not created by default.)
@@ -8,15 +10,22 @@
 % replaced by the character string 'default' to use the internal defaults.
 % usage:
-% PlotObsLocs(in_used, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, in_subset, 
+% PlotObsLocs(in_dartqc, in_box, in_typelist, in_epochlist, in_subset, 
 %             in_plotd, in_world, in_invertz, in_writeplot, 
 %             in_legend2dloc, in_legend3dloc, in_viewlist)
 % where:
-% in_used =  0 to plot both used and unused observations
-%         = -1 for unused obs only
-%         =  1 for used obs only  (default)
+% in_dartqc = 0  all OK (default)
+%             1  Evaluated only
+%             2  OK but posterior forward operator failed
+%             3  Evaluated only, BUT posterior forward operator failed.
+%             4  prior forward operator failed
+%             5  not used because of namelist control
+%             6  prior qc rejected
+%             7  outlier rejected
+%             a  negative value means everything "up to" that value, i.e.
+%                   -3 == 0, 1, 2, and 3
 % in_box = optional bounding box [xmin xmax ymin ymax] for 2d or 
 %          [xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax] for 3d.  default is max extent of 
@@ -107,7 +116,7 @@
 %  user_specified (prompt user for 4 or 6 corners)
-arg_used = 1;         % -1 = unused, 0 = both, 1 = used
+arg_used = 0;         % dart QC values to use ... see in_dartqc table above
 arg_box = [];         % [[lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max], v_min, v_max]
 arg_typelist = [];    % numeric observation type list; if ~[], integer list
 arg_epochlist = [];   % list of epochs to process; if ~[], integer list
@@ -123,11 +132,11 @@
                       % default viewpoints for 3D plots.
                       % [90 0], [0 90] and [0 0] are also good.
+ ncfname = 'obs_diag_output.nc';
 % get the values from the arguments and fill them in:
-if (~isa(in_used,'char'))
-  arg_used = in_used;
+if (~isa(in_dartqc,'char'))
+  arg_used = in_dartqc;
 if (~isa(in_box,'char'))
   arg_box = in_box;
@@ -153,10 +162,10 @@
 if (~isa(in_writeplot,'char'))
   arg_writeplot = in_writeplot;
-if (in_legend2dloc ~= 'default')
+if (~strcmp(in_legend2dloc,'default'))
   arg_legend2dloc = in_legend2dloc;
-if (in_legend3dloc ~= 'default')
+if (~strcmp(in_legend3dloc,'default'))
   arg_legend3dloc = in_legend3dloc;
 if (~isa(in_viewlist,'char'))
@@ -168,15 +177,15 @@
 % if user specified an epoch list, use only those.
-% else, set it to a huge number and bail when we
-% run out of files to open.
+% else, get the number from the netcdf file
 if (~isequal(arg_epochlist,[]))
   epochlist = arg_epochlist;
-  epochlist = 1 : 100000;
+  epochtime = getnc(ncfname,'time');
+  epochbnds = getnc(ncfname,'time_bounds');
+  epochlist = 1:length(epochtime);
 % for each epoch file given or that we find:
 for epoch = epochlist
@@ -212,20 +221,19 @@
  % in the 'Observation_Kind()' array.  (this file is produced by
  % running obs_diag -- full name is ObsDiagAtts.m)
- ObsDiagAtts;
- % up to 36 different observation types, using a different marker
- % and color for each.
- markers = { 
-  'r.', 'b.', 'g.', 'c.', 'm.', 'y.', 
-  'r+', 'b+', 'g+', 'c+', 'm+', 'y+', 
-  'r*', 'b*', 'g*', 'c*', 'm*', 'y*', 
-  'ro', 'bo', 'go', 'co', 'mo', 'yo', 
-  'rx', 'bx', 'gx', 'cx', 'mx', 'yx', 
-  'rd', 'bd', 'gd', 'cd', 'md', 'yd', 
- };
+ Observation_Kind = getnc(ncfname,'ObservationTypes');
+ % Use a different marker and color for each observation type
+ % (12*6) = 72 combinations at the moment. Could extend these
+ % by cycling through the 'fillable' symbols and filling ...
+ symbols = [double('o'),double('s'),double('d'),double('v'), ...
+            double('^'),double('<'),double('>'),double('p'), ...
+            double('h'),double('x'),double('+'),double('*')];
+ colors  = [double('b'),double('r'),double('c'), ...
+            double('m'),double('g'),double('k')];
+ [smat,cmat] = meshgrid(symbols,colors);
+ markers     = strcat([cmat(:) smat(:)]);
  % setup before looping over observations:
  mobs = max(s(:,4));       % max obs type number found in file
  nobstypes = 0;            % running count of obs types found
@@ -240,6 +248,12 @@
    obslist = 1 : mobs;
+ if (length(obslist) > length(markers))
+    disp(sprintf('There are %d observation types',length(obslist)))
+    disp(sprintf('There are %d marker symbols',length(markers)))
+    error('Too many observation types to uniquely identify ... stopping.')
+ end
  % loop over observation types, plotting each in 2d or 3d with
  % a different marker.
@@ -260,10 +274,10 @@
    if (size(l, 1) ~= 0) 
      if (arg_plotd == 2) 
        % 2d plot of (lon,lat):
-       phandle = plot(l(:,1),l(:,2),markers{obs}); 
+       phandle = plot(l(:,1),l(:,2),markers(obs,:)); 
        % 3D plot of (lon,lat,level):
-       phandle = plot3(l(:,1),l(:,2),l(:,3),markers{obs});
+       phandle = plot3(l(:,1),l(:,2),l(:,3),markers(obs,:));
        thismax = max(l(:,3));
        lmax = max(lmax, thismax);    % save overall max height for axis
@@ -272,7 +286,8 @@
      % add this observation type to the legend string array
      nobstypes = nobstypes + 1;
-     obs_labels(nobstypes) = Observation_Kind(obs) ;
+     obs_labels{nobstypes} = deblank(Observation_Kind(obs,:));
    end    % if data of this observation type exists
@@ -321,15 +336,11 @@
- % get a handle to the axes graphics object
- % ahandle = axes
  % if we actually set something, use it to constrain the axis limits.
  if (~isequal(use_box, []))
- else
-     axis tight;
+ axis image;  % set aspect ratio dx ~= dy ... cylindrical equidistant
  % set legend, and try to shrink the original size of the legend bounding box
  % because it is pretty large by default.   a 'good' location depends on the
@@ -342,10 +353,14 @@
  % If you have Matlab v6.5 or before, this must be split into 2 lines
- %h = legend( obs_labels );
- %legend( h, 'Location', legendloc, 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontSize', 8);
  % Matlab v7.0+ requires it all in one go.  Anyone know a way which works for both?
- legend( obs_labels , 'Location', legendloc, 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontSize', 8);
+ myversion = ver('matlab');
+ if (str2num(myversion.Version) <= 6.5)
+    h = legend( obs_labels );
+    legend( h, 'Location', legendloc, 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontSize', 8);
+ else
+    legend( obs_labels , 'Location', legendloc, 'Interpreter', 'none', 'FontSize', 8);
+ end
  % example of how to escape only underscores if we still want to use tex
  % in the strings. (instead of turning the interpreter off completely).
@@ -358,7 +373,7 @@
     % these plots are generally longer than high, and add 3d-box.
-    orient landscape;
+  % orient landscape;
     set(gca, 'Box', 'on');
     % various attempts to make the x/y axis have the same spacing per degree
@@ -382,20 +397,20 @@
      zlabel('Third coordinate', 'FontSize', 14);
  % add input filename somewhere?
  % text()
  % make it look roughly like it will when printed.
  if (arg_used < 0)
-   tstring = sprintf('Unused Observation Locations at Epoch %d', epoch);
- elseif (arg_used > 0)
-   tstring = sprintf('Used Observation Locations at Epoch %d', epoch);
- else
-   tstring = sprintf('Used + Unused Observation Locations at Epoch %d', epoch);
+   tstring = sprintf('Obs Locs for Epoch %d with DART QC values <= %d', ...
+                       epoch, abs(arg_used));
+ elseif (arg_used >= 0)
+   tstring = sprintf('Obs Locs for Epoch %d with DART QC value == %d', ...
+                       epoch, arg_used);
  if (arg_subset > 0)
@@ -404,8 +419,8 @@
  title(tstring, 'FontSize', 16);
  % if 3d plot, turn on grid and view for interactive look
  if (arg_plotd == 3)
    grid on;
@@ -417,7 +432,8 @@
-   disp('Pausing.  Hit any key to continue');
+   disp(sprintf('Pausing on epoch %d of %d. Hit any key to continue ...', ...
+          epoch,length(epochlist)));
@@ -462,14 +478,12 @@
-% select used, unused, or all observations (column 6)
+% select based on dart QC flag
+% -99 implies everything, -3 implies 0,1,2,3 
 if (used < 0)
-  data = raw(raw(:,6)<1, :);
-elseif (used > 0)
-  data = raw(raw(:,6)>0, :);
-  data = raw;
+  data = raw(raw(:,6) <= abs(used),:);
+elseif (used >= 0)
+  data = raw(raw(:,6) ==     used ,:);
 if (isequal(data, []))

Modified: DART/trunk/matlab/plot_observation_locations.m
--- DART/trunk/matlab/plot_observation_locations.m	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/matlab/plot_observation_locations.m	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 % the PlotObsLocs routine to use the default values.   
 plotd       = 'default';
+ncfname     = 'default';
 used        = 'default';
 typelist    = 'default';
 box         = 'default';
@@ -44,13 +45,19 @@
 done = 0;
 disp('Plot observations at their proper locations.  Many subsetting options exist.');
 disp('Hitting <cr> to answer the questions will use the default value,');
-disp('or once you have made a selection, reuse the previous value.');
+disp('or - once you have made a selection - reuse the previous value.');
 disp(' '); 
 disp('The default plotting options are:');
 disp('  2D plot, full world map, all obs types, all times, ');
 disp('  no file output, Z axis increases up.');
 disp(' '); 
+   % What file has the metadata 
+   reply = input('Enter the netCDF file name with the metadata:  ');
+   if (~isempty(reply))
+      ncfname = reply;
+   end
 % loop and keep the previous default until the user says to quit
 while done == 0
@@ -59,14 +66,27 @@
    if (~isempty(reply))
       plotd = reply;
    % plot used, unused, or both
-   reply = input('Input -1=unused obs, 0=both, 1=used:  ');
+   disp('')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 0 == all OK')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 1 == Evaluated only')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 2 == OK but posterior forward operator failed')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 3 == Evaluated only, BUT posterior forward operator failed')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 4 == prior forward operator failed')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 5 == not used because of namelist control')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 6 == prior qc rejected')
+   disp('DART QC Values ... 7 == outlier rejected')
+   disp('   a negative value means everything ''up to'' that value, i.e.')
+   disp('    -3 == 0, 1, 2, and 3          -99 == everything');
+   reply = input('Input DART QC val:  ');
    if (~isempty(reply))
       used = reply;
    % restrict observations to a particular observation type?
+   disp('')
    reply = input('Input [obs type list] to plot only some obs types, ''default'' to reset:  ');
    if (~isempty(reply))
       typelist = reply;

Modified: DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_annulus/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_annulus/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/models/MITgcm_annulus/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -162,19 +162,16 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,
-   max_num_bins  = 1000,
-   mlevel     = 5,
-   plevel     = 500,
-   hlevel     = 5000,
-   obs_select = 1,
-   Nregions   = 4,
-   rat_cri    = 3.0,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
+   rat_cri            = 3.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
+   Nregions   = 4,
    lonlim1    =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0, 235.0,
    lonlim2    = 360.0, 360.0, 360.0, 295.0,
    latlim1    =  20.0, -80.0, -20.0,  25.0,
    latlim2    =  80.0, -20.0,  20.0,  55.0,
    reg_names  = 'Northern Hemisphere', 'Southern Hemisphere', 'Tropics', 'North America',
    print_mismatched_locs = .false.,
+   print_obs_locations = .false.,
    verbose = .false.  /

Modified: DART/trunk/models/PBL_1d/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/PBL_1d/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/models/PBL_1d/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -176,10 +176,7 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-   max_num_bins = 1000,
-   plevel       = 500,
-   hlevel       = 5000,
-   mlevel       = 5,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
    rat_cri            = 3.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
    Nregions   = 1,

Modified: DART/trunk/models/bgrid_solo/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/bgrid_solo/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/models/bgrid_solo/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -235,10 +235,7 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0 ,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0 ,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,
-   max_num_bins = 1000,
-   plevel       = 500,
-   hlevel       = 5000,
-   mlevel       = 5,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
    rat_cri            = 3.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
    Nregions   = 4,

Modified: DART/trunk/models/cam/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/cam/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/models/cam/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -185,18 +185,17 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ,
-   max_num_bins  = 1000,
-   plevel     = 500,
-   hlevel     = 5000,
-   Nregions   = 4,
-   rat_cri    = 3.0,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
+   rat_cri            = 3.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
+   Nregions   = 4,
    lonlim1    =   0.0,   0.0,   0.0, 235.0,
    lonlim2    = 360.0, 360.0, 360.0, 295.0,
    latlim1    =  20.0, -80.0, -20.0,  25.0,
    latlim2    =  80.0, -20.0,  20.0,  55.0,
    reg_names  = 'Northern Hemisphere', 'Southern Hemisphere', 'Tropics', 'North America',
    print_mismatched_locs = .false.,
+   print_obs_locations = .false.,
    verbose = .false.  /

Modified: DART/trunk/models/pe2lyr/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/pe2lyr/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/models/pe2lyr/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -157,10 +157,7 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ,
-   max_num_bins = 1000,
-   plevel       = 1013,
-   hlevel       = 5000,
-   mlevel       = 2,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
    rat_cri            = 3.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
    Nregions   = 4,

Modified: DART/trunk/models/rose/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/rose/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/models/rose/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -165,10 +165,7 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
-   max_num_bins = 1000,
-   plevel       = 500,
-   hlevel       = 5000,
-   mlevel       = 5,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
    rat_cri            = 3.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
    Nregions   = 4,

Modified: DART/trunk/models/wrf/work/input.nml
--- DART/trunk/models/wrf/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:04:47 UTC (rev 3222)
+++ DART/trunk/models/wrf/work/input.nml	2008-02-12 06:31:51 UTC (rev 3223)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 # in which case last_bin_center should be safely in the future.
 # Acceptable latitudes range from  [-90,  90]
-# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, 360]
+# Acceptable longitudes range from [  0, Inf]
    obs_sequence_name = 'obs_seq.final',
@@ -193,10 +193,7 @@
    bin_separation   =     0, 0, 0,12, 0, 0 ,
    bin_width        =     0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0 ,
    time_to_skip     =     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,
-   max_num_bins = 1000,
-   plevel       = 500,
-   hlevel       = 5000,
-   mlevel       = 5,
+   max_num_bins     = 1000,
    rat_cri            = 5000.0,
    input_qc_threshold = 4.0,
    Nregions   = 1,

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