[Cosmic_announce] CDAAC new data fetching commands for missions METOPA and METOPB

Maggie Sleziak-Sallee maggie at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 7 09:29:48 MST 2014

Dear CDAAC Data Users:

We have implemented a new way to retrieve METOPA and METOPB data. As of 
Thursday this week, the
previous wget and ftp commands will NO LONGER work for these missions.

They will still work for other missions temporarily, we will notify you
of future changes as they occur.

Here are the new data fetching instructions for MetOp A/B

1.- To get a daily tar file for a given data type:
      wget -q --http-user=xxxx --http-passwd=xx 
-O fileOutput.tar

     The output of this wget command is a tar file - when you untar the 
file, you will find the following directory structure:
     - The mission directory (i.e. metopa),  inside this directory:
        - The data type directory (i.e. wetPrf) , inside this:
             - The date directory (i.e. 2012.301), and inside this 
                 - The files.

(You will also get the same directory structure if you get data using
our Batch Delivery system. )

      2.- To get a single data file:
      wget -q --http-user=xxxx --http-passwd=xx 

You could also go to our data access Web page:

And click on the desired data type to get either single files or daily 

The object of these changes is to switch from providing single data 
files to daily tarballs, helping us to manage our growing
data inventory better.
      The CDAAC Team

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