<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>From Barbara Emery (<a href="mailto:emery@ucar.edu">emery@ucar.edu</a>) on November 30, 2016.<br></div><div><br>GEM always has a mini-GEM meeting in San Francisco the Sunday before AGU in<br></div>December. This year it is at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Sunday December 11<br>as described at:<br><br><a href="http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem-mini/index.html">http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem-mini/index.html</a><br><br></div><div>Please register (free) by December 7 so they can gauge participation.<br></div><div><br></div>The GEM main page is at<br><a href="http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/Main_Page">http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/Main_Page</a><br></div>which refers to the 2015 mini-GEM, but the link goes to 2016. Another GEM URL is<br><a href="http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/">http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/</a><br><br></div>Below are descriptions of a couple of the mini-GEM sessions which could be of<br></div>interest to CEDAR attendees which were taken from The GEM Messenger. All GEM <br>sessions are open to non-GEM interested people.<br></div><br>------------------------------<wbr>------------------------------<br>
1. 2016 Mini-GEM Session: Testing proposed links between mesoscale auroral and polar cap dynamics and substorms Focus Group<br>
From: Toshi Nishimura, Kyle Murphy, Jian Yang and Emma Spanswick (toshi at <a href="http://atmos.ucla.edu" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">atmos.ucla.edu</a>)<br>
The Substorm-Aurora-Polar Cap Focus Group discusses substorm onset
sequences and related M-I coupling physics for bringing a potential
closure to substorm onset problems. At the upcoming mini-GEM, we will
discuss a recent substorm event (2016-2-10 at ~<span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">6:30</span></span>
UT) detected by University of Calgary’s red-line all-sky imagers
(REGO). Four groups of tail scientists are analyzing the event and will
present their interpretations:<br>
Robert McPherron & Xiangning Chu<br>
Jonathan Rae & Nadine Kalmoni<br>
Jun Liang & Eric Donovan & Emma Spanswick<br>
Christine Gabrielse & Vassilis Angelopoulos<br>
Their presentations will be followed by discussions with audience about
the physics behind and future planning to improve our understanding of
substorms. The session will be held at <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">13:50-15:20</span></span> on <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">Dec 11, 2016</span></span> at the Washington room at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway in San Francisco.<br>
------------------------------<wbr>------------------------------<br>2. 2016 Mini GEM Session: Ionospheric Conductance Challenge<br>
From: Katherine Garcia-Sage, Lutz Rastaetter, Mike Liemohn, Rob Redmon (katherine.garcia-sage at <a href="http://nasa.gov" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">nasa.gov</a>)<br>
The Modeling, Methods and Validation Focus Group (FG12) will hold a
session at the mini GEM in San Francisco, and we invite all who are
interested to participate.<br>
Time: <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">13:50-15:20</span></span>, <span class="gmail-aBn" tabindex="0"><span class="gmail-aQJ">Sunday, December 11, 2016</span></span><br>
Location: California Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel (1500 Van Ness Avenue)<br>
The agenda for the 90 minute session is as follows:<br>
Review the outcome of the GEM-CEDAR joint session on the new Ionospheric Conductance Challenge<br>
3 short invited talks followed by discussions<br>
Select ionospheric conductance challenge events<br>
To inquire about contributing a short presentation, please contact Katie Garcia-Sage (<a href="mailto:katherine.garcia-sage@nasa.gov">katherine.garcia-sage@nasa.<wbr>gov</a>).<br>
A summary of the objectives of the MM&V Focus Group can be found here:<br>
<a href="http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/FGproposals/GarciaSage-MMV.pdf" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/<wbr>gem/FGproposals/GarciaSage-<wbr>MMV.pdf</a><br>