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<div style="direction: ltr;font-family: Tahoma;color: #000000;font-size: 10pt;"><font size="2"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Dear Colleagues,<br>
This is our second call for community comments on the draft Living with a Star<br>
Targeted Research and Technology (LWS TR&T) Focused Science Topics<br>
released earlier this spring. There are now 15 draft topics available for comment<br>
on our website at <a href="http://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/2017DraftTopicsForComments/" target="_blank">
The comment period will remain open through Monday, July 18. We encourage,<br>
and would greatly appreciate, community comment on the content and write-up<br>
of these 15 topics. Our expectation is that these 15 topics will all be in<br>
our final report. However, the content of each of these draft topics still<br>
needs to be refined and focused so as to ensure that they are clearly defined<br>
and well aligned with the LWS TR&T program's strategic goals. Community input which<br>
aids with this refining and focusing would be particularly useful at this stage.<br>
We look forward to your feedback on these draft topics.<br>
Mark Linton, co-chair<br>
Eftyhia Zesta, co-chair<br>
On behalf of the LWS TR&T Steering Committee<br>