Dear CEDAR Students,<br><br>We are still looking for student volunteers to give short (20 min) talks during the student workshop on Sunday June 26 at the beginning of the CEDAR/GEM joint workshop. Unlike previous CEDAR student workshop, this year's joint student workshop is going to be open to students only and consist entirely of student speakers. The five topics for which we still need speakers are:<br>
<br>Geomagnetism and Geomagnetic Indices <br>Aurora: Ionospheric View (Someone who works with imagers would be particularly good for this talk)<br>Ion Outflow <br>Geomagnetic Storms: Ionospheric View<br>Overview of Ionospheric Models<br>
<br>If you are interested in speaking during the student workshop on any of the above topics, or some other topic which you think would be interesting to both the CEDAR and GEM students, please email me at <a href=""></a>.<br>
<br>Thank you from your CEDAR student reps.,<br>Roger Varney and Elizabeth Bass<br>