CEDAR email: JOB OPENING: Federal Space Scientist at NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (NOAA/SWPC)

Tzu-Wei Fang - NOAA Federal tzu-wei.fang at noaa.gov
Mon Nov 13 11:39:38 MST 2023

The Space Weather Prediction Center seeks to hire a full-time GS-14 Space
Weather Scientist with a background in solar, solar wind, magnetospheric,
ionospheric, or thermospheric observations. In this role, you will:


   Provide space weather expertise and guidance in support of operational
   space weather forecasters. Identify needed and improved observational
   capabilities for potential transition to operations. Manage projects that
   lead to the development and transition of improved space weather
   observations, which will be used to drive forecast models and prediction


   Establish and implement Space Weather Prediction Center strategies,
   objectives, and performance measures. Provide guidance in national policies
   related to Space Weather Strategy. Lead and participate in efforts to
   incorporate space weather observations into real-time operational models
   and applications. Manage overall scope, cost, and schedule baseline of


   Identify areas that need improvement and lead the development and
   transition activities for new space weather observations and prediction
   tools. Coordinate activities to improve the efficiency and efficacy of
   transition and research to operation.


   Provide expert advice, guidance, and assistance for scientists,
   agencies, international organizations, and officials for matters related to
   space weather forecasting. Provide guidance and direction on developing,
   managing, and maintaining space weather observations for customer and space
   weather forecaster dissemination. Represent the SWPC research and
   transition center in meetings or presentations of findings with internal
   and external customers; advocate for observational needs for future
   forecast and product improvement.

Applications are through USAJobs, and the vacancy announcement will be open
from *November 15th* through *November 28th*. Please be sure to include all
transcripts with your application.

NWS NCEP-24-12181083-DE


NWS NCEP-24-12181084-ST


If you have questions about this position, please contact:

Michele Cash, SWPC Research Section Lead

michele.cash at noaa.gov
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