CEDAR email: AMISR Updates: Status of the radars and data availability

Asti Bhatt asti.bhatt at sri.com
Wed Jun 21 22:42:29 MDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

The Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR) program includes operating, maintaining and making the data available from the Resolute Bay ISR-North (RISR-N) and the Poker Flat ISR (PFISR). Please see below for a few updates on the status of the radars and data availability.

RISR-N: As the CEDAR community is aware, there was a fire at the Resolute Bay Observatory (RBO) in September 2022, in which critical radar instrumentation and site power generation capability were lost, along with auxiliary optical and radio instruments hosted at RBO. The recovery effort from this fire is underway. We plan to make RISR-N operational on intermittent basis by September 2023, without continuous site power at RBO. The site power restoration is a larger effort that is also underway with planned implementation by Summer 2025, at which point the site will have the ability to support some auxiliary instrumentation. Once RISR-N becomes nominally operational, we will reach out to the community about a limited number of experiment requests, as it is non-trivial to operate the radar without continuous site power.

The data from RISR-N

PFISR: The radar located at the Poker Flat Research Range (PFRR) continues to operate nominally and takes data round-the-clock, along with supporting rocket flights from PFRR and various satellite conjunctions. The real time data<https://amisr.com/realtime/viewer/dtc3/> and experiment schedule<https://data.amisr.com/database/61/sched/> for PFISR can be viewed on the AMISR website. Please reach out to me (asti.bhatt at sri.com) if you would like to make an experiment request for PFISR.

Data Access:

  *   Data from PFISR and RISR-N can be obtained from the AMISR website<https://data.amisr.com/database/> as well as from the CEDAR Madrigal database. We are currently transitioning new and historical AMISR data to the new Madrigal3 format. Here is a sneak-peak<https://data.amisr.com/madrigal/> of what that will look like once fully transitioned.
  *   The new users of AMISR data can benefit from the AMISR user manual<https://ljlamarche.github.io/amisr_user_manual> that walks you through accessing and plotting the AMISR data.
  *   An analysis ready dataset<https://zenodo.org/record/8062282> of PFISR data (Ne, Te, Ti, Vector velocities) is available as an output of DARPA's AtmoSense program.

We will share more details about the status of AMISR systems during the CEDAR session - Incoherent Scatter Working Group<https://cedarscience.org/workshop/2023-workshop-world-day-planning-meeting> on Thursday, June 29 from 1:30-3:30pm in the Eastcoast room. We hope to see you there!

Best regards,
Asti Bhatt

Center for Geospace Studies
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA

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