CEDAR email: Cold-plasma Focus Group sessions at GEM

Delzanno, Gian Luca delzanno at lanl.gov
Mon May 16 12:45:25 MDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

Please mark your calendar for the three sessions of the cold plasma focus group at the GEM summer meeting, June 19 – 26 2022 in Hawaii (https://gemworkshop.org).

The first session (Wed 6/22, 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Hawaii time) focuses on the impact of the cold plasma on wave-particle interactions, and it is joint with the 
-	System Understanding of Radiation Belt Particle Dynamics through Multi-spacecraft and Ground-based Observations and Modeling
-	Self-Consistent Inner Magnetospheric Modeling
-	Magnetospheric Sources of Particle Precipitation and Their Role on Electrodynamic Coupling of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Systems 
focus groups. It will be kicked off with a scene-setting talk given by Jacob Bortnik, followed by research contributions and open discussion. 

The second session (Thu 6/23, 1:30 PM- 3:00 PM Hawaii time) will be on recent progress in cold plasma research. It will kick-off with a scene-setting talk given by Alex Glocer, followed by research contributions and open discussion. All types of contributions relevant to cold-plasma research are welcome.

The third session (Thu 6/23, 3:30 PM- 5:00 PM Hawaii time) will be a discussion of white papers needs for the ongoing decadal survey in space physics, focusing on 1) what white papers are needed; 2) what needs to be in them and 3) who is interested in contributing to them. Panelists (including Alex Glocer, Maria Usanova, Jerry Goldstein, Carlos Maldonado, …) will discuss some of the white papers that are already under development. If you are thinking of a white paper with a cold plasma theme, please consider joining the panel or simply make sure to bring it up during the discussion!

Please contact the Gian Luca Delzanno (delzanno at lanl.gov) if you are interested in contributing to any of these sessions.

Gian Luca Delzanno on behalf of the FG leaders

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