CEDAR email: CEDAR Workshop participation, ITYF fellowship in Japan

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Wed Jun 12 10:01:01 MDT 2013

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 12 June 2013.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) Invitation to participate in the CEDAR workshops linked at 
*(a) Calibration and analysis techniques for passive optical and lidar 
observations Monday June 24.
 From Susan Nossal <nossal at physics.wisc.edu>.
*(b) CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge Session Tuesday June 25.
 From Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).

(2) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) International Top Young
Fellowship (ITYF) - applications due 31 August.
From: Masaki Fujimoto <fujimoto at stp.isas.jaxa.jp> in SPA Newsletter 11 June.
See also http://www.jaxa.jp/employ/index_e.html

(1) Invitation to participate in the CEDAR workshops linked at 
*(a) Calibration and analysis techniques for passive optical and lidar 
observations Monday June 24.
 From Susan Nossal <nossal at physics.wisc.edu>.

Accurate calibration is important for inter-comparison of observations, 
data/model comparisons, and long-term investigations.  We invite discussion on a 
broad range of topics relating to passive optical and lidar observations and 
their analysis, including absolute and relative intensity calibration, 
wavelength calibration, spatial scale determination, error analysis, correction 
for scattering within the lower atmosphere, isolation of atmospheric lines of 
interest, and flat field techniques.  In addition to reporting progress on 
calibration and analysis techniques, this workshop provides an opportunity to 
discuss challenges and questions in order to gain feedback from other workshop 
participants.  We encourage hands on demonstrations.

Accurate calibration, analysis, and error assessment provides the foundation for 
data that can be used to address a range of CEDAR strategic science topics, 
including coupling in the interaction region between the Earth’s atmosphere and 
the near space environment, lower-upper atmospheric coupling, Sun-Earth 
interactions, investigation of atmospheric dynamics through combination of 
observations such as wind measurements, and long-timeline observations.

Please let us know if you would like to make a 10-15 minute presentation at this 

Susan Nossal,    	nossal at physics.wisc.edu, 	608-262-9107
and Jeff Baumgardner, 	jeffreyb at bu.edu

The CEDAR webpage is at 

(1) Invitation to participate in the CEDAR workshops linked at 
*(b) CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge Session Tuesday June 25.
 From Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).

We invite modelers, data providers, science and operational users of space 
weather models to participate in the GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge Session 
scheduled during the 2013 CEDAR Workshop to be held on Tuesday, 25 June 2013 
(10:00 – 12:00) in the Flagstaff section of the Ballroom of the Millenium Hotel.

The CEDAR-GEM Challenge was initiated during the Summer 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM 
Workshop and is built upon GEM GGCM and CEDAR ETI Challenges. The project 
focuses on various scientific and operational aspects of the performance of 
magnetosphere and ionosphere models and addresses challenges of model-data 
comparisons and metrics studies. (e.g., model output and observational time 
series preparation for comparison, measurement uncertainty, metrics selection). 
A list of six selected events, lists of physical parameters and available 
measurements, model output file formats for each metrics study, and submission 
instructions can be found at the "GEM-CEDAR Metrics Suite".

For the CEDAR-GEM Challenge, CCMC developed tools based on the Kameleon 
converter and interpolator for 2D ionosphere electrodynamics files to swap 
ionosphere drivers at any position (geomagnetic latitude and MLT) or on any grid 
with any time resolution 
(ftp://hanna.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/GEM-CEDAR/out/high-latitude-drivers). During 
the CEDAR-GEM Challenge Meeting at the 2013 Space Weather Workshop (April 15, 
2013), the modelers and CCMC reached an agreement on the format of the code that 
will be used for swapping electrodynamics drivers with the tools.
In order to move forward with CEDAR-GEM modeling challenge, in the session this 
year we will discuss topics on the list below:

Topics for discussion and tentative agenda
* MI coupling study: Tools for swapping drivers - We will review progress in 
tool development since April 2013, and discuss next step action items.
** High latitude electric potential
** Particle precipitation
**Penetration electric field

* Model-Data Comparison - People are invited to present on this topic.
** How to quantify storm impact on the ionosphere and thermosphere

* Climatology study
** Climatology study of IT models in low solar flux conditions

* Preparation for a new model/data comparison project - Data will be available 
soon and we will discuss the priority of various time intervals.
** Ne and Te at ISS locations in 2012

If you are interested in presenting your work, and you have suggestions or 
comments, please contact one of the people listed below:

Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov),
Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu),
Masha Kuznetsova (Maria.M.Kuznetsova at nasa.gov)

The CEDAR webpage is at 

(2) Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) International Top Young
Fellowship (ITYF) - applications due 31 August.
From: Masaki Fujimoto <fujimoto at stp.isas.jaxa.jp> in SPA Newsletter 11 June.

Dear Colleagues,

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) International Top Young
Fellowship (ITYF) was established as a prestigious new fellowship program in
2009. The ITYF is designed to attract outstanding, highly motivated, early-
career researchers in any of the space science fields covered by the
Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences (ISAS) to work in Japan for 3
(extendable to 5) years. An excellent remuneration package is offered,
including research budget (including travel expense) so that the fellow can
extend their international profile, as well as developing collaborations
within Japan.

The most recent call for JAXA International Top Young Fellowship applications,
for FY2013, has been issued.
The application deadline is 31 August 2013. Please see the below link for
further details.


Please feel free to forward this information to those who might be interested
in it.

Masaki Fujimoto


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