CEDAR email: AGU Fall 2013 - SA011: Impacts of Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres

John Plane J.M.C.Plane at leeds.ac.uk
Thu Jul 11 06:32:19 MDT 2013

SA011. Impacts of Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres
Section: SPA-Aeronomy  Co-sponsors: Atmospheric Sciences, Planetary Sciences.  SWIRLs: Dust and Aerosols

Abstract submission deadline: 6th August 2013.

Cosmic dust has a range of impacts on planetary atmospheres. For example, the ablation of dust from comets and asteroids is the source of the layers of metal atoms and ions in the earth's upper atmosphere, and meteoric smoke particles which probably act as ice nuclei for noctilucent and polar stratospheric clouds. The deposition of cosmic Fe in the oceans may also induce a climate feedback. The impacts of cosmic dust in the atmospheres of Mars, Venus and Titan have also now been observed. This session is designed to bring together observers, laboratory experimentalists and modelers working on all aspects of cosmic dust in planetary atmospheres. A particular focus will be the enormous range in estimates of the amount of cosmic dust entering the earth's atmosphere, which vary from 2 to over 300 tonnes per day.

Convenors:  John Plane (University of Leeds), Diego Janches (NASA Goddard), Paul Withers (Boston University)

Professor John Plane
School of Chemistry
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
Tel. (44) 113 3438044

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