CEDAR email: CAWSES II news, CEDAR-GEM Challenge Dec 2 pre-AGU, job in WVU

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Mon Nov 12 10:34:48 MST 2012

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 12 Nov 2012.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) 10th issue of the CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter online at 
 From Michi NISHIOKA <nishioka at nict.go.jp>.

(2) Call for participation in CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge Session Sunday Dec 2 
in San Francisco, CA before AGU.
 From Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).
See also http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/challenges/GEM-CEDAR/suite.php

(3) Tenure-track position in Experimental Plasma Physics at West Virginia 
 From Paul Cassak (paul.cassak at mail.wvu.edu) and Phil Judge (judge at ucar.edu).
See also http://physics.wvu.edu

1) 10th issue of the CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter online at 
 From Michi NISHIOKA <nishioka at nict.go.jp>.

The 10th CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter is issued. It can be downloaded
from the CAWSES-II Wiki page at

In this issue, the following articles are included;

*Article 1: Space environment study at the Institute of Ionosphere (Kazakhstan): 
Instrumentation and Science (Dr. Gordienko Galina, Kazakhstan)
*Article 2: An overview of scientific activities under CAWSES-India program (Dr. 
S.Gurubaran, India)
*Article 3: CAWSES II Project 5 (Dr. Colin Price, Israel )
*Article 4: Summary of the TG4 Business Meeting at COSPAR (Dr.Jens Oberheide, USA)
*Highlights on Young Scientists: Modeling the observable effects of gravity 
waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (Dr. Jonathan Snively, USA)
*List of upcoming meetings

The purpose of this newsletter is to make more communications among
scientists related to the CAWSES-II Task Group 4 (particularly between
those of the atmosphere and the ionosphere). The editors would like to
invite you to submit the following articles to the TG4 newsletter. Our
newsletter has four categories of the articles:
# Articles: ~500 words and four figures (maximum)-----on campaign, ground 
observations, satellite observations, modeling, workshop/conference/symposium 
report, etc
# Highlights on young scientists:  ~200 words and two figures-----on his/him own 
work related to CAWSES-TG4
# Short news: ~100 words-----announcements of campaign, workshop, etc
# List of planned workshop

Category 2 (Highlights on young scientists) helps both young scientists
and TG4 members to know each other. Please contact the editors for
recommendation of young scientists who are willing to write an article on this 
Your suggestions and comments on this newsletter are also very welcome.

Editor of CAWSES-II TG4 newsletter, Michi Nishioka (nishioka at nict.go.jp)

(2) Call for participation in CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge Session Sunday Dec 2 
in San Francisco, CA before AGU.
 From Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).

Modelers, data providers, science and operational users of space weather models 
are invited to participate in the GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge Sessions 
scheduled during the GEM Mini-Workshop to be held on Sunday, December 2nd 2012, 
2:30 – 4:30 pm, in the Franciscan Room of the Westin San Francisco Market 
Street, 50 Third St. San Francisco.
Topics for discussions and tentative agenda:

* Role of drivers on Ionosphere/Thermosphere model results
* Suitable metrics for validation of TEC prediction for different types of 
* Climatology study of TEC, neutral density, and equatorial ion drifts
* Poynting Flux/Joule Heating metrics study
* Auroral oval boundaries:
** How to calculate equatorward boundary location
** Role of different physics incorporated in models (e.g., coupling with ring 
current, models for ionospheric conductance) on locations of boundaries
* Plans for summer workshops

The CEDAR-GEM Challenge was initiated during the Summer 2011 Joint CEDAR-GEM 
Workshop and is built upon GEM GGCM and CEDAR ETI Challenges. The project 
focuses on various scientific and operational aspects of the performance of 
magnetosphere and ionosphere models and addresses challenges of model-data 
comparisons and metrics studies (e.g., model output and observational time 
series preparation for comparison, measurement uncertainty, metrics selection).
A list of selected events, lists of physical parameters and available 
measurements, model output file formats for each metrics study, and submission 
instructions can be found at the "GEM-CEDAR Metrics Suite" link 

For “Role of drivers” study, the December 2006 event E.2006.348  (the AGU storm) 
was selected:

E.2006.348: 2006/12/13  00:00 UT – 2006/12/16 00:00

We encourage modelers to perform simulations for the December 2006 event with 
different models for the ionosphere potential pattern: 1) Weimer 2005 using 
15-min averages of the IMF input parameters lagged -5 to -20 min provided by 
NCAR and the CCMC; 2) AMIE provided by Aaron Ridley (University of Michigan); 3) 
Global magnetosphere models provided by the CCMC. CCMC developed tools based on 
Kameleon converter and interpolator for 2D ionosphere electrodynamics files. 
Time interpolator has also been developed. The tool allows us to swap ionosphere 
drivers at any position (geomagnetic latitude and MLT) or on any grid with any 
time resolution 
(ftp://hanna.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/GEM-CEDAR/out/high-latitude-drivers:  there 
are CDF files with SWMF ionosphere electrodynamics for 2006 event). Please refer 
to README file at the link for compilation.)

The physical parameters to be used for “Role of drivers” study and observational 
data are available at 
http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/challenges/GEM-CEDAR/measurements.php and 

Modelers are invited to submit simulation results through the interactive 
submission interface at CCMC website 
Details of the required file formats for submitted results can be found at 

Modelers are also encouraged to perform their own research on effects of the 
different drivers on Ionosphere/Thermosphere parameters selected for the study, 
and share their findings.

It is still not too late to join the Poynting Flux/Joule Heating (along DMSP 
tracks) metrics study. To be included in the first paper for this study please 
submit your results for all events prior to the December mini-workshop.  DMSP 
tracks for selected events are available at 

Auroral Boundaries study is still in the discussion/trial phase. View-point 
presentations (1-5 slides) on how to calculate boundaries locations and science 
topics related to auroral boundaries are welcome.

If you are interested in presenting your work (1-5 slides), and you have 
questions and/or comments, please contact one of the people listed below

*Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov)
*Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu)
*Masha Kuznetsova (Maria.M.Kuznetsova at nasa.gov)

(3) Tenure-track position in Experimental Plasma Physics at West Virginia 
 From Paul Cassak (paul.cassak at mail.wvu.edu) and Phil Judge (judge at ucar.edu).

There is a new opening for a tenure-track position in Plasma Physics at
West Virginia University (WVU).  We have opened it up to include
instrumentation for space satellite missions.  Due to our brand new
building, our proximity to NASA-GSFC, and our existing strengths in
space physics, this would be a great opportunity for a bright
person to start a research program.  As we at WVU are trying to increase
our profile, we are looking for great people to apply for this position.

If you know of anyone, please let me know, or feel free to pass the
following ad along to them.

Paul Cassak (paul.cassak at mail.wvu.edu).

The Department of Physics at West Virginia University invites applications for a 
appointment in experimental plasma physics at the assistant or associate professor
rank. Applications proposing an integrated experimental and theory research program
will also be considered. The preferred start date is August 2013. Qualified 
candidates in
any area of experimental plasma physics are encouraged to apply. The following 
areas are especially encouraged: (1) low temperature plasma physics 
Low_temp_plasma_workshop_report_sept_08.pdf, (2) satellite
instrumentation for solar or space plasma physics 
http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13060, and (3) laser-plasma
Minimum requirements are a Ph.D., or equivalent, in physics or a related
field with a commitment and ability to lead an independent research program and 
to excel
in teaching physics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful
candidate will present a record of research productivity as evidenced by publication
record and scientific collaborations, and potential to develop an externally funded,
nationally competitive, research program. For applicants at the associate 
professor level,
significant active external funding is expected. The current plasma faculty at WVU
consists of three professors and three research professors. The largest research 
areas in
the WVU Physics Department (http://physics.wvu.edu) are condensed matter physics,
astrophysics, and plasma physics. The entire Department moved into a new 
facility with
state-of-the-art research laboratories in 2012.

To apply, send (1) a cover letter addressed to the plasma Physics Search 
Committee, (2) a
curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications and relevant teaching
experience, (3) a research plan for the next five years including an estimate of 
costs, and (4) a statement of teaching philosophy and experience. Send these 
in a single pdf file to plasmasearch at mail.wvu.edu with the subject line Plasma 
Please arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to the same electronic
address. The deadline for receipt of all materials is March 2, 2013. West Virginia
University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and a Recipient 
of an
NSF ADVANCE Award for Gender Equity. Applications are strongly encouraged from
women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and covered veterans. The 
and College are committed to assisting dual career couples.


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