CEDAR email: IRI-2012 available; meetings in Peru, Austria, and India

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Thu Jan 5 15:41:25 MST 2012

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 05 January 2012.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) IRI-2012 (Just in time for the New Year!)
From: Dieter Bilitza <dbilitza at gmu.edu>.
See also http://IRI.gsfc.nasa.gov and 

(2) ISEA 13 (in Paracas, Peru) Fourth Announcement: Jan 12 etc deadlines, 
program, financial support, etc.
From: JIREP <jro.jirep at gmail.com>.
See also http://jro-app.igp.gob.pe/isea/

(3) April 22-27, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria - 
abstracts due 17 January.
 From SPA Newsletter on 2 January 2012.
See also http://www.egu2012.eu/

(4) July 14-22, 39th COSPAR assembly, Mysore, India - abstracts due 10 February.
*C5.2: Space Applications of Dusty Plasmas.
 From Asti Bhatt, (asti.bhatt at sri.com).
See also http://www.cospar-assembly.org.

(1) IRI-2012 (Just in time for the New Year!)
From: Dieter Bilitza <dbilitza at gmu.edu>.

The latest version of the International Reference Ionosphere, IRI-2012, is now 
available as a Fortran source code via the IRI homepage at 
http://IRI.gsfc.nasa.gov and the CCMC at 

IRI is a data-based model for the ionosphere environment developed by a joint 
working group of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the International 
Union of Radio Science (URSI).  IRI provides monthly averages for electron 
density, electron temperature, ion composition (O+, H+, He+, N+, NO+, O2+, 
Cluster+) and ion temperature in the altitude range from 50km to 2000km. 
Additional IRI parameters include the Total Electron Content (TEC) as integrated 
to a user-specified upper boundary, the vertical ion drift at the magnetic 
equator, and the probability of spread-F occurrence.

The new version introduces major improvements and new parameters. The most 
important changes are: (1) A new model for the electron density profile in the 
bottomside ionosphere (from E peak to F peak) providing a better representation 
of global and solar cycle variations based on a large data base of ionosonde 
measurements (D. Altadill, Ebro Observatory). (2) A new model for the ion 
composition in the bottomside ionosphere based on the photochemistry from the 
FLIP model normalized to the IRI electron density profile (P. Richards, GMU). 
(3) A new model for the description of magnetic storm effects on the auroral 
E-region electron density developed with the help of TIMED/SABER NO+(v) 4.3 µm 
measurements (C. Mertens, LaRC) (4) For the first time inclusion of auroral 
boundaries and their movement with magnetic activity as recorded by TIMED/GUVI 
(Y. Zhang, JHU/APL). (5) Inclusion of variations with solar activity in the 
electron temperature model based on a large volume of in situ measurements (V. 
Truhlik,  IAP Prague).

Information about IRI activities including upcoming workshops can be found on 
the IRI homepage.  Activities towards the development of the Real-Time IRI 
continue with a special session during the COST Workshop in Prague, Czech 
Republic, March 13-15, 2012.

Enjoy and Happy New Year

(2) ISEA 13 (in Paracas, Peru) Fourth Announcement: Jan 12 etc deadlines, 
program, financial support, etc.
From: JIREP <jro.jirep at gmail.com>

Dear ISEA13 participants,

Below please find information about: (1) deadlines, (2) scientific program, (3) 
schedule, (4) financial support, (5) payments, (6) letters of invitation, and 
(7) Jicamarca 50th Anniversary Logistics.

1) Deadlines. Please note that some deadlines are approaching.
* a. Hotel reservations at the Venue (special ISEA 13 price): January 12, 2012.
* b. Early registration ($450): January 12, 2012.
* c. Airline information (for arranging group transportation to Paracas): 
February 20, 2012.

So far more than 190 people have registered. If you want to secure a place at 
the Venue, please act soon.

2) Scientific program. A pdf version of the program is now available at the 
ISEA13 website 

Please check the status of your paper(s). We have received more than 240 
abstracts. There will be two poster sessions, each of them with approx. 60 
posters. Each session will consist of two hours, however, we expect to keep the 
posters up for at least 1.5 days.

In few days we will have an online version of the program with links to each of 
the submitted abstracts.

For poster presenters: please take note that they must be printed in an area of 
1.20 m x 1.20 m.

3) Schedule. The final version of the schedule is also available on the web, for 
your planning purposes. As indicated on the web, we will provide transportation 
from Lima to Paracas on pre-defined times and locations. As soon as you have 
made your travel plans, please fill in the information on the web (under 
registration), so that we can plan accordingly 

4) Financial support. Since we are expecting confirmation from other sources of 
funding, we have divided the process in two steps. In the following days, we are 
sending our support offer to the list with first priority. We expect to send a 
second support offer before the end of the month. We will publish the list of 
people receiving support on the web.

5) Payment. We know that some of you have had problems sending your Visa payment 
information via fax.  We have improved the connection to our fax. However, we 
have a couple of suggestions to make this process easier:
* a. There is no need to send a copy of your passport information. If we have 
problems charging your credit card, we will contact you.
* b. We have added information to pay via a wire transfer.

6) Letters of invitation for Visa purposes. Since some of you might need a Visa 
to enter Peru, please send us an email requesting an invitation letter to 
isea13 at jro.igp.gob.pe with a subject “ISEA13 invitation”

7) JRO 50th logistics.
* We will provide transportation from La Hacienda hotel in Miraflores to JRO on 
Saturday March 17th, 2012 at 9:00 am. The bus will return to Miraflores at 5:00 pm.
* The cost to participate at these events will be determined later, but it will 
be no more than $40 per person.
* Please indicate in your registration information if you want to join us on 
this celebration.

If you plan to participate, then please check at http://jro.igp.gob.pe/isea13 
and take action soon.

With best wishes for 2012, hoping to see you in Paracas for ISEA 13.

The ISEA 13 International Organizing Committee
*Jorge L. Chau (Chair) (JRO, Peru; jorge.chau at jro.igp.gob.pe)
*Archana Bhattacharyya (IIG, India; archana at iigs.iigm.res.in)
*Clezio M. Denardini (INPE, Brasil; denardin at dae.inpe.br)
*David L. Hysell (Cornell University, USA; david.hysell at cornell.edu)
*Erhan Kudeki (University of Illinois, USA; erhan at illinois.edu)
*Jonathan Makela (University of Illinois, USA; jmakela at illinois.edu)
*Kazuo Shiokawa (Nagoya University, Japan; shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp)

(3) April 22-27, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria - 
abstracts due 17 January.
 From SPA Newsletter on 2 January 2012.

Meeting Web Site: http://www.egu2012.eu/

Important Dates:
*17 January 2012     Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts
*22 March 2012       Deadline for Pre-Registration

<b> List of Solar-Terrestrial Sciences (ST) and Other Sessions of Interest to 
SPA Community</b>

*** ST1 - Sun and Heliosphere

ST1.1  Open session on the Sun and heliosphere (including Hannes Alfvén
Medal Lecture)

ST1.2  Multi-Spacecraft Observations and Modelling of Coronal and
Heliospheric Processes in the Rising Phase of Cycle 24

ST1.3  Particle acceleration mechanisms in solar system plasmas:
observations and theory

ST1.4  Theory, simulations and observations of magnetic dynamos

ST1.5  3D structure and physical nature of the global heliosphere

*** ST2 - Magnetosphere

ST2.1  Open session on the magnetosphere (including Julius Bartels Medal

ST2.2  Space plasma processes and dynamics: revelations from multi-point

ST2.3  Earth's inner magnetosphere coupling: Observational and modelling

ST2.4/PS5.4  Terrestrial and planetary magnetotails and their response to
variable upstream conditions (co-organized)

ST2.5  Polar cap geomagnetic indices: meaning, derivation and uses

*** ST3 - Ionosphere

ST3.1  Open session on the ionosphere and thermosphere

ST3.2  Ionospheric response to forcing from above and below

ST3.3  Advance in ionospheric research by incoherent scatter radars, related
radio methods and novel large observational systems

ST3.4  Dynamical Processes in the High-Latitude Ionosphere

*** ST4 – Theory, Simulations, Solar System Plasma Physics

ST4.1/PS5.6  Theory and simulations of solar system plasmas (co-organized)

*** ST5 – Space Weather

ST5.1/NH1.10/PS5.5  Space Weather and its Effects on Terrestrial and Geo-
Space Environments: Science and Applications (co-organized)

*** ST6 – Joint Sessions

PS1.2/AS4.21/ST6.1  Polarimetry as an invaluable tool to study the Solar
System and beyond. (co-organized)

PS5.1/ST6.2  Planetary Plasma Physics, including electrodynamics of induced
magnetospheres (co-organized)

PS5.2/AS4.19/ST6.3  Aurora and Airglow in Planetary Atmospheres (co-

PS5.3/ST6.4  Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (co-organized)

CL2.8/AS1.13/ST6.5  Impact of solar and geomagnetic variabilities on the
Earth's lower,middle and upper atmospheres (co-organized)

*** Other Sessions of Interest to SPA Community

GI2.3/PS1.3  Space Instrumentation, Planetary landers and Rovers (co-

NP6.4/PS9.4  Solar wind and astrophysical turbulence and shocks (co-

NP6.6  Magnetic reconnection and turbulence in Space, Laboratory and
Astrophysical Systems

(4) July 14-22, 39th COSPAR assembly, Mysore, India - abstracts due 10 February.
*C5.2: Space Applications of Dusty Plasmas.
 From Asti Bhatt, (asti.bhatt at sri.com).

The 39th COSPAR assembly is going to take place on July 14-22, 2012 in Mysore, 
India. This is a call for papers to be submitted to the Dusty Plasmas session.

Here's the session description:

C5.2: Space Applications of Dusty Plasmas

Charged dust particles are present everywhere, be it meteors and noctilucent 
clouds in the Earth's mesosphere or dust in Saturn's rings or dust devils on 
Mars. Artificial release of dust particles in mesosphere-ionosphere region has 
been used to measure electromagnetic properties of the background plasma. In 
recent years, sounding rockets have been used to create dusty plasmas in the 
ionosphere that in turn generate plasma waves by interacting with the background 
ionosphere. These waves are of interest to a large subsection of laboratory as 
well as space physicists. In addition, dusty plasmas play a significant role in 
other space environments such as the moon's surface, other small bodies in the 
solar system and other astronomical environments. We invite papers to be 
presented and discussed from a diverse field of dusty plasmas in space for this 

Scientific Organizers:
*Asti Bhatt, SRI International (asti.bhatt at sri.com)
*Paul Bernhardt, Naval Research Lab (paul.bernhardt at nrl.navy.mil)

The abstract submission deadline is Feb 10, 2012. Both oral and poster 
submissions are encouraged.

Some financial support for young scientists (including students) is also 
available. The application form for financial support will be posted on the web 
(http://www.cospar-assembly.org). Applicants must return financial support 
requests to the Main Scientific Organizers, with a copy to the COSPAR 
Secretariat, by 10 February 2012.


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