CEDAR email: AOGS 2012 session ST22: Space Weather and Space Climate: Coupling Processes from the Sun to the Earth

Katya kgeorg at bas.bg
Thu Feb 16 07:57:55 MST 2012

>From Katya Georgieva

13-17 August 2012, AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Singapore.  Abstracts
due 12 March at http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2012

ST22: Space Weather and Space Climate: Coupling Processes from the Sun to
the Earth

The Sun, its extended corona, the interplanetary space, the Earth’s
magnetosphere, ionosphere, middle and low atmosphere, are all parts of a
complex system – the heliosphere. Various manifestations of solar activity
cause disturbances known as space weather effects in the interplanetary
space, near-Earth environment, and all the Earth's ”spheres”. Long-term
variations in the frequency, intensity and relative importance of the
manifestations of solar activity are due to the slow changes in the output
of the solar dynamo, and they define space climate. Space climate governs
long-term variations in geomagnetic activity and is the primary natural
driver of terrestrial climate. To understand how the variable solar
activity affects the Earth’s environment, geomagnetic activity and the
atmospheric system on both short and long time scales, we need to
understand the origins of solar activity itself and its different
manifestations, as well as the sequence of coupling processes linking
various parts of the system. This session provides a forum to discuss the
chain of processes and relations from the Sun to the Earth’s surface: the
origin and long-term and short-term evolution of solar activity,
initiation and temporal variations in solar flares, CMEs, coronal holes,
the solar wind and its interaction with the terrestrial magnetosphere, the
ionosphere and its connection to the neutral dominated regions below and
the plasma dominated regions above, the stratosphere, its variations due
to the changing solar activity and its interactions with the underlying
troposphere, and the mechanisms of solar influences on the lower
atmosphere on different time-scales. Particularly welcome are papers
highlighting the coupling processes between the different domains in this
complex system.

Main Convener
Dr. Katya Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)
Dr. Nat Gopalswamy (GSFC, NASA, United States),
Dr. Georgeta Maris (Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy,
Dr. Boian Kirov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, Bulgaria),
Prof. Ramon Lopez (University of Texas at Arlington, United States),
Prof. Thai Lan Hoang (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Viet Nam),

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