CEDAR email: Information of IES2011 Proceedings: Resent

John Goodman jm_good at cox.net
Thu Oct 13 12:25:09 MDT 2011

The Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES2011), May 17-19, 2011, Proceedings,
726 pages, is now available. The DVD version may be ordered from the site:
www.ies2011.com to order the DVD. Cost is $50.00 plus $5.00 S/H. Hardbound
editions for both the IES2008 Proceedings and IES2011 Proceedings may be
ordered at www.JMG-Associates-Ltd.com. Questions may be addressed to John
Goodman (jm_good at cox.net). The abstract follows:

The 13th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES2011) was held at
the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia on May 17-19, 2011.
The sponsors were the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Air Force Office
of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and URSI (Commission G). Cooperating
agencies included: NRL, AFRL, AFWA, NOAA-SWPC, FAA, and FCC.
Approximately 160 papers and posters were presented. Details of IES2011 are
found in the proceedings document. Topics generally represented a range of
ionospheric and space weather areas, emphasizing the impacts on various 
and military systems associated with communication, navigation, and 
mission areas. The symposium was organized into an opening plenary, an
awards luncheon, twenty-six (26) technical sessions for oral presentation
and one (1) poster session. The final proceedings of all current and prior
IES conferences since 1975 are archived with NTIS, Alexandria VA. The POC
is: Sue Feindt, Manager, Cataloging & Indexing Division, National Technical
Information Service, Department of Commerce, Phone: 703-605-6244
(sfeindt at ntis.gov)

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